FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.


'V kachestve dokazatel'stva izdanie opublikovalo fotografiiu nekoego iska orazvode, Pravda, ne poiasniv, gde imenno byl podan etot isk.
As proof, the edition published a photo of a claim for divorce, though it did not explain where this was filed.

V sluchae okonchatel'nogo razvoda oni dolzhny uregulirovat' imushchestvennye spory.
In the case of a final divorce, they have to settle property disputes.

Odnako, poka neponiatno, chtopopadaet pod eto soglashenie.
However, it is unclear exactly what falls under this agreement.'
Divorce statistics seem to begin at age seventeen:

'Since the late 1960s the American tradition of lifelong marriage has been in decline. In 1970, only 3 percent of the population over age seventeen was divorced; by 1995, that figure had tripled to 9 percent. In the same twenty-five-year period, the percentage of adult Americans who had never married rose from 16 to 23 percent. It was in this context of widespread marital breakdown that large numbers of women voters began to perceive their interest to be different from men's.'
(West, op cit)
We will return to the ClintonChronicles video for analysis.


Amerikanskie bybory proshli s massoi parushenni i manipulatsii, oskorbitel'nykh dlia stravogo smysla.
The American elections were held with mass violations and manipulations offensive to common sense.

Bylo ochevidno, chto bol'shinstvo amerikanskikh i mirovykh SMI -- pod fakticheskim kontrolem klana Klintonov.
It was obvious that most American and world media were under de facto control of the Clinton clan.

Tak chto esli i uprekat' kogo-to vo vmeshatel'stve v dela pressy, to ne Rossii nachinat'.
So when blaming someone for interfering in media affairs, do not start with Russia.

Dlia pobedy Khillari rodilis' vse sredstva.
To win, Hillary suited all means.

I do pory do vremeni eto rabotalo, ostiuda ee pervonachaln'nye operezhaiushchie pokazateli.
And for a time, it worked; hence its initial leading indicators.

Priznaius', v noch na vtornik, uslyshav pervye resul'taty, ia vykliuchil televisor i usnul s gor'koi uverennost'iu v pobede semeiki Klintonov.
I confess that on Tuesday night when I heard the first results, I turned off the tv and went to sleep with certainty of victory over the bitter little Clinton family.'
Clinton Chronicles video @43:20 for Don Tyson....goes to Judge Plegge. This may be a Field-Teachout link of special interest, because Zephyr Rain Teachout is linked to North Carolina Supreme Court and bribery laws (which link to the video), as already mentioned in this thread. We have resonance with Plegge in St. Clair County, Illinois, which is part of the St. Louis metro area. It also contains a massive deposit of coal and is the location of Scott Airforce Base
. The Teachout-Rector link has already been posted for Toledo, Ohio.

Wikitree Plegge: Wikitree Genealogy Platko to Pleiner
'....Plegge (1- Margaret (Greeby) Plegge

Edith May Greeby formerly Field.
www. '....E. W. Plegge....1927....Belleville....'
Comparing Alexander Graham Bell family links to the Hubbard-Field assemblage, and current American msm shows Brad Pitt, though we will show the Angelina Joli connection to Russian media, and note the Louise of Savoy (CIA, or the Catholic nun) date of 22 Sept::

BBC Russian 22 Sentiabria 2016, Eksperti: v Rossii skandaly vokrug komapanii v sotsetiakh povyshaiut ee populiarnost'
Experts: Russia's Scandals Surrounding the Company in Social Networks Increase Its Popularity

'Ocherednaia diskussiia vokrug Aviasales nachalas' v seti posle poiavleniiia reklamnogo ob'ialeniia v "Feisbuke", napisannogo iakoby ot litsa aktera Brezda Pitta, kotoryi sooshchaet o tom, chto ego zhena Andzhelina Dzholi podala na razvod.

Another discussion about Aviasales started in the network after the appearance of the advertising announcements on "Facebook", supposedly written on behalf of actor Brad Pitt, who reported that his wife, Angelina Joli had filed for divorce.'

We have already mentioned Alfred Bellinger's Spires and Poplars.

Harriet Susannah (Field) Bellinger 14 Feb 1770 - 26 May 1854, Walterboro, Colleton County, South Carolina, married William Cotesworth Bellinger, son of Edmund Bellinger III and Mary Lucia (Bull) Bellinger.
BBC Russian 22 Sentiabria 2016, continued:

'Parallel'no v sotsetiakh razgorelsia skandal vokrug eshche odnoi kompanii.
In parallel was another scandal in social media about a company. It started when a visitor to the Georgian restaurant Saperavi Cafe in Moscow complained to "Facebook" of the fact that members of the staff are not allowed to charge her phones, referring to internet rules.

Vse nachalos' s togo, chto posetitel'nitsa gruzinskogo restorana Saperavi Cafe v Moskve pozhalovalas' v "Feisbuke" na to, chto sotrudniki zavedeniia ne razreshili ei zariadit' telefon, soslavshis na vnutrennie pravila.'

Marinda (Field) Teachout, b. 20 Sept 1822, New York wife of Charles Sherman Teachout, d. Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 22 Jan 1909.

As Alex Jones has shown, Obama won 99% of the vote in Cuyahoga County.

We must next link the Floyd-Field assemblage:

Samuel G. Floyd, Hardemann, Tennessee

Alice Zilpha Field, Hardeman, Tennessee

Virginia Lee McConaughey (formerly Floyd), b. 26 Sept 1862, d. 21 Aug 1938, Norwood, Hamilton County, Ohio.

'Aviasales opublikoval fotografiiu Ulyukaeva s nadpis'iu "Kogdea ne uspel kupit' bileti London.
Aviasales published a photo of Uluykaev with the caption "When you don't have time to buy tickets to London."

"Kto uspel, tot ne sel."
"Who had time, he did not sit down."

"V London, Miunkhen, Rigu, Milan i Pragu, ot 74 evro" -- napasal Aviasales."
"In London, Munich, Riga, Milan and Prague, at 74 euros," said Aviasales.

V SK takzhe zaiavili, chto sama po sebe sdelka ne iavliaetsia predmetom rassledovaniia.
The SC also stated that the transaction itself is not the subject of the investigation.'
Both Hubbard and Field are listed on the Beekman Patent. As we link the Hubbard line to Alexander Graham Bell for the phone-charge link to the Georgian Cafe and Brittanee Drexel's cell-phone last pinging near McClellanville, South Carolina, the interesting date is for Ron L. Hubbard's father, marrying Ledora May on 25 Ap 1909 in Omaha, Nebraska.
Alexander Graham Bell's wife was Mabel Gardiner (Hubbard) Bell.

1.) Isaac Bolivar Hubbard and Nancy Donnell (Bundy) Hubbard

2.) Louise Zorada Hubbard, Hardeman, Tennessee.
Alfred R. Bellinger was Skull and Bonmes. So too was Evans S. Pillsbury, though Pillsbury's mother was born in Massachusetts, where we make the Hubbard link, recalling Hubbard on the Beekman Patent.

'On June 26, Wall Street Jouornal reporter Ellen Joan Pollock had published details of a prliminary reportprerpared for the RTC by the San Francisco law firm of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro. So closely was the firm identified with its principal Washington partner, Jay Stephens, the former Reagan and Bush administration U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, that White House aide George Stephanopoulis had bitterly protested its selection to probe the Clinton's Whitewater investment.

But the Pillsbury Report's preliminary findings could hardly have been more favorable to the White House. "A long-awaited report on the collapse of Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan," reported the Journal, "corroborates most of the President and Mrs. Clinton's assertions about their Whitewater real estate investment." Specifically, Pollock wrote, the Pillsbury Report "shows that the Clintons were passive investors in Whitewater Development Corp. and weren't involved in its financial transactions until 1986 [when state and federal regulators removed Jim McDougal from control of the institution]....That is significant because of allegations that funds transferred from Madison to Whitewater before 1986 contributed to the thrift's collapse."

The report also verified the amount lost by the Clintons on their investment with McDougal -- just over $43,000. To any reporter who took the time to read it carefully, the report's 143-page history of the Whitewater Development Corporation (with 768 footnotes) completely refuted the conventional wisdom. Without the Clinton's knowledge, their deranged partner had looted their investment. "More and more," the Pillsbury Report noted, "the McDougals lacked the money to pay their personal debts, so increasingly they transferred money between entities they owned or controlled to cover their obligations to third persons." One of those entities was Whitewater. But few reporters did read it, and those who did managed to ignore McDougal's chicanery. By the times the New York Times got around to it, weeks later, reporters Jeff Gerth and Stephen Engleberg told readers that the Pillsbury Report's real significance was that the Clintons had failed to pay "their half of Whitewater's losses." That Jim McDougal had deceived his partners did not strike the Times as worth reporting.'
(Conason and Lyons, The Hunting of a President, op cit)
The mother of Evans S. Pillsbury was Elizabeth H. (Hapgood?) Pillsbury (born Taylor), b. Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts 14 Jul 1846. Her father was Charles Henry Taylor, her mother was Georgianna Olivia Taylor (born Davis).

Elizabeth Hubbard (born Pillsbury) b. 1732 Massachusetts, d. 1776. She was the wife of Aaron Hubbard, b. 1729 Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts. They had one son, Aaron Hubbard.
Averrill Harriman, Skull and Bones as was Pillsbury. E.W. Harriman is the clue to the Pillsbury Report for railroads bought at foreclosure. For Arkansas it is Jay Gould. For the railroad near Rochester, New York, it is E.W. Harriman. Harriman, Tennessee is precisely the link to Bedford Township, Michigan for collusion with the Chinese, drug trafficking, and real estate confiscations via miscegenation. This is the model we will use with which to compare railroads bought at foreclosure, as well as the two Jane Rectors, one of which is the British MI6 link at Oliver Springs, Tennessee..
E. H. Harriman, or A. H. Harriman, the Phelps Leg was sold twice at foreclosure, which is the clue to the Pillsbury Report and the modus operandi of the Clinton mafia:

Ontario Pathways
Railroad History before Ontario Pathways | Ontario Pathways

Harriman's railroad came within thirty miles of Brittanee Drexel's High School, and the Bedford Township, Michigan real estate connected to the Clinton mafia abuts a now dismantled Elementary School. Bedford Township was initially injected with meth and cocaine, followed by heroin sold to school teachers, the modus operandi for John Hunter in the Kayla Berg case.. Harriman, Tennessee also went through a sequence of methamphetamine cooking-trafficking.
Ives DNA is a double link: Ives for Skull and Bones and Ives for the Boys on the Tracks. Because Harriman Railroad fortune links to Kaiser Wilhelm Institute as does Rockefeller, and because Ludwig Klages studied blue-eyed Romani twins at Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, these things prompt the question of the October 2016 report from Beirut linking Brittanee Drexel's eye condition and Turkish DNA, linking Hillary Clinton to the day Brittanee Drexel disappeared.
We have already linked Asotr ot the fur trade, and Ada, Michigan was originally a fur-trading post, linking to Awendaw, South Carolina for Shannon McConaughey, We add the Turkish-Astor link to today's Aviasales cell-phone report from Moscow:

In the early years, migration to Istanbul, like that to the United States, was considered temporary. But in reality, there was very little return migration from Istanbul to Yuva. Rather, it became a permanent destination for tens of thousands of Yuvali because the example of their three compatriots led them to see the moce to Istanbul as only a step to earn passage to America.

Internal transmigrants who are established and adequately employed in Istanbul apply for the visa lottery in order to go to America if they win. Many others, who stay with hemseri in Istanbul while trying to earn money to get to America, never can save enough for the trip yet cannot return to the village where they would be unemployed.

Transregional migrants in Istanbul find employment through the corner coffee shop, the drugstore, and the Yuvalilar Dernegi. The dernek, whose members meet daily to discuss economic and political issues, had an islamist reputation, and the closest ties are between co-villagers who share political beliefs. In America the hemseri bond joined Black Sea Turks and Pontic Greeks. The main Yuva Turkish communities developed parallel to those of Pontic Greek refugees that were spread in clusters between Astoria, Long Island, New York and Norwalk, Connecticut.. Smaller settlements of migrants from Yuva in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are also Turkish-Pontic Greek communities. Pointic Greeks employed Black Sea Turks and eventually sold businesses to them, but because there was one cohort of Pontic Greek refugees, in contrast to several generations of Turks, the earlier connection is diffcult to see.

The hemersi bond, however, cannot be overlooked during the annual homecoming festival in the high mouontain pastures behind Yuva. Yayla goecue, or migration to the plateau, has been part of Black Sea mountain life for as long as anyone can remember, dating back centuries to the time of Turkmen pastoral nomads.

Today the festival celebrates not only the return of the villagers to their cherished plateau, but also that of international and interregional transmigrants to Turkey, to the Black Sea, and to Yuva.....All have transformed karaovacik into more of a campground than a pasture. There are restrooms, electrical outlets, and a telephone in a small building constructed to accommodate the visitors. People bring portable televisions and radios; the only thing missing from the world below is cell phone reception.'
(Lisa Di Carlo, Migration from Giresun to the United States, in Turkish Migrations to the United States)
Like vultures waiting on the power lines, foreclosure is a concept not ignored, whether it be Turkey or Michigan, food or railroads.

'Jefferson changed his mind about immigration, at least temporarily, after his election to the presidency The votes of recent immigrants had been important, perhaps decisive, in the narrow Jefferson-Burr victory of 1800 (as they have generally been for the Democratic Party ever since). In his First Annual Message to Congress, Jefferson proposed immediate naturalization of foreigners instead of the fourteen-year residency then required. He argued that this lengthy period discouraged desirable immigration; that it refused hospitality to "the unhappy fugitives from distress"; that a mere declaration of "a bona fide purpose of embarking his life and fortunes permanently with us" should be sufficient for admission to citizenship.

Jefferson's old opponent, Alexander Hamilton, criticized this proposal in two newspaper editorials....

The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizen from foreign bias and prejudice; and on the love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education and family.'\
(West, op cit)

Bezopasnost' respubliki suschestvenno zavisit ot energii obshchego natsional'nogo chuvstva; na odnorodnost' na nedinoobraziya printsipov i privychek; ob osobozhdenii grazhdan ot inostrannoy predvzyatosti i predrassukov, i na lyubvi k strane, kotoraya budet pochti vsegda byt' priznany neizbezhno budet obnaruzheno, chto tesno svyazano s rozhdeniyem, obrazovaniyem, i semi.
Chinese White Tiger 'a fourteen-year-old girl.' In Chinese astronomy, it is the three stars in the head of Can Long.

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