FBI: Shocking New Footage of January 6th Insurrection...America's Men in Uniform Attacked

The FBI?

The same FBI that paid a foreign ex-spy to acquire Russian Intel Service-authored Propaganda tha tBarry and his administration used as the foundation for Barry's failed attempted political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally and treasonously remove a President of the united States from office.....

The same FBI the FISA Court proved has Un-Constitutionally and Illegally spied on EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition party candidates, and a newly-elected US President and his team - for DECADES under Mueller and Comey....

The same FBI proven to have tried to hide evidence of this from the FISA Court under direction of current FBI Director Wray...

The same FBI proven to have withheld evidence the President of the United States was innocent during a failed treasonous Impeachment attempt...

The same FBI that attempted to hide the fact that it, DHS, and the Treasuryt Department has physical, financial, eye-witness / whistleblower evidence of the Biden Family financial crimes and scandals, to include Influence Peddling, Russian Money-Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP....

The same FBI that warned both the Capitol Police and Pelosi in advance that extremists, to include Antifa, had planned the 6 January Capitol violence in advance and were showing up to DC to 'wage war'.....after which both the Capitol Police and Pelosi did nothing to prevent, protect the Capitol or people inside.....

The FBI, to include the current Director, have proven themselves to be rogue criminals, traitors, and threats to both the US and American citizens.

The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.
You will only accept reality, in order that other posters don't automatically consider you crazy?
Its not worth arguing over
Truth is always worth arguing over. But you have to be on the correct side of reality to avoid sounding like a raving lunatic.

Trump getting more votes is in league with the earth being flat. Or the sun revolves around the earth. Or the moon being made of green cheese.
The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.

Putin recalled the Russian ambassador. Probably because he became like the Maytag repairman. He no longer had anything to do, because without Trump, nobody is making clandestine calls to the embassy any more.
The FBI?

The same FBI that paid a foreign ex-spy to acquire Russian Intel Service-authored Propaganda tha tBarry and his administration used as the foundation for Barry's failed attempted political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally and treasonously remove a President of the united States from office.....

The same FBI the FISA Court proved has Un-Constitutionally and Illegally spied on EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition party candidates, and a newly-elected US President and his team - for DECADES under Mueller and Comey....

The same FBI proven to have tried to hide evidence of this from the FISA Court under direction of current FBI Director Wray...

The same FBI proven to have withheld evidence the President of the United States was innocent during a failed treasonous Impeachment attempt...

The same FBI that attempted to hide the fact that it, DHS, and the Treasuryt Department has physical, financial, eye-witness / whistleblower evidence of the Biden Family financial crimes and scandals, to include Influence Peddling, Russian Money-Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP....

The same FBI that warned both the Capitol Police and Pelosi in advance that extremists, to include Antifa, had planned the 6 January Capitol violence in advance and were showing up to DC to 'wage war'.....after which both the Capitol Police and Pelosi did nothing to prevent, protect the Capitol or people inside.....

The FBI, to include the current Director, have proven themselves to be rogue criminals, traitors, and threats to both the US and American citizens.

The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.

'Russia, Russia,Russia....'

In 2014 Barry gave the Russians uranium, Crimea, and permission to 'interfere' in the US (which included extortion, bribing, attempts to hack our power grid, etc...)...and in exchange Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria...yet moved his own forces in to make sure Al-Assad and Syria were NEVER in any real danger.

Barry's FBI learned of Hillary's plan to use Russian propaganda against Trump....and instead f stepping in and stopping it, evidence shows Barry and his FBI paid / used a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy to deliver Russian Intel Agency propaganda they knowingly, intentionally used as the foundation for their Un-Constitutional / Illegal FISA Court abuses / warrants and the foundation for Barry's failed coup attempt.

Barry owes Russia thanks / credit his entire opportunity to attempt his failed coup attempt. Without that Russian-authored propaganda they had nothing on which to base their claims to need the illegal warrants / spying.

Now Biden is going to act pissed / tough about how Russia 'interfered' against Biden? Did Biden truly believe the Russians were his and Barry's buds after providing them Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda against Trump? The CCP, who has given Democrats literally BILLIONS of dollars, and Russians who have helped them - like Swalwell - are NOT friends of ANY America. They don't 'like' Democrats or the GOP - theywant to see the entire country fall.

Biden was ok when Russia was facilitating / fueling Barry's coup attempt but was shocked to find the 'dog' 'bit' him and Democrats, too?!

It is shocking.

Conservatives do not condone such behavior

lets give the Fort Pelosi rioters the same punishment that liberals who have been assaulting police across America for the past year got

unfortunately very few leftwing rioters have been held accountable for their actions

we need to put all the miscreants in jail - not just those on 1-6

The most shocking of the footage is a man walking overhead to flank a group of cops and innocents and dousing them with chemicals in an attempt to choke and kill our men and women in Blue.

OMG a fire extinguisher unleashed!

Insurrection! Insurrection!


Apparently they do condone it.

No, it’s just hilarious to see the left call it “insurrection” to discharge a fire extinguisher, yet throwing Molotov cocktails at court houses and police is “peaceful protesting”.

Barricading people in federal buildings and setting fire to those buildings is peaceful protest.
'Russia, Russia,Russia....'

In 2014 Barry gave the Russians uranium, Crimea, and permission to 'interfere' in the US (which included extortion, bribing, attempts to hack our power grid, etc...)...and in exchange Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria...yet moved his own forces in to make sure Al-Assad and Syria were NEVER in any real danger.

That officially qualifies as going off the deep end, and landing in the shallow end of the gene pool.
The FBI?

The same FBI that paid a foreign ex-spy to acquire Russian Intel Service-authored Propaganda tha tBarry and his administration used as the foundation for Barry's failed attempted political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally and treasonously remove a President of the united States from office.....

The same FBI the FISA Court proved has Un-Constitutionally and Illegally spied on EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition party candidates, and a newly-elected US President and his team - for DECADES under Mueller and Comey....

The same FBI proven to have tried to hide evidence of this from the FISA Court under direction of current FBI Director Wray...

The same FBI proven to have withheld evidence the President of the United States was innocent during a failed treasonous Impeachment attempt...

The same FBI that attempted to hide the fact that it, DHS, and the Treasuryt Department has physical, financial, eye-witness / whistleblower evidence of the Biden Family financial crimes and scandals, to include Influence Peddling, Russian Money-Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP....

The same FBI that warned both the Capitol Police and Pelosi in advance that extremists, to include Antifa, had planned the 6 January Capitol violence in advance and were showing up to DC to 'wage war'.....after which both the Capitol Police and Pelosi did nothing to prevent, protect the Capitol or people inside.....

The FBI, to include the current Director, have proven themselves to be rogue criminals, traitors, and threats to both the US and American citizens.

The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.

'Russia, Russia,Russia....'

In 2014 Barry gave the Russians uranium, Crimea, and permission to 'interfere' in the US (which included extortion, bribing, attempts to hack our power grid, etc...)...and in exchange Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria...yet moved his own forces in to make sure Al-Assad and Syria were NEVER in any real danger.

Barry's FBI learned of Hillary's plan to use Russian propaganda against Trump....and instead f stepping in and stopping it, evidence shows Barry and his FBI paid / used a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy to deliver Russian Intel Agency propaganda they knowingly, intentionally used as the foundation for their Un-Constitutional / Illegal FISA Court abuses / warrants and the foundation for Barry's failed coup attempt.

Barry owes Russia thanks / credit his entire opportunity to attempt his failed coup attempt. Without that Russian-authored propaganda they had nothing on which to base their claims to need the illegal warrants / spying.

Now Biden is going to act pissed / tough about how Russia 'interfered' against Biden? Did Biden truly believe the Russians were his and Barry's buds after providing them Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda against Trump? The CCP, who has given Democrats literally BILLIONS of dollars, and Russians who have helped them - like Swalwell - are NOT friends of ANY America. They don't 'like' Democrats or the GOP - theywant to see the entire country fall.

Biden was ok when Russia was facilitating / fueling Barry's coup attempt but was shocked to find the 'dog' 'bit' him and Democrats, too?!


LOLOL.. How do you do it? The Uranium One mining operation in the US is TINY an owned by a Canadian. He wanted to sell his operations overseas and the buyer had to take the US mines off his hands to get the deal. NO US uranium can be shipped out of the country.
No, it’s just hilarious to see the left call it “insurrection” to discharge a fire extinguisher, yet throwing Molotov cocktails at court houses and police is “peaceful protesting”.
Barricading people in federal buildings and setting fire to those buildings is peaceful protest.
Where you fail is to see that the definition of insurrection requires they occupy and disrupt the actions of government.. The court rooms were not evacuated, but the halls of congress were.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
Please provide an example of an unarmed insurrection that has ever happened in world history. Thank you.
ShortBus, that's a strawman. Even if it never happened before, and I didn't bother to look for one, that doesn't negate the fact that this was one. An insurrection is a violent uprising against a government. That's what this was. It was an attempt to "stop the steal." To prevent Biden from being the certified winner of the election and to install the loser of the election in his place.
So you have to go into ad Hominems all the time? Have there been many violent uprisings without weapons? You are such an OCD ridden fat fuck.
No, it’s just hilarious to see the left call it “insurrection” to discharge a fire extinguisher, yet throwing Molotov cocktails at court houses and police is “peaceful protesting”.
Barricading people in federal buildings and setting fire to those buildings is peaceful protest.
Where you fail is to see that the definition of insurrection requires they occupy and disrupt the actions of government.. The court rooms were not evacuated, but the halls of congress were.
You are a democrat. An enemy of all Americans. The courtrooms were not evacuated BECAUSE THE DOORS WE BARRICADED SHUT FROM THE OUTSIDE.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
Please provide an example of an unarmed insurrection that has ever happened in world history. Thank you.

There are weapons besides guns. You can do a lot of damage with a golf club.
So you have to go into ad Hominems all the time? Have there been many violent uprisings without weapons? You are such an OCD ridden fat fuck.
The insurrectionists had weapons, even if not armed with firearms. They were weapons none the less.
Where you fail is to see that the definition of insurrection requires they occupy and disrupt the actions of government.. The court rooms were not evacuated, but the halls of congress were.
You are a democrat. An enemy of all Americans. The courtrooms were not evacuated BECAUSE THE DOORS WE BARRICADED SHUT FROM THE OUTSIDE.
Is that your way of surrendering to the fact that the BLM riots weren't insurrection, while the attack on congress on january 6th was?
The FBI?

The same FBI that paid a foreign ex-spy to acquire Russian Intel Service-authored Propaganda tha tBarry and his administration used as the foundation for Barry's failed attempted political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally and treasonously remove a President of the united States from office.....

The same FBI the FISA Court proved has Un-Constitutionally and Illegally spied on EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition party candidates, and a newly-elected US President and his team - for DECADES under Mueller and Comey....

The same FBI proven to have tried to hide evidence of this from the FISA Court under direction of current FBI Director Wray...

The same FBI proven to have withheld evidence the President of the United States was innocent during a failed treasonous Impeachment attempt...

The same FBI that attempted to hide the fact that it, DHS, and the Treasuryt Department has physical, financial, eye-witness / whistleblower evidence of the Biden Family financial crimes and scandals, to include Influence Peddling, Russian Money-Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP....

The same FBI that warned both the Capitol Police and Pelosi in advance that extremists, to include Antifa, had planned the 6 January Capitol violence in advance and were showing up to DC to 'wage war'.....after which both the Capitol Police and Pelosi did nothing to prevent, protect the Capitol or people inside.....

The FBI, to include the current Director, have proven themselves to be rogue criminals, traitors, and threats to both the US and American citizens.

The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.

'Russia, Russia,Russia....'

In 2014 Barry gave the Russians uranium, Crimea, and permission to 'interfere' in the US (which included extortion, bribing, attempts to hack our power grid, etc...)...and in exchange Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria...yet moved his own forces in to make sure Al-Assad and Syria were NEVER in any real danger.

Barry's FBI learned of Hillary's plan to use Russian propaganda against Trump....and instead f stepping in and stopping it, evidence shows Barry and his FBI paid / used a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy to deliver Russian Intel Agency propaganda they knowingly, intentionally used as the foundation for their Un-Constitutional / Illegal FISA Court abuses / warrants and the foundation for Barry's failed coup attempt.

Barry owes Russia thanks / credit his entire opportunity to attempt his failed coup attempt. Without that Russian-authored propaganda they had nothing on which to base their claims to need the illegal warrants / spying.

Now Biden is going to act pissed / tough about how Russia 'interfered' against Biden? Did Biden truly believe the Russians were his and Barry's buds after providing them Russian Intel Service (RIS) propaganda against Trump? The CCP, who has given Democrats literally BILLIONS of dollars, and Russians who have helped them - like Swalwell - are NOT friends of ANY America. They don't 'like' Democrats or the GOP - theywant to see the entire country fall.

Biden was ok when Russia was facilitating / fueling Barry's coup attempt but was shocked to find the 'dog' 'bit' him and Democrats, too?!


LOLOL.. How do you do it? The Uranium One mining operation in the US is TINY an owned by a Canadian. He wanted to sell his operations overseas and the buyer had to take the US mines off his hands to get the deal. NO US uranium can be shipped out of the country.
Perhaps you should research and read the many threads on this in the past and all of the many links and wealth of evidence / substantiating evidence to educate yourself before attempting to wade into waters that are clearly over your head.
So you have to go into ad Hominems all the time? Have there been many violent uprisings without weapons? You are such an OCD ridden fat fuck.
The insurrectionists had weapons, even if not armed with firearms. They were weapons none the less.
Have there been any insurrections with “weapons” they carried? It was a mostly peaceful protest as defined by leftists. Hell BLM burned down a police station and no one called that an insurrection.

Attempting to burn federal agents alive
by torching a federal building is NOT
'terrorism' or an 'Insurrection' ...


Taking 'Selfies' In the Capitol IS...

Perhaps you should research and read the many threads on this in the past and all of the many links and wealth of evidence / substantiating evidence to educate yourself before attempting to wade into waters that are clearly over your head.

And now that there is the benefit of hindsight, the claim in those threads that US uranium would be exported to Russia has been completely debunked with historical facts.
Have there been any insurrections with “weapons” they carried? It was a mostly peaceful protest as defined by leftists. Hell BLM burned down a police station and no one called that an insurrection.
Breaking down the doors of congress with a battering ram is "peaceful"

Knock knock - Who's there?

So you have to go into ad Hominems all the time? Have there been many violent uprisings without weapons? You are such an OCD ridden fat fuck.
The insurrectionists had weapons, even if not armed with firearms. They were weapons none the less.
Have there been any insurrections with “weapons” they carried? It was a mostly peaceful protest as defined by leftists. Hell BLM burned down a police station and no one called that an insurrection.
The burn loot murder chant

Every city every town burn the precincts to the ground.

But the communists want us to clutch pearls over a few unarmed people protesting a stolen election.

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