Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.

Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.


Officers are worried about how they’ll pay rent or feed their families if the crisis drags on.

Transportation Security Administration employees, who are staffing airports at one of the busiest travel times of the year, are dealing with low morale, frustration at Washington and uncertainty over how they’ll pay rent or feed their families if the government shutdown drags on.

The shutdown is making the already stressful task of securing airports over the holidays even more difficult and demoralizing, TSA officers told HuffPost, all on the condition of anonymity, fearing repercussions at their jobs.

Although Trump has said that federal workers want him to hold out in shutdown negotiations until he gets his way, the TSA employees who talked with HuffPost had a very different message.

“While Congress and Mr. Trump get to stay home, enjoy their personal time with their families, and still get paid, we have to struggle and suffer,” a Transportation Security Officer told HuffPost in an email. The officer, a single mother, now worries how she’ll take care of her kids if the shutdown drags on.

“Most of us live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to be unpaid and still go to work for long. It is not fair,” she said.

“To say morale is low is an understatement. People on both sides of the political argument are infuriated at this,” another TSA officer said. “We feel completely and utterly unappreciated.”

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays

Sad at any time - but especially during the Christmas holidays.

Sounds like the democrats should come to the bargaining table.
The union said employees can’t be forced to work without pay.

A union representing federal workers sued the government Monday over the partial shutdown, saying it was illegal to have hundreds of thousands of employees work without pay during the funding lapse.

The American Federation of Government Employees filed the lawsuit on the shutdown’s 10th day, with no signs of an imminent resolution between Congress and the White House. The union said withholding the pay of workers who continue to clock in during the shutdown runs afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Great Depression-era law establishing a minimum wage and overtime pay.

“This is not an acceptable way for any employer, let alone the U.S. government, to treat its employees,” Heidi Burakiewicz, a lawyer representing the workers, said in a statement. “These employees still need to pay childcare expenses, buy gas, and incur other expenses to go to work every day and yet, they are not getting paid. It is a blatant violation.”

Some 380,000 federal employees have been furloughed during the shutdown, meaning they are out of a job until lawmakers reach a funding agreement. But another 420,000 are continuing to work in “essential” capacities such as in law enforcement, but are not being paid.

After previous shutdowns, Congress has passed legislation to retroactively pay furloughed employees and those who worked through the closures. But in the meantime, all those workers have bills to pay. Those who don’t have deep enough savings will face some hard choices if the shutdown continues to grind on.

AFGE previously sued the government under the same claims after the 2013 shutdown, which lasted 16 days. A judge later ruled that around 25,000 workers were owed double pay due to damages.

More: Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

I think that there are a lot of good, decent people caught between a rock and a hard place. Not their fault. I say furlough....
And pay them double for their time spent later.

Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.
you mean the one in the Arizona desert?....
frivolous at the expense of the Poor?
in the Arizona desert?...
appealing to ignorance is a favorite past time for the right wing.
Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
Allegations. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in this country.

According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.

Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....
Agree. However, that's their responsibility, not mine.
agreed, but everyone should be able to get quality health care.....

no one in the USA, legally or illegally, is being denied health care. They weren't before ACA and they aren't now. Stop lying about this.
you have a reading problem?....ok let me explain this to you....i never said being denied health care,i said able to get quality health care....hope that was easier for you to understand....

ok, I'll use your adjective. No one in the USA, legally or illegally was or is being denied quality health care, before or after ACA. NO ONE. Those of us who paid covered those who couldn't or wouldn't.
According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.

Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.

Such horseshit. You have no clue what you are talking about. They are people just like you and I who just want to do their job and provide for their family. They are no more "on the dole" than members of the military, all of them are providing a service to their country. There are good ones and bad ones, just like in every walk of life. But all you can do is keep parroting that party talking points while choosing to remain ignorant of the facts.

When I was in the Corps and stationed in Okinawa we would get about 5 to 7 typhoons a year. During the typhoon all the nonessential personnel were restricted to their quarters. Using your logic about nonessential, that means 90% of the base should have been booted from the military and made to go find real productive jobs.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.

Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.

Such horseshit. You have no clue what you are talking about. They are people just like you and I who just want to do their job and provide for their family. They are no more "on the dole" than members of the military, all of them are providing a service to their country. There are good ones and bad ones, just like in every walk of life. But all you can do is keep parroting that party talking points while choosing to remain ignorant of the facts.

When I was in the Corps and stationed in Okinawa we would get about 5 to 7 typhoons a year. During the typhoon all the nonessential personnel were restricted to their quarters. Using your logic about nonessential, that means 90% of the base should have been booted from the military and made to go find real productive jobs.
You're lumping military in with government paper shufflers and drones. Totally different. My point is the Federal government is too big and needs to be downsized. Start with the Department of Education. The Federal Government has no Constitutional mandate to run education. The military is a Constitutional requirement. There are thousands of federal workers that we don't really need.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.

Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.

Such horseshit. You have no clue what you are talking about. They are people just like you and I who just want to do their job and provide for their family. They are no more "on the dole" than members of the military, all of them are providing a service to their country. There are good ones and bad ones, just like in every walk of life. But all you can do is keep parroting that party talking points while choosing to remain ignorant of the facts.

When I was in the Corps and stationed in Okinawa we would get about 5 to 7 typhoons a year. During the typhoon all the nonessential personnel were restricted to their quarters. Using your logic about nonessential, that means 90% of the base should have been booted from the military and made to go find real productive jobs.

I hope you are not claiming that all civil servants provide value to the country. Because I worked as a government contractor for over 40 years and I knew hundreds of GS employees that did absolutely nothing.
Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.
It's really funny how you think that tiny trump is a champion of ANYONE other than himself, let alone the "hard working citizens that play by the rules". :71:
You're lumping military in with government paper shufflers and drones.
Totally different.

The vast majority of Fed Employees are not paper shufflers and drones. I worked with, for and over 100s during my time in the Marines and they were no different than we were.

Everyone thinks that all Fed employees are DC bureaucrats, but only about 10% of the Fed work force is in DC. The rest are spread out all over the country just trying to do their jobs. They are not the enemy.

My point is the Federal government is too big and needs to be downsized. Start with the Department of Education. The Federal Government has no Constitutional mandate to run education. The military is a Constitutional requirement. There are thousands of federal workers that we don't really need.

I agree 100%, especially with The ED. We could easily trim 10 to 20 percent of the Fed work force and there is a good and systematic way to do that. A shutdown does not do that, all it does is cost even more money in the long run and fuck over those just wanting to do their job in the short term.
Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.

Such horseshit. You have no clue what you are talking about. They are people just like you and I who just want to do their job and provide for their family. They are no more "on the dole" than members of the military, all of them are providing a service to their country. There are good ones and bad ones, just like in every walk of life. But all you can do is keep parroting that party talking points while choosing to remain ignorant of the facts.

When I was in the Corps and stationed in Okinawa we would get about 5 to 7 typhoons a year. During the typhoon all the nonessential personnel were restricted to their quarters. Using your logic about nonessential, that means 90% of the base should have been booted from the military and made to go find real productive jobs.

I hope you are not claiming that all civil servants provide value to the country. Because I worked as a government contractor for over 40 years and I knew hundreds of GS employees that did absolutely nothing.

As I said, there are good one and there are bad ones. The same thing even held true in the military, do you think that everyone in a uniform is working their ass off for the country? Same thing holds true in most companies. Hell my wife's hospital has nurses that are not worth a shit but they are hard to get rid of as they do just enough to get by.
You're lumping military in with government paper shufflers and drones.
Totally different.

The vast majority of Fed Employees are not paper shufflers and drones. I worked with, for and over 100s during my time in the Marines and they were no different than we were.

Everyone thinks that all Fed employees are DC bureaucrats, but only about 10% of the Fed work force is in DC. The rest are spread out all over the country just trying to do their jobs. They are not the enemy.

My point is the Federal government is too big and needs to be downsized. Start with the Department of Education. The Federal Government has no Constitutional mandate to run education. The military is a Constitutional requirement. There are thousands of federal workers that we don't really need.

I agree 100%, especially with The ED. We could easily trim 10 to 20 percent of the Fed work force and there is a good and systematic way to do that. A shutdown does not do that, all it does is cost even more money in the long run and fuck over those just wanting to do their job in the short term.

Schumer filibustered a hearing on finding a compromise. this entire thing is the dems trying to get a 2020 talking point that Trump failed to deliver on the wall. That's all its about, and anyone with any brains knows that.

The same dems voted to fund a wall under Obama, now they refuse to. Hypocrisy, or politics, or BOTH?
Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.

A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.

Such horseshit. You have no clue what you are talking about. They are people just like you and I who just want to do their job and provide for their family. They are no more "on the dole" than members of the military, all of them are providing a service to their country. There are good ones and bad ones, just like in every walk of life. But all you can do is keep parroting that party talking points while choosing to remain ignorant of the facts.

When I was in the Corps and stationed in Okinawa we would get about 5 to 7 typhoons a year. During the typhoon all the nonessential personnel were restricted to their quarters. Using your logic about nonessential, that means 90% of the base should have been booted from the military and made to go find real productive jobs.

I hope you are not claiming that all civil servants provide value to the country. Because I worked as a government contractor for over 40 years and I knew hundreds of GS employees that did absolutely nothing.

As I said, there are good one and there are bad ones. The same thing even held true in the military, do you think that everyone in a uniform is working their ass off for the country? Same thing holds true in most companies. Hell my wife's hospital has nurses that are not worth a shit but they are hard to get rid of as they do just enough to get by.

Yep, there is deadwood in every occupation, the difference is that in private industry its usually removed, in government it never is.
Allegations. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in this country.

According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.

Poor baby. The hard working citizens that play by the rules have a champion in the White House and the haters can't get over it. Boo hoo.
It's really funny how you think that tiny trump is a champion of ANYONE other than himself, let alone the "hard working citizens that play by the rules". :71:
It's tragic and sad that you support illegal aliens and sanctuary cities that protect criminals that siphon the wealth of the hard working taxpayers that play by the rules. That makes you the enemy of real Americans.
A great many hard working citizens are not allowed to go to work thanks tor you god in the White House. But all you care about is pleasing your god
No, they're not hard working citizens. They're drones and paper shufflers on the government dole. They're democrat pawns. They're "nonessential". They should be laid off and go find real productive jobs.

Such horseshit. You have no clue what you are talking about. They are people just like you and I who just want to do their job and provide for their family. They are no more "on the dole" than members of the military, all of them are providing a service to their country. There are good ones and bad ones, just like in every walk of life. But all you can do is keep parroting that party talking points while choosing to remain ignorant of the facts.

When I was in the Corps and stationed in Okinawa we would get about 5 to 7 typhoons a year. During the typhoon all the nonessential personnel were restricted to their quarters. Using your logic about nonessential, that means 90% of the base should have been booted from the military and made to go find real productive jobs.

I hope you are not claiming that all civil servants provide value to the country. Because I worked as a government contractor for over 40 years and I knew hundreds of GS employees that did absolutely nothing.

As I said, there are good one and there are bad ones. The same thing even held true in the military, do you think that everyone in a uniform is working their ass off for the country? Same thing holds true in most companies. Hell my wife's hospital has nurses that are not worth a shit but they are hard to get rid of as they do just enough to get by.

Yep, there is deadwood in every occupation, the difference is that in private industry its usually removed, in government it never is.
Bullseye. I've worked in government and know exactly what you mean. Many build a nest and just occupy for years, showing up, getting benefits and pay, all the while doing absolutely nothing.

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