FBI Tortures Proud Boy Member – Kept in Isolation for 23 Hours a Day while awaiting trial for bashing window out at US Capitol – faces 20 Years in p


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

The irony that this guy was fighting on behalf of folks like Rudy Giuliani, who was an enthusiast for actual torture...
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

Yeah I believe his claims of torture about as much as I believe the chinese muslim terrorists' claims of torture.
Meanwhile.....in real life....

And none of these right wing cowards will say a word....why??

Because the person being brutalized in custody to the point of death isn't a right wing ammosexual cuck
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

Liberals only pretend to care about civil rights, when it can be used as a weapon against their partisan enemies.


I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

I read the post with the alarmist headline and the right wing Pundit site, thinking of tales of water boarding or electrodes to the gonads. Nope. Just a story about some criminals (held possibly in isolation, possibly not) that participated in the trump insurrectionist attack on the capital in attempt to overthrow free elections. Who cares? Nobody arrested that did not attack the capital after Donny invited them to the stop steal rally. The arrestees are just common thugs that were not raised well enough to know that we will not put up with that kind of attack on our capital and democracy itself. Tough sh#t for them. The systematically stupid always fall to their own over reach. Guess we will keep free elections and abide by the results, while they pay their debts to society. Probably their stupidity will discourage trusting another Thug-N-Chief to be nationally elected anytime soon, as that party wears it like a choke collar for years to come.
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

How was he tortured?
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

This is a police state. Outright oppression.
And Democrat voters think this is justified.
Outrageous to the extreme but that is what a socialist/marxist regime will do to conservative patriots if they get the opportunity.

It is time for all conservatives to get politically active....do not stay home whilst others are out there working to restore the America we all at one time knew and grew up with.

To make America Great again all conservatives must get involved.

How was he tortured?

Long term solitary confinement is inhumane.

As far as this crime is concerned, I am totally opposed to people breaking windows in institutional buildings. But this is far greater than what they would ever do to black youths nabbed throwing bricks at the windows of a local school.

All I ever ask for is equity.
Long term solitary confinement is inhumane.

23 hours is long term solitary confinement?

What kind of sissy boy is this guy?

The man should just be released ROR.

Breaking a window isn't a capital fucking crime.

But if you do insist on incarcerating someone, you allow them to chill in the yard in gen pop instead of isolation, at least until the person shows that they can't behave in a group setting.

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