FDA orders ban on all trans fat

Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:

You're just proving my point. The reason you are paying for their health care is because of your attitude that everyone should have the same health care.

Government IS NOT Mommy and Daddy. The fact that you want it to be shows that you have Never Grown Up into a responsible, independent individual.

What, exactly, does this FDA ruling have to do with government subsidized healthcare?

You're reading comprehension and logic are clearly non-existent.

Your COMRADES in this thread are justifying the FDA micromanaging our diets with the reasoning that because their taxes pay for the healthcare of others, that other people's diets should be managed by the government.

They aren't micromanaging your diet. Don't take it personal. They are telling companies that processes our food that they can no longer poison the American people by adding trans fat to the food they are processing. You can add all the trans fat you want to your food. The companies cannot.

You are a blithering tool.
I banned it from my diet a long time ago.
Problem solved then. Why have the nanny state do it for others?

Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:
Sugar is right. Lots of soda drinkers out there. And too much sugar in most processed foods. AND processed foods are bad for you. Too much salt, etc. etc. Where is the line here?

How about healthy people (like me) paying less like I do with auto insurance with my clean driving record?

Or take it further. The Feds have a Highly Politicized Food Pyramid which is heavy on carbs and light on protein and fat. One tactic could be (and is) making meat more expensive so that less people can afford it. The CPI doesn't reflect this phenom - it just assumes that people will happily substitute cheaper protein such as Enviro-Nazi approved Tofu.



Meat is becoming more expensive because of a multi-year ongoing drought in the west, and because of a massive avian flu outbreak.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:

You're just proving my point. The reason you are paying for their health care is because of your attitude that everyone should have the same health care.

Government IS NOT Mommy and Daddy. The fact that you want it to be shows that you have Never Grown Up into a responsible, independent individual.

What, exactly, does this FDA ruling have to do with government subsidized healthcare?

You're reading comprehension and logic are clearly non-existent.

Your COMRADES in this thread are justifying the FDA micromanaging our diets with the reasoning that because their taxes pay for the healthcare of others, that other people's diets should be managed by the government.

They aren't micromanaging your diet. Don't take it personal. They are telling companies that processes our food that they can no longer poison the American people by adding trans fat to the food they are processing. You can add all the trans fat you want to your food. The companies cannot.

You are a blithering tool.

Is that right? And you not having the capability to post a reasoned response to my post makes you, what, exactly?
Your reading comprehension problem is very severe.

Your conversation skills seem to be at the level of a four year old. Does your mommy know you are on her computer?
the fucker wont answer what i thought was a reasonable question to ask him....i wonder if it was too tough for him to answer...
The answer is no. Obviously.
no?....so heart disease or Cardiovascular disease,is NOT the most common cause of death in this Country?....
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.
if you were at least a 4th grade reader,i would not have to dumb this down for you..... my question was about heart disease not fats...does that clear it up better for you? ..now lets see you answer the question i asked.....otherwise i am going to think dean was right about some of you righties...please dont make that happen......
Just so you dumbasses know I was quoting the headline on CNN channel. Carry on fuckers.
nice backpedal sock..... errr.... n00b :thup:
You pay to be made the laughing stock of the forum?
he doesnt need any help with that....he has been a laughing stock and the subject of many a flame thread since he joined....there is a reason he is the topic of so many threads here....
Just so you dumbasses know I was quoting the headline on CNN channel. Carry on fuckers.
nice backpedal sock..... errr.... n00b :thup:
You pay to be made the laughing stock of the forum?
he doesnt need any help with that....he has been a laughing stock and the subject of many a flame thread since he joined....there is a reason he is the topic of so many threads here....
Yeah it's cuz he makes the threads.
Your conversation skills seem to be at the level of a four year old. Does your mommy know you are on her computer?
the fucker wont answer what i thought was a reasonable question to ask him....i wonder if it was too tough for him to answer...
The answer is no. Obviously.
no?....so heart disease or Cardiovascular disease,is NOT the most common cause of death in this Country?....
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.
if you were at least a 4th grade reader,i would not have to dumb this down for you..... my question was about heart disease not fats...does that clear it up better for you? ..now lets see you answer the question i asked.....otherwise i am going to think dean was right about some of you righties...please dont make that happen......
That's hilarious. Do you even know how many errors are in your post? You couldn't pass a 2nd grade English test.
Problem solved then. Why have the nanny state do it for others?

Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:

You're just proving my point. The reason you are paying for their health care is because of your attitude that everyone should have the same health care.

Government IS NOT Mommy and Daddy. The fact that you want it to be shows that you have Never Grown Up into a responsible, independent individual.

What, exactly, does this FDA ruling have to do with government subsidized healthcare?

You're reading comprehension and logic are clearly non-existent.

Your COMRADES in this thread are justifying the FDA micromanaging our diets with the reasoning that because their taxes pay for the healthcare of others, that other people's diets should be managed by the government.
premiums went up BEFORE Obamneycare to cover expenses for those who demanded FREEDUMB to eat like idiots and end up in the hospital for bad diet- related maladies Sugar Shorts (pun intended) :thup:
You're just proving my point. The reason you are paying for their health care is because of your attitude that everyone should have the same health care.

Government IS NOT Mommy and Daddy. The fact that you want it to be shows that you have Never Grown Up into a responsible, independent individual.

What, exactly, does this FDA ruling have to do with government subsidized healthcare?

You're reading comprehension and logic are clearly non-existent.

Your COMRADES in this thread are justifying the FDA micromanaging our diets with the reasoning that because their taxes pay for the healthcare of others, that other people's diets should be managed by the government.

They aren't micromanaging your diet. Don't take it personal. They are telling companies that processes our food that they can no longer poison the American people by adding trans fat to the food they are processing. You can add all the trans fat you want to your food. The companies cannot.

You are a blithering tool.

Is that right? And you not having the capability to post a reasoned response to my post makes you, what, exactly?
a resident rw hack?
Problem solved then. Why have the nanny state do it for others?

Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:

You're just proving my point. The reason you are paying for their health care is because of your attitude that everyone should have the same health care.

Government IS NOT Mommy and Daddy. The fact that you want it to be shows that you have Never Grown Up into a responsible, independent individual.

What, exactly, does this FDA ruling have to do with government subsidized healthcare?

You're reading comprehension and logic are clearly non-existent.

Your COMRADES in this thread are justifying the FDA micromanaging our diets with the reasoning that because their taxes pay for the healthcare of others, that other people's diets should be managed by the government.

Has nothing to do with micromanaging anything, Bo. It's simply the FDA doing the job We the People created it to do, and has been doing for a lot longer than any of us have been alive. It's why none of us are dead from poisoned meats or crippled from unsafe drugs. It's why you can apply cosmetics and know in advance that they're not going to melt your face off. It's there to play the role of guardian on our behalf. Read it on the ingredient label?? If it weren't for FDA we wouldn't have ANY ingredient labels. And every civilization that's ever had a public food supply has done the same thing. This kneejerk Randbotian pushback is completely irrational. All such irrationality does is slow down the process of food safety.

And for what??

And as Orogenic said, and he's exactly right, it's got nothing to do with consumers. There are no FDA restrictions on what you or I can eat; only what we can sell to somebody else. That's why we created the FDA in the first place. It's there to protect the buyer. That's you and me.

Diga me muchacha -- we've heard plenty about the downside of transfats ---- what's the upside? What possible earthly reason would you want 'em in there?
Just so you dumbasses know I was quoting the headline on CNN channel. Carry on fuckers.
nice backpedal sock..... errr.... n00b :thup:
You pay to be made the laughing stock of the forum?
he doesnt need any help with that....he has been a laughing stock and the subject of many a flame thread since he joined....there is a reason he is the topic of so many threads here....
Yeah it's cuz he makes the threads.
indirectly yes he does....
the fucker wont answer what i thought was a reasonable question to ask him....i wonder if it was too tough for him to answer...
The answer is no. Obviously.
no?....so heart disease or Cardiovascular disease,is NOT the most common cause of death in this Country?....
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.
if you were at least a 4th grade reader,i would not have to dumb this down for you..... my question was about heart disease not fats...does that clear it up better for you? ..now lets see you answer the question i asked.....otherwise i am going to think dean was right about some of you righties...please dont make that happen......
That's hilarious. Do you even know how many errors are in your post? You couldn't pass a 2nd grade English test.
why dont you tell me....but first answer that real tough question you dont want to answer....
Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:

You're just proving my point. The reason you are paying for their health care is because of your attitude that everyone should have the same health care.

Government IS NOT Mommy and Daddy. The fact that you want it to be shows that you have Never Grown Up into a responsible, independent individual.

What, exactly, does this FDA ruling have to do with government subsidized healthcare?

You're reading comprehension and logic are clearly non-existent.

Your COMRADES in this thread are justifying the FDA micromanaging our diets with the reasoning that because their taxes pay for the healthcare of others, that other people's diets should be managed by the government.

Has nothing to do with micromanaging anything, Bo. It's simply the FDA doing the job We the People created it to do, and has been doing for a lot longer than any of us have been alive. It's why none of us are dead from poisoned meats or crippled from unsafe drugs. It's why you can apply cosmetics and know in advance that they're not going to melt your face off. It's there to play the role of guardian on our behalf. Read it on the ingredient label?? If it weren't for FDA we wouldn't have ANY ingredient labels. And every civilization that's ever had a public food supply has done the same thing. This kneejerk Randbotian pushback is completely irrational. All such irrationality does is slow down the process of food safety.

And for what??

And as Orogenic said, and he's exactly right, it's got nothing to do with consumers. There are no FDA restrictions on what you or I can eat; only what we can sell to somebody else. That's why we created the FDA in the first place. It's there to protect the buyer. That's you and me.

Diga me muchacha -- we've heard plenty about the downside of transfats ---- what's the upside? What possible earthly reason would you want 'em in there?
because she wants her randian freedumb to do whatever she wants including ingesting something called "transfats"

In her defense, rw media is leading her around
Problem solved then. Why have the nanny state do it for others?

Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:
Sugar is right. Lots of soda drinkers out there. And too much sugar in most processed foods. AND processed foods are bad for you. Too much salt, etc. etc. Where is the line here?

How about healthy people (like me) paying less like I do with auto insurance with my clean driving record?

Or take it further. The Feds have a Highly Politicized Food Pyramid which is heavy on carbs and light on protein and fat. One tactic could be (and is) making meat more expensive so that less people can afford it. The CPI doesn't reflect this phenom - it just assumes that people will happily substitute cheaper protein such as Enviro-Nazi approved Tofu.



Meat is becoming more expensive because of a multi-year ongoing drought in the west, and because of a massive avian flu outbreak.
That chart is bullshit and another reason government has no business telling people what to eat. We don't need milk at all and a lot of veggie oil is no good, extra virgin olive oil is great. But the chart says keep transfats low, not non existent. So is it right or wrong?
The answer is no. Obviously.
no?....so heart disease or Cardiovascular disease,is NOT the most common cause of death in this Country?....
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.
if you were at least a 4th grade reader,i would not have to dumb this down for you..... my question was about heart disease not fats...does that clear it up better for you? ..now lets see you answer the question i asked.....otherwise i am going to think dean was right about some of you righties...please dont make that happen......
That's hilarious. Do you even know how many errors are in your post? You couldn't pass a 2nd grade English test.
why dont you tell me....but first answer that real tough question you dont want to answer....
Are you still so fucking ignorant that you think an unsupported assertion followed by a misplaced question mark constitutes a question?
no?....so heart disease or Cardiovascular disease,is NOT the most common cause of death in this Country?....
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.
if you were at least a 4th grade reader,i would not have to dumb this down for you..... my question was about heart disease not fats...does that clear it up better for you? ..now lets see you answer the question i asked.....otherwise i am going to think dean was right about some of you righties...please dont make that happen......
That's hilarious. Do you even know how many errors are in your post? You couldn't pass a 2nd grade English test.
why dont you tell me....but first answer that real tough question you dont want to answer....
Are you still so fucking ignorant that you think an unsupported assertion followed by a misplaced question mark constitutes a question?
quit your fucking dancing....either answer the fucking question or go back to your goats...here let me ask it again,this time i will go slow for you.....are....you.....saying....that....heart....disease ....is....not....the....number....one....cause....of...death.....in...this...Country?...i cant dumb it down anymore mohound....
Why? Because Leftwing Loons cannot handle a reality in which anyone thinks differently than they do.
ummm..... no we don't like paying through the nose for stupid people that need healthcare because they demand FREEDUMB to eat synthesized junk that is proven to be bad for them Sugar Tits boedicca :thup:
Sugar is right. Lots of soda drinkers out there. And too much sugar in most processed foods. AND processed foods are bad for you. Too much salt, etc. etc. Where is the line here?

How about healthy people (like me) paying less like I do with auto insurance with my clean driving record?

Or take it further. The Feds have a Highly Politicized Food Pyramid which is heavy on carbs and light on protein and fat. One tactic could be (and is) making meat more expensive so that less people can afford it. The CPI doesn't reflect this phenom - it just assumes that people will happily substitute cheaper protein such as Enviro-Nazi approved Tofu.



Meat is becoming more expensive because of a multi-year ongoing drought in the west, and because of a massive avian flu outbreak.
That chart is bullshit and another reason government has no business telling people what to eat. We don't need milk at all and a lot of veggie oil is no good, extra virgin olive oil is great. But the chart says keep transfats low, not non existent. So is it right or wrong?
Obviously it's wrong.
These fools can't even decide if eggs are good or bad

The fact that this is an issue for a federal level government agency is quite frankly ludicrous.

I disagree.

When the federal government is paying for so much of what so many eat, the federal government certainly ought be concerned about what it is those people are eating.
ok let them worry about the govt food....not the stuff you can buy if you want.....
How about heroin. Should we be able to buy that if we want?
geezus NN you have been in enough drug threads with me to know my answer to that....and we are talking FOOD here,not drugs...
I thought it was more freedom to do what you want.
These fools can't even decide if eggs are good or bad

The fact that this is an issue for a federal level government agency is quite frankly ludicrous.

I disagree.

When the federal government is paying for so much of what so many eat, the federal government certainly ought be concerned about what it is those people are eating.

And that is PRECISELY why we need to dismantle Big Government.

It's nobody's busy body business what anyone else eats. Huge transfer payment systems are just Trojan Horses to destroy Liberty and Privacy.
If children are out eating this food without supervision, it is the government's business. Children need to be protected.

Really? For children to learn how to grow up into adults, they need to learn how to eat for themselves. That includes making good choices.

The role of Government IS NOT to be an All-Pervasive Helicopter Parent.
If you look at childhood obesity. learning to eat for themselves is a failure, and they need protection that their parents are not giving them.

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