FBI seizes website linked to sex crimes, owners donated to democrats


And it's coming lol

Anonymous on Twitter
The jokes living in fantasy world can't realize why CPS makes such great profits from taking people's kids oh might this be more dots to connect.
op article mentions ''owners of the website'' but WHO ARE THE OWNERS? What are their names? So i can look them up to see what amt. and who they donated to, and when? did i miss them?

No wonder you clueless infowar haters think everything is a gawd dam conspiracy you don't bother reading any of it, unless it's from your GOD CNN' TURKS, MSM........

An FBI official said that there was “law enforcement activity” at the home of Michael Lacey, one of the website's founders, at his home in Arizona, Reuters reported. The seizure banner on the website stated:
FBI Seizes Website Linked To Sex Crimes; Owners Donated To Democrats
On Friday, the U.S. government seized Backpage.com as part of a law enforcement action by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies after the site came under intense legal scrutiny for allegations of facilitating sex trafficking and underage prostitution.


Oh the criminal Democrats again you just can't make this s....t up , Lie , cheat, steal, and will do anything to get votes. including sex crimes now imagine that. Since they are in the club no conspiracy charges will be filed bank on that one too.
Was Anthony Weiner one of the owners?
No wonder you clueless infowar haters think everything is a gawd dam conspiracy you don't bother reading any of it, unless it's from your GOD CNN' TURKS, MSM........

An FBI official said that there was “law enforcement activity” at the home of Michael Lacey, one of the website's founders, at his home in Arizona, Reuters reported. The seizure banner on the website stated:

Backpage just filled in the gap that Craig's List left when they got some bad publicity after some hookers wound up dead. Some other website will fill in the gap now that backpage is gone.

What they really need to do is legalize prostitution and stop with the silly notion that women and men aren't selling their own bodies.

That would eliminate most of the abuses you whine about.
These states watched the most porn in 2016

The South really, really likes its porn.

According to Pornhub‘s 2016 year in review, many of the website’s top 10 U.S. states that “last the longest” (aka spend the most time on the website) are located in the South. Taking the title for longest time spent on the site is Mississippi with 11 minutes and 8 seconds, followed by Alabama and Arkansas.

Apparently it’s no surprise, too—Pornhub reported that the top three states with longest average visits in 2015 were also from the south.
lol, you moron, this is likely due to connection speeds that makes Dims spend more time waiting on the download. Notice how the states closer to Seatle are the shortest mostly?

FBI Seizes Website Linked To Sex Crimes; Owners Donated To Democrats
On Friday, the U.S. government seized Backpage.com as part of a law enforcement action by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies after the site came under intense legal scrutiny for allegations of facilitating sex trafficking and underage prostitution.


Oh the criminal Democrats again you just can't make this s....t up , Lie , cheat, steal, and will do anything to get votes. including sex crimes now imagine that. Since they are in the club no conspiracy charges will be filed bank on that one too.

Oh come off it. Trump donated to the Democrats for God's sake.

Bribing a political party with "donations" is hardly saying that Democrats are any worse than Republicans. The whole damn system is corrupt, yet you people will rail against the Democrats and protect the Republicans.

GOP Pedophile List | Child Pornography | Republican Party (United States)

List of pedophile Republicans.

The reality is with only two viable political parties, you're going to get scumbags on both sides who use the parties for their own gains.

Until you have more political parties that actually stand for something, this will happen a lot.

Is there a list of Democratic Pedophiles?

Or haven't Republicans stooped that low yet?
Damn republicans on a purge of online adult sections, frickin prudes...
USMB should fill the void with a prostitution board

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