Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

Repugs have had all three branches of government for the past two years. If you don't have a wall funded yet, don't blame the Dems. If repugs really wanted the wall, they could have pushed it through the same way they pushed the drunken masher into the USSC.
It's quite evident that trumpanzees are too stupid to know they are being played over and over.....or they like being played....for....reasons.
geezus bo so are democrats....anyone that is a die hard party person is being played...
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.
Nope...tiny trump owns this....in his own words...he owns this.

He owns standing up to the Democrats lack of concern over border security.
This is a lie.

Democrats have the upmost concern for border security – opposing Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is proof of that.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security measures that will actually secure the border.

Will we see what kind of border security measures the new Democrat led House will pass soon? I haven't heard of any border security from the left, just "abolish ICE"
Then you haven't been paying attention...or just listening to FOX, et al. All you have to do is google "Democratic position on border security".
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.


America has superb healthcare , the finest in the world by far. People from all over the world go to institutions like the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic among others. I was in an office at the Cleveland Clinic last year and the gals there had world map with pins indicating the homes of all of the patients they seen.

There are quality surgeons and other specialists in other countries, sure. But many were trained here, and the United States is the best place to be if you need an operation where they have to cut your guts out on the table for sure.
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.
Nope...tiny trump owns this....in his own words...he owns this.

He owns standing up to the Democrats lack of concern over border security.
This is a lie.

Democrats have the upmost concern for border security – opposing Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is proof of that.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security measures that will actually secure the border.

Will we see what kind of border security measures the new Democrat led House will pass soon? I haven't heard of any border security from the left, just "abolish ICE"
Then you haven't been paying attention...or just listening to FOX, et al. All you have to do is google "Democratic position on border security".

the Democrat position is clear, they are for sanctuary cities, counties and states, where if an illegal gets there they are "good to go". And at the border, anyone who says they are a refugee gets a court date 2 years into the future and gets to stay here in the mean time. And by the time the court date comes up, they could be anywhere.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.
That's why you vote for people.....you would have loved Torquemada, eh?
Hitler. I would have voted for Hitler. Isn't that what you meant?
Repugs have had all three branches of government for the past two years. If you don't have a wall funded yet, don't blame the Dems. If repugs really wanted the wall, they could have pushed it through the same way they pushed the drunken masher into the USSC.
It's quite evident that trumpanzees are too stupid to know they are being played over and over.....or they like being played....for....reasons.
Things are so simple in your world. Very very simple...minded.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.

Riddle me this: if our health care is so bad, why do you lefties want illegal immigrants to come here and get it for free?
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
You probably do have the worst healthcare in the western world. Do you live in Hawaii?
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...

The vast majority of people can access healthcare, perhaps not "everyone". So why did B. Hussein O insist on an intrusive system of Obamacare that affected countless millions including those who didn't have a need for healthcare.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
I have my health care and never had to change doctors....and it's about time we had decent healthcare in this country.....it's embarassing to have the worst in the Western World.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.

Exactly right. If you can't afford a Town Car, you can drive a Camry. If you can't afford the Camry, get a Dodge Neon. Those who can't afford that, can ride the bus.

But everyone gets where they are going.

The idea that everyone is "entitled" to the finest doctors is bogus. Those guys are a limited breed anyhow and couldn't see everyone that would want their services anyhow. Top experts like Dr. Harold Bornstein only have so many hours in their day.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.

The entire world knows better, Don's the tormented one, every tweet is a cry for help.

If the President were to abdicate, he'd be living in luxury, building his own empire. He doesn't "need" this aggravation, but he decided to give back because he likes the American people and wants our nation to return to greatness.

Spasibo, comrade.
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.

Exactly right. If you can't afford a Town Car, you can drive a Camry. If you can't afford the Camry, get a Dodge Neon. Those who can't afford that, can ride the bus.

But everyone gets where they are going.

The idea that everyone is "entitled" to the finest doctors is bogus. Those guys are a limited breed anyhow and couldn't see everyone that would want their services anyhow. Top experts like Dr. Harold Bornstein only have so many hours in their day.
Just typical socialist entitlement mentality.
The Creature does not need US taxpayer money for his Wall.

He only need instruct the Mexicans to write the check.

Problem solved.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

Mexico will pay indirectly in way s I already mentioned to you specifically. It appears you are too stupid to see that.
But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

It is remarkable citizens of any number are willing to pay for something that tax dollars would normally pay for. Not sure I've ever heard of Democrats doing that.

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