Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

No. That's just his ability for now. His job is to do what's best for the country. Building a stupid wall is not what's best for the country

81% of Americans want border security, we differ on how that is accomplished.

59% say spending money on a stupid wall that will not work is not the best way to improve border security.

The wall does work and is working where erected. Why do you think the Democrats are so scared to death of it for?

Exactly right. The anti-terror wall works well in Israel, the Hungarian Wall has resolved that Fantastic nation's problem with illegal aliens.

It will work here as well.

And that's the liberal objection to the Wall. That it WILL work, and they will be proven to be on the wrong side of history, again. If the Wall were to fail, it would only cost $5B , a pittance compared to the ACA or the Porkulus, and it would be a great campaign plank to tear it down in the future.

Democrat voters are not very bright people. They are told what to say, just not why they are saying it. CNN and the politicians know the wall will work because as you've said, it works everywhere it's tried. However they've been told to just keep saying it won't work with no supporting evidence.

If the Dem politicians thought for one minute that the wall might be a failure, they would let it slide through, and after it didn't show positive results, use that as a campaign issue for the next 30 years. But like I said, the sheep are not thinking that far ahead. Only repeat what they are told to repeat without thinking.
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Which is why we should get rid of unions in the government.

Because they are arguing that people should get paid for their work....how dare them.

I am anti-union as they come, but that is just stupid.

So who's not getting paid? They will all get paid; perhaps not timely, but will get paid.
I'm sure their debtors such as their landlords or mortgage companies have no problem with that.

If you are living check to check and have no backup money, then maybe you're too irresponsible to be working for the public. When you take a government job, you know things like this are bound to happen from time to time.
ray those working for the government are no different than those working private,they are people who took a job that was offered to feed their family and pay the bills....

post of the day
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Your obstruction is noted. On one hand you fight against Border Security with every fiber of your being. On the other hand, you mock your President for failing to get your needed assistance in providing Border Security.

Looks like President Trump is going to have to break your will, as you refuse to negotiate.

We're down to a maybe on slats and Don has no clue what border security even is.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.

The entire world knows better, Don's the tormented one, every tweet is a cry for help.
No. That's just his ability for now. His job is to do what's best for the country. Building a stupid wall is not what's best for the country

81% of Americans want border security, we differ on how that is accomplished.

59% say spending money on a stupid wall that will not work is not the best way to improve border security.

The wall does work and is working where erected. Why do you think the Democrats are so scared to death of it for?

Exactly right. The anti-terror wall works well in Israel, the Hungarian Wall has resolved that Fantastic nation's problem with illegal aliens.

It will work here as well.

And that's the liberal objection to the Wall. That it WILL work, and they will be proven to be on the wrong side of history, again. If the Wall were to fail, it would only cost $5B , a pittance compared to the ACA or the Porkulus, and it would be a great campaign plank to tear it down in the future.
So Israel is perfectly safe now? They no longer need our arms shipments. Good to know.

A hundred times safer than before the wall.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.

The entire world knows better, Don's the tormented one, every tweet is a cry for help.
Yeah, for sure. Why if it wasn't for this President gig he would be homeless and destitute, huh.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Did you support the elimination of Commie Care since Ears lied about it saying our insurance would go down by $2,500 a year?
Repugs have had all three branches of government for the past two years. If you don't have a wall funded yet, don't blame the Dems. If repugs really wanted the wall, they could have pushed it through the same way they pushed the drunken masher into the USSC.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.
That's why you vote for people.....you would have loved Torquemada, eh?
So who's not getting paid? They will all get paid; perhaps not timely, but will get paid.
I'm sure their debtors such as their landlords or mortgage companies have no problem with that.

If you are living check to check and have no backup money, then maybe you're too irresponsible to be working for the public. When you take a government job, you know things like this are bound to happen from time to time.
ray those working for the government are no different than those working private,they are people who took a job that was offered to feed their family and pay the bills....

Understood, but many jobs have drawbacks that have to be considered. My father is a retired bricklayer. You can't lay brick in the winter, so every winter you go on unemployment which at the time, didn't pay what it does today. So my father worked seven days a week (when possible) during the working season to save up for a long cold winter. He was supporting a family of five.

A close friend of mine that I've known since a kid gave me a call asking if the company I work for was looking for any drivers? He had a fantastic job as a school bus driver with good pay and benefits. The problem was, every time a school levy failed, the first people laid off were the bus drivers. At times, it takes months to get a levy passed if at all. So finally he got sick of it and took a job where I work.

What I'm saying is that when you take a job, you are well aware of the negative parts that you will likely encounter at some time during your employment. However the way these people on the left are talking about these poor government workers, it's like this never happened before and they had no idea what hit them.

If I had a job that depended on taxpayers, I would make sure I had a hell of a nest egg. I would get credit that had a large enough limit to get me through several months if need be. Right now if I lost my job, I would be comfortable for several months. If I knew I was getting backpay, I could go for six months not working.
if you were 26 years old with a family to feed and you found out you could get a govt job with great pay and benefits,compared to the jobs you were looking at,would you turn it down because they might close govt down for a few weeks or a month down the road?... what im saying is most people looking for a good paying job dont think about what might be down the road,they usually take the job and hope for the best....the govt people right now who are off are going to get all that back pay,and those working without pay are also going to get paid for the hours they put in.....i myself dont believe things are as bad as some are trying to make it look like.....lots of those people who are off at this time of year might be enjoying the holidays with their families...

I'm sure they are. But if I were to take a job that hinged on politics or taxpayers, I would make sure I'm prepared for the worst. Now if they didn't consider that when they took the job, they are irresponsible people. Most of us have jobs that are subject to hard times. For instance I have to take a physical every year. There is a good chance I won't pass it, but I have to take that into consideration because if I don't pass, I lose my career. It's also one of the top deadliest jobs in America; more deadly than a police officer or fireman.

When you have a job subject to possible drawbacks, you have to make preparations. You can't live check to check. And if you want to pretend those drawbacks don't exist, my sympathy is not extended to those people.
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.
Nope...tiny trump owns this....in his own words...he owns this.

He owns standing up to the Democrats lack of concern over border security.
This is a lie.

Democrats have the upmost concern for border security – opposing Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is proof of that.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security measures that will actually secure the border.
Repugs have had all three branches of government for the past two years. If you don't have a wall funded yet, don't blame the Dems. If repugs really wanted the wall, they could have pushed it through the same way they pushed the drunken masher into the USSC.
It's quite evident that trumpanzees are too stupid to know they are being played over and over.....or they like being played....for....reasons.
I guess the new democrat majority in congress will have to handle the suit. Everyone knows that the funding for the wall is chump change and the only reason democrats are holding it up is leftover anger about the two year old election. Democrats thought they were going to be able to blame the shutdown on the President and gain some political capital but it ain't hapnin.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
It's comforting to know the torment you're obviously experiencing every day Trump is the President.

The entire world knows better, Don's the tormented one, every tweet is a cry for help.

If the President were to abdicate, he'd be living in luxury, building his own empire. He doesn't "need" this aggravation, but he decided to give back because he likes the American people and wants our nation to return to greatness.
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.
Nope...tiny trump owns this....in his own words...he owns this.

He owns standing up to the Democrats lack of concern over border security.
This is a lie.

Democrats have the upmost concern for border security – opposing Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is proof of that.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security measures that will actually secure the border.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security that can easily be removed if they ever gain full power of the federal government again. As we all know, the anti-white party wants to flood our country with as many of these people as possible.
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.
Nope...tiny trump owns this....in his own words...he owns this.

He owns standing up to the Democrats lack of concern over border security.
This is a lie.

Democrats have the upmost concern for border security – opposing Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is proof of that.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security measures that will actually secure the border.
you mean like that has been going on for decades?...someone should tell California about those measures....
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.
Nope...tiny trump owns this....in his own words...he owns this.

He owns standing up to the Democrats lack of concern over border security.
This is a lie.

Democrats have the upmost concern for border security – opposing Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is proof of that.

Democrats advocate for spending money on border security measures that will actually secure the border.

Will we see what kind of border security measures the new Democrat led House will pass soon? I haven't heard of any border security from the left, just "abolish ICE"

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