Federal Judge Demands Answers After Seattle PD Cop Who Punched Handcuffed Woman in the Face Rehired


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
I have a bad feeling about this
Federal Judge Demands Answers After SPD Cop Who Punched Handcuffed Woman in the Face Gets His Job Back

by Lester Black • Dec 3, 2018 at 5:02 pm


Ansel Herz

A federal judge overseeing court-mandated reforms at the Seattle Police Department (SPD) is demanding answers from the city after SPD rehired a police officer that was previously fired for punching a handcuffed person in the face. Officer Adley Shepherd was fired in 2016 for using excessive force, but his termination was overturned two weeks ago after the city's Discipline Review Board (DRB) determined that he should be reinstated to his position and paid nearly two years' worth of backpay.
The City Council terminated the controversial DRB, which has been seen as a way for police officers to get a favorable appeal to discipline decisions, when they rewrote the city's police accountability laws last year. But termination of the DRB was contingent on the city's largest police union agreeing, and Mayor Jenny Durkan negotiated a union agreement that appears to maintain the DRB as a favorable avenue of appeal for police officers.

U.S. District Court Judge James Robart said the combination of Shepherd being rehired and the new union contract reinstating the DRB's “raises the specter” that the city's new police union contract "will undermine the progress that the City has made to date and stymie its efforts" to complete court-mandated police reforms.

The city has been under court-mandated reforms since the Obama administration sued SPD and the city for a pattern of using excessive force. Instead of fighting the lawsuit, the city entered into a legal agreement called a "consent decree" in 2012 where a federal judge oversaw reforms in the department. In January of this year, Robart determined the city was in "full and effective compliance" with the court-mandated reforms. The city is now in a wind-down period of the consent decree but Robart's Monday court filing brings the city's status into question.

"The DRB’s decision to reinstate an officer who had violated three provisions of the SPD’s use-of-force policies when he punched a handcuffed subject in the face while she was sitting in a patrol car, and the new [police union contract's] rejection of reforms in the Accountability Ordinance... lead the court to question whether the City and the SPD can remain in full and effective compliance with the Consent Decree," Robart wrote in his filing Monday.​
But.....but.....the offending officer is black.

Good bitchslap, though. The pimp-hand is strong on that one. :laughing0301:
Most of these people earn it. Why do so many blacks feel they have a right to disrespect a cop. Seems like a very stupid thing to do.

The video does not show enough of the incident to make a decision for me.
and he punched her in the face"
Yeah, she earned it.
  1. He was not defending himself, this was retribution (he was pissed), even you stated so above
  2. Besides being significantly smaller than Shepard, the female was in custody and handcuffed when he punched her
  3. The police are not allowed to batter/assault individuals in their custody. Doing so is a possible violation of their civil rights and possibly several police department policies/procedures as well as criminal codes
  4. Police officers are expected to conduct themselves as professionals. Professionals do not lose their cool, behave in a manner that violates their agency's polices and the arrestee's rights.
  5. This is probably not the first time he's hit a woman imo
Cops are no different from everyone else they have the same flaws that we all have. And some of them are even assholes, their profession doesn't shield them from being so, in fact at times it seems to foster that behavior in certain types of individuals, especially the ones who were already assholes before they became cops.

And respect is not something that is handed out to others just because they wear a uniform, or robe, or simply because of the job they do. No one is obligated to do anything when it comes to the police other than obey all lawful commands. What to do when a cop is acting in an unlawful or threatening manner is something every affected person needs to determine before finding themselves in that situation but attemtping to blame the non-professionals for the lack of professionalism displayed by the cops is just kissing up.

Someone has to be the adult when situations devolve like this and it's supposed to be the one wearing the uniform with the badge,
Dayem, the savage kicked the cop in the face, the cop responded with a right cross and the savage gets almost $200K and the dude was fired. WTF? He should have got a medal and a salary increase for dealing with the trash.
Dayem, the savage kicked the cop in the face, the cop responded with a right cross and the savage gets almost $200K and the dude was fired. WTF? He should have got a medal and a salary increase for dealing with the trash.
just like the Mike Brown crap
no one is standing up to these blackmailer jackasses except Trump

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