FBI Still A Self-Protecting Criminal Organization - Caught Lying / Hiding Documents


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Thursday announced it filed a lawsuit against the FBI for Seth Rich documents.

Recall, Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was murdered in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016.

Seth Rich’s murder has not been solved to this day.

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich,
emails between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered.

Now the FBI is claiming these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened."

FBI Director Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY because the only things he has done since taking over after Comey's firing is:

- Lie his ass off

- Hide as much corruption / crime as he can

- Protect the agency from the American people / transparency and accountability

NEW: Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Seth Rich Documents After They Were Caught Lying to Courts

The FBI and the CIA and those organizations are who keeps America safe by knowing who’s going to attack us.
And hopefully stopping those attacks before they happen.

So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

And at the same time Russia is broadcasting to the world that the United States is their enemy.

I don’t understand how Republicans could vote for this? It’s a determined ignorance of a level that hasn’t been seen since 1930s Germany.
"Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Thursday announced it filed a lawsuit against the FBI for Seth Rich documents.

Recall, Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was murdered in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016.

Seth Rich’s murder has not been solved to this day.

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich,
emails between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered.

Now the FBI is claiming these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened."

FBI Director Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY because the only things he has done since taking over after Comey's firing is:

- Lie his ass off

- Hide as much corruption / crime as he can

- Protect the agency from the American people / transparency and accountability

NEW: Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Seth Rich Documents After They Were Caught Lying to Courts

Wow, you’re so good at repeating Fox News talking points. Amazing!
The FBI and the CIA and those organizations are who keeps America safe by knowing who’s going to attack us.
And hopefully stopping those attacks before they happen.

So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

And at the same time Russia is broadcasting to the world that the United States is their enemy.

I don’t understand how Republicans could vote for this? It’s a determined ignorance of a level that hasn’t been seen since 1930s Germany.

Hey, snowflake....it is completely understandable why you can not bear the pain of sticking to the actual topic of this thread and feel the need to try to hijack it - which is NOT acceptable / allowed on this board.....

but if you really want to compare Trump versus Barry in regards to Russia, PLEASE START A SEPERATE THREAD ON THAT SUBJECT - I WOULD LOVE TO KICK YOUR ASS.....

View attachment 306618

The FBI and the CIA and those organizations are who keeps America safe by knowing who’s going to attack us.
And hopefully stopping those attacks before they happen.

So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

And at the same time Russia is broadcasting to the world that the United States is their enemy.

I don’t understand how Republicans could vote for this? It’s a determined ignorance of a level that hasn’t been seen since 1930s Germany.
I wish we had a non political FBI

But we dont

it became partisan during the obama years
Wow, you’re so good at repeating Fox News talking points. Amazing!
Wow, you are a frightened, tiny, little man...afraid to face reality.

According to the US IG - not the President - the FBI utilized the services of known, lying, biased, double-dealing, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spies to target and attempt to execute Obama's ordered / directed coup against President Trump (according to former NSA Director James 'Perjurer' Clapper).

According to the US IG - again, not the President - the FBI also used the known, false, unverified, Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda Steele delivered / sold to Hillary to conduct FISA Warrant Abuses to illegally spy on Trump and his team....
- Can you say 'Thank you, Vladimir Putin'?!

Using the Russian-authored documents, Obama's agency director 'henchmen' did exactly what they were told to do - again, according to former NSA Director Clapper. The used known false Russian lies, withheld evidence / exculpatory evidence, altered official documents, manufactured false documents / evidence, committed Fraud, Perjury,, Obstruction, Conspiracy against the United States government and the President of the United States, and violated both the Constitution and US laws by illegally spying on Trump and his team....

The Deep State FISA Court, attempting to ensure its own survival and that the Court continues to run criminally as it has, asked the very ones who committed these crimes - the FBI - to come up with a SELF-POLICING plan to make sure they do not repeat the same treasonous crimes they have committed now for over a decade.....

....and now, while FBI Director Wray has assured the FISA Court it can do that with just a few changes within the FBI, Wray and the FBI is busted yet AGAIN for lying, withholding information, Obstruction, redacting information not even classified to protect the FBI from embarrassment and backlash for its crimes...

.....proving Wray has not cleaned up 'shit'. He's just continued the corrupt ./ criminal FBI way of trying to hide it / keep the status quo.


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The FBI and the CIA and those organizations are who keeps America safe by knowing who’s going to attack us.
And hopefully stopping those attacks before they happen.

So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

And at the same time Russia is broadcasting to the world that the United States is their enemy.

I don’t understand how Republicans could vote for this? It’s a determined ignorance of a level that hasn’t been seen since 1930s Germany.
I wish we had a non political FBI

But we dont

it became partisan during the obama years
I think it may have already been on its way prior to that. Waco, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy, etc... are prime examples of the bureaucracy not protecting but damaging for a political (greedy) agenda that is not protecting the God given rights we are supposed to have here.
The FBI and the CIA and those organizations are who keeps America safe by knowing who’s going to attack us.
And hopefully stopping those attacks before they happen.

So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

And at the same time Russia is broadcasting to the world that the United States is their enemy.

I don’t understand how Republicans could vote for this? It’s a determined ignorance of a level that hasn’t been seen since 1930s Germany.
I wish we had a non political FBI

But we dont

it became partisan during the obama years
I think it may have already been on its way prior to that. Waco, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy, etc... are prime examples of the bureaucracy not protecting but damaging for a political (greedy) agenda that is not protecting the God given rights we are supposed to have here.
Or maybe further back than that

J Edgar Hoover was very political
The FBI has become the most powerful, corrupt / criminal secret Fraternity in the world.
The FBI and the CIA and those organizations are who keeps America safe by knowing who’s going to attack us.
And hopefully stopping those attacks before they happen.

So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.

Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister

And at the same time Russia is broadcasting to the world that the United States is their enemy.

I don’t understand how Republicans could vote for this? It’s a determined ignorance of a level that hasn’t been seen since 1930s Germany.
I wish we had a non political FBI

But we dont

it became partisan during the obama years
I think it may have already been on its way prior to that. Waco, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy, etc... are prime examples of the bureaucracy not protecting but damaging for a political (greedy) agenda that is not protecting the God given rights we are supposed to have here.
Or maybe further back than that

J Edgar Hoover was very political
I just mentioned the ones that went down in my adult life. I am sure there are more. We shouldn't have partisans free to make major decisions based on politics in law enforcement for obvious reasons.
"Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Thursday announced it filed a lawsuit against the FBI for Seth Rich documents.

Recall, Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was murdered in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016.

Seth Rich’s murder has not been solved to this day.

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich,
emails between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered.

Now the FBI is claiming these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened."

FBI Director Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY because the only things he has done since taking over after Comey's firing is:

- Lie his ass off

- Hide as much corruption / crime as he can

- Protect the agency from the American people / transparency and accountability

NEW: Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Seth Rich Documents After They Were Caught Lying to Courts


The FBI was corrupt from day one because it was founded by a corrupt blackmailing anti American faggot. And they still have that SOBs name on their building which is a clear sign that they are just fine with being corrupt and they don't care if we know it. They clearly think they are above the law.
I say it should be torn down completely and rebuilt from scratch from the ground up.
With the existing cuture and core of corruption it can never be fixed.
Don’t forget that William Barr has been in charge of the FBI for a while now.
All that conspiracy pushing and he hasn’t been able to find anything.
Don’t forget that William Barr has been in charge of the FBI for a while now.
All that conspiracy pushing and he hasn’t been able to find anything.

The FBI feels they are the ones in charge, and are resisting Barr at every turn.
"Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Thursday announced it filed a lawsuit against the FBI for Seth Rich documents.

Recall, Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was murdered in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016.

Seth Rich’s murder has not been solved to this day.

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich,
emails between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered.

Now the FBI is claiming these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened."

FBI Director Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY because the only things he has done since taking over after Comey's firing is:

- Lie his ass off

- Hide as much corruption / crime as he can

- Protect the agency from the American people / transparency and accountability

NEW: Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Seth Rich Documents After They Were Caught Lying to Courts


Not just this thread,but the other thread that questions CIA involvement in fooling the FBI.

It is now little doubt, that Brennan mislead Comey and Harry Reid to start the Russian collusion/delusion. The reason he HAD to do it is------------>the CIA has no domestic police powers, so he could not do it himself.

That is what is going to come out BEFORE November, watch; along with many of the other countries using their surveillance methods to acquire information on American citizens. This is AGAINST our 5 eyes agreement, period! They can surveil THEIR citizens, but they can NOT surveil ours. Why does anyone think that Mifsud and Downers names keep coming up?!?!?!?!

Why also do you think that the powers that be keep trying to paint Mifsud as a Russian agent?

ANSWER-------------->Because WHEN it is proven he was a Western Intelligence agent, it is also proven that the 5 eyes regulations were broken, AND that the CIA illegally over stepped its bounds, AKA Brennan!
So when Donald Trump stood side-by-side with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and told the world that he believes Putin over all US intelligence agencies, he was telling the world you can trust Russia. But you can’t trust the United States. Because the United States is dishonest and Russia is not.
Trump's supposed to trust the folks in the US intelligence agencies
after the shit they tried to pull off? Get real.

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Anything about Seth Rich from the right wing is bound to be idiotic and this is no different

The entire story is sensationalized to an extreme extent. The source of the story is a claim that the FBI is hiding an investigation into Seth Rich’s death because they found an email from Strzok commenting on it. What they don’t tell you is that they were contacted by the public affairs office because Assange was implying that Seth Ruch was the source. Strzok’s response was that there was no involvement from the FBI in anything relating to it.

Basically the emails they claim prove their conspiracy was right, actually disprove it.
"Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Thursday announced it filed a lawsuit against the FBI for Seth Rich documents.

Recall, Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was murdered in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016.

Seth Rich’s murder has not been solved to this day.

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich,
emails between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered.

Now the FBI is claiming these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened."

FBI Director Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY because the only things he has done since taking over after Comey's firing is:

- Lie his ass off

- Hide as much corruption / crime as he can

- Protect the agency from the American people / transparency and accountability

NEW: Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Seth Rich Documents After They Were Caught Lying to Courts


Not just this thread,but the other thread that questions CIA involvement in fooling the FBI.

It is now little doubt, that Brennan mislead Comey and Harry Reid to start the Russian collusion/delusion. The reason he HAD to do it is------------>the CIA has no domestic police powers, so he could not do it himself.

That is what is going to come out BEFORE November, watch; along with many of the other countries using their surveillance methods to acquire information on American citizens. This is AGAINST our 5 eyes agreement, period! They can surveil THEIR citizens, but they can NOT surveil ours. Why does anyone think that Mifsud and Downers names keep coming up?!?!?!?!

Why also do you think that the powers that be keep trying to paint Mifsud as a Russian agent?

ANSWER-------------->Because WHEN it is proven he was a Western Intelligence agent, it is also proven that the 5 eyes regulations were broken, AND that the CIA illegally over stepped its bounds, AKA Brennan!

Also, THINK, THINK, THINK! This is why Brennan HAD to get the FBI involved by USING his meeting with Harry Reid. He had to get a FISA warrant on SOMEONE in the Trump camp, to justify his surveillance, and those of the 5 eyes partners.

WHY do you think the TRILLION dollar question is----------------> WHEN did the surveillance by other countries start? Before or after the FISAS were issued! It is also EXACTLY why Brennan testified he never heard of the Trump dossier until December of 16, or January of 17, which has been proven FALSE, lol. He had it in May of 16, lol! How did he do that? Enquiring minds want to know-)
Don’t forget that William Barr has been in charge of the FBI for a while now.
All that conspiracy pushing and he hasn’t been able to find anything.
Barr is not in charge of the FBI. Learn something. Oh my bad you don't have enough functioning brain cells to breath and learn.
"Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Thursday announced it filed a lawsuit against the FBI for Seth Rich documents.

Recall, Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was murdered in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016.

Seth Rich’s murder has not been solved to this day.

After getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich,
emails between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered.

Now the FBI is claiming these emails are redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened."

FBI Director Wray should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY because the only things he has done since taking over after Comey's firing is:

- Lie his ass off

- Hide as much corruption / crime as he can

- Protect the agency from the American people / transparency and accountability

NEW: Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Seth Rich Documents After They Were Caught Lying to Courts

You did it again. You had a link that I clicked on and it took me to the gateway pundit. A propagandist website for the brainlessly insane.


The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

Right-wing website founded by Jim Hoft in 2004

The Gateway Pundit is a right-wing website that repeatedly falls for hoaxes, pushes conspiracy theories and smears of Democratic officials, and is an ardent defender of President Donald Trump.

Republican investigation that sought to undermine FBI, Mueller, quietly ended

U.S. inquiry into FBI, Clinton spurred by Republicans ends without results: Washington Post

House GOP quietly ends probe into FBI's 2016 decisions

Republicans were so bummed that all these investigations were put to bed without any charges against Obama or Hillary Clinton or anybody else from the Obama administration. They were so sure there was something there. Donald Trump said so and so did fox and so did gateway pundit and so did Breitbart. But they couldn’t find anything. In fact the only crimes they could find were committed by Republicans.

1. Dems always attempt to trash the source when they can't debunk the facts...

2. STOP attempting to Hijack the thread......
Don’t forget that William Barr has been in charge of the FBI for a while now.

William Barr is the United States Attorney General over the United States Justice Department, NOT the Director of the FBI. Thank you for showing us the reason for your ignorant posts is that you have no clue what you are talking about.

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