FBI Refuses to Provide Congress FD-1023 Whistleblower Form on Biden Detailing Payments by Foreign Nationals Even in Grandchildrens' Names


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Congress should put out a warrant for the Sergeant-at-Arms to put Christopher Wray in cuffs.

"The FBI does not deny it has a whistleblower document alleging then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. But it won’t turn the document over to Congress.

Bureau officials told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday they would not comply with a subpoena seeking the whistleblower report.

In a five-page letter, the FBI’s acting assistant director of the office of congressional affairs, Christopher Dunham, did not acknowledge the specific whistleblower report, known as an FD-1023 form."
Team Zionist Fascism is headed by Chris Wray, the worst ever traitor in FBI history. The American people have gotten nothing but lies, stonewalling, hiding evidence, doctored evidence, deliberate set ups and hate hoaxes, and massive election fraud not to mention enabling those looting the US taxpayer to get off...
Congress should put out a warrant for the Sergeant-at-Arms to put Christopher Wray in cuffs.

"The FBI does not deny it has a whistleblower document alleging then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. But it won’t turn the document over to Congress.

Bureau officials told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday they would not comply with a subpoena seeking the whistleblower report.

In a five-page letter, the FBI’s acting assistant director of the office of congressional affairs, Christopher Dunham, did not acknowledge the specific whistleblower report, known as an FD-1023 form."

Maybe because there is no such thing. The fact is that there has to be independent evidence. One person's word means nothing. We had the same so-called whistleblowers allege election fraud. However no independent verification was ever given. Comer has no evidence either.
Maybe because there is no such thing. The fact is that there has to be independent evidence. One person's word means nothing. We had the same so-called whistleblowers allege election fraud. However no independent verification was ever given. Comer has no evidence either.
Once again, another retort from the Left that is going to bite them in the ass.
The partisanly weaponized Govt agency cover-up - consisting of tbe DOJ & FBI - of Biden Family crimes has now been confirmed.

It has been known / proven that Garland, his DOJ, Wray, and the FBI have had Hunter Biden's criminal-evidence filled laptop FOR YEARS and refused to investigate any of the crimes.

- Wray and the FBI even tried to claim they had lost it ... until it was revealed that several versions of it were already in the public.

US AG Garland and FBI Director Wray used as an excuse NOT to investigate the laptop the 'Russian Disinformation' letter signed by 50 US Intel Experts.

NOW we know that letter was authored by then-Biden campaign manager Blinken, who then got the 50 experts to sign the letter despite their knowing the contents of Hunter's laptop was NOT ''Russian Disinformation'. The intent of the letter was to help Joe Biden in Presidential debates and to become President.

Several experts who signed the letter have come forward to testify the letter was authored by Blinken, that the contents of the letter was a lie, and that the intent of the letter was to CRIMINALLY INTERFERE IN THE 2020 ELECTION TO HELP JOE BIDEN.
-- There is now evidence that former CIA Director Brennan - who was caught illegally spying on Congress and participated in the failed coup attempt against President Trump - helped Blinken convince Intel experts to sign the letter.

Whistleblowers from the IRS, DOT, & FBI have come forward to testify these 3 agencies have and are engaging in cover-ups of Biden crimes and are actively partisanly protecting Joe Biden and his family.

The Oversight Committee just today exposed Biden Family crimes and an extensive money laundering network, identified and reported by the US Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, 4 banks, official memos, testimony from State Department reps and whistleblowers, and Hunter Biden's own laptop.

Blinken, rewarded with being appointed Sect of State, has refused to comply with Oversigt Committee Subpoenas for documrnts and information, protecting Joe Biden, 3 (THREE) times.

Finally, confirming the on-going criminal partisanly weaponized govt agency cover-up of Biden crimes and the protection of President Joe Biden ... FBI Director Wray has refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena requesting the FBI document proving a criminal scheme involving Joe Biden.

'The FBI (CRIMINALLY) did not comply with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena compelling the production of an FBI document that a whistleblower alleged ptovides evidence of a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national and relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.'

Wray and his FBI did NOT deny the existence of the FD-1023 report the whistleblower says exists. Instead Wray claimed the release of the document would reveal confidential human sources and would jeopardize the integrity of the FBI and investigations.

This is the same FBI Director abd FBI proven to have violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA court, illegally spied on Americans, admittedly willingly, knowingly participated in tbe failed coup attempt against Trump despite knowing the 'Russian Collusion' claim was false, and who just submitted a report to Congress stating the FBI had REDUCED - not ELIMINATED - the number of times it has and continues to illegally spy on Americans due to a bigger commitment on adhering to legal restrictions on its spying programs.

NOW, declaring it is protecting the President, has refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena instructing the FBI to turn over the document proving a criminal scheme involving Presidrnt Biden, a document Wray also refused to say does not exist.

The partisanly weaponized Govt agency cover-up - consisting of tbe DOJ & FBI - of Biden Family crimes has now been confirmed.

It has been known / proven that Garland, his DOJ, Wray, and the FBI have had Hunter Biden's criminal-evidence filled laptop FOR YEARS and refused to investigate any of the crimes.

- Wray and the FBI even tried to claim they had lost it ... until it was revealed that several versions of it were already in the public.

US AG Garland and FBI Director Wray used as an excuse NOT to investigate the laptop the 'Russian Disinformation' letter signed by 50 US Intel Experts.

NOW we know that letter was authored by then-Biden campaign manager Blinken, who then got the 50 experts to sign the letter despite their knowing the contents of Hunter's laptop was NOT ''Russian Disinformation'. The intent of the letter was to help Joe Biden in Presidential debates and to become President.

Several experts who signed the letter have come forward to testify the letter was authored by Blinken, that the contents of the letter was a lie, and that the intent of the letter was to CRIMINALLY INTERFERE IN THE 2020 ELECTION TO HELP JOE BIDEN.
-- There is now evidence that former CIA Director Brennan - who was caught illegally spying on Congress and participated in the failed coup attempt against President Trump - helped Blinken convince Intel experts to sign the letter.

Whistleblowers from the IRS, DOT, & FBI have come forward to testify these 3 agencies have and are engaging in cover-ups of Biden crimes and are actively partisanly protecting Joe Biden and his family.

The Oversight Committee just today exposed Biden Family crimes and an extensive money laundering network, identified and reported by the US Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, 4 banks, official memos, testimony from State Department reps and whistleblowers, and Hunter Biden's own laptop.

Blinken, rewarded with being appointed Sect of State, has refused to comply with Oversigt Committee Subpoenas for documrnts and information, protecting Joe Biden, 3 (THREE) times.

Finally, confirming the on-going criminal partisanly weaponized govt agency cover-up of Biden crimes and the protection of President Joe Biden ... FBI Director Wray has refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena requesting the FBI document proving a criminal scheme involving Joe Biden.

'The FBI (CRIMINALLY) did not comply with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena compelling the production of an FBI document that a whistleblower alleged ptovides evidence of a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national and relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.'

Wray and his FBI did NOT deny the existence of the FD-1023 report the whistleblower says exists. Instead Wray claimed the release of the document would reveal confidential human sources and would jeopardize the integrity of the FBI and investigations.

This is the same FBI Director abd FBI proven to have violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA court, illegally spied on Americans, admittedly willingly, knowingly participated in tbe failed coup attempt against Trump despite knowing the 'Russian Collusion' claim was false, and who just submitted a report to Congress stating the FBI had REDUCED - not ELIMINATED - the number of times it has and continues to illegally spy on Americans due to a bigger commitment on adhering to legal restrictions on its spying programs.

NOW, declaring it is protecting the President, has refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena instructing the FBI to turn over the document proving a criminal scheme involving Presidrnt Biden, a document Wray also refused to say does not exist.

These whistleblowers haven’t brought any whistles with them. Anybody can sit in a hearing and make allegations but you have to be able to back it up with evidence.

The reason that Democrats are never arrested or tried or sent to jail is because Republicans never back up any of their allegations with evidence.
The partisanly weaponized Govt agency cover-up - consisting of tbe DOJ & FBI - of Biden Family crimes has now been confirmed.

It has been known / proven that Garland, his DOJ, Wray, and the FBI have had Hunter Biden's criminal-evidence filled laptop FOR YEARS and refused to investigate any of the crimes.

- Wray and the FBI even tried to claim they had lost it ... until it was revealed that several versions of it were already in the public.

US AG Garland and FBI Director Wray used as an excuse NOT to investigate the laptop the 'Russian Disinformation' letter signed by 50 US Intel Experts.

NOW we know that letter was authored by then-Biden campaign manager Blinken, who then got the 50 experts to sign the letter despite their knowing the contents of Hunter's laptop was NOT ''Russian Disinformation'. The intent of the letter was to help Joe Biden in Presidential debates and to become President.

Several experts who signed the letter have come forward to testify the letter was authored by Blinken, that the contents of the letter was a lie, and that the intent of the letter was to CRIMINALLY INTERFERE IN THE 2020 ELECTION TO HELP JOE BIDEN.
-- There is now evidence that former CIA Director Brennan - who was caught illegally spying on Congress and participated in the failed coup attempt against President Trump - helped Blinken convince Intel experts to sign the letter.

Whistleblowers from the IRS, DOT, & FBI have come forward to testify these 3 agencies have and are engaging in cover-ups of Biden crimes and are actively partisanly protecting Joe Biden and his family.

The Oversight Committee just today exposed Biden Family crimes and an extensive money laundering network, identified and reported by the US Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, 4 banks, official memos, testimony from State Department reps and whistleblowers, and Hunter Biden's own laptop.

Blinken, rewarded with being appointed Sect of State, has refused to comply with Oversigt Committee Subpoenas for documrnts and information, protecting Joe Biden, 3 (THREE) times.

Finally, confirming the on-going criminal partisanly weaponized govt agency cover-up of Biden crimes and the protection of President Joe Biden ... FBI Director Wray has refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena requesting the FBI document proving a criminal scheme involving Joe Biden.

'The FBI (CRIMINALLY) did not comply with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena compelling the production of an FBI document that a whistleblower alleged ptovides evidence of a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national and relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.'

Wray and his FBI did NOT deny the existence of the FD-1023 report the whistleblower says exists. Instead Wray claimed the release of the document would reveal confidential human sources and would jeopardize the integrity of the FBI and investigations.

This is the same FBI Director abd FBI proven to have violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA court, illegally spied on Americans, admittedly willingly, knowingly participated in tbe failed coup attempt against Trump despite knowing the 'Russian Collusion' claim was false, and who just submitted a report to Congress stating the FBI had REDUCED - not ELIMINATED - the number of times it has and continues to illegally spy on Americans due to a bigger commitment on adhering to legal restrictions on its spying programs.

NOW, declaring it is protecting the President, has refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena instructing the FBI to turn over the document proving a criminal scheme involving Presidrnt Biden, a document Wray also refused to say does not exist.

Sounds to me like the House needs to cut all funding to the FBI until it complies with the subpoena. See how long the FBI holds out with no paychecks, or electricity to their buildings.
Congress should put out a warrant for the Sergeant-at-Arms to put Christopher Wray in cuffs.

"The FBI does not deny it has a whistleblower document alleging then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. But it won’t turn the document over to Congress.

Bureau officials told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday they would not comply with a subpoena seeking the whistleblower report.

In a five-page letter, the FBI’s acting assistant director of the office of congressional affairs, Christopher Dunham, did not acknowledge the specific whistleblower report, known as an FD-1023 form."
These whistleblowers haven’t brought any whistles with them. Anybody can sit in a hearing and make allegations but you have to be able to back it up with evidence.

The reason that Democrats are never arrested or tried or sent to jail is because Republicans never back up any of their allegations with evidence.

It's because Democrats are CORRUPT fucking LIARS, just like i've been showing you and telling you since Day One.

Now none of you lying sacks of shit can claim there's no evidence anymore.

Turn on the light, and watch the cockroaches scatter.
Congress should put out a warrant for the Sergeant-at-Arms to put Christopher Wray in cuffs.

"The FBI does not deny it has a whistleblower document alleging then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. But it won’t turn the document over to Congress.

Bureau officials told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday they would not comply with a subpoena seeking the whistleblower report.

In a five-page letter, the FBI’s acting assistant director of the office of congressional affairs, Christopher Dunham, did not acknowledge the specific whistleblower report, known as an FD-1023 form."
Do you know what the term "whistle blower" means?
Congress should put out a warrant for the Sergeant-at-Arms to put Christopher Wray in cuffs.

"The FBI does not deny it has a whistleblower document alleging then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. But it won’t turn the document over to Congress.

Bureau officials told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday they would not comply with a subpoena seeking the whistleblower report.

In a five-page letter, the FBI’s acting assistant director of the office of congressional affairs, Christopher Dunham, did not acknowledge the specific whistleblower report, known as an FD-1023 form."
It becomes more and more obvious that the upper management of the FBI Is happy to cover for Joe and Hunter Biden and the entire Biden clan.

The Biden Crime Family can get away with doing anything it wants.

It's because Democrats are CORRUPT fucking LIARS, just like i've been showing you and telling you since Day One.

Now none of you lying sacks of shit can claim there's no evidence anymore.

Turn on the light, and watch the cockroaches scatter.

EVIDENCE. There is no evidence of anything you say. The cockroaches are the Republicans who are trying to destroy your democracy.
It becomes more and more obvious that the upper management of the FBI Is happy to cover for Joe and Hunter Biden and the entire Biden clan.

The Biden Crime Family can get away with doing anything it wants.

It becomes more and more obvious that there is no “there” there. There is no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing by any member of the Biden family.

Maybe we should start investigating Baron and Tiffany. Maybe we should start harassing them and looking at their bank accounts and publishing lies that they’re corrupt.

Let’s get some pictures out of Melania and her boyfriend.

It's because Democrats are CORRUPT fucking LIARS, just like i've been showing you and telling you since Day One.

Now none of you lying sacks of shit can claim there's no evidence anymore.

Turn on the light, and watch the cockroaches scatter.

There is no evidence.. There is absolutely no evidence in that stupid memo. There is no evidence anywhere.

Republicans have been telling us for 30 years that Democrats are financially corrupt. They have yet to produce a single piece of EVIDENCE of any Democrat on the take.

25+ Clinton investigations. Not a not a shred of evidence of financial corruption.

Eight years plus of Obama investigations. Not a single indictment against anyone in this administration.

200+ convictions of Republicans since Nixon. 4 convictions of Democrats.

None of this makes any logical sense. But you keep parroting these lies on NO EVIDENCE.
EVIDENCE. There is no evidence of anything you say. The cockroaches are the Republicans who are trying to destroy your democracy.
It is the Democrats who are pushing Marxist socialism. If that form of government ever takes over our nation you can forget democracy and freedom. As usual you accuse Republicans of doing exactly what the Democratic Party is trying to achieve.

The Democrats today want to take away freedoms in the Bill of Rights such as free speech and the right to bear arms.


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