Federal Court finds DOJ interfered with New Black Panther prosecution

Obstruction of justice against voters by people in the DOJ is a red flag, rightwinger. Stop spinning another loophole to disguise this crime.

If you don't, you're no different from the cop wearing a badge that did guard time while the KKK strung up some hapless black fellow for crossing the street after his 6 pm curfew.

You have yet to prove any crime was committed. Nor have you demonstrated a coverup of a non-crime.

But you do have pictures of scary black men
I also have pictures of scarey Democrat white men stringing up hapless black men and a disgust for both types of armed and lethal threats.

Why do you insist on trying to equate two guys invoking their 2nd amendment rights outside a polling station with people murdering innocent civilians?

One is lethal. The other is legal.
I'm surprised that this shocked ANYONE. We have several people standing in front of a federal polling place holding billy clubs and of course, because they are a member of the NBPP, Holder doesn't prosecute? Really? I wonder how long two white guys dressed like minute men and holding billy clubs and advocating the position of the tea party, would be sentenced in a federal penitentiary? Twenty years?

Willie Horton was a convicted murderer who was let out on furlough by the then Governor Dukakis who also ran for President. When he got out on furlough, he killed another human being even though officials were told that he was a risk. Willie Horton was also an African-American. Naturally, because the people bringing this story to light was also Republican, why then of course, it follows that they must be racist. Was there an example of a white guy doing the same thing? No, of course not. But since you brought to light a black man doing it, why then you're racist.

And the people bringing the story of the NBPP to light, since they are Republican, must also be racist because I mean after all, standing in front of a polling place, holding a billy club is so small of a thing. Except of course unless you are a member of the tea party or a conservative. Then it would be HUGE and we would throw away the key.

Holder should be IMPEACHED and then TRIED for his complicity in crimes against this nation. To believe that any rational person would support this lowlife is beyond comprehension...
This again was the incident that the local officials didn't consider serious enough to prosecute.

The NBPP members were in front of that polling place for all of ten minutes before the cops ran them off.

But we do have that wonderful clip they play on Fox news of a couple of scary black men. So I guess it's a big deal or something.

With an election coming up, it is time for conservatives to ramp up their fear the black man rhetoric

Guess Willie Horton is busy

It's not fear, it's just plain racism. That's what we are seeing from this administration.

Hush! They think it's good stratagey to accuse you of "fear of the black man" disgust is more like it.
Four years and conservatives still have nothing on an insignificant incident. So bad you have to resurrect with a post that DOJ made phone calls for a status update

Some coverup
Obstruction of justice against voters by people in the DOJ is a red flag, rightwinger. Stop spinning another loophole to disguise this crime.

If you don't, you're no different from the cop wearing a badge that did guard time while the KKK strung up some hapless black fellow for crossing the street after his 6 pm curfew.

You have yet to prove any crime was committed. Nor have you demonstrated a coverup of a non-crime.

But you do have pictures of scary black men

disgusting black men.
This again was the incident that the local officials didn't consider serious enough to prosecute.

The NBPP members were in front of that polling place for all of ten minutes before the cops ran them off.

But we do have that wonderful clip they play on Fox news of a couple of scary black men. So I guess it's a big deal or something.

With an election coming up, it is time for conservatives to ramp up their fear the black man rhetoric

Guess Willie Horton is busy

this is probably one of the reasons many people ( many white people voting for him to win) are now regretting voting for Obama...they have this kind of shit thrown in their face
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Four years and conservatives still have nothing on an insignificant incident. So bad you have to resurrect with a post that DOJ made phone calls for a status update

Some coverup

This was an article from yesterday, 7/30/2012.
You have yet to prove any crime was committed. Nor have you demonstrated a coverup of a non-crime.

But you do have pictures of scary black men
I also have pictures of scarey Democrat white men stringing up hapless black men and a disgust for both types of armed and lethal threats.

Why do you insist on trying to equate two guys invoking their 2nd amendment rights outside a polling station with people murdering innocent civilians?

One is lethal. The other is legal.

Invoking their 2nd Amendment rights with a billy club?
This again was the incident that the local officials didn't consider serious enough to prosecute.

The NBPP members were in front of that polling place for all of ten minutes before the cops ran them off.

But we do have that wonderful clip they play on Fox news of a couple of scary black men. So I guess it's a big deal or something.

With an election coming up, it is time for conservatives to ramp up their fear the black man rhetoric

Guess Willie Horton is busy

this is probably one of the reasons many people ( many white people voting for him to win) are now regretting voting for Obama...they have this kind of shit thrown in their face

It will certainly be interesting to see the vote along racial lines this year. Four years of "you're racist" takes a toll on the generosity of white people.
Hey, what do you expect. Eric Holder is a crooked liar, just like most everybody else in the racist Obama administration.

If he wants to interfere in the prosecution of black criminals, he is justified as a racist attorney general to do so...in order to prevent tarnishing of the reputation of the black race.

He's just trying to bring us all together by making the Black Panthers feel good about themselves...sort of like Obama is doing with the Muslims...overlooking their published agenda and protecting them from those mean old US Constitutional laws and shit.

Eric Holder is a goddamned clown.
Four years and conservatives still have nothing on an insignificant incident. So bad you have to resurrect with a post that DOJ made phone calls for a status update

Some coverup

4 years and you retards are still claiming we oppose Obama because of race.
So, the case against the Black Panthers was downgraded to a civil case on January 9th, 2009 by the Bush Administration and yet Obama's appointees still interfered? What clowns.
So, the case against the Black Panthers was downgraded to a civil case on January 9th, 2009 by the Bush Administration and yet Obama's appointees still interfered? What clowns.

Yeah. It seems like obammy and the DOJ think it's a good idea to have armed black men standing guard at polling places.
So, the case against the Black Panthers was downgraded to a civil case on January 9th, 2009 by the Bush Administration and yet Obama's appointees still interfered? What clowns.

Yeah. It seems like obammy and the DOJ think it's a good idea to have armed black men standing guard at polling places.

Yea....two black guys were standing in front of a polling place for a good 10 minutes. When told to leave, they did so peaceably.

Do you have similar cases in which someone was prosecuted for the same action?
I also have pictures of scarey Democrat white men stringing up hapless black men and a disgust for both types of armed and lethal threats.

Why do you insist on trying to equate two guys invoking their 2nd amendment rights outside a polling station with people murdering innocent civilians?

One is lethal. The other is legal.

Invoking their 2nd Amendment rights with a billy club?

Does the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms not include wooden clubs?
So, the case against the Black Panthers was downgraded to a civil case on January 9th, 2009 by the Bush Administration and yet Obama's appointees still interfered? What clowns.

You know how those blacks cover for each other

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