Federal employees step up defiance of President...

Federal employees swear an oath to the Constitution, not to a man. Opposing the orange-turd is not only appropriate but required by federal employees to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Trump is certainly a domestic enemy.
...I don't have to go back and re-read it...
Given your too-loose utilization of the word 'treason', I'm not certain that you are the best judge of that.

...And calling him the Imperial Cheeto pretty much lets one know your obvious bias...
Correct. I have never attempted to disguise my dislike for him.

...Your judgement is suspect. You're one of those that practices selective justice...
Given that your boy is the object of the exercise, in your place, I would attempt to push the same narrative. Thanks-be-to-God, I'm not in that position.

...You want to go after Trump on a fishing expedition...
The outcome of the Mueller Investigation will tell us whether or not it was a fishing expedition, not you.

...but you want to ignore the real crimes that are slapping you in the face every day.
Hell, no... it's just that your boy is presently driving the bus... we can worry about retired bus drivers after we finish retro-vetting the current one.

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