Federal agents secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with Hunter’s Chinese business partners while on an official government trip


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So, working for Biden, protecting him. Meanwhile, they targeted Trump from the day he came down the escalator.

Why? 🤔

So much of DC is in on the money grubbing scam at the detriment of America. The only possible explanation.

And Obama is the guy who started filling the FBI, DoJ, and other agencies with fellow travelers, with anti-Americans.

So, working for Biden, protecting him. Meanwhile, they targeted Trump from the day he came down the escalator.

Why? 🤔

So much of DC is in on the money grubbing scam at the detriment of America. The only possible explanation.

And Obama is the guy who started filling the FBI, DoJ, and other agencies with fellow travelers, with anti-Americans.

Our various government agencies are in DIRE NEED of a top down housecleaning. That will only happen if Trump is elected, otherwise the country continues its downward slide.

I mean, the crazy stories.

But this time, they must be true! After all, a MAGA commie agent said so! Who can argue with that?
Yep, and here we have the dirty fingerprints of one Jack Smith, who was handpicked to prosecute/persecute Donald Trump by the Biden junta.

Is your problem that Hunter traveled with his father or that he does business with China?
So, working for Biden, protecting him. Meanwhile, they targeted Trump from the day he came down the escalator.

Why? 🤔

So much of DC is in on the money grubbing scam at the detriment of America. The only possible explanation.

And Obama is the guy who started filling the FBI, DoJ, and other agencies with fellow travelers, with anti-Americans.

If it is true, there are some very critical issues that should startle anyone who understands history and the prospects of the U.S remaining a Republic and the West remaining free and secure.

1. I'm not into salacious details of politicians and their families. Especially their families. However, if there is smoke, it must be explored to see if there is fire. To NOT allow the dissemination of the facts poses a legitimate national security risk.

2. If they presumed that some of this was misinformation or designed to hurt Biden, for example by a foreign power, Russian disinformation for instance; why wouldn't the same people have come to the conclusion regarding Trumps "Russia, Russia" from a foreign British spy paid for by the Clinton campaign?

3. I believe that CIA analysts dismissed the Steele dossier. Consider that carefully for a moment. The CIA. The worlds renowned intelligence agency that works with some of the most powerful intel agencies to get their information. If anyone with two brain cells to rub together decided that knew best and wanted to carry the water for Clinton, they should be deemed unfit for their job, at best.

4. Following the complete censoring of information by media and social networks, it is clear that the so-called "elites" and their institutions believe they know what is best. Here is a hint, they don't. Not even close. Their greed, lack of street smarts or character is the reason China has risen so high putting space stations in place while America doesnt have one that is functional. Their lack of critical analysis of the world is why China and Putin took land masses at will, why Israel was attacked via a well funded Iranian proxy. Full stop. They are responsible for the mess the world has become over the last 30 years, a startling shift from a time when America was the undisputed sole super power.

So when some wonder why anyone gets behind a wealthy outsider, it is because perhaps he will listen to those who aren't in it solely for the money. Perhaps he understand through personal experience how rigged the game can be, especially on global trade etc.

Biden had a lay up for 2024. Don't change the border policies, don't pass the I.R.A and if you want bonus marks, don't enter into the Paris Accord. If anyone wants to promote how these policies have helped America I am all ears.
This is a massive story. Where's the MSM? Oh, whoring for the Democrats.

The Republic Dies Without a Free Press.

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