Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

I believe that the Court needs to order Chuck and Nancy to get the Wall built so these federal employees can be paid.

If they refuse to move it through, fine and jail those two.
Of course....jail them on what charges? Or is that unnecessary now in trump-Amerika?

How about Contempt of Court?

If the court determines the current situation is unlawful, and orders the matter resolved, then its up to Chuck and Nancy who are obstructing to act.
Has any court done that?
Because they are arguing that people should get paid for their work....how dare them.

I am anti-union as they come, but that is just stupid.

So who's not getting paid? They will all get paid; perhaps not timely, but will get paid.
I'm sure their debtors such as their landlords or mortgage companies have no problem with that.

If you are living check to check and have no backup money, then maybe you're too irresponsible to be working for the public. When you take a government job, you know things like this are bound to happen from time to time.
ray those working for the government are no different than those working private,they are people who took a job that was offered to feed their family and pay the bills....

Understood, but many jobs have drawbacks that have to be considered. My father is a retired bricklayer. You can't lay brick in the winter, so every winter you go on unemployment which at the time, didn't pay what it does today. So my father worked seven days a week (when possible) during the working season to save up for a long cold winter. He was supporting a family of five.

A close friend of mine that I've known since a kid gave me a call asking if the company I work for was looking for any drivers? He had a fantastic job as a school bus driver with good pay and benefits. The problem was, every time a school levy failed, the first people laid off were the bus drivers. At times, it takes months to get a levy passed if at all. So finally he got sick of it and took a job where I work.

What I'm saying is that when you take a job, you are well aware of the negative parts that you will likely encounter at some time during your employment. However the way these people on the left are talking about these poor government workers, it's like this never happened before and they had no idea what hit them.

If I had a job that depended on taxpayers, I would make sure I had a hell of a nest egg. I would get credit that had a large enough limit to get me through several months if need be. Right now if I lost my job, I would be comfortable for several months. If I knew I was getting backpay, I could go for six months not working.
if you were 26 years old with a family to feed and you found out you could get a govt job with great pay and benefits,compared to the jobs you were looking at,would you turn it down because they might close govt down for a few weeks or a month down the road?... what im saying is most people looking for a good paying job dont think about what might be down the road,they usually take the job and hope for the best....the govt people right now who are off are going to get all that back pay,and those working without pay are also going to get paid for the hours they put in.....i myself dont believe things are as bad as some are trying to make it look like.....lots of those people who are off at this time of year might be enjoying the holidays with their families...
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????

It's The Art of the Renege, and the Wall is part of the long con. You guys are the ones upset. We're the ones amused.
Of course I'm getting my Social Security check. Why wouldn't I and everyone on Social Security get their checks? Dum Dum.
So you are dependent on government workers....workers that currently are not being paid to send you your check.
Man, you're really thick. I'm NOT dependent. I got my check. Idiot.
And no one should...the government workers processing checks should go home until paid. Right? You don't need them, right?
Yep, don't need them. It's all automated. Moron.
Sure it is.....:71: Sure it is.
They're "nonessential workers", dum dum.
Trump just wants to keep the Trumpkins wound up about the Mexican Menace.
Actually, the trumpanzees on this thread want to forget Mexico....they seem upset I keep reminding them that their orange god told them on multiple occasions that Mexico would be the ones paying for their Wall.

You seem upset that we keep telling you we could care less who pays for it, as long as it's built. What's this, like the 15th time you've brought that up in this topic so far?????
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?
Whenever someone cries about overpaid employees they are either uber rich or some other unidentifiable condition. They surely dontdobuy into the dont be envious thought. They will never criticize an overpaid lazy executive in a company.

Who ever complained about overpaid employees?
Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

I believe that the Court needs to order Chuck and Nancy to get the Wall built so these federal employees can be paid.

If they refuse to move it through, fine and jail those two.
Of course....jail them on what charges? Or is that unnecessary now in trump-Amerika?

How about Contempt of Court?

If the court determines the current situation is unlawful, and orders the matter resolved, then its up to Chuck and Nancy who are obstructing to act.
Has any court done that?

not yet, but the court case has just been filed, and discussed up above.
So you are dependent on government workers....workers that currently are not being paid to send you your check.
Man, you're really thick. I'm NOT dependent. I got my check. Idiot.
And no one should...the government workers processing checks should go home until paid. Right? You don't need them, right?
Yep, don't need them. It's all automated. Moron.
Sure it is.....:71: Sure it is.
They're "nonessential workers", dum dum.
They're ALL non-essential workers in government, little boy. Why are they not all furloughed?
No. That's just his ability for now. His job is to do what's best for the country. Building a stupid wall is not what's best for the country

81% of Americans want border security, we differ on how that is accomplished.

59% say spending money on a stupid wall that will not work is not the best way to improve border security.

The wall does work and is working where erected. Why do you think the Democrats are so scared to death of it for?
So you are going to not hold your orange god to his promises......my my....you're easy. Are you always so easily manipulated by conmen?

Your obstruction is noted. On one hand you fight against Border Security with every fiber of your being. On the other hand, you mock your President for failing to get your needed assistance in providing Border Security.

Looks like President Trump is going to have to break your will, as you refuse to negotiate.
Why don't democrats pay for the wall? Tell democrats to stop using workers as hostages.

It wasn’t the Democrats who offered a wall and said.....don’t worry, Mexico will pay for it

Looks like Republicans are demanding Federal Workers pay for it

No, we're demanding taxpayers pay for it since it's taxpayers that will benefit the most from it.
Nope...tiny trump said over and over and over again that Mexico will pay for the Wall. When do you think they'll hand over the check for that?

That's your obsession, not ours. You've been trained like a monkey to keep bringing that up as if anybody really cared. That's why you've done it a half-dozen times in two pages. Don't feel bad, your fellow comrades are doing the same. But as for us:

View attachment 237900
Interesting how you want to deny your own orange master's words....don't you feel like Peter denying Jesus 3 times?

Who's denying anything but you here? You are denying that we could care less.
If it was a Democrat President, you'd accuse Republicans of playing partisan politics and demanding they be bipartisan. We've become very familiar with the game y'all play.

You mean like the Rs did for the entire 8 years of our last presidents terms?
No, I mean like when republicans tried to get some of their ideas into Obamacare and Obama and democrats told them to go pound sand. If you want to go down this road you better have some arrows in your quiver or you're gonna look even dumber than you already are.

Are you kidding? Republicans in the house and the senate had already vowed to keep any bill for healthcare from reaching the president's desk, no matter what was in it. They didn't want to have input on the bill. They wanted to stop it.
You're gonna have to give me a source for that fairy tale.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

And Piglosi has been saying for months that her first agenda is to impeach Trump. Which one is worse?
Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

fire them they are none essential workers to begin with

time to stop playing nice to these pussies
You mean like the Rs did for the entire 8 years of our last presidents terms?
No, I mean like when republicans tried to get some of their ideas into Obamacare and Obama and democrats told them to go pound sand. If you want to go down this road you better have some arrows in your quiver or you're gonna look even dumber than you already are.

Are you kidding? Republicans in the house and the senate had already vowed to keep any bill for healthcare from reaching the president's desk, no matter what was in it. They didn't want to have input on the bill. They wanted to stop it.
You're gonna have to give me a source for that fairy tale.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

And Piglosi has been saying for months that her first agenda is to impeach Trump. Which one is worse?

That's not true.
No. That's just his ability for now. His job is to do what's best for the country. Building a stupid wall is not what's best for the country

81% of Americans want border security, we differ on how that is accomplished.

59% say spending money on a stupid wall that will not work is not the best way to improve border security.

The wall does work and is working where erected. Why do you think the Democrats are so scared to death of it for?

Exactly right. The anti-terror wall works well in Israel, the Hungarian Wall has resolved that Fantastic nation's problem with illegal aliens.

It will work here as well.

And that's the liberal objection to the Wall. That it WILL work, and they will be proven to be on the wrong side of history, again. If the Wall were to fail, it would only cost $5B , a pittance compared to the ACA or the Porkulus, and it would be a great campaign plank to tear it down in the future.
Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

I believe that the Court needs to order Chuck and Nancy to get the Wall built so these federal employees can be paid.

If they refuse to move it through, fine and jail those two.
Of course....jail them on what charges? Or is that unnecessary now in trump-Amerika?

How about Contempt of Court?

If the court determines the current situation is unlawful, and orders the matter resolved, then its up to Chuck and Nancy who are obstructing to act.
Has any court done that?

not yet, but the court case has just been filed, and discussed up above.
Oh...the court case has been filed to hold the Democrats in contempt? :71: Might want to look again.
Blame the Democrats, if they had helped pass a 2019 budget, none of this would be happening.

It was passed. Trump childishly refused to sign it.
That’s his job, he is entitled to veto any bill. So unless Dems can pass a veto proof bill, they have to compromise on something with Republicans and the President.

No. That's just his ability for now. His job is to do what's best for the country. Building a stupid wall is not what's best for the country

Tell that to the deceased officers wife and kids in CA.
Just them? Don't you care for all the officers killed by citizens? No....I expect you do not.

We on the right care for all of them. You on the left support kneelers at national football games.

The difference is that we cannot stop our people from killing cops. We can stop illegals by not having them in this country. The left is interfering us in our goals, and that's how cops get killed. After all, what party instituted a law in CA that stated police are not allowed to inform ICE that they have an illegal in custody so ICE can pick them up? If that law wasn't in place, that lowlife would have been back in Mexico instead of here, and that police officer would be alive today.

So on behalf of the officers family, Thank You Democrats.
No. That's just his ability for now. His job is to do what's best for the country. Building a stupid wall is not what's best for the country

81% of Americans want border security, we differ on how that is accomplished.

59% say spending money on a stupid wall that will not work is not the best way to improve border security.

The wall does work and is working where erected. Why do you think the Democrats are so scared to death of it for?

Exactly right. The anti-terror wall works well in Israel, the Hungarian Wall has resolved that Fantastic nation's problem with illegal aliens.

It will work here as well.

And that's the liberal objection to the Wall. That it WILL work, and they will be proven to be on the wrong side of history, again. If the Wall were to fail, it would only cost $5B , a pittance compared to the ACA or the Porkulus, and it would be a great campaign plank to tear it down in the future.
So Israel is perfectly safe now? They no longer need our arms shipments. Good to know.
Man, you're really thick. I'm NOT dependent. I got my check. Idiot.
And no one should...the government workers processing checks should go home until paid. Right? You don't need them, right?
Yep, don't need them. It's all automated. Moron.
Sure it is.....:71: Sure it is.
They're "nonessential workers", dum dum.
They're ALL non-essential workers in government, little boy. Why are they not all furloughed?
Obviously, they're NOT all nonessential workers because there are people still working. Airport traffic controllers, military, VA hospitals, etc. Poor pitiful dum dum kunt.

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