FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

face it, team traitor got caught LYING to the FBI about their collusion with Russian spies...

BECAUSE OF those very same intelligence agents and agencies who teflon don seeks to demonize as BAD COPS.

those agencies were already PRIVY to what dumbo donny recently admitted to and they were working to STOP it...

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014"

...when ALL OF A SUDDEN some chump named trump announced his candidacy and put HIS team's Russian ties on the radar.
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think about that... a POTUS who acknowledges RUSSIA STARTED AN ANTI USA CAMPAIGN


FIRES FBI CHIEF while scoffing and howling in the oval office with RUSSIANS

the NSA is still waiting for presidential orders to protect and defend our country

all while donny insists over and over how he and putin can GET ALONG FINE

he disputes USA INTELLIGENCE and wispers to his pal vlad, i believe YOU and not them.

today team traitor continues to stealthily give aid and comfort to RUSSIA

January 17 at 2:25 PM

In a rebuke to the Trump administration, 136 Republicans joined House Democrats Thursday to oppose a Treasury Department plan to lift Russian sanctions against companies controlled by an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The overwhelming 362 to 53 vote will not prevent the Trump administration from easing sanctions on three companies connected to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch with ties to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, as Senate Republicans narrowly blocked a similar measure on Wednesday.

But the House vote does mean that a majority of Republicans on Capitol Hill oppose President Trump’s efforts to soften punitive measures on a Russian oligarch — a rejection with potential implications for the administration’s continued stance on Russia, and for the GOP lawmakers who backed the plan to ease the sanctions.

Rebuking Trump, over 130 House Republicans challenge plans to lift sanctions against Putin ally
Congressional Republicans who stick by Trump and protect him will be remembered as the villains of Washington’s unfolding drama. They are the ones enabling an epic White House end run around the constitution.

Instead of holding Trump to account, Republicans are joining him in a cynical attempt to tarnish the FBI and undermine the criminal investigation into Russian election meddling.

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners; and to perform these responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public and is faithful to the Constitution of the United States.

Organization, Mission and Functions Manual: Federal Bureau of Investigation | DOJ | Department of Justice

NSA chief says Trump hasn't told him to confront Russian cyber threat

US Cyber Command chief Adm. Mike Rogers told lawmakers on Tuesday that he has not been granted the authority by President Donald Trump to disrupt Russian election hacking operations where they originate.

NSA chief says Trump hasn't told him to confront Russian cyber threat

America Is Under Attack and the President Doesn't Care
Nope. And your delusions are worthless.

The FBI on orders of Barack Robert Mugabe Obama engaged in treason in an attempt to remove a sitting president. That is called an "attempted coup." Now Fawn, you're dumb as a cat turd, we get it. But facts are facts.

I don’t support violence but people that spread conspiracies to make money is not in my blood.
But people like you that support conspiracies is like a cancer in our society.

I’m glad all the major media banned Alex Jones. He is currently sued by sandy hook massacre victims to consfiscate his properties.

Of course you do, you're a democrat. Ending freedom of speech is your primary goal.

Voltaire said "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend you right to say it."

democrats say "I don't like what you have to say, so I will silence you or kill you."

You do grasp that you're a pile of shit on the level of the Nazis, right?
There is no such thing as a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. It was used to spy on Russians. You're a friggin liar.

Wow, you're such a fucking liar.

You must be the pride of your KGB handler.

Michael Isikoff, the Yahoo News reporter whose article on Carter Page’s supposed links to the Kremlin formed the basis for FISA warrants to surveil President Donald Trump’s team, was personally recruited for the job by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.

This new evidence further disqualifies the Russia collusion narrative by proving the whole thing was a set-up orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. The fact that Rod Rosenstein and other Deep State conspirators signed off on FISA warrants based on Isikoff’s reporting only further demolishes their own credibility in this case.}

Reporter Whose Work Led To FISA Warrants Was 'Recruited' By Hillary Clinton - Big League Politics
There is no such thing as a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. It was used to spy on Russians. You're a friggin liar.

Wow, you're such a fucking liar.

You must be the pride of your KGB handler.

Michael Isikoff, the Yahoo News reporter whose article on Carter Page’s supposed links to the Kremlin formed the basis for FISA warrants to surveil President Donald Trump’s team, was personally recruited for the job by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.

This new evidence further disqualifies the Russia collusion narrative by proving the whole thing was a set-up orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. The fact that Rod Rosenstein and other Deep State conspirators signed off on FISA warrants based on Isikoff’s reporting only further demolishes their own credibility in this case.}

Reporter Whose Work Led To FISA Warrants Was 'Recruited' By Hillary Clinton - Big League Politics
Except the FISA was for Page. Not Trump's team. You are a liar and cannot prove the FISA was for Trump.
Except the FISA was for Page. Not Trump's team. You are a liar and cannot prove the FISA was for Trump.

Yes, and the FSB perjured themselves on the warrant. We know the FSB on orders of Obama engaged in treason to spy on Trump.

You ARE traitors, Period
Nope. And your delusions are worthless.

The FBI on orders of Barack Robert Mugabe Obama engaged in treason in an attempt to remove a sitting president. That is called an "attempted coup." Now Fawn, you're dumb as a cat turd, we get it. But facts are facts.
You should me in a mental hospital.

If you had power, I'd be in a death camp. We know how you Stalinists act.
Nope. And your delusions are worthless.

The FBI on orders of Barack Robert Mugabe Obama engaged in treason in an attempt to remove a sitting president. That is called an "attempted coup." Now Fawn, you're dumb as a cat turd, we get it. But facts are facts.
You should me in a mental hospital.

If you had power, I'd be in a death camp. We know how you Stalinists act.
Find a shrink.
Nope. And your delusions are worthless.

The FBI on orders of Barack Robert Mugabe Obama engaged in treason in an attempt to remove a sitting president. That is called an "attempted coup." Now Fawn, you're dumb as a cat turd, we get it. But facts are facts.
You should me in a mental hospital.

If you had power, I'd be in a death camp. We know how you Stalinists act.
Find a shrink.

Buy a brain, fucktard.

Fawn is seriously stupid, but even he has you outsmarted.
Nope. And your delusions are worthless.

The FBI on orders of Barack Robert Mugabe Obama engaged in treason in an attempt to remove a sitting president. That is called an "attempted coup." Now Fawn, you're dumb as a cat turd, we get it. But facts are facts.
You should me in a mental hospital.

If you had power, I'd be in a death camp. We know how you Stalinists act.
Find a shrink.

Buy a brain, fucktard.

Fawn is seriously stupid, but even he has you outsmarted.
Seek Psychiatric counsel.
Except the FISA was for Page. Not Trump's team. You are a liar and cannot prove the FISA was for Trump.

Yes, and the FSB perjured themselves on the warrant. We know the FSB on orders of Obama engaged in treason to spy on Trump.

You ARE traitors, Period
There exist no such proof as the FSB perjuring itself. You are a liar.

Again, you are too fucking stupid to bother with.

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

You have an IQ in the low teens.
Guess what shoe Mueller will drop next

Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have released a classified memo rebutting Republicans' claims that the FBI improperly surveilled the Trump campaign.

The heavily redacted document claims the FBI did not rely on faulty evidence when securing a warrant to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page – an allegation Republicans made in a memo the committee released last month.

The version that the White House approved for release on Saturday states that FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials "did not 'abuse' the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign".

"In fact," the memo continues, "DOJ and the FBI would have been remiss in their duty to protect the country had they not sought a FISA warrant and repeated renewals to conduct temporary surveillance of Carter Page, someone the FBI assessed to be an agent of the Russia government."

Democrats release memo rebutting Republican claims about FBI surveillance of Trump campaign
Maintaining the Trump illusion requires an endless suspension of disbelief; denying facts, logic, reason, the law and the utterly evident cluster-you-know-what that this administration represents. The pinnacle of that illusion-at-all-costs philosophy came after the revelation that an FBI informant followed up on leads that Trump campaign foreign policy aides Carter Page and George Papadopoulos had been playing footsie with the Russians.

On Fox News, talk radio and in the Trump-right online media armies, the innocent Trump campaign was the victim of FBI spying against them, ordered by notorious Kenyan Muslim sleeper agent Barack Obama, evil sorceress Hillary Clinton and their army of Deep State apparatchiks.

The President wants you to call the FBI's Russian counterintelligence program Spygate, but rational people have declined to indulge him. Stupidgate is instead just a ludicrous new chapter in the long chronicle of Trump dumbassery.

It's only one of the many examples of Trump's behavior of which historians in the far future will look upon with the same stunned disbelief and discomfort as we now consider tulip manias, Beanie Baby investment schemes, Milli Vanilli and acid-washed jeans. There might have been a moment where those ideas were intriguing, but in the hard light of history, they're grim reminders that fads and passions are fleeting.

For the FBI actions Trump calls Spygate to be a real concern, it would require malice. Instead, we've seen justification after justification for a robust counterintelligence response to Russian malfeasance. Drawn to the Trump campaign like flies to the biggest manure pile in the universe, the FBI wasn't after him, but rather — quite properly — the Russians who sought to (and may have succeeded) in subverting American democracy and corrupting our elections.

There's a line in the 1990s film "Grosse Point Blank" where John Cusack's assassin character defends his line of work. He says, "If I show up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there."

Trump’s land of delusion: Disregard the sycophants; the wheels are coming off, if they were ever on
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