FBI: Shocking New Footage of January 6th Insurrection...America's Men in Uniform Attacked

And @Mac-7--the one who says that conservatives don't support these felons--won't have a word to say about it.
On the contrary

I have condemned anyone who committed violence
Have you condemned their enablers and the ones that cheer the violence?


As for my posts on the subject of looting and violence...

The looting is thugs being thugs; taking an opportunity to be thugs. It has nothing to do with anything other than animals taking advantage of a situation.

Looting and violence is never the answer...but I can see why the black community has no faith in the authorities.

Enhanced [charges] because violence during a state of emergency carries more of an impact. Trespassing on a normal day is inconvenient. Trespassing when there is civil unrest....

I'd recommend a week's stay in jail for each person arrested while the manpower of the constabulary is stretched and cannot process the paperwork for bonds...LOL. I'd also recommend enhancing the charges up one grade. B-MISD becomes A-MISD for example. There is ZERO reason for looting.

Then you would know I don't support looting and rioting. Instead, you're just too lazy and stupid.

I do not support looting and rioting. Demonstrating...yes. You're just too lazy to research the opinions of others.

I look forward to you honoring your supposed principles and condemning theHawk very soon.

Yeah...we both know you're too much of a coward to speak ill of other cult members.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.
So what do you think the purpose for the riot was? Was it not to stop the legitimate transfer of power to a duly elected successor?
It certainly wasn't an attempt to overthrow the government. Do you really believe ANY insurrection can occur in the US without shots being fired and the backing of the military? They were pissed about the election results and the protest turned into a riot. ANYONE rioting that day and entering the capitol building needs to be prosecuted. So should the rioters all across the nation for the last year and those caused 20 deaths and 1 billion dollars; in many cities they were directed at government buildings and facilities. Were those acts of insurrection too? I dont believe there was any thought of overthrowing the government at the capitol riot.

You should put on the proper shoes when you tap dance like that....

So they decided to riot at the capitol on the day that just happens to be the same day where the Vice President is certifying the electoral votes. It was all just a big coincidence.

You can't possibly be that brainwashed. Hell, lol what am I saying. Of course you are.

Don't worry...they're all going to be prosecuted. Hopefully they will all be sent to the FDX Supermax on Midway Island. What FDX Supermax? you say...the one we should build just for them. It would really cut down on the visitors and make their life that much more miserable. And for the ones eventually charged with and convicted of killing Sicknick...a nice sharp needle. If we're going to have this death penalty...THIS is exactly who you break it out for.
Farting in an elevator is more dangerous than this fire extinguisher stuff. Only alarmists make a big deal out of petty bullshit like this.
You have lost your arguments to defend Trump's homegrown domestic terrorists., however, it will not be official until they begin recieving convictions for their crimes.
ya, and your side has antifa the street militants of the dems. But they get a pass.
My side? Only cowardly weak assholes need profiling and stereotyping like you are doing.
Let's do a bit of Country Buffet'g. TGIF verson. Breakfast version.
I pulled bunch of quotes from this 4 page thread. Several of them from the same poster. Nearly ALL of the observations by both sides (Insurrection-yes/no ) have been pretty well autopsied on a whole handful of threads over the few weeks I've lurked on this gossipboard.

Still, I welcome the thread. The topic of that January 6th "lovefest" (Don Trump's words, not mine) is of keen interest to my poor avatar. And I AM thoroughly enjoying the various newsfeeds about the 'Hunt for the Fatboy Jackass Patriots......and the progress as one or another gets turned in by a friend or workmate. That's fun stuff ....to see dangerous knuckleheads get run to ground.

So, let's take a look (again) at some of the sentiments about that 'lovefest'-thingy (ps..Don Trump's word, not mine.)

".... it’s just hilarious to see the left call it “insurrection” to discharge a fire extinguisher
The video is of a man discharging a fire extinguisher."
"Why are they looking for for a dude who used a fire extinguisher?"

Well, it looked like a fire extinguisher from the camera angle, but......but I suppose if I was a cop looking up and suddenly a cloud of chemicals came showering down on me I'd be, rather, ummmm, 'concerned'. Who knows what da hell was in that cloud?
So, poster Hawk or Godboy....do this: Go to your local police precinct station. Take your fire-extinguisher. Keep it hidden until you are in a position to spray the receptionist and/or desk sergeant. Report back on whether they took it as a threat.
The capitol riot was indeed a riot and wrong but it was not an insurrection.
.............. It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government.

Golly, that bit of fabulism has been sliced & diced so often I'm not sure I can add to the salad. But let's try:

1. Participants violently entered the nation's Capitol by breaking down doors and windows. Savagely beating law enforcement officers in their way.

2. They stated they were there to 'Hang Mike Pence'; 'shoot in the friggin' head' --Nancy Pelosi. The two individuals who happen be the next in line of succession to the Presidency.

3. The stated their intention to stop the the counting of EC votes that was widely expected to officially end their preferred candidate term of office.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a____________.

many of those arrested in DC have been identified as BLM and Antifa activists
...................Try looking up John Sullivan and then go from there

It has already been asked of Boomer61: Prove it.
Show us credible sourcing of the many other activists arrested you claim are ANTIFA. Your claim is nonsense and a fabulist's fiction.

John Sullivan was promptly rejected by both BLM or whoever da hell speaks for the amorphous ANTIFA....as in any way affiliated with either group. In fact, he, along with is brother are 'demonstration gadflies', 'groupies'. Shortly before the 'lovefest'........they attended a white supremacists' rally.

There is much more to comment on. But, as has been said...... it is already pretty well plowed ground.
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Have you condemned their enablers and the ones that cheer the violence?
no, because we dont know who the enablers are

george soros could have funded some of the instigators

no responsible person has cheered the violence except for maybe a few radical libs who see political advantage for biden

and they are certainly not responsible people
As of June 22, 2020, police have made 14,000 arrests in 49 cities since the protests began, with most arrests being locals charged with low-level offenses such as violating curfews or blocking roadways.
You might want to check into how many had the charges dropped and prosecutions denied. In Portland alone that number is over 1000.
What's your point? That they were arrested with little or no evidence they actually committed a crime, and were subsequently released?

The hundreds of insurrectionist arrested due to January 6th, have evidence of their crimes documented on video before they were arrested or charged.
There is full video evidence of the rioters in Portland, Atlanta, Minnesota and the other cities, it was livestreamed nightly. So much so that the rioters themselves told other rioters to stop streaming. The liberal prosecutors are deciding not to prosecute the obvious crimes. My point is that it only matters when they can claim it was conservatives, hell many of those arrested in DC have been identified as BLM and Antifa activists but there is no mention of them in the news at all.
Prove many of those arrested in DC were identified as BLM and Antifa.....
Try looking up John Sullivan and then go from there, do your own research honestly and there's more chance you believe it.

You said there were "many" BLM AND Antifa.

You found one.


Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Yeah, @Hawk is really upset at the clubbing of police officers. It is noteworthy that you aren't addressing him about the nonchalance
I suspect your side has cried wolf enough times that the Hawk doesnt take any lib bs seriously anymore

If you want to hold our attention stop calling it an insurrection as if libs havent been doing the same thing for the past year all over America
Somehow, I suspect the courts are not going to be quite as forgiving with these insurrectionists as you rightards are.
The courts are packed with Commie style judges now with agendas.
How many commie judges did Trump appoint??

85 million Trump voters? What planet are you on??
Biden got 84 million votes. Trump followers always have to pretend that Trump got more votes than Biden.
I don't know for sure that they're pretending. They have their own reality. Literally.

You're not going to get through to most of them. At least not yet.
Try not ever. They're so brainwashed, they're never returning to reality.
This is one of the "men" they are looking for:

View attachment 469566

Perfect symbol of Trump's America...an idiot breaking the law.

Where have you linked and posted pictures of the BLM and Antifa anarchists and insurrectionists that destroyed court houses, precincts, cities, businesses. burned and smashed police cruisers, beat innocent bystanders, and actually injured and killed police officers? Bet you were the first on here to post all their pics right??? Hypocrites are disgusting, you should really do something to improve your character. Just the fact that you can get on a message board and expect to be taken seriously when the only violence that you point out is 'violence' done by your political enemies, while ignoring violence a thousand times worse on your own side, says all anyone needs to know about your integrity. You have none.
85 million Trump voters? What planet are you on??
Biden got 84 million votes. Trump followers always have to pretend that Trump got more votes than Biden.
I don't know for sure that they're pretending. They have their own reality. Literally.

You're not going to get through to most of them. At least not yet.
Try not ever. They're so brainwashed, they're never returning to reality.
Well, what I'm hoping for is that enough of them peel away so that the nuttiest of the nutty can return to where they belong, the fringe.

It'll definitely take a while, with their alternate universe still filling them with misinformation and paranoia 24/7/365.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
Please provide an example of an unarmed insurrection that has ever happened in world history. Thank you.
85 million Trump voters? What planet are you on??
Biden got 84 million votes. Trump followers always have to pretend that Trump got more votes than Biden.
I don't know for sure that they're pretending. They have their own reality. Literally.

You're not going to get through to most of them. At least not yet.
Try not ever. They're so brainwashed, they're never returning to reality.
Well, what I'm hoping for is that enough of them peel away so that the nuttiest of the nutty can return to where they belong, the fringe.

It'll definitely take a while, with their alternate universe still filling them with misinformation and paranoia 24/7/365.
Doubtful. There were Truthers. Then there were Birthers. Now there are these freaks. Like the others, they never return to reality. At best, they just become too embarrassed to talk about it publicly any more.
Have you condemned their enablers and the ones that cheer the violence?
no, because we dont know who the enablers are

george soros could have funded some of the instigators

no responsible person has cheered the violence except for maybe a few radical libs who see political advantage for biden

and they are certainly not responsible people

You're as dishonest as your delusional. Fuck off.
This is one of the "men" they are looking for:

View attachment 469566

Perfect symbol of Trump's America...an idiot breaking the law.

Where have you linked and posted pictures of the BLM and Antifa anarchists and insurrectionists that destroyed court houses, precincts, cities, businesses. burned and smashed police cruisers, beat innocent bystanders, and actually injured and killed police officers? Bet you were the first on here to post all their pics right??? Hypocrites are disgusting, you should really do something to improve your character. Just the fact that you can get on a message board and expect to be taken seriously when the only violence that you point out is 'violence' done by your political enemies, while ignoring violence a thousand times worse on your own side, says all anyone needs to know about your integrity. You have none.

You can look at my posting history from earlier today to see how wrong you are.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
Please provide an example of an unarmed insurrection that has ever happened in world history. Thank you.
ShortBus, that's a strawman. Even if it never happened before, and I didn't bother to look for one, that doesn't negate the fact that this was one. An insurrection is a violent uprising against a government. That's what this was. It was an attempt to "stop the steal." To prevent Biden from being the certified winner of the election and to install the loser of the election in his place.

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