FBI: White Supremacists Plotted Terrorist Attack On US Power Grid


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"White supremacists plotted to attack power stations in the southeastern U.S., and an Ohio teenager who allegedly shared the plan said he wanted the group to be “operational” on a fast-tracked timeline if President Donald Trump were to lose his re-election bid -- Some group members also indicated that they were prepared to die for their beliefs. One man from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, allegedly told the Ohio teen: “I can say with absolute certainty that I will die for this effort. I swear it on my life.” The teen replied: “I can say the same,” the court documents state -- This investigation apparently began after a fourth man, from Canada, was stopped while trying to enter the U.S. The man told border agents that he was going to visit the Ohio teen, whom he had recently met over an encrypted app, according to the affidavit."

Oh give me a break, this was nothing more but some young people letting off steam and having fun doing some white nationalist cosplay -- one of them was just a teen, let's take a step back and relax -- don't ruin their reputations by carrying out this silly investigation....this is just like that so-called plot to kidnap the governor; they were also just letting off steam, rightfully so -- because of how the lockdown basically did more damage to our liberties and freedoms than slavery did -- the patriotic thing to do would be to execute state officials....

These young kids had their hearts in the right place, they probably shouldn't have tried to attack any power grids because that unfairly targets private corporations whom are our friends, not enemies -- they should have plotted to murder state officials who have blood on their hands by being in favor of these communist mask mandates...
lets wait for them to act...
what can go wrong...

White supremacists are not a threat. They are a joke and clearly contained. White radical anarchists, however, are a different story. These are the ones who dress in all black and cover their faces terrorizing innocent people and using fascist techniques all in a supposed platform to be against fascism.
No one was ever in any danger here. The FBI has an extensive network of moles and informants in the white-supremacy "movement" and knew about this alleged conspiracy right from the start. Indeed w/o FBI and other law enforcement agencies paying due, White Supremacy would be bankrupt in America.

"White supremacists plotted to attack power stations in the southeastern U.S., and an Ohio teenager who allegedly shared the plan said he wanted the group to be “operational” on a fast-tracked timeline if President Donald Trump were to lose his re-election bid -- Some group members also indicated that they were prepared to die for their beliefs. One man from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, allegedly told the Ohio teen: “I can say with absolute certainty that I will die for this effort. I swear it on my life.” The teen replied: “I can say the same,” the court documents state -- This investigation apparently began after a fourth man, from Canada, was stopped while trying to enter the U.S. The man told border agents that he was going to visit the Ohio teen, whom he had recently met over an encrypted app, according to the affidavit."

Oh give me a break, this was nothing more but some young people letting off steam and having fun doing some white nationalist cosplay -- one of them was just a teen, let's take a step back and relax -- don't ruin their reputations by carrying out this silly investigation....this is just like that so-called plot to kidnap the governor; they were also just letting off steam, rightfully so -- because of how the lockdown basically did more damage to our liberties and freedoms than slavery did -- the patriotic thing to do would be to execute state officials....

These young kids had their hearts in the right place, they probably shouldn't have tried to attack any power grids because that unfairly targets private corporations whom are our friends, not enemies -- they should have plotted to murder state officials who have blood on their hands by being in favor of these communist mask mandates...

More proof the the white menace requires a final solution.

Racism is the greatest evil that exists. All whites are racists, to be white is to be a white supremacist.

Whites can't help it, they are inferior. White skin makes these neo-Juden racist, it is genetic. Whites, the neo-Juden, are inferior genetically.

So the plans for genocide by democrats are good and wholesome.

Seig Heil Biff - the Biden Reich will purge the white menace.
White supremacists are not a threat. They are a joke and clearly contained. White radical anarchists, however, are a different story. These are the ones who dress in all black and cover their faces terrorizing innocent people and using fascist techniques all in a supposed platform to be against fascism.

You can tell a white supremacist because they always ride unicorns.

This is why you never see them outside of stories from the DNCCP press. The unicorns are shy, you see.

Millions of stories, but never any actual violence.

Still, Himmlerites like Biff know that a final solution to the white problem must be implemented.

No race but white can be blamed for wrong doing

All races except white deserve respect.

Black Pride is commendable - white pride is racist.

Biff and Biden have a plan though;

Fortunately the FBI is now fully aware of these groups and individuals, and they're no longer trying all that hard to stay in the shadows.

They have become emboldened over the last four years and easier to see. One of the many positive benefits of freedom of expression.

Yes, you have to watch those whites carefully, Der Juden cannot be trusted. Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil indeed.
No one was ever in any danger here. The FBI has an extensive network of moles and informants in the white-supremacy "movement" and knew about this alleged conspiracy right from the start. Indeed w/o FBI and other law enforcement agencies paying due, White Supremacy would be bankrupt in America.

No doubt the "plot" was actually cooked up by the KGB infiltrators. The KGB (formerly FBI) has more secret police in the KKK than the KKK has actual members.

If you ever meet a KKK member (I never have) they will undoubtedly be KGB.

"White supremacists plotted to attack power stations in the southeastern U.S., and an Ohio teenager who allegedly shared the plan said he wanted the group to be “operational” on a fast-tracked timeline if President Donald Trump were to lose his re-election bid -- Some group members also indicated that they were prepared to die for their beliefs. One man from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, allegedly told the Ohio teen: “I can say with absolute certainty that I will die for this effort. I swear it on my life.” The teen replied: “I can say the same,” the court documents state -- This investigation apparently began after a fourth man, from Canada, was stopped while trying to enter the U.S. The man told border agents that he was going to visit the Ohio teen, whom he had recently met over an encrypted app, according to the affidavit."

Oh give me a break, this was nothing more but some young people letting off steam and having fun doing some white nationalist cosplay -- one of them was just a teen, let's take a step back and relax -- don't ruin their reputations by carrying out this silly investigation....this is just like that so-called plot to kidnap the governor; they were also just letting off steam, rightfully so -- because of how the lockdown basically did more damage to our liberties and freedoms than slavery did -- the patriotic thing to do would be to execute state officials....

These young kids had their hearts in the right place, they probably shouldn't have tried to attack any power grids because that unfairly targets private corporations whom are our friends, not enemies -- they should have plotted to murder state officials who have blood on their hands by being in favor of these communist mask mandates...

Power grids remain a top target among whites and non-whites alike worldwide.
Fortunately the FBI is now fully aware of these groups and individuals, and they're no longer trying all that hard to stay in the shadows.

They have become emboldened over the last four years and easier to see. One of the many positive benefits of freedom of expression.

Yes, you have to watch those whites carefully, Der Juden cannot be trusted. Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil indeed.
I guess that's one now.
Yet another wild plot pushed by the FBI and their informants. Nice of them to wait until one of the so-called supremacists turned 18 before going public.

"White supremacists plotted to attack power stations in the southeastern U.S., and an Ohio teenager who allegedly shared the plan said he wanted the group to be “operational” on a fast-tracked timeline if President Donald Trump were to lose his re-election bid -- Some group members also indicated that they were prepared to die for their beliefs. One man from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, allegedly told the Ohio teen: “I can say with absolute certainty that I will die for this effort. I swear it on my life.” The teen replied: “I can say the same,” the court documents state -- This investigation apparently began after a fourth man, from Canada, was stopped while trying to enter the U.S. The man told border agents that he was going to visit the Ohio teen, whom he had recently met over an encrypted app, according to the affidavit."

Oh give me a break, this was nothing more but some young people letting off steam and having fun doing some white nationalist cosplay -- one of them was just a teen, let's take a step back and relax -- don't ruin their reputations by carrying out this silly investigation....this is just like that so-called plot to kidnap the governor; they were also just letting off steam, rightfully so -- because of how the lockdown basically did more damage to our liberties and freedoms than slavery did -- the patriotic thing to do would be to execute state officials....

These young kids had their hearts in the right place, they probably shouldn't have tried to attack any power grids because that unfairly targets private corporations whom are our friends, not enemies -- they should have plotted to murder state officials who have blood on their hands by being in favor of these communist mask mandates...

I guess some of these kids saw how rich Sick-Kyle Rittenhouse got from the donations of evangelical christians, and wanted some of that treason money too
I guess some of these kids saw how rich Sick-Kyle Rittenhouse got from the donations of evangelical christians, and wanted some of that treason money too

Yeah, Kyle needed to let the Child Molester kill him. No one has the right to defend their own life. We are property of the Oligarchs and must willingly die when attacked.

You're a true pile of shit.
This story is a reminder that each and every person displaying white supremacist imagery on their homes and trucks may reasonably be considered a threat on sight. And under many jurisdictions, no one has any duty to retreat from an objective threat of this sort.
This story is a reminder that each and every person displaying white supremacist imagery on their homes and trucks may reasonably be considered a threat on sight.
What sort of imagery should we avoid?

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