Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

Comparing the Tea Party Rallies and Occupy Wall Street, we can guess which portions of our population can't act civilized without being constantly supervised.

You're probably thinking of the Cliven Bundy NaziCons.

Your inability to tell Nazis from Good Tea Party Americans, is a sad comment on your mental issues.

My point stands.

Funny. You mean like teabaggers Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan? I see no difference. NONE!

I'm talking about the mass movements, and the differences in shitty mess or lack there of they left behind.

Are you really ignorant of what I speak, or are you just playing dim?
This sums it up..
Apply for a job because everyone should be working. You are bad because you got the job. Hey we arent going to pay you but you need to go to work. Its right not to pay you.
Imagine if tsa workers didntdishow up.. flights and travel grind to a halt. And then you whiners complain how they didntdishow up. HypicritesHto the max because they will be there...

Back in the day, private security outfits did the work.

In any event, when are Chuck and Nancy going to pass a budget that their president will sign to resolve this?
Imagine if tsa workers didntdishow up.. flights and travel grind to a halt. And then you whiners complain how they didntdishow up. HypicritesHto the max because they will be there...

Back in the day, private security outfits did the work.

In any event, when are Chuck and Nancy going to pass a budget that their president will sign to resolve this?

Sometime after the 3rd of Jan after the new session of congress starts. The old bill that passed is now dead.
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....
Agree. However, that's their responsibility, not mine.
I wouldnt trust private security outfits....they are more interested in profits. At least in airports and police forces. As well and prisons.
Its chuck and nancy and trump. They all share it. Fact. They can pay the workers and leave their trivial little spats for another day.
Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....
Agree. However, that's their responsibility, not mine.
agreed, but everyone should be able to get quality health care.....
Here is the bottom line in all this:

The Republicans want border control and a halt to the flow of illegals crossing it.
The Democrats don't want to stop the flow of illegals and look like they do.


If the Republicans wanted border control and a halt to the flow of illegals crossing it, it would have already happened. you are falling victim to kabuki theater.

both parties voted for and funded it under obozo, nothing was done. where did that money go? Do you give a shit? Was that some of the money that the Kenyan put on pallets and sent to Iran? Where the fuck did THAT money come from?

We added 1.3 trillion dollars to our debt this past year, where the fuck did that money go?

a good portion to providing free US benefits to people here illegally, some to failed climate change initiatives, and the remainder into the pockets of our politicians and their cronies.

Obama added 9 trillion to the national debt, where is that money? we know that 150 billion of it went to Iran, where did the rest go?
If you voted for a man who told you Mexico would pay for a wall, and now you support a government shutdown over taxpayer funding for a wall, that has to make you feel pretty stupid.

mexico is paying for the wall through improved trade practices, no one ever said that mexico would write us a check for the wall, it was always an indirect payment. the shutdown is because the dems wont fund the same wall that they voted to fund during the Kenyan's reign. If you don't understand any of that then you are either very stupid or very indoctrinated in bullshit.
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....
Agree. However, that's their responsibility, not mine.
agreed, but everyone should be able to get quality health care.....

no one in the USA, legally or illegally, is being denied health care. They weren't before ACA and they aren't now. Stop lying about this.
1. Will excepted employees be paid for performing work during a shutdown furlough? If so, when will excepted employees receive such payments?

A. Agencies will incur obligations to pay for services performed by excepted employees during a lapse in appropriations, and those employees will be paid after Congress passes and the President signs a new appropriation or continuing resolution.


Yes we are paid after the funding is passed.

However the people that don’t work usually get paid too and basically get a free vacation without taking leave.

Which is one of the reasons a shutdown is so fucking stupid. It just waste more money...
All Dems have to do is throw the GOP $5B and it’s over, but Dems aren’t very smart.
Why would they, when Mexico's paying the $5B?

Seems to me all trump has to do is realize that a large majority of this nation doesn't want that wall.

The democrats are doing what the majority of the people in this nation want.

you have it totally backwards. the vast majority want the wall and border enforcement, its only the dims and illegals that oppose it.
The union said employees can’t be forced to work without pay.

A union representing federal workers sued the government Monday over the partial shutdown,

(drivel redacted)

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?
Fuckem for the leaches they are.

Yup and most of them will get paid even thought they aren't working.

Such is the way with tax payer supported leaches.
The union said employees can’t be forced to work without pay.

A union representing federal workers sued the government Monday over the partial shutdown,

(drivel redacted)

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?
Fuckem for the leaches they are.

Fed Govt employees are nor more leaches than the military is
What an ignorant insulting post. The military puts their lives on the line, while some anonymous paper shuffler just shows up and occupies a space with no responsibility at all.
What an ignorant insulting post. The military puts their lives on the line, while some anonymous paper shuffler just shows up and occupies a space with no responsibility at all.

Oh fucking horseshit. I am retired military, 20 years I served. During time time I worked, with, for and over many civilian Fed employees. They were no different than we were, they were doing their job for the country and trying to provide for their family.

Clearly you never bothered to serve your country in any manner.
If you voted for a man who told you Mexico would pay for a wall, and now you support a government shutdown over taxpayer funding for a wall, that has to make you feel pretty stupid.

mexico is paying for the wall through improved trade practices, no one ever said that mexico would write us a check for the wall, it was always an indirect payment. the shutdown is because the dems wont fund the same wall that they voted to fund during the Kenyan's reign. If you don't understand any of that then you are either very stupid or very indoctrinated in bullshit.

Bullshit. Of course, it you believe Trump, bullshit is a delicacy.
What an ignorant insulting post. The military puts their lives on the line, while some anonymous paper shuffler just shows up and occupies a space with no responsibility at all.

Oh fucking horseshit. I am retired military, 20 years I served. During time time I worked, with, for and over many civilian Fed employees. They were no different than we were, they were doing their job for the country and trying to provide for their family.

Clearly you never bothered to serve your country in any manner.
Oh, bullshit. I wouldn't believe you if you told me it was winter.

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