Federal judge orders Christian film-makers to make LGBT film

And we
Another liberal judge writes a law even though the constitution says only congress can do that.

Activist Dem judge rules LGBT mandate trumps 1st Amendment

sep 23 2017 A federal judge in Minnesota with a long history of Democratic Party activism has issued a ruling that effectively concludes the LGBT agenda trumps the First Amendment’s religious-rights protections.

John Tunheim, appointed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1995, ordered Wednesday that Christian videographers Carl and Angel Larsen, through their company, Telescope Media Group, must use their filmmaking talents to promote same-sex marriages if they produce films that celebrate marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Their lawyers announced immediately they will appeal the decision by Tunheim, who charged in his opinion that the Larsens’ faith-based objection to creating videos promoting same-sex relationships is “akin to a ‘White Applicants Only’ sign.”

That screwball communist judge needs to be taken behind the courthouse and have it's attitude adjusted.

And we need to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people like you, who would use violence instead of democratic process.

We need more people to confront Liberal communist judges who invent laws.
haha, stop with the dog and pony show. let's be crystal clear about this: you do not like existing law, because it does not cater to your own neuroses and fetishes. too bad, so sad.

Straight people don't have fetishes. Only the faggot freaks.
And we
Another liberal judge writes a law even though the constitution says only congress can do that.

That screwball communist judge needs to be taken behind the courthouse and have it's attitude adjusted.

And we need to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people like you, who would use violence instead of democratic process.

We need more people to confront Liberal communist judges who invent laws.
haha, stop with the dog and pony show. let's be crystal clear about this: you do not like existing law, because it does not cater to your own neuroses and fetishes. too bad, so sad.

Straight people don't have fetishes. Only the faggot freaks.
When you have to lie to yourself out loud to have a point, you don't really have a point. No, you are not annoying me. You are just making yourself look dumb.
And we
Another liberal judge writes a law even though the constitution says only congress can do that.

Activist Dem judge rules LGBT mandate trumps 1st Amendment

sep 23 2017 A federal judge in Minnesota with a long history of Democratic Party activism has issued a ruling that effectively concludes the LGBT agenda trumps the First Amendment’s religious-rights protections.

John Tunheim, appointed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1995, ordered Wednesday that Christian videographers Carl and Angel Larsen, through their company, Telescope Media Group, must use their filmmaking talents to promote same-sex marriages if they produce films that celebrate marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Their lawyers announced immediately they will appeal the decision by Tunheim, who charged in his opinion that the Larsens’ faith-based objection to creating videos promoting same-sex relationships is “akin to a ‘White Applicants Only’ sign.”

That screwball communist judge needs to be taken behind the courthouse and have it's attitude adjusted.

And we need to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people like you, who would use violence instead of democratic process.
Try and take them scum.
Liberals hate Christians.
The 1st Amendment Religious Freedom means that people are free to practice their religion.
The Democrat Bigots are violating Christian's 1st Amendment rights when they force them to do thing against their faith.
It's a yooooge myth that Liberals are open minded and tolerant people.
Liberals have a vicious hatred for Christians.
A tolerant person and open minded person would have just chosen another videographer.
And we
Another liberal judge writes a law even though the constitution says only congress can do that.

Activist Dem judge rules LGBT mandate trumps 1st Amendment

sep 23 2017 A federal judge in Minnesota with a long history of Democratic Party activism has issued a ruling that effectively concludes the LGBT agenda trumps the First Amendment’s religious-rights protections.

John Tunheim, appointed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1995, ordered Wednesday that Christian videographers Carl and Angel Larsen, through their company, Telescope Media Group, must use their filmmaking talents to promote same-sex marriages if they produce films that celebrate marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Their lawyers announced immediately they will appeal the decision by Tunheim, who charged in his opinion that the Larsens’ faith-based objection to creating videos promoting same-sex relationships is “akin to a ‘White Applicants Only’ sign.”

That screwball communist judge needs to be taken behind the courthouse and have it's attitude adjusted.

And we need to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people like you, who would use violence instead of democratic process.
Try and take them scum.
I didn't mean "me", personally. What an odd response. though, in reality, it would be quite easy. I just sneak up, take your weapon, and then hit you over the head with it.
Libtards are fascists. And, as worthless Republicans let the Democrats pull the country further to the left, libtards will grow increasingly bold in their fascism.
Make your own film.

I don't want to see an LGBT film put out by a professional Christian scene-cutter.
Then they will have to find another line of work. So says the law. Sorry, this is not the country where any religious nutball can break the law because "their religion says so".
No one should be compelled to provide a service they do not owe to anyone in the first place.

Tyrants compel, capitalism does not.
Nobody compelled them to make wedding videos or enter the marketplace. They simply have to follow the laws and cannot put up a sign saying "whites only" or "straight people only", or they can exit the marketplace. See? their choice.

1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion.
It's like forcing a Muslim merchant to sell booze or a Jewish merchant to sell pork.
The Left Wing Bigot Judge will be over-ruled.
No one should be compelled to provide a service they do not owe to anyone in the first place.

Tyrants compel, capitalism does not.
Nobody compelled them to make wedding videos or enter the marketplace. They simply have to follow the laws and cannot put up a sign saying "whites only" or "straight people only", or they can exit the marketplace. See? their choice.

1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion.
It's like forcing a Muslim merchant to sell booze or a Jewish merchant to sell pork.
The Left Wing Bigot Judge will be over-ruled.
"1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion."

that's not what the first amendment says, you weirdo. yes, we can force people to pay taxes, even if their religion says they shouldn't. yes, we can force people to medicate their children, even if their religion says they can't. you live in fantasyland.
Make your own film.

I don't want to see an LGBT film put out by a professional Christian scene-cutter.
Then they will have to find another line of work. So says the law. Sorry, this is not the country where any religious nutball can break the law because "their religion says so".

People want to make a film, make a film. Say what you want to say, and show what you want to show. It doesn't have to cost millions of dollars these days. Just hold on to your pocketbook. Don't force someone else to make a crappy film for you that they don't even want to make.
"Don't force someone else to make a crappy film for you that they don't even want to make."

Unfortunately, they entered into the legal social contract when they entered the marketplace as wedding videographers. ALL of these cases are going to lose. no, you cannot open a business and put up a sign that says "whites only", or "straight people only". And thank goodness for that.
And meanwhile, the real story.

A video recording company made money working weddings. They decided they didn't want to video any gay weddings, so they're pretending to be "film makers" instead of "paid wedding video recorders".

The courts rightfully smacked them down. If you advertise a service to the public, then you have to serve all the public. You can't say "no black weddings" or "no Jewish weddings" or "no gay weddings". It has nothing to do with the first amendment.
Why would you want to force somebody to do something they do not want to do? I think you would get a shitty product Out of the transaction...

Never mind ...It must be a control thing. :cuckoo:
yes, we can force people to medicate their children,

Forcing people to do things against their will doesn't end well. When some dumbass donkey Democrat hires a Republican speechwriter, I am just going to plug my ears, because it's just not worth listening to.
"Forcing people to do things against their will doesn't end well."

yet here we are, 200+ years later, forcing people to pay taxes... forcing people to allow black p eople in their businesses... forcing people to educate their children, either via hme schooling or outside schools.... given the evidence, I have to rate your comment, "false".
And meanwhile, the real story.

A video recording company made money working weddings. They decided they didn't want to video any gay weddings, so they're pretending to be "film makers" instead of "paid wedding video recorders".

The courts rightfully smacked them down. If you advertise a service to the public, then you have to serve all the public. You can't say "no black weddings" or "no Jewish weddings" or "no gay weddings". It has nothing to do with the first amendment.
Why would you want to force somebody to do something they do not want to do? I think you would get a shitty product Out of the transaction...

...It must be a control thing
"Why would you want to force somebody to do something they do not want to do? "

To protect society. And you need to realize something... nobody is really "forcing" a restaurateur to serve black people. he entered into this contract when he CHOSE to open a restaurant. he is free to close his doors and do something else at any time he wishes.
Another liberal judge writes a law even though the constitution says only congress can do that.

Activist Dem judge rules LGBT mandate trumps 1st Amendment

sep 23 2017 A federal judge in Minnesota with a long history of Democratic Party activism has issued a ruling that effectively concludes the LGBT agenda trumps the First Amendment’s religious-rights protections.

John Tunheim, appointed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1995, ordered Wednesday that Christian videographers Carl and Angel Larsen, through their company, Telescope Media Group, must use their filmmaking talents to promote same-sex marriages if they produce films that celebrate marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Their lawyers announced immediately they will appeal the decision by Tunheim, who charged in his opinion that the Larsens’ faith-based objection to creating videos promoting same-sex relationships is “akin to a ‘White Applicants Only’ sign.”
LOL fuck 'em :laugh:
And screw the football players that kneel.
No one should be compelled to provide a service they do not owe to anyone in the first place.

Tyrants compel, capitalism does not.
Nobody compelled them to make wedding videos or enter the marketplace. They simply have to follow the laws and cannot put up a sign saying "whites only" or "straight people only", or they can exit the marketplace. See? their choice.

1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion.
It's like forcing a Muslim merchant to sell booze or a Jewish merchant to sell pork.
The Left Wing Bigot Judge will be over-ruled.
"1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion."

that's not what the first amendment says, you weirdo. yes, we can force people to pay taxes, even if their religion says they shouldn't. yes, we can force people to medicate their children, even if their religion says they can't. you live in fantasyland.

Liberals are vicious bigots who hate Christians.
You can't force people to violate their faith.
You can't force a Hindu merchant to sell you meat.
You can't force a Jewish merchant to make you a ham sandwich.
You can't force a Muslim merchant to sell you a beer.
You can't force a Christian to video your same gender wedding.
The Left Wing Bigot Judge will be over-ruled.
No one should be compelled to provide a service they do not owe to anyone in the first place.

Tyrants compel, capitalism does not.
Nobody compelled them to make wedding videos or enter the marketplace. They simply have to follow the laws and cannot put up a sign saying "whites only" or "straight people only", or they can exit the marketplace. See? their choice.

1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion.
It's like forcing a Muslim merchant to sell booze or a Jewish merchant to sell pork.
The Left Wing Bigot Judge will be over-ruled.
"1st Amendment. You can't force people to do things against their religion."

that's not what the first amendment says, you weirdo. yes, we can force people to pay taxes, even if their religion says they shouldn't. yes, we can force people to medicate their children, even if their religion says they can't. you live in fantasyland.

Liberals are vicious bigots who hate Christians.
You can't force people to violate their faith.
You can't force a Hindu merchant to sell you meat.
You can't force a Jewish merchant to make you a ham sandwich.
You can't force a Muslim merchant to sell you a beer.
You can't force a Christian to video your same gender wedding.
The Left Wing Bigot Judge will be over-ruled.
hate Christians? wha? that's stupid. You Christians do not own homophobia. You Christians do not own racism. Plenty of homophobes and raciosts aren't Chritians. Spare me your faux victim bullshit, ya crybaby.
No one should be compelled to provide a service they do not owe to anyone in the first place.

Tyrants compel, capitalism does not.
Nobody compelled them to make wedding videos or enter the marketplace. They simply have to follow the laws and cannot put up a sign saying "whites only" or "straight people only", or they can exit the marketplace. See? their choice.
Nobody compelled them to make wedding videos or enter the marketplace. They simply have to follow the laws and cannot put up a sign saying "whites only" or "straight people only", or they can exit the marketplace. See? their choice
Yeah, see, their choice

They can hire someone else
who doesn't have a problem with gay marriage!

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