Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

What an ignorant insulting post. The military puts their lives on the line, while some anonymous paper shuffler just shows up and occupies a space with no responsibility at all.

Oh fucking horseshit. I am retired military, 20 years I served. During time time I worked, with, for and over many civilian Fed employees. They were no different than we were, they were doing their job for the country and trying to provide for their family.

Clearly you never bothered to serve your country in any manner.
Oh, bullshit. I wouldn't believe you if you told me it was winter.

Of course you would not, you are used to lying about everything so you assume others do to. I back up every claim I make, something you would not ever understand.
The union said employees can’t be forced to work without pay.

A union representing federal workers sued the government Monday over the partial shutdown, saying it was illegal to have hundreds of thousands of employees work without pay during the funding lapse.

The American Federation of Government Employees filed the lawsuit on the shutdown’s 10th day, with no signs of an imminent resolution between Congress and the White House. The union said withholding the pay of workers who continue to clock in during the shutdown runs afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Great Depression-era law establishing a minimum wage and overtime pay.

“This is not an acceptable way for any employer, let alone the U.S. government, to treat its employees,” Heidi Burakiewicz, a lawyer representing the workers, said in a statement. “These employees still need to pay childcare expenses, buy gas, and incur other expenses to go to work every day and yet, they are not getting paid. It is a blatant violation.”

Some 380,000 federal employees have been furloughed during the shutdown, meaning they are out of a job until lawmakers reach a funding agreement. But another 420,000 are continuing to work in “essential” capacities such as in law enforcement, but are not being paid.

After previous shutdowns, Congress has passed legislation to retroactively pay furloughed employees and those who worked through the closures. But in the meantime, all those workers have bills to pay. Those who don’t have deep enough savings will face some hard choices if the shutdown continues to grind on.

AFGE previously sued the government under the same claims after the 2013 shutdown, which lasted 16 days. A judge later ruled that around 25,000 workers were owed double pay due to damages.

More: Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
Lefties are children. The Democrat party is daddy and big government is the mommy.
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
its the system thats the problem....we have great healthcare its just not everyone can access it...
The system is fine. Not everyone can live in a two story house or drive a Lincoln either.
not everyone needs to live in a 2 story house or drive a Lincoln....but most need health ins.....
Agree. However, that's their responsibility, not mine.
agreed, but everyone should be able to get quality health care.....

no one in the USA, legally or illegally, is being denied health care. They weren't before ACA and they aren't now. Stop lying about this.
you have a reading problem?....ok let me explain this to you....i never said being denied health care,i said able to get quality health care....hope that was easier for you to understand....
The union said employees can’t be forced to work without pay.

A union representing federal workers sued the government Monday over the partial shutdown, saying it was illegal to have hundreds of thousands of employees work without pay during the funding lapse.

The American Federation of Government Employees filed the lawsuit on the shutdown’s 10th day, with no signs of an imminent resolution between Congress and the White House. The union said withholding the pay of workers who continue to clock in during the shutdown runs afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Great Depression-era law establishing a minimum wage and overtime pay.

“This is not an acceptable way for any employer, let alone the U.S. government, to treat its employees,” Heidi Burakiewicz, a lawyer representing the workers, said in a statement. “These employees still need to pay childcare expenses, buy gas, and incur other expenses to go to work every day and yet, they are not getting paid. It is a blatant violation.”

Some 380,000 federal employees have been furloughed during the shutdown, meaning they are out of a job until lawmakers reach a funding agreement. But another 420,000 are continuing to work in “essential” capacities such as in law enforcement, but are not being paid.

After previous shutdowns, Congress has passed legislation to retroactively pay furloughed employees and those who worked through the closures. But in the meantime, all those workers have bills to pay. Those who don’t have deep enough savings will face some hard choices if the shutdown continues to grind on.

AFGE previously sued the government under the same claims after the 2013 shutdown, which lasted 16 days. A judge later ruled that around 25,000 workers were owed double pay due to damages.

More: Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
Lefties are children. The Democrat party is daddy and big government is the mommy.
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
Lefties are children. The Democrat party is daddy and big government is the mommy.
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.
Lefties are children. The Democrat party is daddy and big government is the mommy.
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.
you mean the one in the Arizona desert?....
Lefties are children. The Democrat party is daddy and big government is the mommy.
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.

Let's not. We don't want more people like you. It was a mistake to let you in, rapist supporter.
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.

Let's not. We don't want more people like you. It was a mistake to let you in, rapist supporter.
he thinks ellis island is in the Arizona desert....the guy is a real ditz....
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.
you mean the one in the Arizona desert?....
frivolous at the expense of the Poor?
The right wing alleges to be for free markets and less government; but Government solves all problems for the right wing.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.

Let's not. We don't want more people like you. It was a mistake to let you in, rapist supporter.
we should not have an illegal problem. the right wing is being disingenuous in claiming they are for Constitutional law.
hey danny,you figure out were Ellis island is yet?....
Our Statue of Liberty really is over there.
where is there danny?....last week you had no idea.....
Let's upgrade Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and more humane.
you mean the one in the Arizona desert?....
frivolous at the expense of the Poor?
in the Arizona desert?...
These leftist noodles remind me of kids trying to negotiate for the car keys and money for a night out after laying around the house all week and refusing to do their chores.
They could sell the eggs for some money.
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

It's not President Trump shitting in park facilities or strewing trash all over the place. It's ignorant progressives who believe they have no responsibility for anything. It's people who ignore Closed signs because they have learned they can do anything they want without consequences.
Where are those 59%? Why aren't they donating to the GFM account to help pay for the Wall?

What a stupid question. Why would anyone donate to a wall they think is a dumb idea?
But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!
What a stupid question. Why would anyone donate to a wall they think is a dumb idea?
But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit - The Washington Post


But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit - The Washington Post

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

Two contractors allege getting stiffed for work on Trump’s D.C. hotel
But they swear it's an excellent idea....why aren't more trumpanzees donating? They haven't even gotten a million trumpanzees to donate yet.

I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit - The Washington Post

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

Two contractors allege getting stiffed for work on Trump’s D.C. hotel
Allegations. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in this country.
I love to see right wingers throw their money away. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some scam to pocket the money for himself.

Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit - The Washington Post

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

Two contractors allege getting stiffed for work on Trump’s D.C. hotel
Allegations. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in this country.

According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Right, the guy is a multi-billionaire and he's looking for ways to steal government money.

View attachment 237915
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit - The Washington Post

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

Two contractors allege getting stiffed for work on Trump’s D.C. hotel
Allegations. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in this country.

According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.
Stealing money is what he does. He stole money from his own charity, the scam he called a school, and countless contractors he cheated. What do you think is different this time?

Prove it, Troll!
So far, all of your trash was a bunch of unproved ALLEGATIONS!

Trump agrees to shut down his charity amid allegations that he used it for personal and political benefit - The Washington Post

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

Two contractors allege getting stiffed for work on Trump’s D.C. hotel
Allegations. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in this country.

According to Trump...who said he never settles...settling a case out of court prove you are guilty.
Whatever. You haters are going to think whatever you want anyway.


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