Federal judge blocks TX "show your papers" law

Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


You won't find it on Breitbart. You'll have to go to a sane site.

I don't go to Breitbart, only time I see any of it is if it's linked in a post here. I checked 8-9 different sites and none had a link to the decision. All it was was repetition of the same shit. I guess it's a lot cheaper to just copy everyone else instead of actually doing the legwork.

You still might need that 4th grader to help you with the big words.

Wrong case dip shit. This thread has nothing to do with Joe.


Yes, I fucked up and gave you the wrong case. Feel free to put that on my permanent record if you so desire, and I promise to have myself flogged first thing in the morning. Feel better now? Here's a link to quotes from the judges statement, and I'll round up the complete statement for you tomorrow if I get around to it
Texas’s Harsh Sanctuary-City Ban Blocked by Federal Judge
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


Don't get me wrong. I think that there may be a case for repealing the Bill of Rights. Maybe we should start with the 2nd Amendment....

Typical regressive, run straight to the absurd. How about you rebut what I said instead of deflecting like an ignorant pussy.


Deflection? I don't think so. The federal judge blocked this idiotic TX law because, in his opinion, it violates the Bill of Rights, which courts have interpreted as prohibiting police interrogation without probable cause. I do believe, Okie, that you are the one that is deflecting.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


The state is interfering with local police. They can not force local police forces to enforce immigration law. Also removing democratically elected local governments is a police state mentality. Yet Greg Abbott claims to be a conservative.

You're not very smart are ya, every city, county and police agency is incorporated or certified by the State. They exist at the pleasure of the State, nowhere does the Constitution dictate a local republican form of government, the State can establish any form for its political subdivisions it choses.


You are the one who is not smart. Local governments cannot be forced to enforce immigration law any more than states. Ultimately it is up to the voters in that jurisdiction to approve of their government's policies not Austin. There can be tyranny even when you have a democratic form of government.
Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


You won't find it on Breitbart. You'll have to go to a sane site.

I don't go to Breitbart, only time I see any of it is if it's linked in a post here. I checked 8-9 different sites and none had a link to the decision. All it was was repetition of the same shit. I guess it's a lot cheaper to just copy everyone else instead of actually doing the legwork.

You still might need that 4th grader to help you with the big words.

Wrong case dip shit. This thread has nothing to do with Joe.


Yes, I fucked up and gave you the wrong case. Feel free to put that on my permanent record if you so desire, and I promise to have myself flogged first thing in the morning. Feel better now? Here's a link to quotes from the judges statement, and I'll round up the complete statement for you tomorrow if I get around to it
Texas’s Harsh Sanctuary-City Ban Blocked by Federal Judge

I told ya, and like the ignorant regressive you are, you doubled down. BTW your link doesn't have a link to the decision, I don't want to see selective quotes, they tend to show the bias of the article.

This judge is full of shit, here's a link to the decision.

City of El Cenizo v State of Texas

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


Don't get me wrong. I think that there may be a case for repealing the Bill of Rights. Maybe we should start with the 2nd Amendment....

Typical regressive, run straight to the absurd. How about you rebut what I said instead of deflecting like an ignorant pussy.


Deflection? I don't think so. The federal judge blocked this idiotic TX law because, in his opinion, it violates the Bill of Rights, which courts have interpreted as prohibiting police interrogation without probable cause. I do believe, Okie, that you are the one that is deflecting.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.

Your full of it, if you are stopped by the cops for speeding they have every right to identify you. If all you have is an embassy matricula card you're probably an illegal.

Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


The state is interfering with local police. They can not force local police forces to enforce immigration law. Also removing democratically elected local governments is a police state mentality. Yet Greg Abbott claims to be a conservative.

You're not very smart are ya, every city, county and police agency is incorporated or certified by the State. They exist at the pleasure of the State, nowhere does the Constitution dictate a local republican form of government, the State can establish any form for its political subdivisions it choses.


You are the one who is not smart. Local governments cannot be forced to enforce immigration law any more than states. Ultimately it is up to the voters in that jurisdiction to approve of their government's policies not Austin. There can be tyranny even when you have a democratic form of government.

Great, then the State can decertify the agency.

Don't get me wrong. I think that there may be a case for repealing the Bill of Rights. Maybe we should start with the 2nd Amendment....

Typical regressive, run straight to the absurd. How about you rebut what I said instead of deflecting like an ignorant pussy.


Deflection? I don't think so. The federal judge blocked this idiotic TX law because, in his opinion, it violates the Bill of Rights, which courts have interpreted as prohibiting police interrogation without probable cause. I do believe, Okie, that you are the one that is deflecting.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.

Your full of it, if you are stopped by the cops for speeding they have every right to identify you. If all you have is an embassy matricula card you're probably an illegal.


Okie, don't give up your day job to practice law. The fact that they have clocked you speeding gives them the right to demand your ID. If you were not seen breaking any laws, they have no right to stop you.

JEEZ! Did they not offer 8th grade Civics classes in your Jr. High?
Typical regressive, run straight to the absurd. How about you rebut what I said instead of deflecting like an ignorant pussy.


Deflection? I don't think so. The federal judge blocked this idiotic TX law because, in his opinion, it violates the Bill of Rights, which courts have interpreted as prohibiting police interrogation without probable cause. I do believe, Okie, that you are the one that is deflecting.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.

Your full of it, if you are stopped by the cops for speeding they have every right to identify you. If all you have is an embassy matricula card you're probably an illegal.


Okie, don't give up your day job to practice law. The fact that they have clocked you speeding gives them the right to demand your ID. If you were not seen breaking any laws, they have no right to stop you.

JEEZ! Did they not offer 8th grade Civics classes in your Jr. High?

Nothing in SB4 authorizes anyone to stop someone just to check ID, it says they can determine immigration status during normal interactions like a traffic stop. Maybe you should quit making shit up.


The Racist Democratic Party does everything that it can to prevent the enforcement of our immigration laws because they are desperate to make white voters the minority ASAP.

I'm not surprised. Over the years, Texas has developed a long, rich and dark history of getting it's laws shot down in federal court.
The judge in his decision let stand a police officer's right to question a suspect's immigration status:

"Garcia did let stand one of the most controversial portions of the law — allowing police officers to question the immigration status of people they detain.

Because the inquiry into status isn’t a prolonged detention, he said, it wasn’t enjoined. But he explained that officers who make the inquiry are limited in what they can do with the information.

“If during a lawful detention or arrest an officer obtains information that a detained or arrested individual is undocumented he may not arrest the individual on this basis,” he said, adding that the officer is not required to ask the question. But he said if the officer feels like they should, they can only share the information."

Judge temporarily blocks immigration enforcement law


I'm not surprised. Over the years, Texas has developed a long, rich and dark history of getting it's laws shot down in federal court.
a bullshit statement with zero links or proof. how "liberal" of you.
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


Don't get me wrong. I think that there may be a case for repealing the Bill of Rights. Maybe we should start with the 2nd Amendment....

You'd get your war
The reason why the Corrupt Democratic Party does every thing that they can to prevent the enforcement of our immigration laws is because they want to make white voters the minority ASAP.
Democrats are just straight-up racist.
next thing you know,,the judges will allow all farm animals to vote,,and no ID required
The Racist Democratic Party does everything that it can to prevent the enforcement of our immigration laws because they are desperate to make white voters the minority ASAP.
Shelia Jackson will demand that all slaves that died in the 1800's still be allowed to vote

Besides this law, the fed have blocked Texas "sanctuary law", voter ID laws, numerous anti-abortion laws, overtime regulations law, new salary restrictions for exempt employees, lawsuit to block Syrian refugees and a few others I'm too lazy to list. They certainly are at the losing end...again.
Deflection? I don't think so. The federal judge blocked this idiotic TX law because, in his opinion, it violates the Bill of Rights, which courts have interpreted as prohibiting police interrogation without probable cause. I do believe, Okie, that you are the one that is deflecting.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.

Your full of it, if you are stopped by the cops for speeding they have every right to identify you. If all you have is an embassy matricula card you're probably an illegal.


Okie, don't give up your day job to practice law. The fact that they have clocked you speeding gives them the right to demand your ID. If you were not seen breaking any laws, they have no right to stop you.

JEEZ! Did they not offer 8th grade Civics classes in your Jr. High?

Nothing in SB4 authorizes anyone to stop someone just to check ID, it says they can determine immigration status during normal interactions like a traffic stop. Maybe you should quit making shit up.


It requires local authorities to enforce immigration law. The federal government can deputize local authorities to enforce immigration law however it is voluntary. They cannot force local authorities to enforce immigration law. That is what this bill does. They want powers that even the federal government wants.

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