Federal employees step up defiance of President...

It's not treason and if the leaks are not top secret/classified for national security, it's not criminal either....

How do you or anyone know what secrets or harm were done by leaking those phone calls? If you were another country, would you now trust that what you said in private to our president could be kept in confidence? Surely you know that there are things said by world leaders in private that they would never want made public?

Those phone calls were leaked not as a matter of whistleblowing but solely TO HARM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

That is Sedition, an act against the nation. That can be considered traitorous and with it should carry capital crimes, otherwise we are simply not serious about our security.

You don't see any leaks coming out of Russia, China, N. Korea, Germany, France or Great Britain, do you? Please let me know if any happen.
Oh, I think leaking the transcripts of those phone calls with Nation heads was bad and maybe they can find something criminal to charge the leakers with....that was or could have been harmful to us as a Nation....

Though NO ONE on your side had a problem leaking what Obama and Medvedev were saying to each other on that video that the right wing has passed around the world a thousand times over......so there is a bit of hypocrisy coming from the right wing

You're comparing apples and oranges, your dear leader was on camera and knew there could be an audio recording. Trump was on the telephone in the oval office, no cameras.

Sure! :rolleyes:

That's why all of you are posting the video saying "look what Obama was saying in secret to the Russian president that was caught on a hot Mic, COLLUSION!!!" :lol:

Excuse me, you're talking to me, not "all of you". I've never posted that video, but like you, I have seen it. What did your dear leader mean about having more flexibility after the election?

The military is pretty much .... well "defying" Trump isn't quite the right term, but they are kind of ignoring him. That's for the best, being that Trump and his treasonous followers would all be willing to start WW3 purely out of butthurt, just to cover their own crimes and corruption. The top brass aren't following any orders from Trump unless they get confirmation from the grownups in the WH, the retired or active military men (Kelly, Mattis, McMaster, Dunford).

They have to babysit Trump, of course. Those in the military take an oath to defend the nation from domestic enemies, and Trump admin definitely qualifies.

And while it's not for the best that military policy be set by members of the military-industrial complex, it's safer than the alternative. The military-industrial complex just wants the threat of war, not actual war, and that beats WW3.
That's bullshit, Trump was never part of that investigation, or do you think Comey committed perjury in his congressional testimony?

One of the more fun leaks is how Trump told the Russians he got rid of Comey because he wouldn't drop the Russian collusion investigation.

Bravo leakers :clap:

Right, the investigation initiated with zero probable cause, and to date zero evidence of wrongdoing. You fucking commiecrats were calling for Comey's head until Trump gave it to you, then it was the worse thing that could have possibly happened. Hypocrite much?

Excuse me, you're talking to me, not "all of you". I've never posted that video, but like you, I have seen it. What did your dear leader mean about having more flexibility after the election?

Obama meant congress would be more likely to support his actions if there wasn't an election coming up, where someone's opponent could scream "SOFT ON THE COMMIES!".

Why on earth do you think that's any kind of problem?

The ironic thing is that Republicans now believe "Soft on the commies" is a good thing.
Right, the investigation initiated with zero probable cause, and to date zero evidence of wrongdoing.

You've been sitting in on the classified meetings? Dumb rube.

Nope, but the people who have said they have seen no evidence of wrongdoing in any testimony in either the house or senate hearings. BTW your deflection didn't go unnoticed.

Right, the investigation initiated with zero probable cause, and to date zero evidence of wrongdoing.

You've been sitting in on the classified meetings? Dumb rube.

Nope, but the people who have said they have seen no evidence of wrongdoing in any testimony in either the house or senate hearings. BTW your deflection didn't go unnoticed.

Cool. Trying getting someone actually involved in the investigation to testify that there's no evidence of any wrongdoing and get back to me.
Excuse me, you're talking to me, not "all of you". I've never posted that video, but like you, I have seen it. What did your dear leader mean about having more flexibility after the election?

Obama meant congress would be more likely to support his actions if there wasn't an election coming up, where someone's opponent could scream "SOFT ON THE COMMIES!".

Why on earth do you think that's any kind of problem?

The ironic thing is that Republicans now believe "Soft on the commies" is a good thing.

LMAO, that's why he made a point of saying that this would be HIS last election, congress always has another one coming. I was born in the evening but not last evening, he was talking about himself, not congress.

Right, the investigation initiated with zero probable cause, and to date zero evidence of wrongdoing.

You've been sitting in on the classified meetings? Dumb rube.

Nope, but the people who have said they have seen no evidence of wrongdoing in any testimony in either the house or senate hearings. BTW your deflection didn't go unnoticed.

Who were those people? Name them.
Right, the investigation initiated with zero probable cause, and to date zero evidence of wrongdoing.

You've been sitting in on the classified meetings? Dumb rube.

Nope, but the people who have said they have seen no evidence of wrongdoing in any testimony in either the house or senate hearings. BTW your deflection didn't go unnoticed.

Cool. Trying getting someone actually involved in the investigation to testify that there's no evidence of any wrongdoing and get back to me.

How about one from your side, Dianne Feinstein. She sits on the intel and judicial committees. She also confirmed that Comey said Trump was not a target in the investigation. Feel free to look up her quotes.

Right, the investigation initiated with zero probable cause, and to date zero evidence of wrongdoing.

You've been sitting in on the classified meetings? Dumb rube.

Nope, but the people who have said they have seen no evidence of wrongdoing in any testimony in either the house or senate hearings. BTW your deflection didn't go unnoticed.

Cool. Trying getting someone actually involved in the investigation to testify that there's no evidence of any wrongdoing and get back to me.

How about one from your side, Dianne Feinstein. She sits on the intel and judicial committees. She also confirmed that Comey said Trump was not a target in the investigation. Feel free to look up her quotes.

When did Feinstein say that Comey told her that?
Your first duty is to country, not tRump. If they defy the loser in chief all that can happen is to be fired. I support them!
As I am sure you would have if it were Obama.
Your first duty is to country, not tRump

Never in your life will you ever see a Trump supporter say that
What makes you say such untruthful shit? I mean pure unadulterated shit? I voted for Trump to save the country from the bitch. You on the other hand don't understand why.
Your first duty is to country, not tRump. If they defy the loser in chief all that can happen is to be fired. I support them!
As I am sure you would have if it were Obama.
Your first duty is to country, not tRump

Never in your life will you ever see a Trump supporter say that
What makes you say such untruthful shit? I mean pure unadulterated shit? I voted for Trump to save the country from the bitch. You on the other hand don't understand why.
So...you blame H. Clinton for the fiasco of your vote.
You know how to stop this?


Don't worry. It is coming. This is treason against your own government and leakers of stuff like the President's phone calls ought to be given the choice of life in jail or shot before a firing squad. But it will be enough just to fire them. No one in Washington can be much held accountable . . . .

. . . . . except the one person least in need of it: President Trump.

so now its prison for leakers huh ?

not too long ago it was a medal of honor for leaking on Clinton.

Hey thanks for the reminder, I have to write my thank you letter to Putin.
Your first duty is to country, not tRump. If they defy the loser in chief all that can happen is to be fired. I support them!
As I am sure you would have if it were Obama.
Your first duty is to country, not tRump

Never in your life will you ever see a Trump supporter say that
What makes you say such untruthful shit? I mean pure unadulterated shit? I voted for Trump to save the country from the bitch. You on the other hand don't understand why.
So...you blame H. Clinton for the fiasco of your vote.
Yes, Hillary is the reason I voted for Trump, to save the country from her SCOTUS nominations.
Last edited:
You know how to stop this?


Fire them for or charge them with Sedition, stripping them of all pay and benefits...VERY PUBLICLY 'crucifying' them in the process...

Federal employees step up defiance of Trump

"A handful of current and former career staffers in the Interior Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have openly shredded their superiors within the last several weeks, continuing a trend that has developed throughout the government over the course of Trump’s tenure in the Oval Office.

The growing opposition in the executive branch comes as the White House’s legislative agenda has stalled in Congress and Trump turns to his Cabinet agencies to change course in several policy areas. It also is emanating from career staffers or political holdovers whose resistance to Trump has, at times, been rooted in deep opposition to the president’s agenda."


(It's like Barry gave the U.S. Socialist Political Herpes, and now we can't get rid of it / him.)


As I recall there was a study that said dying is more probable than getting fired from a federal job. It's time to change that.

No one will be sad to see the self serving idiots go.
Your first duty is to country, not tRump

Never in your life will you ever see a Trump supporter say that
When did a snowflake ever place his country above his filthy party?
All the time. Note how Democrats passed the ACA, despite knowing the political dangers, while Republicans refused to repeal it, because they know the political dangers.

Until Trump is impeached and abandoned, the GOP has to be carefully guarded against.
Hmmm . . . wrong. That ACA was not in America's best interests. It fucked America up the ass. However, it was in the best interests of your filthy party. You just gave America a good reason to vote for Trump.
Trump has already lost so much credibility within the Federal Government that it seems unlikely that he can conduct a wholesale purge.

In other words, he has lost credibility with the people whom he was elected to clean up. (The Swamp. Just what did you think the swamp was?)

...This is treason against your own government...
Better that than treason against The People and the Republic and the Constitution, by feeding the ego of an incompetent, mentally ill demagogue.

Let me rephrase so you can understand: This is treason against your own COUNTRY. The government, the people AND the constitution. When you commit treason, you commit it against the whole thing.

Whistle-blower protection laws can be brought to bear in most instances.

Again, it ISN'T "whistleblowing" to reveal national secrets just to HARM THE PRESIDENT. Harming national security can NEVER be justified in whistleblowing. The point of whistleblowing is when you see something so egregious and all efforts to have it addressed through regular channels fail that you have no choice left but to go public with it! Was there any wrongdoing going on in those calls to Mexico and Australia to compel someone to blow a whistle? (Look who I am asking) Let me help you by telling you no.

Incorrect. Most can, actually.

Really? When will any of the following be held accountable?

Barack Obama,
Eric Holder,
John Podesta,
Valerie Jarrett,
the Center For American Progress,
the Clinton Global Initiative,
Nancy Pelosi,
Maxine Waters,
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Hillary and Bill Clinton,
Tim Guitner,
Lois Lerner,
John Koskinen,
John Brennen,
James Clapper,
Ben Rhodes,
James Comey,
Huma Abedin,
Susan Rice,or

Let me guess------ you spend hours a day on a board where people list their crimes ad nauseum, and you still have no idea what any of these people might have possibly done wrong. It is all just a vast rightwing fantasy.

Good one! Thanks for the belly-laugh. Best joke I've heard all week.

Very great. You are just as predictably obtuse and dimwitted as a piece of wood, like all Leftist partisans on the site!

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