FBI Tortures Proud Boy Member – Kept in Isolation for 23 Hours a Day while awaiting trial for bashing window out at US Capitol – faces 20 Years in p

There seems to be a huge amount of denial on the parts of the Qbots on this thread. Nothing justifies the actions that these thugs took on the 6th.
Nothing at all.
The GOP is now seemingly tied in to the "we wuz robbed" mantra that trump and his family are parroting.
Americans are collectively too smart to swallow that nonsense and its difficult to see how they can win on that platform.
Unless Joe does something crazy the Dems look solid for some time to come.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.
There seems to be a huge amount of denial on the parts of the Qbots on this thread. Nothing justifies the actions that these thugs took on the 6th.
Nothing at all.
The GOP is now seemingly tied in to the "we wuz robbed" mantra that trump and his family are parroting.
Americans are collectively too smart to swallow that nonsense and its difficult to see how they can win on that platform.
Unless Joe does something crazy the Dems look solid for some time to come.
what is Q?
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.

Quit making lame excuses for his failures.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.

Quit making lame excuses for his failures.

You want to discuss things here on this discussion forum, or do you just want to scream "Orange Man Bad" like a bad meme?
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.

Quit making lame excuses for his failures.

You want to discuss things here on this discussion forum, or do you just want to scream "Orange Man Bad" like a bad meme?

He failed. Simple fact.
The FBI has quite the track record. They murdered dozens of women and children in Waco.

Aren't you the guy who says they wouldn't have had a problem if they weren't breaking the law. The same applies to the people in Waco.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.

Quit making lame excuses for his failures.

You want to discuss things here on this discussion forum, or do you just want to scream "Orange Man Bad" like a bad meme?

You're the one you never discusses anything, just praises Donald Trump. Regardless of what he does, Trump can do no wrong in your eyes.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.

Quit making lame excuses for his failures.

You want to discuss things here on this discussion forum, or do you just want to scream "Orange Man Bad" like a bad meme?

He failed. Simple fact.

He did more than anyone for a long, long time. And initial results were encouraging.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

1. The illegals on the southern border are violating our Right to Sovereignty. I want them to go home. Abuses?

2. I have been clear in my condemnation of the riot on 1/6, just like all the hundreds of others over the last 5 years.

3. Your support of torture is you being the hypocrite. Your are the ones that give your own a pass and whine like a faggot when it is useful for you to do so.

What bullshit. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor - like jaywalking. There were rapes, forced sterlizations, and sending toddlers into court with no legal representation.

Start with separating nursing babies from their mothers with no intention to reuniting the families. Thousands of children were lost. There's a President's Task Force working on re-uniting these families now.

Everyone involved in these criminal acts which violate the Constitution rights of these families, but which any decent human being would find despicable, should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Google it you lazy asshole!!

Millions of people purposefully overwhelming a system in the hopes of forcing them to release them unvetted into our society, the results of that action is on them, the people that took the action.

THat we do not punish the crime harshly, does not mean it is not a violation of our civil rights as Americans.

If some can break the laws then I say all can.

Does that apply to murder and rape?

I said what I said and I support that. I do not believe in a justice system that only applies to some.

If that is what we are going to do I support it all coming apart.

And replace it with what? A perfect system where all criminals are caught?

Your excuse for wanting to give some criminals a pass now, makes no sense.

Where we don't ignore thousands breaking the law. But you knew that already.

It is taboo to look at illegals and suspect they are illegal just based on their appearance or the fact that they don't speak english or that they admit to being here illegally.

That is not the system's fault but the fault of liberals.

Trump could do far more than that.

He was vilified hysterically for the little he actually did.

So he was just a pussy not able to take anyone condemning his actions? He could only do something if everyone said how much they loved him for doing it?

He didn't take it for walking away from getting agreements from China and Iran? For his Socialist bail out programs? For his incessant tweeting?

Not at all what I said. You must be very convinced that your position is wrong, to have to misrepresent what I said so badly.

It is what you said.

Nothing I said, justified your response in the slightest.

Your preconceived notions are drowning out reality inside your head.

Quit making lame excuses for his failures.

You want to discuss things here on this discussion forum, or do you just want to scream "Orange Man Bad" like a bad meme?

You're the one you never discusses anything, just praises Donald Trump. Regardless of what he does, Trump can do no wrong in your eyes.

YOur delusional raving is noted and dismissed.
I wanted to read this and take it seriously but before I get to the story I read where they are still trying to blame this on Antifa.

Never mind, not interested. Pick a better source.

Imagine the credibility you would have, if you took a stand for the civil rights of a Proud Boy.

Find me a link not trying to blame this on antifa.

The topic is a Proud Boy being tortured with isolation. That other people think that other side agitators might have been the instigators, is irrelevant to whether or not THIS individual is being tortured and the civil rights implications.

The fact that your response to the torture of your political enemies is to try to change the subject...

is that really the tact you want to take?

You really can't just come down against that?

How has he been "tortured"?
How has he been "tortured"?
By being denied access to slim Jims and Mountain Dew. Inhumane and appalling!

Ridiculing the accusation of torture is supporting the torture.

You certainly had no problem ridiculing the abuses of refugees on the Southern Border, or their deaths. You certainly had no problem with the beatings of deaths or the police officers at the Capitol that day.

Quite frankly, your statements here show you to be the total hypocrite you've always been. As long as Trump or your side does a thing, no matter how illegal, immoral or odious, you defend it. When caught, you scream like a stuck pig about the unfairness of it all.

Stop whining like a little bitch. It you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

You nailed the bitch.
Uh oh!

Outstanding! Thanks for the link. Anybody that wants to attack our country and our elections from outside or from within the United States deserve the sh#tty life they have chose for themselves. I feel no charity for their over reaching stupidity. They should be planning for deals on cigarettes and soap on a rope, as far as I'm concerned.
Unless its dominion software they get a free pass. Go fly a kite.
Uh oh!

Outstanding! Thanks for the link. Anybody that wants to attack our country and our elections from outside or from within the United States deserve the sh#tty life they have chose for themselves. I feel no charity for their over reaching stupidity. They should be planning for deals on cigarettes and soap on a rope, as far as I'm concerned.
Unless its dominion software they get a free pass. Go fly a kite.
It was not Dominion software. That puny kraken washed ashore, dead months ago. Now they may prosecute or dis barre the lawyers that sold you that bill of goods, while unable or unwilling to charge that fraud in open court. If you want it more secure, HR-1 requires a backup paper ballot that can be reviewed by the voter at time of voting, cross-matched to that particular vote and procedures for handling and accounting. Funny how the republicans never cared about securing the vote before, at least not enough to put uniform policies and procedures in place to prevent the problem. So, now you will have to look to the democrats to secure elections. Only trouble with that is they will also insure access to voting, to all legal Americans of voting age, whether they vote as you do or not.
Havent clicked a gate way pun dit link in years. What a joke.
Not Equity.
Equity is just another word for social justice...which means socialism....which means the transfer of our wealth to blacks and illegals.

Okay. So what if that's what people vote for?

While it's nice to see you be open about your bigotry, the reality is that the 1% who control 43% of the wealth did not do 43% of the labor to create it.

The one thing that this pandemic proved is the inequities of our system. The lowest paid workers were deemed "essential" and forced to work at the hospitals and grocery stores at minimal wages, while the more well-off were allowed to work from home or given enhanced unemployment benefits when they were laid off.

We all became "socialists" when they passed the first relief bill.
Havent clicked a gate way pun dit link in years. What a joke.

You are the joke on this board and most know it.

Gateway Pundit is legitimate has gotten awards and a lot of scoops.

Liberals do not like it since it exposes them .....on the other hand CNN leads the way with fake news stories.

Anyhow to each his own....media dupes can watch CNN all they want and remain propagandized.

Those who want the truth stay away from most T.V. news and go to conservative news sites.

But to present a cogent argument regarding your belief about Gateway Pundit you need to post some stories they have done that are false.

Then I could com back with all the fake news presented by CNN.......

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

So it goes another day on a message board. hehheh

P.S. You would do well to remember the golden rule of message boards.....attack the message ....not the messenger.
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