Federal Government Forces Schools To Accept Illegal Immigrants With No Medical Records Or Screening


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Here let me fix the thread story title:

"Dimocrats force schools to accept illegals with no medical records or screening."

A vote for a Dim, whether it be your local city council, school boards, etc., is a vote for more stories like this.

(NaturalNews) For more than a year now, "unaccompanied" minor children from the Central American nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have been streaming across our southern border and into our immigration courts in pursuit of permanent residency status as (sort of) promised by our own government.

Making matters worse, the Obama Administration has changed immigration rules and has sent almost none of these children back home to be with their own families (who, of course, sent them to the U.S. in the first place).

Rather, the administration has "chosen to set aside normal immigration practices and to allow this wave of young illegal immigrants to apply for green cards via asylum applications and to disperse across the country," The Daily Caller reported recently.

Now, with a new school year beginning all across the country, these illegal immigrant children -- many of whom have been diagnosed with illnesses and diseases not seen on a widespread scale in the U.S. in decades -- are being enrolled in local schools with American kids who have not been exposed to such diseases. That has caused health officials to warn that a subsequent health crisis is thus likely to crop up first in the nation's public schools.

Get ready, taxpayers, for another public school hit

And as bad as that is, says The DC, it gets worse:

According to the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank, the Obama administration has not subjected a large number of these children to proper medical screening processes.

Instead, the federal government has sent the unaccompanied minors to various U.S. locations to live with relatives or, in some cases, to live as foster wards. The children then enroll in local, taxpayer-funded public schools with no questions asked -- by law.

Dr. Elaina George, a board-certified otolaryngologist who is a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network, is warning that the administration's unconscionable immigration policies risk the outbreak of some very serious diseases on an American population that is unaccustomed to dealing with them.

"There's no mechanism in place to ensure children are checked medically," Dr. George told The DC. "It's put everybody at risk. Anybody who comes into contact with a disease -- tuberculosis, for example -- is at risk."

"This is not something that's theoretical. This is not something that kind of happened. It's happened," she also said. "All you need is one person with tuberculosis to cough on somebody else. Share a cup. Other kids are at risk. Teachers are at risk. Parents are at risk. Grandparents are at risk."

For instance, The DC reported, the Virginia Department of Education sent out a memo in July telling local school districts they must accept any illegal immigrant children -- even if they do not have a home and have no documentation regarding their health or immunization status.

Follow up could be 'far too late'

In part, the memo states that local schools "cannot exclude from school attendance those homeless children who do not provide the requisite health or immunization information required of other students."

And, of course, these children will be attending local public schools -- and getting their immunizations, eventually -- compliments of the taxpayers:

School districts are supposed to refer students who don't present immunization documentation to a local social worker who will assist with obtaining physical examinations and required vaccinations.

However, George said that there was no guarantee that all social workers would be following through with the assistance. And she says that, by the time the sick kids come in contact with healthy children, it might be far too late anyway.

As for enrolling the immigrant children, school districts around the country have no choice. In 1982, the U.S. Supreme Court, (Plyler v. Doe) ruled that a state law barring children of illegal immigrants from attending public school was unconstitutional. The high court said that denying any children basic education amounts to "the creation and perpetuation of a subclass of illiterates within our boundaries."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047020_illegal_immigrants_public_schools_medical_records.html##ixzz3EQ3uAkOU
Illegals are getting more freedom and benefits than Americans it seems.
They're forcing thousands of soldiers out of the military but are allowing illegals to sign up and eventually gain their citizenship.
It was announced this morning.

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