FDA orders ban on all trans fat

Transfat is bad!!! boohoo...

So what? so are alcohol, cigarettes, gluten, and eating a low fat diet. Is the FDA going to outlaw those too?

FDA isn't "outlawing" anything. Try reading the thread.

What about high fructose corn syrup? Why are some fat cows sacred while others are to be gored?

It's a perfect example of an out of control nanny state. Authoritarians love this shit. Government Cronies must be rewarded, enemies must be punished!!

Perfect example of abject illiteracy, but that's your issue.
I've got imported food right here from Jordan, Ukraine, Brazil, Thailand, China, Spain and India. They ALL have the FDA-mandated ingredient labels (in English) and they're all subject to the same regulations before they can be sold.

Really....and you're convinced we have watchers in those shitholes making sure you get pure, unadulterated food? There's the bullshit, moron. The slants have sent us everything from poison baby food to pesticide slathered wallboard. Got any idea the damage that garbage means long term from a single exposure?
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I've got imported food right here from Jordan, Ukraine, Brazil, Thailand, China, Spain and India. They ALL have the FDA-mandated ingredient labels (in English) and they're all subject to the same regulations before they can be sold.

Really....and you're convinced we have watchers in those shitholes making sure you get pure, unadulterated food? There's the bullshit, moron. The slants have sent us everything from poison baby food to pesticide infested wallboard. Got any idea the damage that garbage means long term from a single exposure?

Ah good, the old "what are the chances" fallacy.

More bullshit. Maple syrup IS maple syrup. You can't call it maple syrup if it isn't. "Pancake syrup" is not saying it's maple syrup.

It's also not saying it's "surple" but that's an interesting word coin. Mrs. Buttholeworth's could use that for a blueberry flavor.

With artificial bloobs from a lab, of curse.

Did I say pancake syrup is called maple syrup anymore, moron? No I didn't. It's corn syrup DYED to appear to be maple syrup. caveat emptor fool.
Checked out what you pancake syrup is lately? It ain't maple surple anymore...it's corn syrup....:puke:

More bullshit. Maple syrup IS maple syrup. You can't call it maple syrup if it isn't. "Pancake syrup" is not saying it's maple syrup.

It's also not saying it's "surple" but that's an interesting word coin. Mrs. Buttholeworth's could use that for a blueberry flavor.

With artificial bloobs from a lab, of curse.

Did I say pancake syrup is called maple syrup anymore, moron? No I didn't. It's corn syrup DYED to appear to be maple syrup. caveat emptor fool.

You sure as hell tried to imply that before I busted you, which is seven seconds I'll never get back.

Pancake syrup has NEVER been called maple syrup unless it IS maple syrup.

And both the fact that they had to find a weasel-word term for it, AND the ingredient label that lets us discriminate between them ---- are the result of having the FDA.
You sure as hell tried to imply that before I busted you, which is seven seconds I'll never get back.

Pancake syrup has NEVER been called maple syrup unless it IS maple syrup.

And both the fact that they had to find a weasel-word term for it, AND the ingredient label that lets us discriminate between them ---- are the result of having the FDA.

I always enjoy you reverting into your angry old hippie mode. :lol: But the only thing you "busted" was your own reading retention....You'd best invest in some new trifocals, Elmer.
You sure as hell tried to imply that before I busted you, which is seven seconds I'll never get back.

Pancake syrup has NEVER been called maple syrup unless it IS maple syrup.

And both the fact that they had to find a weasel-word term for it, AND the ingredient label that lets us discriminate between them ---- are the result of having the FDA.

I always enjoy you reverting into your angry old hippie mode. :lol: But the only thing you "busted" was your own reading retention....You'd best invest in some new trifocals, Elmer.

I accept your apology. Flailing though it is.
The fact that this is an issue for a federal level government agency is quite frankly ludicrous.

I disagree.

When the federal government is paying for so much of what so many eat, the federal government certainly ought be concerned about what it is those people are eating.
ok let them worry about the govt food....not the stuff you can buy if you want.....
How about heroin. Should we be able to buy that if we want?
geezus NN you have been in enough drug threads with me to know my answer to that....and we are talking FOOD here,not drugs...
I thought it was more freedom to do what you want.
look at the thread title....
if you were at least a 4th grade reader,i would not have to dumb this down for you..... my question was about heart disease not fats...does that clear it up better for you? ..now lets see you answer the question i asked.....otherwise i am going to think dean was right about some of you righties...please dont make that happen......
That's hilarious. Do you even know how many errors are in your post? You couldn't pass a 2nd grade English test.
why dont you tell me....but first answer that real tough question you dont want to answer....
Are you still so fucking ignorant that you think an unsupported assertion followed by a misplaced question mark constitutes a question?
quit your fucking dancing....either answer the fucking question or go back to your goats...here let me ask it again,this time i will go slow for you.....are....you.....saying....that....heart....disease ....is....not....the....number....one....cause....of...death.....in...this...Country?...i cant dumb it down anymore mohound....
Check your reading comprehension skills.

You can't even write a complete and grammatically correct sentence.
mohound ....here in the western world its ok to be honest and answer a simple question...hey i understand whats at stake for a suckass like you..oh and by the way....your goats are escaping.......

That's hilarious. Do you even know how many errors are in your post? You couldn't pass a 2nd grade English test.
why dont you tell me....but first answer that real tough question you dont want to answer....
Are you still so fucking ignorant that you think an unsupported assertion followed by a misplaced question mark constitutes a question?
quit your fucking dancing....either answer the fucking question or go back to your goats...here let me ask it again,this time i will go slow for you.....are....you.....saying....that....heart....disease ....is....not....the....number....one....cause....of...death.....in...this...Country?...i cant dumb it down anymore mohound....
Check your reading comprehension skills.

You can't even write a complete and grammatically correct sentence.
yeah Liffy. You posting from class kiddo? Why you even here n00b?
is that dotties nickname for you Mo?....hey its cool....
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham

Can't agree C_K. Sugar is guilty as sin, and point well taken that it's in everything, no question ---but it's no lone gunman. What's happened to wheat alone proves there is at the very least a second shooter. Conspriacy!

I've been circumventing sugar for decades. It helps but it's no longer enough.
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham

I believe salt is more deadly than sugar because it raises blood pressure. I'm on Lisinopril for high BP after 55 years of a reckless lifestyle. I quit smoking and drinking beer ten years ago but I couldn't dodge the consequences altogether.
Salt does not raise BP lol. It i about how the individual processes it. And though sugar is evil trans fats are dark lord of the Sith evil. Banning them will have an impact.
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham

Can't agree C_K. Sugar is guilty as sin, and point well taken that it's in everything, no question ---but it's no lone gunman. What's happened to wheat alone proves there is at the very least a second shooter. Conspriacy!

I've been circumventing sugar for decades. It helps but it's no longer enough.
Agree there is no Lone Gunman but it is at the very top of the list (#1 spot) of things that people need to really pay attention to. It's deadly and addictive. Food companies are trying to keep understandable levels of sugar off their labels. 32 grams of sugar looks a lot better than reading you are consuming 8 teaspoons of sugar in that soft drink you just bought. Couple that with all the corn syrup in just about everything people consume in their foods and you will see that sugar is the main culprit of health problems in our society.

Problem is people like sweets/sugar and don't want to know that it is literally killing them, so they will deny and point the finger else where. TRANS FATS are killing us!!!! Buzzzzzzzz!!!!! Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

If everyone read labels and avoided sugars and did nothing else, the rates of obesity and health problems would go down tremendously.
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham

Can't agree C_K. Sugar is guilty as sin, and point well taken that it's in everything, no question ---but it's no lone gunman. What's happened to wheat alone proves there is at the very least a second shooter. Conspriacy!

I've been circumventing sugar for decades. It helps but it's no longer enough.
Agree there is no Lone Gunman but it is at the very top of the list (#1 spot) of things that people need to really pay attention to. It's deadly and addictive. Food companies are trying to keep understandable levels of sugar off their labels. 32 grams of sugar looks a lot better than reading you are consuming 8 teaspoons of sugar in that soft drink you just bought. Couple that with all the corn syrup in just about everything people consume in their foods and you will see that sugar is the main culprit of health problems in our society.

Problem is people like sweets/sugar and don't want to know that it is literally killing them, so they will deny and point the finger else where. TRANS FATS are killing us!!!! Buzzzzzzzz!!!!! Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

If everyone read labels and avoided sugars and did nothing else, the rates of obesity and health problems would go down tremendously.

I agree with the first part about sugar but I still disagree with the latter part. Again, when my weight builds up I can lop off at least 30 pounds by making literally no changes other than cutting out wheat. That's (a) got nothing to do with sugars, and (b) is a substance that's pervasively distributed in the food supply almost as much as sugars are. It just isn't as simple as "cut sugar -- problem solved". I can easily put on weight without sugar at all.
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham

Can't agree C_K. Sugar is guilty as sin, and point well taken that it's in everything, no question ---but it's no lone gunman. What's happened to wheat alone proves there is at the very least a second shooter. Conspriacy!

I've been circumventing sugar for decades. It helps but it's no longer enough.
Agree there is no Lone Gunman but it is at the very top of the list (#1 spot) of things that people need to really pay attention to. It's deadly and addictive. Food companies are trying to keep understandable levels of sugar off their labels. 32 grams of sugar looks a lot better than reading you are consuming 8 teaspoons of sugar in that soft drink you just bought. Couple that with all the corn syrup in just about everything people consume in their foods and you will see that sugar is the main culprit of health problems in our society.

Problem is people like sweets/sugar and don't want to know that it is literally killing them, so they will deny and point the finger else where. TRANS FATS are killing us!!!! Buzzzzzzzz!!!!! Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

If everyone read labels and avoided sugars and did nothing else, the rates of obesity and health problems would go down tremendously.

I agree with the first part about sugar but I still disagree with the latter part. Again, when my weight builds up I can lop off at least 30 pounds by making literally no changes other than cutting out wheat. That's (a) got nothing to do with sugars, and (b) is a substance that's pervasively distributed in the food supply almost as much as sugars are. It just isn't as simple as "cut sugar -- problem solved". I can easily put on weight without sugar at all.
Foods containing wheat usually contain corn syrups and other sugars. Look at a loaf of 100% Natural Wheat bread and its anything but natural and healthy. Not to mention wheat products have a high glycemic index and are converted to sugars very quickly, so yes it's got everything to do with sugars. Whether its from a candy bar or loaf of white, wheat or whole grain bread. These high glycemic index foods wreak havoc on our insulin levels and body fat levels (not to mention the health problems)

You're dropping off weight not because of wheat itself but because of the wheat containing products you are consuming. I can write books on this.
Blaming/banning trans-fats isn't going to a damn thing. Heart disease and obesity will continue to rise....fact. Sugar is what is killing us, sugar is what is causing obesity, sugar is what is causing heart disease. Sugar is in everything and until we get it out of our food products banning trans-fats will have ZERO impact. Its all a sham

Can't agree C_K. Sugar is guilty as sin, and point well taken that it's in everything, no question ---but it's no lone gunman. What's happened to wheat alone proves there is at the very least a second shooter. Conspriacy!

I've been circumventing sugar for decades. It helps but it's no longer enough.
Agree there is no Lone Gunman but it is at the very top of the list (#1 spot) of things that people need to really pay attention to. It's deadly and addictive. Food companies are trying to keep understandable levels of sugar off their labels. 32 grams of sugar looks a lot better than reading you are consuming 8 teaspoons of sugar in that soft drink you just bought. Couple that with all the corn syrup in just about everything people consume in their foods and you will see that sugar is the main culprit of health problems in our society.

Problem is people like sweets/sugar and don't want to know that it is literally killing them, so they will deny and point the finger else where. TRANS FATS are killing us!!!! Buzzzzzzzz!!!!! Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

If everyone read labels and avoided sugars and did nothing else, the rates of obesity and health problems would go down tremendously.

I agree with the first part about sugar but I still disagree with the latter part. Again, when my weight builds up I can lop off at least 30 pounds by making literally no changes other than cutting out wheat. That's (a) got nothing to do with sugars, and (b) is a substance that's pervasively distributed in the food supply almost as much as sugars are. It just isn't as simple as "cut sugar -- problem solved". I can easily put on weight without sugar at all.
Foods containing wheat usually contain corn syrups and other sugars. Look at a loaf of 100% Natural Wheat bread and its anything but natural and healthy. Not to mention wheat products have a high glycemic index and are converted to sugars very quickly, so yes it's got everything to do with sugars. Whether its from a candy bar or loaf of white, wheat or whole grain bread. These high glycemic index foods wreak havoc on our insulin levels and body fat levels (not to mention the health problems)

You're dropping off weight not because of wheat itself but because of the wheat containing products you are consuming. I can write books on this.

I thought by sugars you meant sugars, not glycogen -- i.e. what's in the food as opposed to what our body does with it. The latter is post-processing. Glycogen is our fuel; we'd cease to live without it.

I substitute something non-wheat, actually intake more, and still lose weight so I believe it is intrinsic to wheat. It has to do not with the glycogen it produces but how today's mutated wheat affects the digestive process. Wheat is a grass that is a very recent addition to the human food chain, and it's quite a different
plant from what it was a century or less ago.

I defer here to the good doctor...

>> Today's "wheat" ... isn't even wheat, thanks to some of the most intense crossbreeding efforts ever seen. "The wheat products sold to you today are nothing like the wheat products of our grandmother's age, very different from the wheat of the early 20th century, and completely transformed from the wheat of the Bible and earlier," he says. Plant breeders changed wheat in dramatic ways. Once more than four feet tall, modern wheat—the type grown in 99 percent of wheat fields around the world—is now a stocky two-foot-tall plant with an unusually large seed head. Dr. Davis says accomplishing this involved crossing wheat with non-wheat grasses to introduce altogether new genes, using techniques like irradiation of wheat seeds and embryos with chemicals, gamma rays, and high-dose x-rays to induce mutations.

... So what does all of this plant science have to do with what's ailing us? Intense crossbreeding created significant changes in the amino acids in wheat's gluten proteins, a potential cause for the 400-percent increase in celiac disease over the past 40 years. Wheat's gliadin protein has also undergone changes, with what appears to be a dire consequence. "Compared to its pre-1960s predecessor, modern gliadin is a potent appetite stimulant," explains Dr. Davis. "The new gliadin proteins may also account for the explosion in inflammatory diseases we're seeing."

The appetite-stimulating properties of modern wheat most likely occurred as an accidental by-product of largely unregulated plant-breeding methods, Dr. Davis explains. But he charges that its impact on inflammatory diseases may have something to do with the fact that, in the past 15 years, it's been showing up in more and more processed foods. Wheat ingredients are now found in candy, Bloody Mary mixes, lunch meats, soy sauce, and even wine coolers. (The irony is that "healthy" wheat can actually make you nutrient deficient.)

As if making you hungrier weren't enough, early evidence suggests that modern wheat's new biochemical code causes hormone disruption that's linked to diabetes and obesity. -- The Dark Side of "Healthy" Wheat

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