FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

They would?" You don't even know if they exist.
Right, but you said it wouldn't hold up in court. If they do exist, of course, they would. You are doing a little dance, now.

And while I am talking about what might be true based on reports, you are asserting, with 100% certainty, that these things are false. That shows very clearly (in spite of your squawking to the contrary) who is living in a fantasy, and that would be you.
Dems obsessed with destroying Trump are what is keeping it alive.
What a dumb thing to say. Even the most prominent republican senators have said it would be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, should he nix the investigation.

It's true, and you just refuse or are unable to grok it.
Some anonymous clown tells a fake news outlet that he's seen the phone records
Which certainly does not make it for us. Only trump cultists think that. And we know he completely lied about his alibi, an inconvenient little fact that you just glossed over.
What the fuck are you babbling about? If you accept that as valid evidence, then you're the world's biggest fool.
  • Transmitting classified documents via email.
  • Making copies of classified documents on non-secure servers.
  • Destroying government documents.
  • Obstruction of justice.
  • Perjury
None of that was ever proven. Try again retard. Classified emails had the wrong labels. That's not criminal misconduct, which is why Comey could not convict. You just failed. Congratulations! You confirmed your lies by your own claims. Thanks! Ultimate fail!
It was all proven, moron. Comey testified to it before Congress.

Exactly what was proven in that exchange? Of the five claims you posted, Comey never confirmed any of them. You posted that video to mount another lie. This tells us who and what you are.; Try again.

Are you deaf, dumb and blind? Comey confirmed all of them under oath.


There is nothing in that video that confirms what you say. You are a liar. If you were telling the truth, you would be quoting Comey. But you didn't. Next?

The video confirms each and every point I made, douchebag.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.

Dumbass how about READING? This particular FBI investigation was taking place AFTER the election

But the actual prequel covert op to SMEAR and dirty up those campaign associates happened DURING the campaign and before any FISA warrants were issued. About 4 or 5 campaign associates were lured into seminars and meetings with US and foreign friendly intel assets to feed them phony dirt on how the Russians had info on Hillary. HOPING that even if they didn't bring it into the Campaign sights, that IF TRUMP WON, they could entrap those associates on "process crimes" like lying to the FBI on what they knew..

Mueller in fact is in trouble for keeping exculpatory evidence from PapaDop and Flynn that shows the FBI KNEW about this covert intel op to "dirty up" the Trump campaign people..

The TARGET of the unlawful Domestic spying OP was Carter Paige.. What has HE been charged with -- snowflakes? Anyone of you can certainly answer that right? C'mon.. Let's us know...

They PICKED on Carter Paige because of his extensive business work in RUssia that was done with FULL DISCLOSURE and cooperation with US Intel.,.. Yet, those warrants gave them access to spy on ANYONE who ever communicated or did business with Paige. When is he going to jail snowflakes???

BREAKING: Former Trump Campaign Official Carter Page Sues DNC and Perkins Coie Law Firm (Video)

You're pretty much gonna need a diaper change when that case goes into discovery and trial... :badgrin:

Page contends they violated his civil rights...


... which civil rights were violated...?

If you have to ASK THAT QUESTION -- what I said about Dems not fearing for Liberty and freedom and loss of rights applies ESPECIALLY TO YOU....

You like having the world's most awesome DOMESTIC SPYING MACHINE?? You think that's a GOOD THING? (Need answers here bro)...

Because that awesomeness was TURNED ON private citizens in an opposition political campaign using PAIGE as the key to drive the vehicle against an ENTIRE campaign staff..

WITHOUT CREDIBLE CAUSE and by hoodwinking the FISA Court by omission of critical facts...

If you still do not understand the "Civil Rights Violation" --- you're too stupid to vote...
Why is it you never answer the questions you’re asked?

The DNC and Perkins Coie filed a motion to dismiss Page’s suit. I gave you a link to Page’s response and asked you what civil rights he’s complaining were violated. I didn’t ask for your opinion — I challenged you to quote Page’s complaint.
If you accept that as valid evidence
I accept it as maybe, possibly likely, true. You assert it as false with 100% certainty, because...trump cult.

Oh, and at the same time, agencies reportedly overheard conversations betwen Russians stating that Cohen was there to meet with them.
The reign of truth will fall on these apologists so hard when Cohen testifies, I fear their cult leader will ask them to take a ride on Hale bopp. And they'll do it too.
Like I've said before Trump can shit in a hat and they'd wear it
Who could possibly believe that Trump work for the Russians in secret?

It was no secret.
They would?" You don't even know if they exist.
Right, but you said it wouldn't hold up in court. If they do exist, of course, they would. You are doing a little dance, now.

And while I am talking about what might be true based on reports, you are asserting, with 100% certainty, that these things are false. That shows very clearly (in spite of your squawking to the contrary) who is living in a fantasy, and that would be you.
If pigs had wings, they could fly. I'm not interested in your "if's." That just pure snowflake mental masturbation. Go fantasize about your Trump-free world somewhere else.
If pigs had wings, they could fly.
And if we were finding dead pig bodies next to wings everywhere we looked, we might start to think they did have wings. Just as we can't shake a tree near trump without a Russian spy falling out of it. Everyone central to the investigation has either been charged with lying about their contacts with Russians or has copped a plea for immunity, or both. So these little piggies are starting to look like they, indeed, have wings.
Nothing in the Constitution allows for this witch-hunt.
100% wrong. The Constitution specifically defines as constitutional that which the SCOTUS rules as constitutional. And the SCOTUS already set this precedent.
Sorry turd, but I don't accept the theory that the Constitution says whatever some politically selected hacks on the SC claim it says. Nothing in the Constitution allows the federal government to run a police force, which means the FBI shouldn't even exist.
The NYT is confirming the REAL reason why a special counsel was appointed.....

Trump cult members will try to spin this with their moronic rhetoric that the FBI is part of the deep state....that there's RINOs out to get the scum bucket Trump, that there's nothing wrong with Trump's collusion with Russian oligarchs, and....of course, "But, But, BUT Hillary"............

The shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY........lol

So the FBI thinks TRUMP is a spy for Russia? Seriously? A real spy like the one who worked for Feinstein for 20 years, or a "spy" like Carter Page who was accused of being a spy in the FISA yet has never been charged?

Your are right "the shit is about to hit the fan....BIGLY...lol"

The FBI/DOJ was secretly investigating the POTUS based on flimsy speculation and they came up with nothing. This overreach and abuse of power is far worse that any Russian meddling.
NO KITTY Like the Rosenbergs Handing secrets over to the scumbags friend Putin

What secrets?
Report: Trump revealed Israeli commando and Mossad operation in Syria to Russians
If pigs had wings, they could fly.
And if we were finding dead pig bodies next to wings everywhere we looked, we might start to think they did have wings. Just as we can't shake a tree near trump without a Russian spy falling out of it. Everyone central to the investigation has either been charged with lying about their contacts with Russians or has copped a plea for immunity, or both. So these little piggies are starting to look like they, indeed, have wings.
More "IFs." When you have some facts, perhaps I'll actually read your entire post.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
Trump is evil with lots of $$$$ and sex

I won't ignore evidence when it's presented. I don't care what party anyone is in. If they are doing what trump has been doing, they aren't working in the best interest of America and our constitution. There just has been too many facts released for those of us who do love America to ignore anymore.

I don't give a damn about his money or how much sex he has with whom. I care about America, our constitution, our people and the rule of law. This isn't about sex or money. It's about a president who through is own actions caused the FBI to open an investigation to find out if trump is working for russia. Ignoring all the evidence we've seen thus far is your choice but be warned, it's not the choice of Mueller and our justice department.

Nor is it the choice of the majority of the people in our nation. Democracy and the people of our nation have already voted for a congress that will follow our constitution. The next election won't be pretty for republicans. Especially trump.
Last edited:
Does it bother you that the FBI has become political? That the organs of internal security are now taking sides in elections?
It bothered me that Comey's letter helped Trump win the election but I never questioned that the FBI worked for what is the best interests of the nation. You on the other hand want a political FBI, if you did not, you would fully support an investigation into any candidate that seemed to be an agent for a foreign power.

We now learn that trump has been hiding transcripts of meetings he has had with putin. Even from his own administration.

I'm sure that Mueller already knows about this and it's part of the piles of evidence he has on trump.

It's just sick to see Americans defend such a traitor.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.

It's appalling that turds like you defend outright treason.
No treason has been proven. You are a liar.
I'm not interested in your "if's."
Right,because they involve your cult leader. You like the "ifs" pertaining to everyone else, and often claim them as true with 100% certainty . Ironically, but not unexpectedly, you are far more guilty of that of which you accuse everyone else during your little trump cult tantrums .
Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.
Hail to the Chief
BOO/HISSSS to you America haters

Seems to me the American haters are the ones who defend, support, lie for and vote for a man who has conspired with Russia to win that election and is now not working in the best interest of American but for russia.

There's just way too much evidence now that's piled up to ignore it any longer.

Now we find out he's been hiding transcripts of conversations he had with putin from the American public and even his own administration.

Why would he do that? What was said in those meetings that he doesn't want people to know? If he has not done anything wrong or treasonous or conspired with russians, why is he hiding transcripts of what was said when he met with them?

The people trying to protect America and to expose true facts of what trump is doing with russians are the ones who love America.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
Trump is evil with lots of $$$$ and sex

I won't ignore evidence when it's presented. I don't care what party anyone is in. If they are doing what trump has been doing, they aren't working in the best interest of America and our constitution. There just has been too many facts released for those of us who do love America to ignore anymore.

I don't give a damn about his money or how much sex he has with whom. I care about America, our constitution, out people and the rule of law. This isn't about sex or money. It's about a president who through is own actions caused the FBI to open an investigation to find out if trump is working for russia. Ignoring all the evidence we've seen thus far is your choice but be warned, it's not the choice of Mueller and our justice department.

Nor is it the choice of the majority of the people in our nation. Democracy and the people of our nation have already voted for a congress that will follow our constitution. The next election won't be pretty for republicans. Especially trump.
What a huge load.
It bothered me that Comey's letter helped Trump win the election but I never questioned that the FBI worked for what is the best interests of the nation. You on the other hand want a political FBI, if you did not, you would fully support an investigation into any candidate that seemed to be an agent for a foreign power.

We now learn that trump has been hiding transcripts of meetings he has had with putin. Even from his own administration.

I'm sure that Mueller already knows about this and it's part of the piles of evidence he has on trump.

It's just sick to see Americans defend such a traitor.

Trump reportedly hid records of his conversations with Putin from his own administration
By "his own administration" you mean the coup plotters in the DOJ and the FBI.
By "coup plotters" he means those safeguarding and protecting the nation from foreign agents.
They are "safeguarding" Americans only from democracy. We can't have the deplorable riff-raff deciding who they want to be governed by.

It's appalling that turds like you defend outright treason.
No treason has been proven. You are a liar.
It certainly has been proven.
If pigs had wings, they could fly.
And if we were finding dead pig bodies next to wings everywhere we looked, we might start to think they did have wings. Just as we can't shake a tree near trump without a Russian spy falling out of it. Everyone central to the investigation has either been charged with lying about their contacts with Russians or has copped a plea for immunity, or both. So these little piggies are starting to look like they, indeed, have wings.
More "IFs." When you have some facts, perhaps I'll actually read your entire post.
The reference was to "if" pigs had wings. The rest of it has already been proven through indictments or guilty pleas. Smell the reality coming your way loser.
but I don't accept the theory that the Constitution says whatever some politically selected hacks on the SC claim it says.
It's not a theory, it's in the Constitution. See, you went and said something stupid without thinking it through, and now you're doubling down.

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