Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'

All vaccines have risks. Percentage wise the number of deaths directly linked to the vaccine are .00018 %. Only one question do you have a PhD in microbiology or virology ?

We don't know what the negative death or harm total or the benefits of these mRNA injections are yet.
It appears the deaths are likely to increase as the immune system starts reacting to our own spike proteins, like those used by exosomes.
And it appears the mRNA injections leave no lasting immunity at all, with efficacy dropping 30% per month.
Nor does one need a PhD to interpret published research results as well as anyone with a PhD.
Because it is the right thing to do. Killing the innocent is never okay

When a body is a vegetable without brain activity, we kill the innocent all the time.
It is merciful.
And we kill the innocent all the time, even when it is wrong, like bombing North Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
I find it ironic how the racist black supremacist who started this thread is so gung ho to abort black babies.

I mean, since everybody knows that a higher percentage of black babies are aborted than any other group.

She isn't a very good black supremacist if she can't figure out that we're it not for 50 year's worth of aborting black babies, her people would have far more political clout today as there would be so many more blacks among the population.

But everyone should also know that over population is bad, and that trying to make political wins simply by shear numbers is wrong.
When a political position is right, you gain support for it by logical discussion, not having more babies.
Thats up to them. If a state chooses not to participate that's up to the state

States do NOT get to choose at all.
These are individual rights were are talking about, and when states try to dictate, they should be utterly destroyed.
There is absolutely no constitutional right to murder your baby, if you knew anything about roe/wade, anything, you'd understand that the decision itself was what was unconstitutional! Such was pure, unadulterated judicial activism, right on par with the ludicrous idea of "lack of standing" the latter of which was literally invented out of nothingness absent any constitutional precedents, let alone enumerated within the constitution!

The 14th amendment made all individual rights constitutional.
Rights pre-date the constitution and are infinite.
Like the right to privacy.
Privacy is not listed in the Constitution, but became a constitutionally protected right by the 14th amendment.
No state may now violate individual right of privacy without being attacked by the feds.
Same with individual gun rights, as the way it is supposed to work.
The McDonald vs Chicago ruling against state gun control is because of the 14th amendment.

As for lack of standing, the point is government is not a source of any legal authority.
Only individual rights are.
So then for anyone or any government to act against anyone else, there has to be proof that act is necessary in order to defend individual rights of the one acting against someone else.
That is why the War on Drugs is actually totally illegal, in that there is no one with standing for the police to be protecting from drugs.
And with abortion, the fetus is not a human, so has no rights, and no one has the right to act for the fetus.
Lysis, I am not in favor of a pregnancy that puts its mother in death's jaws. I am opposed all abortion that produces genocide.

No single abortion could possibly ever be genocide.
Genocide would require mandating multiple abortions on a massive scale.
But without abortion, the high reproductive rate of humans will eventually cause mass genocide, as we over run our limited resources and go extinct as a species.
I tried to look up the reasons black women have the highest number of abortions five times out of their white counterparts, Hispanics are the second highest group at twice the level of whites. All other groups Asian Pacific Islanders native American and mixed race people's accounted for the lowest number of abortions. The main reasons for abortion are socioeconomic. Black women do not have easy access to preventative measures such as birth control and if they do have it they aren't consistent about taking the pills and many of their partners refuse to wear condoms. I'd call that a double whammy. Better access to healthcare and education would be the best plan to reduce these numbers. Overall abortion numbers are going down primarily due to prevention and education.

Also poverty is known to increase reproduction.
It is basic instinct.
Whenever a species is stressed, as poverty does, likely the instinct is to increase reproduction in order to prevent extinction, even though it may be counter productive in reality.
It is still always true.
The way to reduce population growth is always to reduce poverty.
there is no over population. We are being lied to at every turn. But we don't need "them" to help u s figure things out re population:

birth control methods and devices of all kinds
women waiting until their 30s to have kids
divorce rate..

The US and other countries are BELOW replacement level births. Some years back Japan had to import labor from Korea (they had abortion before us, I believe)

The Nazis in charge will advocate doing away with old people first of all, they have outlived their usefulness.. (according to them, the know-it-alls)..

once one group of humans is deemed dispensable (the unborn), not hard to get to other groups.. Rationalization... that's howw it workss

That is ridiculous.
Of course there is over population.
We are taking over all the resources on the planet, and all the natural animals are quickly going extinct due to us.
Resources are limited.
We only delayed Malthus through the use of fossil fuel.
But fossil fuels are limited.
Land, water, and even air are limited.
So then population must also be limited.
And likely need to be about a third what we have now, already.
When fossil fuels run out, then Malthus will again be right.
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I read what I needed to read.
According to your reasoning, only combat veterans can have an opinion on war.

I don't think you analogy works.
He did not talk about having an "opinion".
He said who really "knows".
And while anyone can have an opinion, that is way different than really knowing.
And only a woman, who has all the hormones, instincts, etc. can really know what is right about reproduction.
Men know nothing about reproduction, they only know about their part in sex.
Nothing else.
In fact, males in nature rarely play any role in reproduction beyond the initial sex act.
They have no knowledge, instincts, hormones, or anything to do with it.
You're lying to yourself.

No, I agree with him that it has to be up to the woman alone, and no one else.
Lets assume for theory that the woman who wants an abortion is defective and does not have proper maternal instincts?
So what?
Even if she is wrong to what an abortion as far as the human species, it can still be right for her.
No one else gets to determine what is right for her.
And you certainly not demand she be used like some uterus slave.
Any and all women have to get to decide for themselves.
No one else.
No single abortion could possibly ever be genocide.
Genocide would require mandating multiple abortions on a massive scale.
But without abortion, the high reproductive rate of humans will eventually cause mass genocide, as we over run our limited resources and go extinct as a species.
With a million future Americans dying in vitro in the nastiest set of painful body dismemberment that is worse than the kind of dismemberment murderers of people criminals have to cram into duffel bags to take to garbage receptacles, you couldn't pay true humanitaraians to accept, much less to perpetrate. Abortion has become a dark cloud to the spirit of parents who sacrificed to make life good for their young and lose several grandchildren to the devil's yet craftiest way of killing families and all they stand for so he can beat up on God's children.

Do you think they're improving children in satanic rituals that kill a nation's future?
Well, not all of us think so.

Parents should protect their children from government sponsored sex education because it is of a dervish nature that breaks the bonds of family loyalty through monumental selfish living that approves of murdering somebody else who inconveniences their sorry irresponsible life because they are too little to fight a team of bully mass murderers off. No loving mother would kill or pay someone else to kill and dismember her own blood. Not ever.
With a million future Americans dying in vitro in the nastiest set of painful body dismemberment that is worse than the kind of dismemberment murderers of people criminals have to cram into duffel bags to take to garbage receptacles, you couldn't pay true humanitaraians to accept, much less to perpetrate. Abortion has become a dark cloud to the spirit of parents who sacrificed to make life good for their young and lose several grandchildren to the devil's yet craftiest way of killing families and all they stand for so he can beat up on God's children.

Do you think they're improving children in satanic rituals that kill a nation's future?
Well, not all of us think so.

Parents should protect their children from government sponsored sex education because it is of a dervish nature that breaks the bonds of family loyalty through monumental selfish living that approves of murdering somebody else who inconveniences their sorry irresponsible life because they are too little to fight a team of bully mass murderers off. No loving mother would kill or pay someone else to kill and dismember her own blood. Not ever.

I disagree.
Every menstrual period is the death of a living human.
Each ovum is alive.
With many species, combination with another set to of alleles is not necessary.
Death is normal and ordinary, and insignificant if not sentient.
It is sentience that is divine, not physical body life.
All physical bodies die.
That is not bad.
It is only sentience that matters, and that is not part of the body.
I disagree.
Every menstrual period is the death of a living human.
Each ovum is alive.
With many species, combination with another set to of alleles is not necessary.
Death is normal and ordinary, and insignificant if not sentient.
It is sentience that is divine, not physical body life.
All physical bodies die.
That is not bad.
It is only sentience that matters, and that is not part of the body.
as usual everything you just said is wrong,,
I disagree.
Every menstrual period is the death of a living human.
Each ovum is alive.
With many species, combination with another set to of alleles is not necessary.
Death is normal and ordinary, and insignificant if not sentient.
It is sentience that is divine, not physical body life.
All physical bodies die.
That is not bad.
It is only sentience that matters, and that is not part of the body.
An ovum is not a human being until it is fertilized and "knows" through its dna that it has to plant itself in the uterus and does so without eyeballs or knowing the constitution that gives it the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion takes away its self-evidence of its being and all the rest the Constitution guarantees a human being.

Anybody who doesn't think the Constitution gives unborn citizens the right to life and liberty and finding its own way in life is sipping witches brew and not the strength of truth and rightness.
An ovum is not a human being until it is fertilized and "knows" through its dna that it has to plant itself in the uterus and does so without eyeballs or knowing the constitution that gives it the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion takes away its self-evidence of its being and all the rest the Constitution guarantees a human being.

Anybody who doesn't think the Constitution gives unborn citizens the right to life and liberty and finding its own way in life is sipping witches brew and not the strength of truth and rightness.

Historically human ovum used to at one time be all there was.
Sexual reproduction evolved later.
Sometimes an ovum can and does spontaneously replicate and attach to the uterus and become born.
No one can tell without a DNA analysis.

A fetus has no rights at all, only the living woman does.
Historically human ovum used to at one time be all there was.
Sexual reproduction evolved later.
Sometimes an ovum can and does spontaneously replicate and attach to the uterus and become born.
No one can tell without a DNA analysis.

A fetus has no rights at all, only the living woman does.
That was not true before Roe v. wade, and it is not true in the land of Texas where children are born into families most of whom are loving and resilient to welcoming the joy of teaching a little one to be as kind, loving, and generous as their mommie and daddy. Yea for newborns!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Yay!!!!!!
That was not true before Roe v. wade, and it is not true in the land of Texas where children are born into families most of whom are loving and resilient to welcoming the joy of teaching a little one to be as kind, loving, and generous as their mommie and daddy. Yea for newborns!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Yay!!!!!!

Abortion was legal in Texas before 1856.

{... By 1854, Texas passed a law that made it illegal for a physician (or someone else, usually someone else at that time) to perform an abortion. That was punishable by up to five years in prison (minimum sentence being two years). ...}

The state should have no jurisdiction over abortion, and Texas is in violation of the basis for law in a democratic republic.

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