FBI Refuses to Provide Congress FD-1023 Whistleblower Form on Biden Detailing Payments by Foreign Nationals Even in Grandchildrens' Names

It is the Democrats who are pushing Marxist socialism. If that form of government ever takes over our nation you can forget democracy and freedom. As usual you accuse Republicans of doing exactly what the Democratic Party is trying to achieve.

The Democrats today want to take away freedoms in the Bill of Rights such as free speech and the right to bear arms.

There is no Marxist Socialism. Period. You simply parent this stuff without any idea of what you’re saying or whether it has any validity, in fact whatsoever.

You’ve had Democratic Socialism in the United States since the provision for a national postal system was included in your Constitution.

The only party “stripping rights” from Americans is the Republican Party. The right to reproductive choice. The right of every citizen to vote and have their vote counted.

Republicans have bamboozled you into thinking that being able to lie to the American people is “freedom of speech”. That hate speech is a right. Inciting violence against minorities or his “enemies” isn’t a problem.

Freedom for whom? Freedom for the racial minorities whose votes you don’t wanna count? Freedom for the women who are forced to bear children they can’t afford to raise. Freedom for the parents to choose the right healthcare for their transgendered child.
Once again, another retort from the Left that is going to bite them in the ass.

Why is it that every time you say that Democrats are in trouble, Republicans are humiliated.

You said that the Dominion Software lawsuit against Fox News would result in FOX having access to Dominion’s proprietary software. How did that turn out for the right???

Next up on the chopping block for Dominion comes Newsmaxx. Next up on for Fox News is the Smartmattic suit.

All of your news, media and outlets are acknowledging that they’re lying to you and still you believe them.
It is the Democrats who are pushing Marxist socialism. If that form of government ever takes over our nation you can forget democracy and freedom. As usual you accuse Republicans of doing exactly what the Democratic Party is trying to achieve.

The Democrats today want to take away freedoms in the Bill of Rights such as free speech and the right to bear arms.

Do you have any genuine sources or just usual assortment of liars, hacks and questionable sources.

I clicked on the link you provided to the piece in the Hill, only to discover that it was an opinion piece written by Jonathan Turley, The law school professor, who testified that Bill Clinton needed to be impeached for lying about a blow job, because morals matter, and then testified that Donald Trump should not be impeached for attempting to extort the Ukraine, because it would open future presidents for impeachment for ridiculously small things.

Turley’s legal opinions are very fluid depending on who’s paying.
Once again, another retort from the Left that is going to bite them in the ass.
None, zero, zip of the right wing false accusations, innuendos, speculations of could haves, or may haves, or likely have ever bit DEMOCRATS in the ass, ever.

All of these made up accusations, over and over and over and over again and again, have always turned out to be duds....with nothing there.

You would think you would spend a little time reflecting on all the lies and hyped up accusations and some reasoning reflection would knock you upside of the head, to make you realize your chain is being yanked, time and time and time again.

What was the business ventures of Hunter and Jim in those foreign countries? Do you think the money sent to all those Biden's and others involved no business and just payoffs for something? What was done that was criminal? What is the right wing's accusation that they have proof of...?

Can an FBI turn over EVIDENCE of AN ON GOING INVESTIGATION to Congress while the investigation is still happening, under their PROTOCOL rules?

When are you going to wake up from being head deep in this stupified and blind delusion of a nightmare filled with gossip, speculations, and hot air? Your deeply seeded hatred of democrats brainwashing , has made you incapable of using your eyes to see, and ears to hear...

I'm praying for you.... :(
The FBI should be dismantled and rebuilt into an actual crime fighting dept.

Can you tell us precisely what the FBI has done that isn’t fighting crime?

Or do you think the Donald Trump’s open lies to the FBI and obstruction of justice are not crimes?

Why is Donald Trump the only president in American history who doesn’t have to submit to investigation or oversight? What sets him above scrutiny or prosecution?

Given Trump’s long history of criminal and illegal behavior, none of which he’s ever denied, and all of which is he openly bragged about in the press, why do you think he should be exempt from criminal prosecution?

Every time Donald Trump says that he will pardon the January 6 insurrectionists, he’s committing obstruction of justice. He is “dangling pardons” for votes and that’s illegal.

He did it with all of the Russian investigation defendants and now he’s doing it with the January 6 defendants. This is open criminal behavior, that everyone in the world can see and hear with their own eyes and ears.

Why do you continue to deny what everyone else has plainly seen?

And come up with something better than bumper stick slogans like “Defund the FBI”
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I have no handlers and have an independent mind.
That's simply not true. Your mind is not opened for facts and truth, sadly. Not an ounce of reasoning is ever applied, from what you've shown here. It's all one sided, thoughtless right wing gobbledygook, without ever searching for truth or facts delivered by BOTH sides.

It's an easy trap set for both sides of the aisle, but it can be overcome, by researching for the truth.... outside of your comfort zone.
That's simply not true. Your mind is not opened for facts and truth, sadly. Not an ounce of reasoning is ever applied, from what you've shown here. It's all one sided, thoughtless right wing gobbledygook, without ever searching for truth or facts delivered by BOTH sides.

It's an easy trap set for both sides of the aisle, but it can be overcome, by researching for the truth.... outside of your comfort zone.
I am neither right or left wing. I can see clearly that the FBI is hiding facts and not serving the American people.
Another example of our tyrannical govt. Our constitution lays out a plan when it becomes tyrannical.

You don’t have a tyrannical government. You have never had a tyrannical government. But you’re rapidly heading towards one and it’s the Republican Party that is saying “democracy has failed” and “ignore the Constitution”.

Trumps Townhall last night woke the entire nation up to what a danger Trumpism is to your country. The words of the twice impeached, lying, tax evading, sexual predator and anti-American human rights abuser, that the nation saw last night on CNN, have shocked many Americans into donating and working to ensure that such a man never gets near the levers of power again.
You don’t have a tyrannical government. You have never had a tyrannical government. But you’re rapidly heading towards one and it’s the Republican Party that is saying “democracy has failed” and “ignore the Constitution”.

Trumps Townhall last night woke the entire nation up to what a danger Trumpism is to your country. The words of the twice impeached, lying, tax evading, sexual predator and anti-American human rights abuser, that the nation saw last night on CNN, have shocked many Americans into donating and working to ensure that such a man never gets near the levers of power again.

The current usurper in chief is exponentially worse than trump. It's not even debatable at this point. Biden needs to be removed from office.
Why is it that every time you say that Democrats are in trouble, Republicans are humiliated.

You said that the Dominion Software lawsuit against Fox News would result in FOX having access to Dominion’s proprietary software. How did that turn out for the right???

Next up on the chopping block for Dominion comes Newsmaxx. Next up on for Fox News is the Smartmattic suit.

All of your news, media and outlets are acknowledging that they’re lying to you and still you believe them.
It is the Left that says “every voice should be heard”…… except when the Left hears something they don’t like. That is what I am referring to. The mmmmm
None, zero, zip of the right wing false accusations, innuendos, speculations of could haves, or may haves, or likely have ever bit DEMOCRATS in the ass, ever.

All of these made up accusations, over and over and over and over again and again, have always turned out to be duds....with nothing there.

You would think you would spend a little time reflecting on all the lies and hyped up accusations and some reasoning reflection would knock you upside of the head, to make you realize your chain is being yanked, time and time and time again.

What was the business ventures of Hunter and Jim in those foreign countries? Do you think the money sent to all those Biden's and others involved no business and just payoffs for something? What was done that was criminal? What is the right wing's accusation that they have proof of...?

Can an FBI turn over EVIDENCE of AN ON GOING INVESTIGATION to Congress while the investigation is still happening, under their PROTOCOL rules?

When are you going to wake up from being head deep in this stupified and blind delusion of a nightmare filled with gossip, speculations, and hot air? Your deeply seeded hatred of democrats brainwashing , has made you incapable of using your eyes to see, and ears to hear...

I'm praying for you.... :(
i was referring to the notion that so much criteria and conditions being put on a whistleblower flies in the face of Democrats’ mantra that “all voices should be heard”.
You would think that he would claim the stripper grandchild so he could funnel money through her name. ;)
That's Dr Jill's call, not recognizing that one grandchild.

A granddaughter with stripper genes? Pedo Joe would love to spend time with her.
Congress should put out a warrant for the Sergeant-at-Arms to put Christopher Wray in cuffs.

"The FBI does not deny it has a whistleblower document alleging then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. But it won’t turn the document over to Congress.

Bureau officials told the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday they would not comply with a subpoena seeking the whistleblower report.

In a five-page letter, the FBI’s acting assistant director of the office of congressional affairs, Christopher Dunham, did not acknowledge the specific whistleblower report, known as an FD-1023 form."

Looks like they’re denying there is such a form to me.

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