FBI: Shocking New Footage of January 6th Insurrection...America's Men in Uniform Attacked

This is one of the "men" they are looking for:

View attachment 469566

Perfect symbol of Trump's America...an idiot breaking the law.

Where have you linked and posted pictures of the BLM and Antifa anarchists and insurrectionists that destroyed court houses, precincts, cities, businesses. burned and smashed police cruisers, beat innocent bystanders, and actually injured and killed police officers? Bet you were the first on here to post all their pics right??? Hypocrites are disgusting, you should really do something to improve your character. Just the fact that you can get on a message board and expect to be taken seriously when the only violence that you point out is 'violence' done by your political enemies, while ignoring violence a thousand times worse on your own side, says all anyone needs to know about your integrity. You have none.

That one's a Democrat.....they lie about everything.

Nor did she mention that evert rioter, arsonist, anarko-communist, Biden voter arrested, was released by Democrat judges, DAs and prosecutors.
The burn loot murder chant

Every city every town burn the precincts to the ground.

But the communists want us to clutch pearls over a few unarmed people protesting a stolen election.

Those unarmed people took up weapons they used against the capitol police, and were going to use against the members of congress, and the vice president.

They actually succeeded in shutting down a constitutional function of congress, disrupting the counting of electoral ballots, and forcing congressmen to surrender the halls of congress.

And that hasn't happened since 1812.
And now that there is the benefit of hindsight, the claim in those threads that US uranium would be exported to Russia has been completely debunked with historical facts.
Link or LIE.

The FBI discovered the Russians were intimidating, bribing, extorting politicians and nuclear commission members to ensure the deal to sell uranium to a foreign company went through. Later the Demo fats changed the rules preventing uranium to leave the US...it went to Canada, after which it found its way to Europe and into the hands of the Russians.

Hillary and US AG Holder sat on the board whose job it was to approve or deny the transaction - they KNEW / had been briefed on the Russian crimes...and they sat on it. They never briefed the rest of the committee about it...and voted for the sale to go through.

The only thing that was debunked are your lies.

More violent Trump Traitors to hunt down!

let's get the videos of the Ferguson riots, Portland, Minnesota and all other cities antifa and BLM looted and destroyed, why are those police not afforded the same dignity?

The most shocking of the footage is a man walking overhead to flank a group of cops and innocents and dousing them with chemicals in an attempt to choke and kill our men and women in Blue. But that was not all! Insurrectionist footage was just released of men kicking a man in uniform as he lay on the ground struggling to fend off the attackers.

Federal prosecutors have also filed charges against Thomas Sibick, who allegedly participated in the brutal assault of DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone. Prosecutors said Sibick was seen on police body-camera footage assaulting Fanone while he lay on the ground outside the Capitol during the riot.

Rioters told a nearby group to "kill him with his own gun" as they attempted to pull his gun from his holster to execute him

There is NOTHING shocking about any of this after watching a year and a half of leftist thugs terrorize American cities and their neighborhoods.

Your FAKE ASS OUTRAGE is duly noted loser
View attachment 469698
Attempting to burn federal agents alive
by torching a federal building is NOT
'terrorism' or an 'Insurrection' ...

It's terrorism, but it's not insurrection.

Learn your terms. If you don't know the difference 18 USC defines the difference.
then why aren't they rounding up those participants and providing video and pictures? it seems something funny is happening only one way.
And now that there is the benefit of hindsight, the claim in those threads that US uranium would be exported to Russia has been completely debunked with historical facts.
Link or LIE.
That's what I ask of you. I searched for any record of US uranium being exported to Russia, and found ZERO evidence it happened.

In fact, the US put limits on how much of it's own uranium could be enriched in europe (not russia) and then imported back into the US.

Plus 20% of US nuclear fuel, comes from Russia.

let's get the videos of the Ferguson riots, Portland, Minnesota and all other cities antifa and BLM looted and destroyed, why are those police not afforded the same dignity?
What's stopping them? Nothing.
Where Trump supporters screwed the pooch, is they attacked a restricted building, where security cameras were everywhere.
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
Please provide an example of an unarmed insurrection that has ever happened in world history. Thank you.
ShortBus, that's a strawman. Even if it never happened before, and I didn't bother to look for one, that doesn't negate the fact that this was one. An insurrection is a violent uprising against a government. That's what this was. It was an attempt to "stop the steal." To prevent Biden from being the certified winner of the election and to install the loser of the election in his place.

News from this morning...


There was also the shaman freak with a spear. The guy hitting cops with a hockey stick. Police shields and baton wrestled from the cops and then used against them. One guy was actually using a crutch to hit police. And then there's the mob itself. They came close to crushing a cop stuck in a doorway just from the sheer shoving of the mob.
It is shocking.

Conservatives do not condone such behavior

lets give the Fort Pelosi rioters the same punishment that liberals who have been assaulting police across America for the past year got

unfortunately very few leftwing rioters have been held accountable for their actions

we need to put all the miscreants in jail - not just those on 1-6

Apples and Antelopes ^^^.

BLM was mostly peaceful*** and marched to protest the murder by rogue cops of black men; the attack on the Capitol was based on the BIG LIE and Conspiracy Theory of an election stolen.

***Vandalism and Arson were never proved to be the product of the hundreds marching with signs; looting was opportunistic. The murder of the LE officer guarding the Federal Courthouse in Oakland, CA was committed by two white men.

See: Two Charged in Murder of Oakland Federal Officer During Protests

From the Link:

"Steven Carrillo, 32, in a June 7 booking photo. The Air Force sergeant already jailed in the ambush killing of a California sheriff’s deputy was charged Tuesday in the shooting death of a federal security officer outside the U.S. courthouse in Oakland during a night violent protest last month".

It seems the evidence in the killing of LE in this case was a product of Agent Provocateurs seeking to place blame on the BLM protestors
then why aren't they rounding up those participants and providing video and pictures? it seems something funny is happening only one way.

Because there aren't video security cameras on every street pole.

When you attack a restricted building, there are security cameras everywhere.
The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.

Putin recalled the Russian ambassador. Probably because he became like the Maytag repairman. He no longer had anything to do, because without Trump, nobody is making clandestine calls to the embassy any more.
Ya know you're saying this to people who believe Obama was born in Kenya, don'tcha?
It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Oh they were armed all right. They also planted a couple of bombs as a distraction.

It was not an insurrection, a riot yes an insurrection no. There was 0 attempt to overthrow the government. By YOUR definition the Portland riots at the federal courthouse and ICE offices are acts of insurrection.

They stormed the Capitol building of the USA, threatened to kill the vice president and lawmakers, attempted to prevent the Constitutional certification of a presidential election, injured about 140 cops to do so, but in your mind, that's NOT a violent uprising against our government??

What fucking planet are conservatives from?? Apparently not Earth.
I think it's hilarious you actually believe that was the plan. The FBI has already stated that they didn't believe it was an armed insurrection and 0 guns were found during the riot; both of those facts are on record. The only weapon fired was by an officer not a rioter. It definitely was a riot and those involved need to be prosecuted, but it was never an insurrection.

Dumbfuck, they said themselves that was the plan. They chanted, "hang Mike Pence" and "stop the steal."

And I never said it was an "armed insurrection." That would just be you lying again as you attempt to squirm from reality.
Please provide an example of an unarmed insurrection that has ever happened in world history. Thank you.
ShortBus, that's a strawman. Even if it never happened before, and I didn't bother to look for one, that doesn't negate the fact that this was one. An insurrection is a violent uprising against a government. That's what this was. It was an attempt to "stop the steal." To prevent Biden from being the certified winner of the election and to install the loser of the election in his place.
So you have to go into ad Hominems all the time? Have there been many violent uprisings without weapons? You are such an OCD ridden fat fuck.
ShortBus, see post #80.
Perhaps you should research and read the many threads on this in the past and all of the many links and wealth of evidence / substantiating evidence to educate yourself before attempting to wade into waters that are clearly over your head.

And now that there is the benefit of hindsight, the claim in those threads that US uranium would be exported to Russia has been completely debunked with historical facts.

He doesn't now the first thing about Uranium One or Frank Guistra.
The US has always monitored the Soviet/Russian embassies around the world. Trump's people kept calling the embassy.. that's why there were red flags.

Putin recalled the Russian ambassador. Probably because he became like the Maytag repairman. He no longer had anything to do, because without Trump, nobody is making clandestine calls to the embassy any more.
Ya know you're saying this to people who believe Obama was born in Kenya, don'tcha?

I know.. Its like they are dumb to the bone.
let's get the videos of the Ferguson riots, Portland, Minnesota and all other cities antifa and BLM looted and destroyed, why are those police not afforded the same dignity?
What's stopping them? Nothing.
Where Trump supporters screwed the pooch, is they attacked a restricted building, where security cameras were everywhere.
Sure there’s something stopping them, threats from demofks. You aren’t smart enough to see the whole picture

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