FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

Conason and Lyons mention quite a few names in their book. Having shown that there are other connections worthy of scrutiny in the history of the Clinton mafia.

'The challenge facing Arkansas journalists was to find a single "true" or "documented" statement in The Clinton Chronicles. Veteran reporter Carrie Rengers drew the assignment of reviewing the Citizens for Honest Government opus for the resolutely Republican Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. She painstakingly debunked the its most absurd assertions....Had he, as the video alleged, issued a full pardon to a political supporter named Don Lasater who was convicted of giving cocaine to his acquaintances? Impossible, because Lasater has pleaded guilty to a federal crime.
As presented by Larry Nichols in the video, ADFA's purpose weasn't to help Arkansas cities and businesses finance sewage projects, schools, and industrial parks. Rather, it was designed to help Clinton's cronies loot the public treasury and launder billions in drug-smuggling profits -- and to finance Clinton's out-of-state partying with loose women. Again, every allegation that could be checked was phony.
The video's intellectual style would be familiar to any student of historian Richard Hofstadter's' classic essay, The Paranoid Style in American Politics. "The typical procedure of the higher paranoid scholarship is to start with....a careful accumulation of facts or at least what appear to be facts and to marshal these facts toward an overwhelming 'proof' of the particular conspiracy that is to be established. Cinematically, the video resembled the anti-Communist films churned out at Arkansas's Harding College during the fifties and early sixties, when the young Kenneth Starr matriculated there, with a pseudodocumentary format, a deep-voice narrator warning of impending doom, and a musical score evocative of Bride of Frankenstein. As in these old movies about the totalitarian Communist conspiracy, the new video depicted the "Clinton machine" as achieving "absolute control" over the state of Arkansas and misusing that power for sinister purposes.'
(Conason and Lyons, op cit)
Harding College was named after James Alexander Harding, b.16 Ap 1848, Winchester, Clark County, Kentucky, and was known for the Harding-Nichols debate.

James Alcor Rector, b. 22 Jun 1844, Hot Springs, Arkansas was the brother of Amelia Walton (Rector) Haughton, wife of Richard Brownrigg Haughton. Haughton Elevator Company, Toledo, Ohio, employee DNA links precisely to Bedford Township, Michigan at the same address as does the Clinton mafia employee Joshua Reynolds DNA link, which is precisely the Jane Rector link to Jane Rector of Oliver Springs, Tennessee for the Boteler-Rector-Amery DNA link to British MI6. There are two Jane Rectors involved in these connections.
Founder of Haughton Elevator Company, Nathaniel Haughton, links to the Battle of Honey Hill, Jasper County, South Carolina.
Post #79 showed the view stats for Brittanee Drexel and supect videos at youtube. Today's results show that it's a bogus game: Drexel's mom video: Tues 8 Nov 2016, 91,001; Suspect video, 38, 653.

Hillary Clinton and Brittanee Drexel share an important date: 25 Ap 2009. Another important date is for two days later: Bill H.R. 1620 SAFE (Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement) referred to House subcommittee, 27 Ap 2009.
Origins of Obama-Clinton ISIS, continued

The suggestion is that readers get the Alex Jones report on the Hillary Clinton supporter linked to the OSCE, happening now. That report will assist in our investigation of the origins of church-and-state-sponsored terror, guns and drug trafficking, etc. linked to Methodism-Wahhabism, previously mentioned in this thread.

The Bill H.R. 1620 is a replay of history, a replay wherein the prisoners were actually fined for not having a weapon, which would disturbingly align with John Wesley's prayer meetings held in the gun factory:

Sotno Rebellion, 8 Sept 1739

* Jemmy, slave of the Cater family who lived near the Ashley River north of the Stono River

* Negro Act of 1740

* A malaria epidemic had recently killed many whites in Charleston, weakening the power of slaveholders, the slaves themselves being more immune to the disease.

*Historians have suggested that the slaves organized their revolt on Sunday, when planters would be occupied in church and might be unarmed.

* Security Act of 1739.
Required all white males to carry arms, even to church on Sundays, was passed in August of that year. Local officials were authorized to mount penalties against white men who didn't carry arms after 29 September.

* 10 Sept 1739 was the date of the Catholic celebration of the Virgin Mary's nativity. Jemmy taking action on this date connected their Catholic past with present purpose, as did the religious symbols they used. Many slaves were from the Congo, which converted to Catholicism in the 15th century.

* In an attempt to breed out the violence, a ten-year moratorium on slave importation went through Charleston. A decade later they opened to international slave trade again, and planters imported slaves from other than the Congo and Angola. African-American oral genealogies attest to white paternity in multiple generations.
As the Clinton mafia may now be re-slithering the White House, we stncrhonize with Alex Jones and CNN, tuning into the style of Turkish propaganda:

Alex Jones: Young Turks Host: Self-Hating Women Trump Supporters 'Belong in the Kitchen'

CNN U.S., Turkey Agree to Develop Long-Term Plan to Seize, Govern Syria's Raqqa

For the proximity of Shannon McConaughey's and Brittanee Drexel's cases at the phosphate deposits of South Carolina, we notice that the Chappaqua Blue Racer's retaliation for infidelity occurs on the penultimate (paroxysmal) day to the murder of McConaughey (29 Jan 1998)

28 Jan 1998 Washington Post, First Lady Launches Counterattack:
Hourly psy-op analyses of the future might be exemplified by today's Alex Jones Young Turks report: "Self-Hating Women Trump Supporters.' Jones and Matt Bracken fire up their passions between one another in their video, as slowly but surely the "Young Turk" syndrome appears near the end: Jones "antichrist" and Bracken "atheist" are the clues, because they are talking about civil war and survival in their extrapolations of a UN takover of the U.S.. In fact, both discourses are passe, and no longer is it wise to evangelize. Atheism is redeemed, thankfully, in Haegglund's Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life, whereby this atheism not only questions the desire for immortality, which is what makes it forward looking, but reveals the autoimmune pathology of religion-and-state that has coalesced in such forces as the Clinton mafia. Haegglund shows why and how the concept of survival is stolen (like some elections) for ecumenical use. But Oz never gave a thing to the Tin Man that he already didn't have. We highly recommend the book, for as Bracken states "they are panicking....they are facing death in prison." So should Trump win, the task will continue in elucidating the pathologies of church and state copulations, gayer than gay, more lesbionic than Lesbos. Suggested preemptive reading, then, is C.G. Jung, Why I Am Not A Catholic.
Alex Jones report "No Matter Who Wins, The Case Against Hillary Clinton Is Alive" has just linked FBI's McCabe to the emails investigation. Not surprising for some of us. McCabe DNA links to McConaughey DNA as well as to Rector DNA.
Mary McCabe: "Aunt Betty Rector Blevins lived in Cincinnati, O. for years and died there, with the name of Hill."
McCabe-Blevins line links Hubaker, which is precisely the Hubaker-Rector DNA link to Bedford Township, Michigan and the Joshua Reynolds link, which is the Anthony Steel link.

Minnie Emma Masterson, b. abt. 1852, Canada, was the sister of William Barclay (Bat) Masterson.

Sylvia Hubaker Oliver was wife of Clem Masterson and daughter of Samuel Hubaker. Wilbur Ferdinand Hubaker's daughter married Lonnie Terry. Lonnie's father was Calvin Terry, Scott County, Tennessee. (died at Mountain Home, Arkansas) and married Rosetta Blevins., daughter of Isaac Blevins, Scott County, Tn. Isaac was well known for his grist mills and was the son of Armpsted Blevins and Marjorie (Carson) Blevins..
Origins of Obama-Clinton ISIS, continued

We suggest a comparison of the discourse of Van Jones and Nigel Farage, because of the islamochristian pathology that has with impunity, chronically escaped scrutiny. Iran's response compares with the French response, whereby socialist jet-set presidents are aligned to why Bernie Sanders played the role of the middle tine of the Impossible Trident, as post-Vatican II was supposed to have rendered Judaism incompatible with Catholicism, which also meshes with the current Ukrainian response: Ukraine founded as a Viking kinship aligned to Eastern Rite Catholicism. Right here, is where one detects the Russian-Chinese difference in psyches.

Placing all three in the basket case, Iran, France, and DNC/CNN, is the fresh assemblage.

The Florida Anomaly

Schizoanalysis of the Clinton mafia serves well to uncover the profound pathology of church-and-state copulations as well as the adaption to absurdity that usually follows as a chronic symptom. Florida anomaly rests on the premise that romance, as Deleuze and Guattari have said, 'carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries.'

Memories of a Sorcerer II. Our first principle was: pack and contagion, the contagion of the pack, such is the path becoming-animal takes. But a second principle seemed to tell us the opposite: wherever there is multiplicity, you will also find an exceptional individual, and it is with that individual that an alliance must be made in order to become-animal. There may be no such thing as a lone wolf, but there is a leader of the pack, a master of the pack, or else the old deposed head of the pack now living alone, there is the Loner and there is the Demon.'
(A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, 1730: Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal).
A Russian on Trump
Боюсь спиться... | Путин сегодня
'....to pobeda Trampa oznachaet, chto v novom pravitel'stve SSchA polzhny vozobladat' pragmatiki
....As for change in U.S. foreign policy, I believe Trump will treat it more pragmatically.

....Osobenno esli uchest', chto Tramp -- sil'naia lichnost', chto by o nem ni govorili, i razgovarivat' on budet tol'ko s lichnost'iu.
Especially when you consider that Trump is a strong personality, whatever may be said about that -- he will talk only with the INDIVIDUAL.'
Origins of Obama-Clinton ISIS, continued

The Russian in the last post has grasped the same concept as seen in A Thousand Plateaus:

'A travers le territoire tout se passe, comme dans un lied, entre l;Un-Seul de l'ame et l'Un-Tout de la terre.
As in the lied, everythinig in the territory occurs in realtion to the One-Alone of the soul and the One-All of the earth.

C'est pourquoi le romantisme prend une autre allure, et meme reclameun autre nom, un autre pancarte, dans les oays latins et les slaves ou tout passe au contraire par le theme d'un peuple, et des forces d'un peuple.
That is why romanticism takes on an entirely different aspect and even claims a different name, a different placard, in the Latin and Slavic countries, where on the contrary, everything is put in terms of the theme of a people and the forces of a people.'
(Mille plateaux, pp. 419-20)
Origins of Obama-Clinton ISIS, coontinued

There will be added another link to the Conason-Lyons in post #81.

The deadly Rector line in Virginia, linking to MI5-MI6, Trump and Clinton, reveals why the Virginia election results were surprising due to differences in the diverging Rector lines that either link to crime or to politics, etc.

'For on the one hand, the State rises up in a single stroke, fully formed; on the other, the counter-State societies use very specific mechanisms to ward it off, to prevent it from arising. We believe that these two propositions are valid but that their interlinkage is flawed. There is an old scenario "from clans to empires," or "from bands to kingdoms." But nothing says that this constitutes an evolution, since bands and clans are no less organized than empire-kingdoms. We will never leave the evolution hypothesis behind by creating a break between the two terms, that is, by endowing bands with self-sufficiency and the State with an emergence all the more miraculous and monstrous.'
(A Thousand Plateaus, Ch. 12, 1227: Treatise on Nomadology -- The War Machine)
Video in post #96 points to a timeline for comparison to the timeline for The Cross and the Switchblade, because it links to Chappaqua, New York.
Origins of Obama-Clinton ISIS, continued

Post #85 mentions the Stono Rebellion/Security Act where people were forced to carry guns into churches, etc. The actor/movies links we have already made will link to The Cross and the Swistchblade which link to Chappaqua, New York. De Mau7 Mau murders in the Chicago region will link to The Cross and the Switchblade as well as the first Kenyan Mau Mau uprising history. The links we will be mentioning includ:

1.) De Mau Mau, 1972, Chicago: "Fearing that the murders were the work of a Manson-style gang, some residents of Barrington Hills were even said to have started carrying shotguns to cocktail parties.

2.) De Mau Mau story suggesting that it was disgruntled black Viet Nam vets, which includes opium addiction.

3.) Pat Boone, great-great-great-great grandson of Daniel Boone,

3.) We again pick up the Rector line with the connection to William Richter, Specialist Five and a possible connection to Grand Island, Nebraska for 9 Sept. (Descendents of Johannes Richter, Sarah Rector b. 6 Dec 1796, married Joseph Pence.)

4.) David Wilkerson will link to New York street gang "The Egyptian Kings" and another Mau Mau New York gang. The links to Wilkerson include Hammond, Indiana, Barnsboro, Pa., Scottdale and Philipsburg, Pa.

5.) An economic link will be Covington, Tennessee, a once-major north-south commerce route.

6.) The Joshua Reynolds resonance again is found for Chester Harding, who painted Daniel Boone's portrait at Paris, Kentucky. Harding followed Joshua Reynolds, by also painting the portratis of royalty, etc.

7.) George Croghan's fur trade links Daniel Boone to John Finley, a Croghan employee, whom Boone met in Kentucky. Daniel Boone, of English and Welsh ancestry, belonged to Society of Friends, called "Quakers", William Penn's colony of dissenters.

8.) The Cross and the Switchblade co-authors, John and Elizabeth Sherrill, link Chappaqua, New York.

9.) There may be a McConaughey link, tentatively, it is Harvey A. McConaughey, son of John Stuart MConaughey and Martha (Shroyer) McConaughey. Gustin leRossignol Genealogy will be searched for "Kuhn and Schroyer (note spelling), which may link back to Jane Gustin for George Washington's ancestry.
As the evidence gathers, it was the right thing to do.
The Canadian border now resonates with trade and immigration vibes.

For the Weathermen chron and the feminist-militant subgenre Proud Eagle Tribe, there will be shown violence, bombings, etc. An interesting link to Esther Elizabeth Reed, Henson (South Carolina), and the identity theft and disappearance case, de Mau Mau shooting at Lane Bryant clothing store is a Turkish immigration link:

1) Tinley Park, Illinois links both Esther Elizabeth Reed and the Lane Bryant massacre. Lena Bryant Malsin, Lithuanian Jew, supported Hebrew Immigration Aid Society and New York Federation of Jewish Philanthropies. Lena Himmelstein was an orphan.

2) 'In any event, by the early twentieth century New York had a Sephardic Jewish community large enough to support the newspaper La America. It was especially concerned with Turkish Jews who arrived at Ellis Island without sufficient knowledge of the immigration laws and were forced to remain on the island for months before being sent back. American relatives and friends of the detainees were coming to the island and answering the questions directed by the immigration officials at the newcomers, sometimes making matters worse.

Moise Gadol (1874-1941), the owner of La America, translated and published the laws pertaining to new immigrants and suggested that relatives and friends leave the task of visiting Ellis Island to the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). The representatives of the HIAS spoke Yiddish, however, which left them unprepared to help their co-religionists, who did not.The Sephardic immigrants also did nor bear names familiar to Eastern European Jewry and in appearance resembled Turks, Greeks, or Italians far more than the Jews....Often HIAS agents did not even recognize them as Jews in need of assistance.'
(Turkish Migration to the United States)
Wisconsin hillbilly here. Thanks, y'all for your input. We now look closer to the video above and tease out a time-point for comparisons with what we have already posted . The mau mau chron will link back to Kenya and Rochester, New York (1964 riots) and the bombing of the federal bulding and a church. It was either the local maifia or Weathermen, etc. That store-front church links to Dylann Roof case in South Carolina. It is the same sect, the same denomination that is of interest.
The Clinton Chronicles video timepoint @ 14:34 is Rose Law firm. Timepoint 24:48 is the railroad deaths of the boys. Rose Law firm DNA employee is Joshua Reynolds DNA which links to Jane Rector #1 at Bedford Township, Michigan. That link is also a Harriman, Tennessee link, which is on the other side of the moutain at Oliver Springs for the Jane Rector #2 link. Jane Rector #2 link is not only precisely the British MI6 link for the Boteler-Rector-Amery line, it is also the Clower DNA link to Shasta, California, Milton, New York, and Mena, Arkansas.

In the video, the young Arkansan virgin-turned-hooker links to Tahoe. Harriman, Tennessee is the Harriman Railroad fortune link to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, which is also the Kaiser Wilhelm link to Rockefellers for Anna Cuyler Rector Furman, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Tarrytown, New York. Was the Chappaqua real estate agent joking?

Chester Harding is the Joshua Reynolds counterpart, he having not only lived in England and spent summers in St. Louis and other cities of the American South, he also painted the portrait of Daniel Boone at Paris, Kentucky, not far from other Rector lines in the area, which emerged from its base (al qaeda 'the base') at Rectortown, Virginia. That is one aspect of the tweaking the voters seen during the election. Hot Springs, Arkansas Rector previously mentioned, had already lived a lifespan before Bill Clinton arrived.

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