FDA orders ban on all trans fat

If children are out eating this food without supervision, it is the government's business. Children need to be protected.

Really? For children to learn how to grow up into adults, they need to learn how to eat for themselves. That includes making good choices.

The role of Government IS NOT to be an All-Pervasive Helicopter Parent.
If you look at childhood obesity. learning to eat for themselves is a failure, and they need protection that their parents are not giving them.

They AREN"T left alone. Kids today are helicoptered. Parents who Free Range their kids are arrested for child abuse.

It's not a coincidence that as kids have been overly supervised, they have turned into little porkers.

When I was a kid, we played outside most of the time, riding bikes, swimming, skating, walking quite far away from home. Yes, we bought the occasional candy bar at the market UNSUPERVISED. But I can recall only one fat kid in my grade school.
We were put out after breakfast, told when lunch was, put out to play again, told when to be home, and the boundaries of our "free range" were defined by streets you could not cross.

We did not have many fatties then either; I don't recall ever having a fat friend.

Cum hoc fallacy. The food supply has changed enormously since you and I were a sprouts in the 14th century. Hell, it's changed enormously in the last 50 years.

So you don't think general exercise habits have anything to do with it?
Really? For children to learn how to grow up into adults, they need to learn how to eat for themselves. That includes making good choices.

The role of Government IS NOT to be an All-Pervasive Helicopter Parent.
If you look at childhood obesity. learning to eat for themselves is a failure, and they need protection that their parents are not giving them.

They AREN"T left alone. Kids today are helicoptered. Parents who Free Range their kids are arrested for child abuse.

It's not a coincidence that as kids have been overly supervised, they have turned into little porkers.

When I was a kid, we played outside most of the time, riding bikes, swimming, skating, walking quite far away from home. Yes, we bought the occasional candy bar at the market UNSUPERVISED. But I can recall only one fat kid in my grade school.
We were put out after breakfast, told when lunch was, put out to play again, told when to be home, and the boundaries of our "free range" were defined by streets you could not cross.

We did not have many fatties then either; I don't recall ever having a fat friend.

Cum hoc fallacy. The food supply has changed enormously since you and I were a sprouts in the 14th century. Hell, it's changed enormously in the last 50 years.

So you don't think general exercise habits have anything to do with it?

I'd say they have very little to do with it. It starts with food intake. If that's imbalanced, lack of activity will certainly contribute to it. But it's not the primal causation.
If you look at childhood obesity. learning to eat for themselves is a failure, and they need protection that their parents are not giving them.

They AREN"T left alone. Kids today are helicoptered. Parents who Free Range their kids are arrested for child abuse.

It's not a coincidence that as kids have been overly supervised, they have turned into little porkers.

When I was a kid, we played outside most of the time, riding bikes, swimming, skating, walking quite far away from home. Yes, we bought the occasional candy bar at the market UNSUPERVISED. But I can recall only one fat kid in my grade school.
We were put out after breakfast, told when lunch was, put out to play again, told when to be home, and the boundaries of our "free range" were defined by streets you could not cross.

We did not have many fatties then either; I don't recall ever having a fat friend.

Cum hoc fallacy. The food supply has changed enormously since you and I were a sprouts in the 14th century. Hell, it's changed enormously in the last 50 years.

So you don't think general exercise habits have anything to do with it?

I'd say they have very little to do with it. It starts with food intake. If that's imbalanced, lack of activity will certainly contribute to it. But it's not the primal causation.

Food intake is balanced BY exercise Pogo.

The two are cojoined in this topic.The more you eat, the more you should exercise to maintain weight. Conversely the more exercise you get the more you can eat.
They AREN"T left alone. Kids today are helicoptered. Parents who Free Range their kids are arrested for child abuse.

It's not a coincidence that as kids have been overly supervised, they have turned into little porkers.

When I was a kid, we played outside most of the time, riding bikes, swimming, skating, walking quite far away from home. Yes, we bought the occasional candy bar at the market UNSUPERVISED. But I can recall only one fat kid in my grade school.
We were put out after breakfast, told when lunch was, put out to play again, told when to be home, and the boundaries of our "free range" were defined by streets you could not cross.

We did not have many fatties then either; I don't recall ever having a fat friend.

Cum hoc fallacy. The food supply has changed enormously since you and I were a sprouts in the 14th century. Hell, it's changed enormously in the last 50 years.

So you don't think general exercise habits have anything to do with it?

I'd say they have very little to do with it. It starts with food intake. If that's imbalanced, lack of activity will certainly contribute to it. But it's not the primal causation.

Food intake is balanced BY exercise Pogo.

The two are cojoined in this topic.The more you eat, the more you should exercise to maintain weight. Conversely the more exercise you get the more you can eat.

You're assuming all food is create equal -- not only your choice in the present of "this" food versus "that" food, but the choice of "this" food today versus "this exact same food" say 50 years ago.

But it isn't. When the food supply is your own agriculture, it's a constant, and your equation holds. When it's farmed out, no pun intended, to commodity-producing corporations, it's anything but.

One quick easy example here.

I can tell you right now without hesitation, and I've said it before, if my weight builds up I know I can drop 30-40 pounds by doing NOTHING except dropping wheat. I can actually eat more. I can make no changes whatsoever in daily activity. The one and only variable is the wheat. I've done it twice.
Another show about nothing.....food products I buy have been bragging about "no trans-fat" for a couple years. What reality-based food processor would want to give their customers heart attacks? Uh, well.....the Chinese don't give a crap about the American consumer so maybe it's time to see where the product in your food choices comes from. If it's China, trans-fat is the least of your worries.
Another show about nothing.....food products I buy have been bragging about "no trans-fat" for a couple years. What reality-based food processor would want to give their customers heart attacks? Uh, well.....the Chinese don't give a crap about the American consumer so maybe it's time to see where the product in your food choices comes from. If it's China, trans-fat is the least of your worries.
American products are full of trans fat. Manufacturers began using them because they're cheap and have a longer shelf life ... they do kill though. Same with high fructose corn syrup, it's cheaper than cane sugar.
What reality-based food processor would want to give their customers heart attacks?

Uh gee Wally, that's a head scratcher. Why that would be like a cigarette company not caring if it gives its customers cancer or sump'm, just because there's an endless supply of people.

But hey, what are the chances of that?
Uh gee Wally, that's a head scratcher. Why that would be like a cigarette company not caring if it gives its customers cancer or sump'm, just because there's an endless supply of people.

But hey, what are the chances of that?

They put warning labels on cigarettes while I was still in high school or shortly thereafter yet we all kept smoking....what does that tell you? Tells me the government always comes along with a ban on something folks have quit doing on their own.
Uh gee Wally, that's a head scratcher. Why that would be like a cigarette company not caring if it gives its customers cancer or sump'm, just because there's an endless supply of people.

But hey, what are the chances of that?

They put warning labels on cigarettes while I was still in high school or shortly thereafter yet we all kept smoking....what does that tell you? Tells me the government always comes along with a ban on something folks have quit doing on their own.

So.... warning labels are a "ban" ?? :disbelief:

Stupefying how many wags here don't know the definition of a simple three-letter word.
Boggles the fucking mind.

You're moving your own goalpost anyway Sparky. You started out declaring that the Almighty Corporation (blessèd be its holy name, holy holy) would never do anything contrary to the health of its victims customers, and now all of a sudden you shift to Da Big Bad EEbil gubmint "banning" things via the device of a warning label.

Transfat is bad!!! boohoo...

So what? so are alcohol, cigarettes, gluten, and eating a low fat diet. Is the FDA going to outlaw those too? Why not? What about high fructose corn syrup? Why are some fat cows sacred while others are to be gored?

It's a perfect example of an out of control nanny state. Authoritarians love this shit. Government Cronies must be rewarded, enemies must be punished!!
So.... warning labels are a "ban" ?? :disbelief:

Stupefying how many wags here don't know the definition of a simple three-letter word.
Boggles the fucking mind.

I keep forgetting you're in the advanced stages of Oldtimers CRS. No, I was referring to warnings that nobody heeds turning into bans once the product is no longer used. The FDA pulls these publicity stunts to justify their funding. It's law that food processors have to identify the ingredients in their products. Except we don't know what's coming in from China (acetone in the cake mix) or Mehico (human fecal matter for fertilizer).
Transfat is bad!!! boohoo...

So what? so are alcohol, cigarettes, gluten, and eating a low fat diet. Is the FDA going to outlaw those too? Why not? What about high fructose corn syrup? Why are some fat cows sacred while others are to be gored?

It's a perfect example of an out of control nanny state. Authoritarians love this shit. Government Cronies must be rewarded, enemies must be punished!!

Checked out what you pancake syrup is lately? It ain't maple surple anymore...it's corn syrup....:puke:
So.... warning labels are a "ban" ?? :disbelief:

Stupefying how many wags here don't know the definition of a simple three-letter word.
Boggles the fucking mind.

I keep forgetting you're in the advanced stages of Oldtimers CRS. No, I was referring to warnings that nobody heeds turning into bans once the product is no longer used. The FDA pulls these publicity stunts to justify their funding. It's law that food processors have to identify the ingredients in their products. Except we don't know what's coming in from China (acetone in the cake mix) or Mehico (human fecal matter for fertilizer).

I've got imported food right here from Jordan, Ukraine, Brazil, Thailand, China, Spain and India. They ALL have the FDA-mandated ingredient labels (in English) and they're all subject to the same regulations before they can be sold.
Transfat is bad!!! boohoo...

So what? so are alcohol, cigarettes, gluten, and eating a low fat diet. Is the FDA going to outlaw those too? Why not? What about high fructose corn syrup? Why are some fat cows sacred while others are to be gored?

It's a perfect example of an out of control nanny state. Authoritarians love this shit. Government Cronies must be rewarded, enemies must be punished!!

Checked out what you pancake syrup is lately? It ain't maple surple anymore...it's corn syrup....:puke:

More bullshit. Maple syrup IS maple syrup. You can't call it maple syrup if it isn't. "Pancake syrup" is not saying it's maple syrup.

It's also not saying it's "surple" but that's an interesting word coin. Mrs. Buttholeworth's could use that for a blueberry flavor.

With artificial bloobs from a lab, of curse.

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