Federal judge blocks TX "show your papers" law

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


Don't get me wrong. I think that there may be a case for repealing the Bill of Rights. Maybe we should start with the 2nd Amendment....

You'd get your war

As a native of Georgia, we already had our war, from 1861 to 1865. It didn't go well. I doubt if your will either.

Or your will? Speak proper English

Not even worthy of a serious response.
you may want to have one first.
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....
i feel sorry for the liberals. not able to remove the bill of rights form only people who don't agree with them...

Interesting spin on your part, especially since the Left is opposed to this law because it violates your Rights, too.
no spin, just saying to pretend only 1 side is doing this is just stupid.

the left currently is opposed to anything trump is for.
the "left" also doesn't give a shit about due process.
Democratic senator: 'Due process is what’s killing us right now'
the "left" also pushed for nofly lists and terror watch lists to be used to stop people from buying guns yet neither of these lists are using due process when they deny you rights.

we can do this shit all day if you want to rip into one side for trying to "take away" rights. in my mindset, the left excels at this effort. you want to say otherwise, i'll listen. but not when presented in a 1 sided fashion as if the other side is correct.

we need to address problems, not perception.

Feel free to start a thread on how the left is violating Texans' civil rights by taking their guns away from them. I will even loan you a photo of those poor oppressed Texans who have no access to guns:

if you want to think the left didn't try then you chose to ignore the senator saying due process was stopping them from doing just that.

like you say - you wanna be ignorant, up to you.

I don't know, who the "left" is. Are you saying it was me? Whatever. But your argument has now boiled down to "Two wrongs make a right".
I guess the words "temporary" and "most-of" are too difficult for lefties to comprehend so they pretend they don't exist. You almost have to scratch your head that a Texas judge would take the time to issue such a complicated ruling about Police powers and immigration when a third of the state is under water.
Interesting spin on your part, especially since the Left is opposed to this law because it violates your Rights, too.
no spin, just saying to pretend only 1 side is doing this is just stupid.

the left currently is opposed to anything trump is for.
the "left" also doesn't give a shit about due process.
Democratic senator: 'Due process is what’s killing us right now'
the "left" also pushed for nofly lists and terror watch lists to be used to stop people from buying guns yet neither of these lists are using due process when they deny you rights.

we can do this shit all day if you want to rip into one side for trying to "take away" rights. in my mindset, the left excels at this effort. you want to say otherwise, i'll listen. but not when presented in a 1 sided fashion as if the other side is correct.

we need to address problems, not perception.

Feel free to start a thread on how the left is violating Texans civil rights by taking their guns away from them. I will even loan you a photo of those poor oppressed Texans who have no access to guns:
I saw an awesome photo once during the 2016 primaries of a Ted Cruz campaign event. The photographer took the picture from an angle which showed a few people in the crowd were open carrying.

I thought I had saved that photo, but I can't find it.

I seriously doubt Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton would ever have had the inner strength to allow people to open carry at one of their 2008 campaign stops.

Not to worry. I used to live in Texas, and they wear their guns to church. There is no shortage of pictures. Hell, my brother wears his when he takes a walk around his neighborhood. At least he did, until he drew down an a harassing dog, and shot himself in the leg.
i live in texas and went to church for 21 years. i never once saw a gun in church. but hey, your experiences must define all.

My brother lives in Texas and he wears his to church under his sport coat.
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....

Go to hell, these activist judges have got to go. This is a clear interference with States police powers. The State certifies every law enforcement agency and they can set any rule they wish in regards to cooperating with immigration. They don't like it, the State can decertify them and take over the police department and sheriffs offices that don't want to abide by the law. I haven't been able to find the written decision yet, I want to see what this asshole actually said.


Don't get me wrong. I think that there may be a case for repealing the Bill of Rights. Maybe we should start with the 2nd Amendment....

Typical regressive, run straight to the absurd. How about you rebut what I said instead of deflecting like an ignorant pussy.


Deflection? I don't think so. The federal judge blocked this idiotic TX law because, in his opinion, it violates the Bill of Rights, which courts have interpreted as prohibiting police interrogation without probable cause. I do believe, Okie, that you are the one that is deflecting.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


National ID law.... You know that this is considered too much government for even Europe....

By the way your argument was also used by the NAZIs in Germany...

As a sidenote, they have National IDs in South Africa during apartheid (supported by the GOP), on the ID was the race (and tribe)... It was in the first 2 numbers of your ID.... It makes it so easy round up people...

If you want big authoritarian Government then bring in National ID laws, think when the Democrats get in charge the power you are giving them over your life...
no spin, just saying to pretend only 1 side is doing this is just stupid.

the left currently is opposed to anything trump is for.
the "left" also doesn't give a shit about due process.
Democratic senator: 'Due process is what’s killing us right now'
the "left" also pushed for nofly lists and terror watch lists to be used to stop people from buying guns yet neither of these lists are using due process when they deny you rights.

we can do this shit all day if you want to rip into one side for trying to "take away" rights. in my mindset, the left excels at this effort. you want to say otherwise, i'll listen. but not when presented in a 1 sided fashion as if the other side is correct.

we need to address problems, not perception.

Feel free to start a thread on how the left is violating Texans civil rights by taking their guns away from them. I will even loan you a photo of those poor oppressed Texans who have no access to guns:
I saw an awesome photo once during the 2016 primaries of a Ted Cruz campaign event. The photographer took the picture from an angle which showed a few people in the crowd were open carrying.

I thought I had saved that photo, but I can't find it.

I seriously doubt Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton would ever have had the inner strength to allow people to open carry at one of their 2008 campaign stops.

Not to worry. I used to live in Texas, and they wear their guns to church. There is no shortage of pictures. Hell, my brother wears his when he takes a walk around his neighborhood. At least he did, until he drew down an a harassing dog, and shot himself in the leg.
i live in texas and went to church for 21 years. i never once saw a gun in church. but hey, your experiences must define all.

My brother lives in Texas and he wears his to church under his sport coat.

then i wouldn't see it, would i? btw, i was raised in a private texas catholic school. alter boy and all through high school. passed out communion and the wine.

still never saw a gun but your self-leg-shooting-dog-hating brother seems to be the only guide you'll use here.
I guess the words "temporary" and "most-of" are too difficult for lefties to comprehend so they pretend they don't exist. You almost have to scratch your head that a Texas judge would take the time to issue such a complicated ruling about Police powers and immigration when a third of the state is under water.

Since you brought it up, I am sure that Texans everywhere ae proud that they are going to rebuild without federal aid, since Cruz shamed Sandy Hook for taking fed disaster relief. We all know that Texans are all in favor of personal responsibility, although I have a hard time squaring that with the fact that 8 out of 10 Houstonians did not have flood insurance.
i feel sorry for the liberals. not able to remove the bill of rights form only people who don't agree with them...

Interesting spin on your part, especially since the Left is opposed to this law because it violates your Rights, too.
no spin, just saying to pretend only 1 side is doing this is just stupid.

the left currently is opposed to anything trump is for.
the "left" also doesn't give a shit about due process.
Democratic senator: 'Due process is what’s killing us right now'
the "left" also pushed for nofly lists and terror watch lists to be used to stop people from buying guns yet neither of these lists are using due process when they deny you rights.

we can do this shit all day if you want to rip into one side for trying to "take away" rights. in my mindset, the left excels at this effort. you want to say otherwise, i'll listen. but not when presented in a 1 sided fashion as if the other side is correct.

we need to address problems, not perception.

Feel free to start a thread on how the left is violating Texans' civil rights by taking their guns away from them. I will even loan you a photo of those poor oppressed Texans who have no access to guns:

if you want to think the left didn't try then you chose to ignore the senator saying due process was stopping them from doing just that.

like you say - you wanna be ignorant, up to you.

I don't know, who the "left" is. Are you saying it was me? Whatever. But your argument has now boiled down to "Two wrongs make a right".
saying you're being an ass for the sake of being an ass.

have fun. i'm out.
Feel free to start a thread on how the left is violating Texans civil rights by taking their guns away from them. I will even loan you a photo of those poor oppressed Texans who have no access to guns:
I saw an awesome photo once during the 2016 primaries of a Ted Cruz campaign event. The photographer took the picture from an angle which showed a few people in the crowd were open carrying.

I thought I had saved that photo, but I can't find it.

I seriously doubt Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton would ever have had the inner strength to allow people to open carry at one of their 2008 campaign stops.

Not to worry. I used to live in Texas, and they wear their guns to church. There is no shortage of pictures. Hell, my brother wears his when he takes a walk around his neighborhood. At least he did, until he drew down an a harassing dog, and shot himself in the leg.
i live in texas and went to church for 21 years. i never once saw a gun in church. but hey, your experiences must define all.

My brother lives in Texas and he wears his to church under his sport coat.

then i wouldn't see it, would i? btw, i was raised in a private texas catholic school. alter boy and all through high school. passed out communion and the wine.

still never saw a gun but your self-leg-shooting-dog-hating brother seems to be the only guide you'll use here.

Ice, I am not unaware of what is happening in Texas. I have lived in Dallas, Plano, Carrollton, Garland, Fort Worth, Houston, and McAllen. Thank god I was saved from having to live in El Paso, because of another job offer.
I saw an awesome photo once during the 2016 primaries of a Ted Cruz campaign event. The photographer took the picture from an angle which showed a few people in the crowd were open carrying.

I thought I had saved that photo, but I can't find it.

I seriously doubt Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton would ever have had the inner strength to allow people to open carry at one of their 2008 campaign stops.

Not to worry. I used to live in Texas, and they wear their guns to church. There is no shortage of pictures. Hell, my brother wears his when he takes a walk around his neighborhood. At least he did, until he drew down an a harassing dog, and shot himself in the leg.
i live in texas and went to church for 21 years. i never once saw a gun in church. but hey, your experiences must define all.

My brother lives in Texas and he wears his to church under his sport coat.

then i wouldn't see it, would i? btw, i was raised in a private texas catholic school. alter boy and all through high school. passed out communion and the wine.

still never saw a gun but your self-leg-shooting-dog-hating brother seems to be the only guide you'll use here.

Ice, I am not unaware of what is happening in Texas. I have lived in Dallas, Plano, Carrollton, Garland, Fort Worth, Houston, and McAllen.
if you'd quit being such an ass you'd likely not have to move around so much.
Not to worry. I used to live in Texas, and they wear their guns to church. There is no shortage of pictures. Hell, my brother wears his when he takes a walk around his neighborhood. At least he did, until he drew down an a harassing dog, and shot himself in the leg.
i live in texas and went to church for 21 years. i never once saw a gun in church. but hey, your experiences must define all.

My brother lives in Texas and he wears his to church under his sport coat.

then i wouldn't see it, would i? btw, i was raised in a private texas catholic school. alter boy and all through high school. passed out communion and the wine.

still never saw a gun but your self-leg-shooting-dog-hating brother seems to be the only guide you'll use here.

Ice, I am not unaware of what is happening in Texas. I have lived in Dallas, Plano, Carrollton, Garland, Fort Worth, Houston, and McAllen.
if you'd quit being such an ass you'd likely not have to move around so much.

That was a very short sabbatical, Ice....
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....
/----/ Tell us how the Bill of Rights applies to illegals in our country.

Jesus Christ, do I have to teach 8th grade Civics to every RW nut on this board? The Bill of Rights applies to everyone on American soil UNTIL a court of law has ruled that a person is an illegal alien. Constitutionally, no one but a court of law can distinguish an illegal alien from an American citizen.
Illegal immigrants don’t share all of the rights held by citizens -- for example, they can’t vote in state and national elections.

And Fordham law professor Jennifer Gordon said that some undocumented immigrants get almost no due process in removal proceedings.

In 1996, Congress created expedited removal for undocumented immigrants without a hearing. Initially it only applied at the U.S. border. Then it was expanded to within 100 miles of a border for undocumented immigrants who had been in the country less than 14 days.
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia

Vee need zee national identity papers!

Papers! Papers, please! Vee must be able to tr-r-r-r-r-ack your moofments at all TIMES, citizen!

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.


"We can't be Nazis. Nazis are left wing!"

/----/ When you get pulled over by a police officer and he asks for your license, insurance card and registration, let's see if you refuse to hand over your papers.
Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.

Your full of it, if you are stopped by the cops for speeding they have every right to identify you. If all you have is an embassy matricula card you're probably an illegal.


Okie, don't give up your day job to practice law. The fact that they have clocked you speeding gives them the right to demand your ID. If you were not seen breaking any laws, they have no right to stop you.

JEEZ! Did they not offer 8th grade Civics classes in your Jr. High?

Nothing in SB4 authorizes anyone to stop someone just to check ID, it says they can determine immigration status during normal interactions like a traffic stop. Maybe you should quit making shit up.


It requires local authorities to enforce immigration law. The federal government can deputize local authorities to enforce immigration law however it is voluntary. They cannot force local authorities to enforce immigration law. That is what this bill does. They want powers that even the federal government wants.

The feds have nothing to do with this, the State is requiring local officials to cooperate with federal immigration officials. The State has every right to do that.

Getting an ID is not an interrogation.


Without probable cause, it is unconstitutional.

You lose.

Your full of it, if you are stopped by the cops for speeding they have every right to identify you. If all you have is an embassy matricula card you're probably an illegal.


Okie, don't give up your day job to practice law. The fact that they have clocked you speeding gives them the right to demand your ID. If you were not seen breaking any laws, they have no right to stop you.

JEEZ! Did they not offer 8th grade Civics classes in your Jr. High?

Nothing in SB4 authorizes anyone to stop someone just to check ID, it says they can determine immigration status during normal interactions like a traffic stop. Maybe you should quit making shit up.


OK, I honestly do not know why you are so dense. Homeschooling? You are walking down the street at midnight in a suburban neighborhood. You have brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes. A cop sees you, and asks you why you are in this neighborhood at this hour. You have done nothing wrong. You are suffering from insomnia, and took a walk. So far, your civil rights have not been violated. Under this Texas law, the cop can then demand that you produce proof of citizenship. Now, your civil rights have been violated. You don't have your wallet, and you don't carry around your birth certificate, so you tell the cop that you have no papers to show him. The cop detains you, takes you down to the station, and tells you that you must provide proof of citizenship. You have committed no crime, and the cop has no probable cause to question your citizenship, but your constitutional rights have just been violated.

Nice fantasy, the law authorizes no such thing. How about you provide a link to the portion of the law you claim does.

Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....
/----/ Tell us how the Bill of Rights applies to illegals in our country.

Jesus Christ, do I have to teach 8th grade Civics to every RW nut on this board? The Bill of Rights applies to everyone on American soil UNTIL a court of law has ruled that a person is an illegal alien. Constitutionally, no one but a court of law can distinguish an illegal alien from an American citizen.

Right, that's why so damned many of them are sitting in detention centers awaiting their day in court. LMAO

Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....
LEO asking for you to show legal Identification is a LEGAL and Lawful Order.

False. Only if a cop has probable cause. Why in the hell do you think Sheriff Joe was sentenced to 6 months in the slammer?

He wasn't, he could have been if it were not for the pardon. I think he would have beat in on appeal.

REAL ID Act - Wikipedia

Vee need zee national identity papers!

Papers! Papers, please! Vee must be able to tr-r-r-r-r-ack your moofments at all TIMES, citizen!

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.


"We can't be Nazis. Nazis are left wing!"

/----/ When you get pulled over by a police officer and he asks for your license, insurance card and registration, let's see if you refuse to hand over your papers.
View attachment 146863
Why would he need to see some national identity papers?
Federal judge blocks Texas' tough 'sanctuary cities' law

I feel sorry for the Texas legislature, having had a setback in their efforts to dismantle the Bill of Rights of the US constitution....
i feel sorry for the liberals. not able to remove the bill of rights form only people who don't agree with them...

Interesting spin on your part, especially since the Left is opposed to this law because it violates your Rights, too.
no spin, just saying to pretend only 1 side is doing this is just stupid.

the left currently is opposed to anything trump is for.
the "left" also doesn't give a shit about due process.
Democratic senator: 'Due process is what’s killing us right now'
the "left" also pushed for nofly lists and terror watch lists to be used to stop people from buying guns yet neither of these lists are using due process when they deny you rights.

we can do this shit all day if you want to rip into one side for trying to "take away" rights. in my mindset, the left excels at this effort. you want to say otherwise, i'll listen. but not when presented in a 1 sided fashion as if the other side is correct.

we need to address problems, not perception.

Feel free to start a thread on how the left is violating Texans civil rights by taking their guns away from them. I will even loan you a photo of those poor oppressed Texans who have no access to guns:
I saw an awesome photo once during the 2016 primaries of a Ted Cruz campaign event. The photographer took the picture from an angle which showed a few people in the crowd were open carrying.

I thought I had saved that photo, but I can't find it.

I seriously doubt Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton would ever have had the inner strength to allow people to open carry at one of their 2008 campaign stops.

I can open carry in my congressmans local office. Commiecrats are pussies.


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