Fed Judge (and fellow Aggie alum) Mark Pittman shoots down Texas' under 21 handgun carry ban

Laws are weird sometimes....Back when I was a kid I carried a .22 revolver down on the river all the time but they had a law in place at the time (not sure if it was state or federal) that you could not buy any ammo if it fit in a handgun unless you were 18 so I had to get my dad to buy my .22 ammo.....The funny part was I could buy all the Norma 7.7 Jap rifle ammo I wanted if I could mow enough yards to buy it. The law went away after a couple years, I'm not sure what that was all about.
First, how many school shootings have been done with a handgun?

Second, since the ban has been ineffective at keeping under 18 year olds from possessing them, what good was it?
Right...we should get rid of all laws against murder, speeding, rape, etc... since murders, speeding, and rapes happen every day.

Right...we should get rid of all laws against murder, speeding, rape, etc... since murders, speeding, and rapes happen every day.

Geez, candy, where did I say we should get rid of those laws? Those laws are important to allow us to punish those who murder, speed and rape. However, they should apply to every adult equally and not limit the rights of some adults while allowing others to make their choice.
The same thing should have been done here in Florida after the stupid Legislature and RINO governor passed the law preventing 18. 19 and 20 year olds from purchasing ARs.

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