Fear is anti-American


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008

Visual says it all.
murkins are fucking cowards. If you see a TSA fag reaching into a kids shorts or a fucking Nazi tazering a non-violent, old or , small person ? Kill the mother fuckers.
COWARDS. That is why I left. Me against hundreds of thousands of Nazi's was completely unrealistic.
When I left that shithole I was literally inches from being"disappeared". At 1800 miles, I may still not be out of the woods.
"You disagree with me, therefore you are afraid." Got it. Moronic gibberish. I am not surprised.

Pompous declarations of superiority that utterly miss the point of the OP? Similarly, I am not suprised.

If you had said 'fear is unAmerican', you might have had some vague point... that I would disagree with but still a point... however, 'anti-American'? Seriously? That's just ludicrous.
"You disagree with me, therefore you are afraid." Got it. Moronic gibberish. I am not surprised.

Pompous declarations of superiority that utterly miss the point of the OP? Similarly, I am not suprised.

If you had said 'fear is unAmerican', you might have had some vague point... that I would disagree with but still a point... however, 'anti-American'? Seriously? That's just ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is your ongoing insistence that your opinion has some sort of overarching relevance, in spite of the lack of content in most of your posts.

Our national motto is e pluribus unum....Out of many, one. Constructing policies which undermine the constitution and bill of rights, because of arbitrary fears about people on the basis of skin color or religion is antithetical to the heroism of our founding fathers and their sacrifices.

Hence, anti-American.
Pompous declarations of superiority that utterly miss the point of the OP? Similarly, I am not suprised.

If you had said 'fear is unAmerican', you might have had some vague point... that I would disagree with but still a point... however, 'anti-American'? Seriously? That's just ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is your ongoing insistence that your opinion has some sort of overarching relevance, in spite of the lack of content in most of your posts.

Our national motto is e pluribus unum....Out of many, one. Constructing policies which undermine the constitution and bill of rights, because of arbitrary fears about people on the basis of skin color or religion is antithetical to the heroism of our founding fathers and their sacrifices.

Hence, anti-American.

I don't see it the way you do. How absolutely outrageous of me. How very dare I voice an opinion - on a public message board no less! I can understand your fury. :lol::lol:

I would describe it as unAmerican. Because I don't believe it is based on 'fear', I think it's based on ignorance. Which, in it's way is much worse than fear... if one feels fear, one can overcome it with courage. That is what courage is.... recognizing that some things are more important than what scares one. Ignorance, on the other hand... can't overcome that with courage.
What's ludicrous is your ongoing insistence that your opinion has some sort of overarching relevance, in spite of the lack of content in most of your posts.

Our national motto is e pluribus unum....Out of many, one.

Funny; I see nothing from the Obama administration and the democratic party, including it's press, other than divisiveness. From class warfare, to gender warfare, to the race war the administration foments...

Isn't the divisiveness the left promotes based on fear?

Constructing policies which undermine the constitution and bill of rights, because of arbitrary fears about people on the basis of skin color or religion is antithetical to the heroism of our founding fathers and their sacrifices.

Hence, anti-American.

Sounds to me like you're just promoting the Obama divisiveness campaign. Since he is an utter failure, "divide and conquer" appears the order of the day..
Funny; I see nothing from the Obama administration and the democratic party, including it's press, other than divisiveness. From class warfare, to gender warfare, to the race war the administration foments...

Isn't the divisiveness the left promotes based on fear?

Absolutely...fear of the wealthy, fear of "the man," and the assumption that the other party is inherently racist/anti-woman.

Why do you assume that my post was somehow partisan?
I don't see it the way you do. How absolutely outrageous of me. How very dare I voice an opinion - on a public message board no less! I can understand your fury. :lol::lol:

Projection? Survey says yes.

Interestingly, one phrase you will never see from me.... 'shut the fuck up'. Because everyone has the right to their opinion - no matter how stupid. However, I am inclined to call stupid as stupid. The issue, for you, is that you see that as me thinking I am intellectually superior to those posters who make stupid comments. That's your problem, I can't be arsed to make it mine. Comprehension is not something you value.... judging by your posts.
Interestingly, one phrase you will never see from me.... 'shut the fuck up'. Because everyone has the right to their opinion - no matter how stupid. However, I am inclined to call stupid as stupid. The issue, for you, is that you see that as me thinking I am intellectually superior to those posters who make stupid comments. That's your problem, I can't be arsed to make it mine. Comprehension is not something you value.... judging by your posts.

I have yet to see you post anything with any substance or depth. Rather, you prefer to wander the board, casting aspersions on other people's intelligence and quibbling with them over terminology, while making sophomoric mistakes like using the term "tenant" in place of "tenet."

Nor have I ever told you to "shut the fuck up." Frankly, I enjoy watching you show your ass on this board. There is much hilarity to be gained from your lack of self-awareness and inability to guage public perception, in tandem with your utter narcissism.

Don't ever change, Sandy. You provide much merriment to the board.
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I don't see it the way you do. How absolutely outrageous of me. How very dare I voice an opinion - on a public message board no less! I can understand your fury. :lol::lol:

Projection? Survey says yes.

Interestingly, one phrase you will never see from me.... 'shut the fuck up'. Because everyone has the right to their opinion - no matter how stupid. However, I am inclined to call stupid as stupid. The issue, for you, is that you see that as me thinking I am intellectually superior to those posters who make stupid comments. That's your problem, I can't be arsed to make it mine. Comprehension is not something you value.... judging by your posts.

Re-read the post. Does this seem to be the work of someone who claims to have an IQ above 127?
What, exactly, about the OP made you think that I posted it with partisan motives?

The visual. It looks like an Obama campaign ad. A young, OWS protester, condemning precisely what he promotes.

I'm happy to hear that you don't subscribe to the divisiveness.

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