FDA commercials to discourage smoking well produced

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Like the fact that the FDA is serious about its campaign to discourage smoking. This, from a lifetime-smoker who quit 2 years ago this month. Illnesses that are smoking-related are painful & costly resulting in the raising of everyone's healthcare costs.

It's hypocritical bs anyway. No one's ever fallen over dead from smoking. People fall over dead all the time from drinking though.
Reminds me of when I ask my Papa if he was going to get cancer from smoking, he told me it was all a lie to get people to stop smoking and there was nothing wrong with it...
Reminds me of when I ask my Papa if he was going to get cancer from smoking, he told me it was all a lie to get people to stop smoking and there was nothing wrong with it...

I wouldn't go that far, but the risks are indeed vastly overstated. For "smoking causes cancer" to be true, every smoker would have to develop cancer yet less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked.

The real risk factors for cancer are many. From flame retardant chemicals in most products in our homes, to the very air we breathe. What contributing factor finally starts cancer cell replication can't be determined. Best we can is minimize risk factors. But who gets cancer who who doesn't is more about our genes than risk factors. Many centarians smoke, drink, eat crap and outlive health gurus. It's genetic, not causal.
Like when you have teeth pulled and they claim that if you smoke after the extraction it will not heal. I've had 6 teeth pulled and the gum section with holes from the roots all healed. The deeper ones just took longer..
Pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers. Not ciggy smokers, non-smokers. Reason can only be relaxtion is more crucial than whether you smoke or not. If you're low-key and mellow you lower the chance of things like heart disease. Think happy thoughts, laugh, accept your mortality instead of trying in vain to live forever and you'll live long and well.
It's hypocritical bs anyway. No one's ever fallen over dead from smoking. People fall over dead all the time from drinking though.

Personally I'd rather fall over dead instantly than have something like cancer kill me slowly from the inside out.

Cigarettes taste terrible anyway. If someone is going to smoke, they should smoke weed.

But I did sometimes use tobacco blunts...
It's hypocritical bs anyway. No one's ever fallen over dead from smoking. People fall over dead all the time from drinking though.

Personally I'd rather fall over dead instantly than have something like cancer kill me slowly from the inside out.

Cigarettes taste terrible anyway. If someone is going to smoke, they should smoke weed.

But I did sometimes use tobacco blunts...

Hope whatever eventually kills me gives me some lead time. :) Thought of dying in my sleep is one of my greatest fears. "Hate to miss my own death being asleep." :)
It's hypocritical bs anyway. No one's ever fallen over dead from smoking. People fall over dead all the time from drinking though.
wrong, smoking leads to other complications. Same as obesity. No one dies from it but they die from what it brings about- high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc...
Reminds me of when I ask my Papa if he was going to get cancer from smoking, he told me it was all a lie to get people to stop smoking and there was nothing wrong with it...

I wouldn't go that far, but the risks are indeed vastly overstated. For "smoking causes cancer" to be true, every smoker would have to develop cancer yet less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked.

The real risk factors for cancer are many. From flame retardant chemicals in most products in our homes, to the very air we breathe. What contributing factor finally starts cancer cell replication can't be determined. Best we can is minimize risk factors. But who gets cancer who who doesn't is more about our genes than risk factors. Many centarians smoke, drink, eat crap and outlive health gurus. It's genetic, not causal.
whatever you have to tell yourself. :thup: Even pipes & cigars aren't safe. You may not get lung cancer but you can get throat & mouth cancer.
It's hypocritical bs anyway. No one's ever fallen over dead from smoking. People fall over dead all the time from drinking though.
wrong, smoking leads to other complications. Same as obesity. No one dies from it but they die from what it brings about- high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc...

Can't link smoking to those conditions. They each have numerous causal factors where smoking is just one. What ultimately does it isn't possible to determine.
Pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers. Not ciggy smokers, non-smokers. Reason can only be relaxtion is more crucial than whether you smoke or not. If you're low-key and mellow you lower the chance of things like heart disease. Think happy thoughts, laugh, accept your mortality instead of trying in vain to live forever and you'll live long and well.
you're funny :p
Reminds me of when I ask my Papa if he was going to get cancer from smoking, he told me it was all a lie to get people to stop smoking and there was nothing wrong with it...

I wouldn't go that far, but the risks are indeed vastly overstated. For "smoking causes cancer" to be true, every smoker would have to develop cancer yet less than 40% of lung cancer patients smoked.

The real risk factors for cancer are many. From flame retardant chemicals in most products in our homes, to the very air we breathe. What contributing factor finally starts cancer cell replication can't be determined. Best we can is minimize risk factors. But who gets cancer who who doesn't is more about our genes than risk factors. Many centarians smoke, drink, eat crap and outlive health gurus. It's genetic, not causal.
whatever you have to tell yourself. :thup: Even pipes & cigars aren't safe. You may not get lung cancer but you can get throat & mouth cancer.

Didn't claim they were safe. Inhaling smoke into your lungs or mouth is never safe. Just isn't as dangerous as they claim.

How many WWII veterans are still alive or didn't die until their 80s and 90s? Most of them smoked. It isn't a significant factor to longevity. When you die is mostly the result of your genes. Can smoke, not exercise, eat junkfood, drink, and ya wont really effect how long you live. How well probably, but not how long.
It's hypocritical bs anyway. No one's ever fallen over dead from smoking. People fall over dead all the time from drinking though.
wrong, smoking leads to other complications. Same as obesity. No one dies from it but they die from what it brings about- high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc...

Can't link smoking to those conditions. They each have numerous causal factors where smoking is just one. What ultimately does it isn't possible to determine.
keep on tokin' then buddy. :thup: Theres a reason that tobacco smoke is termed "carcinogenic".

Its common sense that using your mouth as a muffler isn't a good idea but if you think it makes you live longer than non-smokers then more power to ya' :)

might want to bone-up on your "facts":

Health effects of tobacco - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Tobacco is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally.[3] Tobacco use leads most commonly to diseases affecting the heart, liver and lungs, with smoking being a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis), and cancer (particularly lung cancer, cancers of the larynx and mouth, and pancreatic cancer). It also causes peripheral vascular disease and hypertension.
Didn't claim they were safe. Inhaling smoke into your lungs or mouth is never safe. Just isn't as dangerous as they claim.

How many WWII veterans are still alive or didn't die until their 80s and 90s? Most of them smoked. It isn't a significant factor to longevity. When you die is mostly the result of your genes. Can smoke, not exercise, eat junkfood, drink, and ya wont really effect how long you live. How well probably, but not how long.
anecdotal facts are anecdotal. AGAIN- whatever you need to tell yourself friend :)
If they wanna make commercials intended to discourage smoking they should show more realistic ones. Not special effects ladden crap.

Show a smoker driving who gets a waft of smoke in their eye causing them to swerve as they they loose one eye trying to rub it clear.

Show a smoker dressed nicely as hot ash drops in their lap burning a sooty black spot in their fine clothing.

Show smokers forced to go outside for smoke breaks shivering in the cold or trying to all fit under something to get out of the rain.

Show people nic-fitting late at night, fresh out of cigs and having to leg it to the nearest store with infant children at home to look after and looking between the kids and the empty cig pack wrestling whether to stay or go.

That would work far better to discourage smoking than some animated ciggy dragging a kid around. That was f'in stupid.
ummm..... you realize that tobacco co's try to get potential smokers as early as possible right? Those ads aren't targeted to you. Presumably, you're supposed to know better at your advanced age :redface: :eusa_whistle:

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