FBI to begin tracking animal abuse the same as murder and rape


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
FBI begins tracking animal abuse like it does murder, rape

The FBI will now track animal abuse and abusers the same way they do murder and rape, and hopefully dedicate resources to fight it.

I applaud this move. Those who abuse animals are the scum of the Earth.

There are very few topics that will unite people of all different viewpoints than animal abuse.

I may misquote this but I think it was Ghandi who said a society can be judged by how it treats it's animals.
FBI begins tracking animal abuse like it does murder, rape

The FBI will now track animal abuse and abusers the same way they do murder and rape, and hopefully dedicate resources to fight it.

I applaud this move. Those who abuse animals are the scum of the Earth.

There are very few topics that will unite people of all different viewpoints than animal abuse.

I may misquote this but I think it was Ghandi who said a society can be judged by how it treats it's animals.
I agree, fuck tracking terrorists. I am glad they allocate abundantly available resources to the greatest danger we face.
Animal abuse is an important issue but there a dozen federal agencies and hundreds of state and local agencies dedicated to animal rights. Maybe the FBI was researching German Shepherd abuse in Boston when they failed to investigate the Marathon bombers when Russia gave them the freaking zip code. Maybe the FBI should investigate itself for it's role in the Fast and Furious debacle where no doubt there were plenty of abuses of Mexican wildlife with the tools the FBI and the ATF supplied to drug cartels.
There are these fearless people who manage to get film footage of animal abuse on an industrial scale. The companies and the people they hire that allow this type of shit to go on need to be prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with the FBI getting involved.
There are these fearless people who manage to get film footage of animal abuse on an industrial scale. The companies and the people they hire that allow this type of shit to go on need to be prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with the FBI getting involved.

No problem here either.
Well, let's see: we have the Animal Services people (formerly known as village dog catchers, now with badges) local police (police and sheriff), State Fish and Wildlife, State Police. That's 5 agencies already. Do we need more on the federal level with the 20 trillion debt hanging over our heads?
Well, let's see: we have the Animal Services people (formerly known as village dog catchers, now with badges) local police (police and sheriff), State Fish and Wildlife, State Police. That's 5 agencies already. Do we need more on the federal level with the 20 trillion debt hanging over our heads?

I know what you mean.

But in my opinion the more people and organizations that get involved in the protection of animals.....the better.

I will go to my grave with this strong belief.... in me, it's unshakable and not negotiable. :)
Well, let's see: we have the Animal Services people (formerly known as village dog catchers, now with badges) local police (police and sheriff), State Fish and Wildlife, State Police. That's 5 agencies already. Do we need more on the federal level with the 20 trillion debt hanging over our heads?

I know what you mean.

But in my opinion the more people and organizations that get involved in the protection of animals.....the better.

I will go to my grave with this strong belief.... in me, it's unshakable and not negotiable. :)
Penny saved, penny made.
Oh and by the way I would also recommend an international registry of inhumane towns and cities and countries who practice animal cruelty on a mammoth scale when tourists aren't around.

The drowning of the cattle ritual in Mexico and other countries. It horrific barbarism. Disturbing link.

The running of the booze: Shocking Mexican festival sees bulls plied with alcohol before being unleashedthe town and concludes with them drowning in river
  • Fiesta de la Virgen de la Candelaria honors the Virgin of Candelaria in Feb.
  • During the festival bulls are loaded with booze and set free to cause chaos
  • The bulls are beaten and attacked by drunk locals before they are drowned
  • Thousands of people across the world have signed a petition to end the use of bulls in the festival, which takes place in South and Central America
Festival where bulls are fed booze and drowned happens next month

Or Spain. Warning graphic beyond. Blood fiestas.

"As the official killer of the bull, he had won the right to parade the animal’s coveted ears, tail and testicles around town on a ceremonial spear.

He had also been granted permission to eat the bull’s testicles - widely regarded in Spain as the choicest of all cuts of meat and a rare honour indeed.

In the eyes of many, Marcos Rodríguez San José was truly king for the day.

Casual brutality towards animals is, of course, well known in Spanish bullrings, but the sights I witnessed last Tuesday, during the annual Toro de la Vega ‘blood fiesta’ in Tordesillas, were as sickening as they were brutal."



Spain's sickening 'blood fiestas' make bullfights seem tame - but the most shocking thing about them is YOU'RE paying for them
There are these fearless people who manage to get film footage of animal abuse on an industrial scale. The companies and the people they hire that allow this type of shit to go on need to be prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with the FBI getting involved.

No problem here either.

I support a little known group called Mercy For Animals. They bust major suppliers of meat to well known outlets. I love meat. I have no problem with hunting and fishing and treating a beast or fish with the respect they deserve for the life they have given to me.

I do freaking have a hell of a time dealing with conditions on farms that are cruel and inhumane. Big time.

I really admire these people. Some of their work.

"Criminal Animal Abuse at Perdue Farms
A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation into Perdue Farms—one of the largest poultry producers in the United States—reveals workers cruelly kicking and throwing chickens, and stomping birds to death in clear violation of North Carolina law."

This one was unreal. These people go home to wives and children?

Pregnant pigs confined to filthy, metal gestation crates so small they are unable to even turn around or lie down comfortably Workers slamming conscious piglets headfirst into the ground and leaving them to suffer and slowly die.

Workers ripping out the testicles and slicing off the tails of piglets without the use of any painkillers Sick and injured pigs with severe, bleeding wounds or infections left to suffer without veterinary care"

Some days I'm glad I don't have high speed and I don't see the videos capturing the cruelty. The stills make me want to bazooka barf. The workers are captured beating kicking and stabbing dairy cows.

"Is your milk and cheese the product of blatant animal cruelty?

Every time Mercy For Animals’ undercover investigators go behind the closed doors of dairy factory farms they document widespread acts of animal abuse that shock and horrify most people. Multiple investigations at dairy factory farms across the country have exposed sickening cruelty to animals, including workers viciously beating, stabbing, and dragging sick and injured cows.

These investigations have uncovered:
Workers viciously kicking and punching cows in their faces and bodies, beating them with rakes, and stabbing animals with sharp objects

A “downed” cow being kicked and beaten, having water forcefully sprayed in her face and nostrils, and being dragged by a rope around her neck
Workers using pruning shears to cut through the sensitive skin, nerves, and tailbones of cows without any painkillers"

You bet these people could do with some federal muscle because at the local level no one wants to say jack shit because the industrial farming community pays a lot of local wages.

Really good website.

WATCH: Undercover Investigations Expose Animal Abusers

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