FBI warns of anarchist plot to ambush cops on Halloween

...I read it. They cite the NEW YORK POST as their source. This is a wire story that was picked up...
Wrong again.

They picked up the feed, alright, but obtained independent confirmation.

...The FBI has issued an alert to law enforcement about a possible "Halloween Revolt" by a dangerous anarchist group, an official has confirmed to CBS News...

You lose.

...And.....the reference to a New Black Liberation Militia isn't in the CBS feed. That's where the OP used the racist media. That's not the Post...

It's NOT in the report by either the NY Post nor CBS.

That was the entire point of the exercise... pointing out that the media did not utilize the word 'Black' in the name of the threatening organization.

So, I asked the questions found in my original post in this thread.

Highlighting Nos. (2) and (4) as the keys to validating or setting aside the claim, re: media bias or journalistic cowardice.

I did not say that the media was guilty.

I said that the answers to (2) and (4) would give us the answer to the media bias-cowardice accusation.

Do you have those answers?

I don't.

It's why I asked the questions.

...You are a dupe.
Given that I merely articulated the conditions by which the original claim of media bias could be validated or set aside, I fail to see how your rock-throwing has even a nodding acquaintance with either Truth or Accuracy.

Rather, it strikes me as far more likely, that anyone who immediately takes-on an Attack-Dog stance, without evaluating what it actually being said, is far more likely to be judged a Dupe, than the target of your baseless rock-throwing.

Epic Fail.


In truth, you're not as good at this as you'd like to believe, methinks.

...Dupe. Where is the evidence that the FBI has warned of a Halloween revolt by any militia group.......including the New Black Liberation Militia? Do yourself a favor. When the sources that support your claim include "Stormfront" and "Liberty News"........stop and think.......then take a shower......and then think some more. What has certainly happened here.....is that the Post published a bogus story and the white supremacist media outlets did some special research and linked the "New Black Liberation Militia" to said bogus story. Dupe.

Read 'em & weep, sweet-cheeks...

CBS News isn't exactly Storm Front, now, is it?

Epic Fail.


FBI warns of possible "Halloween Revolt" by anarchists

Last Updated Oct 27, 2015 1:58 PM EDT

The FBI has issued an alert to law enforcement about a possible "Halloween Revolt" by a dangerous anarchist group, an official has confirmed to CBS News.

Federal officials issued a bulletin to local police departments about the potential for attacks against their officers, CBS News has learned.

As first reported by the New York Post, a group known as the National Liberation Militia may be planning to dress in costume, cause a disturbance, and then ambush police who come to help. The Post reports the group has recommended members wear typical holiday masks and bring weapons like bricks and firearms.

NYPD officials told the Post there is no specific threat to New York City, and they are monitoring the situation.

In a statement, the FBI said Tuesday: "As part of the continuous dialogue with our law enforcement partners, the FBI routinely shares information about potential threats to better enable law enforcement to protect the communities they serve. We urge the public to remain vigilant and report suspicious activity to law enforcement."

Anarchists infamously were blamed for being the main instigators in the 1999 "Battle of Seattle" during a World Trade Organization meeting.

In an interview with Scott Pelley for "60 Minutes," one of the anarchists associated with that incident said: "We want to pose a credible threat to the biggest, most powerful people in the world."

© 2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.
FBI warns of possible "Halloween Revolt" against cops by anarchists - CBS News

I read it. They cite the NEW YORK POST as their source. This is a wire story that was picked up.

You are a dupe.

And you're a typical leftist caught being what they typically are


Call someone out when you don't have the facts

I found them for you

You can thank me later

Now run along to the FZ where what you say is not held accoutable



You have yet to provide a single fact in this thread.

Yes I have. You clearly can't read and have the intention span of a carrot

A black activist group calling for attacks on police


They have? Where is the news report stating that?
...I read it. They cite the NEW YORK POST as their source. This is a wire story that was picked up...
Wrong again.

They picked up the feed, alright, but obtained independent confirmation.

...The FBI has issued an alert to law enforcement about a possible "Halloween Revolt" by a dangerous anarchist group, an official has confirmed to CBS News...

You lose.

...And.....the reference to a New Black Liberation Militia isn't in the CBS feed. That's where the OP used the racist media. That's not the Post...

It's NOT in the report by either the NY Post nor CBS.

That was the entire point of the exercise... pointing out that the media did not utilize the word 'Black' in the name of the threatening organization.

So, I asked the questions found in my original post in this thread.

Highlighting Nos. (2) and (4) as the keys to validating or setting aside the claim, re: media bias or journalistic cowardice.

I did not say that the media was guilty.

I said that the answers to (2) and (4) would give us the answer to the media bias-cowardice accusation.

Do you have those answers?

I don't.

It's why I asked the questions.

...You are a dupe.
Given that I merely articulated the conditions by which the original claim of media bias could be validated or set aside, I fail to see how your rock-throwing has even a nodding acquaintance with either Truth or Accuracy.

Rather, it strikes me as far more likely, that anyone who immediately takes-on an Attack-Dog stance, without evaluating what it actually being said, is more likely to be judged a Dupe, the the target of your baseless rock-throwing.

Epic Fail.


In truth, you're not as good at this as you'd like to believe, methinks.


When is the report of a black militia group planning a Halloween revolt going to hit the news wire?

Attack dog? Funny. You bought the OP's story. That's being a lap dog.
...When is the report of a black militia group planning a Halloween revolt going to hit the news wire?...
Beats me.

It's not my claim, now, is it?

...Attack dog? Funny. You bought the OP's story. That's being a lap dog.
Too late to backpedal now, old sod.

You got caught making assumptions, and drew the wrong conclusion.

I can't help you un-do your shooting yourself in the foot, even if I was so inclined.

I didn't buy the OP's story.

It merely caught my interest, as did your automatic knee-jerk repudiation.

One who articulates the conditions by which a story can be validated or set aside is hardly being a lap dog.

Suggested next response:

"Well, goddammit it, OK, ya got me on that one, Kondor, you asshole. Point conceded. I jumped the gun. My bad. I'll get ya next time."

Much more honest and less painful than continuing down this path.
I still haven't gotten an answer from the OP. What is his source for the idea that the FBI warned about a "black liberation militia"? Was it Stormfront? Allen B West?

Come on........name the source.
...When is the report of a black militia group planning a Halloween revolt going to hit the news wire?...
Beats me.

It's not my claim, now, is it?

...Attack dog? Funny. You bought the OP's story. That's being a lap dog.
Too late to backpedal now, old sod.

You got caught making assumptions, and drew the wrong conclusion.

I can't help you un-do your shooting yourself in the foot, even if I was so inclined.

I didn't buy the OP's story.

It merely caught my interest, as did your automatic knee-jerk repudiation.

One who articulates the conditions by which a story can be validated or set aside is hardly being a lap dog.

Suggested next response:

"Well, goddammit it, OK, ya got me on that one, Kondor, you asshole. Point conceded. I jumped the gun. My bad. I'll get ya next time."

Much more honest and less painful than continuing down this path.

Eat shit. You are doing the back-pedaling. I've debunked the OP's claim. You are now trying to play ombudsman. Lame.
I still haven't gotten an answer from the OP. What is his source for the idea that the FBI warned about a "black liberation militia"? Was it Stormfront? Allen B West?

Come on........name the source.

Why don't you contact the author and find out?

And while your at it, go ahead and ask why water is wet, or why the sun rises in the East. And make them prove Obama's birth certificate is real. Stuff like that

...Eat shit. You are doing the back-pedaling. I've debunked the OP's claim. You are now trying to play ombudsman. Lame.
Wow... now there's a 'manly' response...

Liberal Intellectual Cowardice, at its very finest...

Whatever you say, child-in-adult's-clothing...

Next time, remember your Mouth Operating Manual...

Rule 1: Engage brain before opening mouth.


Got'cha, ya little wanker...

And you know it,.. even if you don't have the balls to admit it...

You are dismissed...

Have a nice day....
Great thread. Where are you getting your info?

I'm guessing that the NY Post is guilty of sensationalist journalism and that the echo chamber picked up a BS story from them. The entire story seems like horse shit to me.

Now....you seem to know more bullshit than the Post, even. You accuse this liberal rag, the New York Post, of intentionally leaving out the race of the militia group. Please elaborate on your source.

1. what is the name of this militia?

2. does the name include the word 'Black'?

3. what was the name as it appeared in the media report?

4. did (3) include the word 'Black' ?

The answers to (2) and (4) determine whether the assessment by the OP is correct.

Let's review the above post, shall we? What was your intent?

Why......it was to support the OP's "assessment". Clearly.

You have bought the OP's claim that there is a "black" militia group which has threatened to revolt on Halloween. That has yet to be confirmed ANYWHERE.

Now......get off that tricycle already. It embarrassing.
I still haven't gotten an answer from the OP. What is his source for the idea that the FBI warned about a "black liberation militia"? Was it Stormfront? Allen B West?

Come on........name the source.

Use Google and give the good Asst. police chief in Detroit a call



Detroit Police Assistant Chief Steve Dolunt acknowledges the serious nature of the threat. He learned the group has encouraged members to wear Halloween masks and create a disturbance to lure in officers and then to use weapons on them - weapons such as bricks, bottles and firearms.

FBI warns police about anarchist plot to attack officers on Halloween
I still haven't gotten an answer from the OP. What is his source for the idea that the FBI warned about a "black liberation militia"? Was it Stormfront? Allen B West?

Come on........name the source.

Use Google and give the good Asst. police chief in Detroit a call



Detroit Police Assistant Chief Steve Dolunt acknowledges the serious nature of the threat. He learned the group has encouraged members to wear Halloween masks and create a disturbance to lure in officers and then to use weapons on them - weapons such as bricks, bottles and firearms.

FBI warns police about anarchist plot to attack officers on Halloween

What group was the chief referring to? Name the group, please.
And more news for the rube LL

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Several North Texas police departments are on alert after the FBI sent a warning about possible attacks on officers on Halloween. Three North Texas police departments confirm receiving the email bulletin, which was dispersed to agencies across the U.S. on Monday.

Dallas and Irving police are among the local agencies who received the bulletin.

“We have a responsibility to the public, especially on holidays where our children are out there. I live in the City of Dallas so that’s my wife and children who are out there too, so I think police officers are going to do everything we can to keep the public safe,” said Sergeant Mike Mata, vice president of the Dallas Police Association.

Texas Police Receive FBI Alert About Possible Halloween Attacks On Officers
And more news for the rube LL

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Several North Texas police departments are on alert after the FBI sent a warning about possible attacks on officers on Halloween. Three North Texas police departments confirm receiving the email bulletin, which was dispersed to agencies across the U.S. on Monday.

Dallas and Irving police are among the local agencies who received the bulletin.

“We have a responsibility to the public, especially on holidays where our children are out there. I live in the City of Dallas so that’s my wife and children who are out there too, so I think police officers are going to do everything we can to keep the public safe,” said Sergeant Mike Mata, vice president of the Dallas Police Association.

Texas Police Receive FBI Alert About Possible Halloween Attacks On Officers

What group is that? Is it a black group? I didn't see that part in the story.

If you post the wire story a hundred times.......without the story mentioning the "Black Liberation Militia" .......will you have accomplished anything?
Great thread. Where are you getting your info?

I'm guessing that the NY Post is guilty of sensationalist journalism and that the echo chamber picked up a BS story from them. The entire story seems like horse shit to me.

Now....you seem to know more bullshit than the Post, even. You accuse this liberal rag, the New York Post, of intentionally leaving out the race of the militia group. Please elaborate on your source.

1. what is the name of this militia?

2. does the name include the word 'Black'?

3. what was the name as it appeared in the media report?

4. did (3) include the word 'Black' ?

The answers to (2) and (4) determine whether the assessment by the OP is correct.

Let's review the above post, shall we? What was your intent?

Why......it was to support the OP's "assessment". Clearly.

You have bought the OP's claim that there is a "black" militia group which has threatened to revolt on Halloween. That has yet to be confirmed ANYWHERE.

Now......get off that tricycle already. It embarrassing.
Too late now.

You assumed intent that was not there.

Nowhere in that typed text would an objective and sane person read support into what was written.

You assumed.

Then tried to rationalize it.

You failed.

It's over.

Gotta run.

Enjoy your embarrassment.

No extra charge.
I still haven't gotten an answer from the OP. What is his source for the idea that the FBI warned about a "black liberation militia"? Was it Stormfront? Allen B West?

Come on........name the source.

Use Google and give the good Asst. police chief in Detroit a call



Detroit Police Assistant Chief Steve Dolunt acknowledges the serious nature of the threat. He learned the group has encouraged members to wear Halloween masks and create a disturbance to lure in officers and then to use weapons on them - weapons such as bricks, bottles and firearms.

FBI warns police about anarchist plot to attack officers on Halloween

What group was the chief referring to? Name the group, please.

Haven't you remembered how we started. The me
And more news for the rube LL

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Several North Texas police departments are on alert after the FBI sent a warning about possible attacks on officers on Halloween. Three North Texas police departments confirm receiving the email bulletin, which was dispersed to agencies across the U.S. on Monday.

Dallas and Irving police are among the local agencies who received the bulletin.

“We have a responsibility to the public, especially on holidays where our children are out there. I live in the City of Dallas so that’s my wife and children who are out there too, so I think police officers are going to do everything we can to keep the public safe,” said Sergeant Mike Mata, vice president of the Dallas Police Association.

Texas Police Receive FBI Alert About Possible Halloween Attacks On Officers

What group is that? Is it a black group? I didn't see that part in the story.

If you post the wire story a hundred times.......without the story mentioning the "Black Liberation Militia" .......will you have accomplished anything?

Actually, the more you hang around in this thread, I am indeed proving something.....

Please, continue

Great thread. Where are you getting your info?

I'm guessing that the NY Post is guilty of sensationalist journalism and that the echo chamber picked up a BS story from them. The entire story seems like horse shit to me.

Now....you seem to know more bullshit than the Post, even. You accuse this liberal rag, the New York Post, of intentionally leaving out the race of the militia group. Please elaborate on your source.

1. what is the name of this militia?

2. does the name include the word 'Black'?

3. what was the name as it appeared in the media report?

4. did (3) include the word 'Black' ?

The answers to (2) and (4) determine whether the assessment by the OP is correct.
5) Does such an organization really exist?
The OP's last link didn't even mention a group name at all. No "National Liberation Militia", even.

Several of the wire stories called it the "National Liberation Media" complete with the typo.

This story is crashing down, dupes.
Great thread. Where are you getting your info?

I'm guessing that the NY Post is guilty of sensationalist journalism and that the echo chamber picked up a BS story from them. The entire story seems like horse shit to me.

Now....you seem to know more bullshit than the Post, even. You accuse this liberal rag, the New York Post, of intentionally leaving out the race of the militia group. Please elaborate on your source.

1. what is the name of this militia?

2. does the name include the word 'Black'?

3. what was the name as it appeared in the media report?

4. did (3) include the word 'Black' ?

The answers to (2) and (4) determine whether the assessment by the OP is correct.

Let's review the above post, shall we? What was your intent?

Why......it was to support the OP's "assessment". Clearly.

You have bought the OP's claim that there is a "black" militia group which has threatened to revolt on Halloween. That has yet to be confirmed ANYWHERE.

Now......get off that tricycle already. It embarrassing.
Too late now.

You assumed intent that was not there.

Nowhere in that typed text would an objective and sane person read support into what was written.

You assumed.

Then tried to rationalize it.

You failed.

It's over.

Gotta run.

Enjoy your embarrassment.

No extra charge.

Do you mean it this time? This has become a long goodbye.

I understand your desire to leave. It didn't go well for you.
this stuff is thanks to Obama and the Democrat party. attacking our senior citizens because they are hearing chants of how they should kill cops. and the police are bad, etc. You people living in Baltimore can thank YOUR Democrat Government for the rampant violence in your city.
VOTE out this Democrat party come 2016 and NEVER put them in charge of our lives ever again

The bar’s owner told WBAL the bar’s video surveillance camera caught the attack and shows one of the attackers jumping up “three feet high” and stomping on the elderly man’s head.

“”He had no regard for the man’s life,” the bar’s owner said of Howard. “None of them did.

“The bar’s owner said surveillance footage of the attack on the victim was so violent that he had a hard time watching it.

“”It didn’t look good at all,” the bar owner said. “I mean I’ve never seen somebody jump three feet in the air on someone’s head, and that’s the only place they hit the man.””

Allan Howard, screen image via WMAR-TV.

Police said two males and two females were involved in the attack, all believed to be teens. Allan Howard, 16, turned himself in to police and is being charged with assault and attempted first degree murder, reported WMAR.

all of it here:
Witness: Teen Thug JUMPED THREE FEET HIGH on Head of Elderly Retired Cop in Baltimore Attack - The Gateway Pundit
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