Fed Up Germany tells CIA to get out


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Germany asks top U.S. spy to leave amid flap - The Washington Post

BERLIN — The German government has asked the CIA station chief at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin to leave the country, an unusual action between allies that represents a public expression of anger over reported cases of U.S. spying in Germany.

“The representative of the U.S. intelligence services at the Embassy of the United States of America has been requested to leave Germany,”

Germany has had a gut full of obama's lies. Merkle should have thrown out the ambassador as well.
Nothing more than a ruse...Germany MUST be spied on (as they have been under every other administration). Why wouldn't we spy on a nation that tried to exterminate the Jews, some africans and started TWO world wars?
Nothing more than a ruse...Germany MUST be spied on (as they have been under every other administration). Why wouldn't we spy on a nation that tried to exterminate the Jews, some africans and started TWO world wars?

Because when obama was caught spying and tapping Angela Merkle's private phone, he said that it would stop as America doesn't spy on its friends. It was a lie. It's been exposed as a lie.

I hope many more countries throw our personnel out. America needs to be isolated as long as the deranged democrats are in charge.
You know what...if politics can make you wish so much ill on these United States of America...you were never pro-American and you never bought into the premise of democracy.

This is ridiculous, you disagree with policy and you wish ill upon my nation. You are nothing more than a traitor hoping and working for the downfall of this nation...you and the rest of the Teapers.
Well, that outta do it.

KGB officer enjoying his retirement reads this and smacks his forehead, "You mean all we had to do was ask them to leave?!" :)

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