Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

O'care, BTW, doesn't provide healthcare, it provides "coverage" whatever that means.

Coverage with $6000 deductible per year- in other words, more than most pay in medical bills
And Piglosi has been saying for months that her first agenda is to impeach Trump. Which one is worse?

That's not true.

To be precise, that was a lie. To be even more precise, the guy beats Trump, by a mile or several dozen.

True, but I wanted to allow for the possibility his ignorance is invincible.

I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, he might beat Trump on that score, too, unlikely though a feat like that is.
The US border with Mexico is 1989 miles long. That's 10,501,920 feet. A 30-foot wall of that length would be 315,057,600 s.f. A dollar bill is 2.61" x 6.14". That's 16.0254 square inches, or 8.985 dollar bills per s.f. Sewn edge-to-edge, it would take 2,830,792,536 dollar bills to create a barrier 30-ft high along the entire border. And it would work, because the "dollar is strong, and getting stronger", according to I Am the Only One.

That's only $2.8B. If $5B were approved, Trump & Sons could still steal $2.2B. So much winning!
And Piglosi has been saying for months that her first agenda is to impeach Trump. Which one is worse?

That's not true.

To be precise, that was a lie. To be even more precise, the guy beats Trump, by a mile or several dozen.

True, but I wanted to allow for the possibility his ignorance is invincible.

I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, he might beat Trump on that score, too.

It's not as if they mind being caught lying.
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
there is no express wall building clause.

Don't care. Your loyalty lies with the invaders, and not your fellow citizens.

danielpalous is a racist Mexican who had sided with a Mexican child rapist over his American victim.

Unless you are a monster, you should support my attack on him.

If you do not, that is on you.
:cryhug_1_: Poor thing....did someone call you names?

Your siding with the monster is noted and held against you.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...

The vast majority of people can access healthcare, perhaps not "everyone". So why did B. Hussein O insist on an intrusive system of Obamacare that affected countless millions including those who didn't have a need for healthcare.

Simple answer: to create more government dependents. If we could ever rid our country of government dependents and victims, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books.

Commie Care yielded 20 million new government dependents. After DumBama extended the food stamp program, he added an additional 20 million more government dependents. Between those two programs alone, that's a total of 40 million more government dependents, and it was not by accident either.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.


America has superb healthcare , the finest in the world by far. People from all over the world go to institutions like the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic among others. I was in an office at the Cleveland Clinic last year and the gals there had world map with pins indicating the homes of all of the patients they seen.

There are quality surgeons and other specialists in other countries, sure. But many were trained here, and the United States is the best place to be if you need an operation where they have to cut your guts out on the table for sure.

My sister worked at the Clinic downtown as a supervisor in her department. People from around the world come to the clinic to get treatment they can't get in socialized systems.

The wealthy ones rent out an entire hospital floor. They program the elevators to not stop at that floor unless you have a key. The floor is guarded with American and foreign security for the big shots.

There have been a couple of times when I left the Clinic and got to the walkway to the garage, and I was stopped from going any further because some big shot was discharged, and the media from their country was all around the patient asking questions.

Even many of the doctors are from other countries. My specialist was from Egypt. They come here to study, and when they finally become a doctor, they move here instead of going back home. You can make five times the amount of money here as you can overseas. That's how the Clinic draws the best medical professionals from around the world.
there is no express wall building clause.

Don't care. Your loyalty lies with the invaders, and not your fellow citizens.

danielpalous is a racist Mexican who had sided with a Mexican child rapist over his American victim.

Unless you are a monster, you should support my attack on him.

If you do not, that is on you.
:cryhug_1_: Poor thing....did someone call you names?

Your siding with the monster is noted and held against you.

"the monster" :777: Drama queen much? Besides all the crying about name calling, it makes sense.
You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.


America has superb healthcare , the finest in the world by far. People from all over the world go to institutions like the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic among others. I was in an office at the Cleveland Clinic last year and the gals there had world map with pins indicating the homes of all of the patients they seen.

There are quality surgeons and other specialists in other countries, sure. But many were trained here, and the United States is the best place to be if you need an operation where they have to cut your guts out on the table for sure.

My sister worked at the Clinic downtown as a supervisor in her department. People from around the world come to the clinic to get treatment they can't get in socialized systems.

The wealthy ones rent out an entire hospital floor. They program the elevators to not stop at that floor unless you have a key. The floor is guarded with American and foreign security for the big shots.

There have been a couple of times when I left the Clinic and got to the walkway to the garage, and I was stopped from going any further because some big shot was discharged, and the media from their country was all around the patient asking questions.

Even many of the doctors are from other countries. My specialist was from Egypt. They come here to study, and when they finally become a doctor, they move here instead of going back home. You can make five times the amount of money here as you can overseas. That's how the Clinic draws the best medical professionals from around the world.
You know the difference between their system and ours? They at least have a system for those who cannot afford high cost care...we do not. Thanks for proving that the very wealthy have no problem here. Most Americans are not very wealthy.
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.


America has superb healthcare , the finest in the world by far. People from all over the world go to institutions like the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic among others. I was in an office at the Cleveland Clinic last year and the gals there had world map with pins indicating the homes of all of the patients they seen.

There are quality surgeons and other specialists in other countries, sure. But many were trained here, and the United States is the best place to be if you need an operation where they have to cut your guts out on the table for sure.

My sister worked at the Clinic downtown as a supervisor in her department. People from around the world come to the clinic to get treatment they can't get in socialized systems.

The wealthy ones rent out an entire hospital floor. They program the elevators to not stop at that floor unless you have a key. The floor is guarded with American and foreign security for the big shots.

There have been a couple of times when I left the Clinic and got to the walkway to the garage, and I was stopped from going any further because some big shot was discharged, and the media from their country was all around the patient asking questions.

Even many of the doctors are from other countries. My specialist was from Egypt. They come here to study, and when they finally become a doctor, they move here instead of going back home. You can make five times the amount of money here as you can overseas. That's how the Clinic draws the best medical professionals from around the world.
You know the difference between their system and ours? They at least have a system for those who cannot afford high cost care...we do not. Thanks for proving that the very wealthy have no problem here. Most Americans are not very wealthy.

I guess you never heard of a program called Medicaid.

The problem in our country is too much government in our care. That's what causes high cots. We have a system where the people who can afford coverage or have it from work can get care, and people who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of can get care. It's the people in the middle that have the problem, and Hussein doubled that problem for America.
Don't care. Your loyalty lies with the invaders, and not your fellow citizens.

danielpalous is a racist Mexican who had sided with a Mexican child rapist over his American victim.

Unless you are a monster, you should support my attack on him.

If you do not, that is on you.
:cryhug_1_: Poor thing....did someone call you names?

Your siding with the monster is noted and held against you.

"the monster" :777: Drama queen much? Besides all the crying about name calling, it makes sense.

I find a man that would side with a child rapist over the child rape victim to be a monster.

Such vileness is worthy of "drama".

Your attempt to minimize that, brings your humanity into question.
Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.


America has superb healthcare , the finest in the world by far. People from all over the world go to institutions like the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic among others. I was in an office at the Cleveland Clinic last year and the gals there had world map with pins indicating the homes of all of the patients they seen.

There are quality surgeons and other specialists in other countries, sure. But many were trained here, and the United States is the best place to be if you need an operation where they have to cut your guts out on the table for sure.

My sister worked at the Clinic downtown as a supervisor in her department. People from around the world come to the clinic to get treatment they can't get in socialized systems.

The wealthy ones rent out an entire hospital floor. They program the elevators to not stop at that floor unless you have a key. The floor is guarded with American and foreign security for the big shots.

There have been a couple of times when I left the Clinic and got to the walkway to the garage, and I was stopped from going any further because some big shot was discharged, and the media from their country was all around the patient asking questions.

Even many of the doctors are from other countries. My specialist was from Egypt. They come here to study, and when they finally become a doctor, they move here instead of going back home. You can make five times the amount of money here as you can overseas. That's how the Clinic draws the best medical professionals from around the world.
You know the difference between their system and ours? They at least have a system for those who cannot afford high cost care...we do not. Thanks for proving that the very wealthy have no problem here. Most Americans are not very wealthy.

I guess you never heard of a program called Medicaid.

The problem in our country is too much government in our care. That's what causes high cots. We have a system where the people who can afford coverage or have it from work can get care, and people who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of can get care. It's the people in the middle that have the problem, and Hussein doubled that problem for America.

its more than just Medicaid that provides help for the indigent individual in need of care. Programs such as the Hill Burton Act, family Health centers across the country providing care in ghetto communities, school nurses program, the Hill Burton Act, state and local programs, privately financed charity, etc. Why do ignorant libs think that medical care isn't effective unless accompanied by massive regulations that affect everyone.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...

The vast majority of people can access healthcare, perhaps not "everyone". So why did B. Hussein O insist on an intrusive system of Obamacare that affected countless millions including those who didn't have a need for healthcare.
ask him his shit did not affect me ....
You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....

If they have free or subsidized health CARE, they might not need insurance. If they have a lot of money, they might not either. If they are young and in good health, they might not need insurance. If they don't believe in doctors they sure don't need health insurance.
My personal opinion is just build the wall, take it out of defense spending, and then get something that the democrats want in return. 5 billion for you guys is nothing.

What I think is actually happening however is entirely different. I believe the Democrats see this as the first time to really punish President Trump for lying. In the past, President Trump has not really been punished for his multitude of lies. This time, he was filmed saying that he alone would bear responsibility for the shutdown, there's not much Sarah Huckabee Sanders can say to try and mask that. Over the next few days, news sites are going to flood the airwaves with that clip of President Trump with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer where he claimed responsibility for the shutdown, and government workers freaking out because they are not getting paid. This will be rammed down our throats.
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

Comparing the Tea Party Rallies and Occupy Wall Street, we can guess which portions of our population can't act civilized without being constantly supervised.

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