Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'

The experts? They dont know the log term effects of this vaccine and more people have died taking the vaccine then any other vaccine in the past all for a virus that kills at a percent less then the flu. Either you are for choice or you are a lying hypocrite. By the way dont start with the anti vac crap I got the shots.
All vaccines have risks. Percentage wise the number of deaths directly linked to the vaccine are .00018 %. Only one question do you have a PhD in microbiology or virology ?
I have to ask why any state would dare to try this when abortion measure after abortion measure has been struck down by the courts in recent years. It was only a matter of time before it happened with this one too.
Because it is the right thing to do. Killing the innocent is never okay
Because it is the right thing to do. Killing the innocent is never okay
Murder: The unlawful killing of a person under certain circumstances, usually with malice and forethought. At 6 weeks, the human embryo is not even classified as a fetus yet. So we're not talking about feticide, never mind homicide. The so-called baby you're talking about is about a half inch long, raise about a quarter ounce and looks like a deformed tadpole complete with tail which is about a third of the length of the body. It has what is called oceli where the eyes will form. It has a primitive beating heart that just formed. Other tissues are beginning to differentiate into organs and it has two buds where the arms will form. So much for a baby! It just isn't one. It only has the potential if nothing happens to it. And the last thing this world needs is another mouth to feed, especially one that's not wanted in the first place and or terribly deformed and not really viable to begin with.
Murder: The unlawful killing of a person under certain circumstances, usually with malice and forethought. At 6 weeks, the human embryo is not even classified as a fetus yet. So we're not talking about feticide, never mind homicide. The so-called baby you're talking about is about a half inch long, raise about a quarter ounce and looks like a deformed tadpole complete with tail which is about a third of the length of the body. It has what is called oceli where the eyes will form. It has a primitive beating heart that just formed. Other tissues are beginning to differentiate into organs and it has two buds where the arms will form. So much for a baby! It just isn't one. It only has the potential if nothing happens to it. And the last thing this world needs is another mouth to feed, especially one that's not wanted in the first place and or terribly deformed and not really viable to begin with.
Correction: ways about a quarter ounce.
Because it is the right thing to do. Killing the innocent is never okay

Not one abortion will actually be stopped because of it. All of the women denied abortion while the ban is in place will simply go and have the procedure anyway once the courts strike it down.
I find it ironic how the racist black supremacist who started this thread is so gung ho to abort black babies.

I mean, since everybody knows that a higher percentage of black babies are aborted than any other group.

She isn't a very good black supremacist if she can't figure out that we're it not for 50 year's worth of aborting black babies, her people would have far more political clout today as there would be so many more blacks among the population.
Not one abortion will actually be stopped because of it. All of the women denied abortion while the ban is in place will simply go and have the procedure anyway once the courts strike it down.
Thats up to them. If a state chooses not to participate that's up to the state
It seems to me that there should be repercussions of some type when laws are passed that are blatently and knowingly unconstitutional because they deprive people rights and allow harm to them while they are in effect even though they are eventually overturned or ruled to be unconstitutional.

There is a member here on U.S. Message board who repeatedly made the assertion that no woman is allowed to have an unlawful abortion, completely overlooking that the act was only recently made unlawful and now the court is saying that the law was wrong. Well what about the people who have been harmed while this "law" was in effect?

How would you feel if you were a gun owner and someone was able to pass a law, knowing it would not pass constitutional muster and would be overturned eventually, that made ownership of all semi-automatic pistols unlawful? You didn't go out and buy one, you were already the legal owner of the semi-auto but know because of someone else's angst, you're suddenly a criminal even though you and they both know that this new law is bogus. Nonetheless, it's currently the law and while it stands you're a criminal unless you get rid of your semi-autos.

See how that works?

Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'
There is absolutely no constitutional right to murder your baby, if you knew anything about roe/wade, anything, you'd understand that the decision itself was what was unconstitutional! Such was pure, unadulterated judicial activism, right on par with the ludicrous idea of "lack of standing" the latter of which was literally invented out of nothingness absent any constitutional precedents, let alone enumerated within the constitution!
what "abject criminals"? Who "extinguishes a human life"? I know someone who had three fertilized eggs that did not develop into humans before having a human baby. I don't understand what this "defunding the police" thing, whatever it is about, has to do with this topic. Nature disrupts the process of manufacturing a human body on a regular basis regardless of the wishes of the person within whose body this is going on. There is no reason for anyone to be more upset about it just because it is the person whose body is involved makes the decision. This apparently has more to do with a bizarre approach to sexual politics by people who, themselves, do not practice a "pro-life" lifestyle in their everyday lives and political thought. Now get the damned guns out of here.
Lysis, I am not in favor of a pregnancy that puts its mother in death's jaws. I am opposed all abortion that produces genocide.
Not one abortion will actually be stopped because of it. All of the women denied abortion while the ban is in place will simply go and have the procedure anyway once the courts strike it down.
So... a woman pregant today will have an abortion 18 months from now?
It seems to me that there should be repercussions of some type when laws are passed that are blatently and knowingly unconstitutional because they deprive people rights and allow harm to them while they are in effect even though they are eventually overturned or ruled to be unconstitutional.

There is a member here on U.S. Message board who repeatedly made the assertion that no woman is allowed to have an unlawful abortion, completely overlooking that the act was only recently made unlawful and now the court is saying that the law was wrong. Well what about the people who have been harmed while this "law" was in effect?

How would you feel if you were a gun owner and someone was able to pass a law, knowing it would not pass constitutional muster and would be overturned eventually, that made ownership of all semi-automatic pistols unlawful? You didn't go out and buy one, you were already the legal owner of the semi-auto but know because of someone else's angst, you're suddenly a criminal even though you and they both know that this new law is bogus. Nonetheless, it's currently the law and while it stands you're a criminal unless you get rid of your semi-autos.

See how that works?

Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'
This was expected

Libs found an obama flunky to delay the law

Its a time tested scheme that the left uses

I think that if it gets overturned by the SC then U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman is incompetent and should be revieved of his job
I find it ironic how the racist black supremacist who started this thread is so gung ho to abort black babies.

I mean, since everybody knows that a higher percentage of black babies are aborted than any other group.

She isn't a very good black supremacist if she can't figure out that we're it not for 50 year's worth of aborting black babies, her people would have far more political clout today as there would be so many more blacks among the population.
I tried to look up the reasons black women have the highest number of abortions five times out of their white counterparts, Hispanics are the second highest group at twice the level of whites. All other groups Asian Pacific Islanders native American and mixed race people's accounted for the lowest number of abortions. The main reasons for abortion are socioeconomic. Black women do not have easy access to preventative measures such as birth control and if they do have it they aren't consistent about taking the pills and many of their partners refuse to wear condoms. I'd call that a double whammy. Better access to healthcare and education would be the best plan to reduce these numbers. Overall abortion numbers are going down primarily due to prevention and education.
Been searching for two crazy preacher sound clips and finally found one of them. Here's a transcript:
And here he is on Reddit:

Dead babies!
I don't believe in murder or suicide. I did everything I could at age 12 I decided I would never marry or have children and I didn't. I'm 70 now, I don't really care if I died tomorrow, but I am still working, still creating and contributing to society so I'm not in any hurry to die. I did everything I could. The fact that governments and people never addressed the issue of overpopulation is not my fault.
there is no over population. We are being lied to at every turn. But we don't need "them" to help u s figure things out re population:

birth control methods and devices of all kinds
women waiting until their 30s to have kids
divorce rate..

The US and other countries are BELOW replacement level births. Some years back Japan had to import labor from Korea (they had abortion before us, I believe)

The Nazis in charge will advocate doing away with old people first of all, they have outlived their usefulness.. (according to them, the know-it-alls)..

once one group of humans is deemed dispensable (the unborn), not hard to get to other groups.. Rationalization... that's howw it workss
I tried to look up the reasons black women have the highest number of abortions five times out of their white counterparts, Hispanics are the second highest group at twice the level of whites. All other groups Asian Pacific Islanders native American and mixed race people's accounted for the lowest number of abortions. The main reasons for abortion are socioeconomic. Black women do not have easy access to preventative measures such as birth control and if they do have it they aren't consistent about taking the pills and many of their partners refuse to wear condoms. I'd call that a double whammy. Better access to healthcare and education would be the best plan to reduce these numbers. Overall abortion numbers are going down primarily due to prevention and education.
wow.. this strikes me as bogus as hell

black women have access to birth control just as well as anyone else.. your comment makes no sense
there is no over population. We are being lied to at every turn. But we don't need "them" to help u s figure things out re population:

birth control methods and devices of all kinds
women waiting until their 30s to have kids
divorce rate..

The US and other countries are BELOW replacement level births. Some years back Japan had to import labor from Korea (they had abortion before us, I believe)

The Nazis in charge will advocate doing away with old people first of all, they have outlived their usefulness.. (according to them, the know-it-alls)..

once one group of humans is deemed dispensable (the unborn), not hard to get to other groups.. Rationalization... that's howw it workss
You got quite a conspiracy theory going there for you. If any of it were true, it would be all over the news, not just on Fox and qanon and other far right wing news agencies. All people do not like being manipulated.
I am a man. I can not know if abortion is murder or not -- women know better.

On Social Media I have seen countless Liberal and pro-choice women claim that all men are oppressors and all men are complicit. Men should take this opportunity to remind liberal women that we do not deserve such abuse. We can take this opportunity to extend full faith and credit to pro-life women who view us almost as moral equals.
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