Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

59% say spending money on a stupid wall that will not work is not the best way to improve border security.
Where are those 59%? Why aren't they donating to the GFM account to help pay for the Wall?

What a stupid question. Why would anyone donate to a wall they think is a dumb idea?
But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?
BOTH sides are to blame and most americansAare loosing respect for them. Me included.
Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....

If they have free or subsidized health CARE, they might not need insurance. If they have a lot of money, they might not either. If they are young and in good health, they might not need insurance. If they don't believe in doctors they sure don't need health insurance.
do you know what the "most" means?....
If one is without insurance one is but three nights in a hospital away from bankruptcy. Those that go without drive up the premiums. They want it all.for free
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

Comparing the Tea Party Rallies and Occupy Wall Street, we can guess which portions of our population can't act civilized without being constantly supervised.

You're probably thinking of the Cliven Bundy NaziCons.
Hey federal employees keep working without pay cuz that is your job. Oh by the way we need you to show up but we dont like paying you. But we need you to do your job.
You mean like the Rs did for the entire 8 years of our last presidents terms?
No, I mean like when republicans tried to get some of their ideas into Obamacare and Obama and democrats told them to go pound sand. If you want to go down this road you better have some arrows in your quiver or you're gonna look even dumber than you already are.

Are you kidding? Republicans in the house and the senate had already vowed to keep any bill for healthcare from reaching the president's desk, no matter what was in it. They didn't want to have input on the bill. They wanted to stop it.
You're gonna have to give me a source for that fairy tale.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

And Piglosi has been saying for months that her first agenda is to impeach Trump. Which one is worse?

The difference is Trump has committed impeachable offences.
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

Comparing the Tea Party Rallies and Occupy Wall Street, we can guess which portions of our population can't act civilized without being constantly supervised.

You're probably thinking of the Cliven Bundy NaziCons.

Your inability to tell Nazis from Good Tea Party Americans, is a sad comment on your mental issues.

My point stands.
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

Comparing the Tea Party Rallies and Occupy Wall Street, we can guess which portions of our population can't act civilized without being constantly supervised.

You're probably thinking of the Cliven Bundy NaziCons.

Your inability to tell Nazis from Good Tea Party Americans, is a sad comment on your mental issues.

My point stands.

Funny. You mean like teabaggers Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan? I see no difference. NONE!
No, I mean like when republicans tried to get some of their ideas into Obamacare and Obama and democrats told them to go pound sand. If you want to go down this road you better have some arrows in your quiver or you're gonna look even dumber than you already are.

Are you kidding? Republicans in the house and the senate had already vowed to keep any bill for healthcare from reaching the president's desk, no matter what was in it. They didn't want to have input on the bill. They wanted to stop it.
You're gonna have to give me a source for that fairy tale.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

And Piglosi has been saying for months that her first agenda is to impeach Trump. Which one is worse?

The difference is Trump has committed impeachable offences.

No he hasn't. Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors. Trump has not committed neither.
Where are those 59%? Why aren't they donating to the GFM account to help pay for the Wall?

What a stupid question. Why would anyone donate to a wall they think is a dumb idea?
But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Don't try that leftist laundry list thing on me. Give me an example and a link and then we can discuss it. Most of the people that attended Trump's school had no problem with it.
I don't really care about these federal workers. They are parasites off those of us who work in the private sector and don't have all the protections they do.


In the private sector.......what if your employer said that since he is having a fight with his wife, you are expected to work without pay until his wife does what he wants?
Would you refuse to work?

Federal workers do not have the right to strike
They DO, however, have the right to quit... en masse, if need be.
Imagine if tsa workers didntdishow up.. flights and travel grind to a halt. And then you whiners complain how they didntdishow up. HypicritesHto the max because they will be there...

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