Federal Judge Overturns Pennsylvania's Lockdown As Unconstitutional

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Time to kick these Democrats out of office for imposing unconstitutional mandates destroying people's lives.


The problem is, Wolf thinks he is King of Pennsylvania and will ignore this. The other problem is, the nazi population of Pennsylvania are such sheep they will do nothing to stop him.
The problem is, Wolf thinks he is King of Pennsylvania and will ignore this. The other problem is, the nazi population of Pennsylvania are such sheep they will do nothing to stop him.
Perhaps the local police would be a better barometer of enforcing or not enforcing the Governor's edicts.
We said from The Beginning that 75% of the state charters do not grant this power to a governor. The success of the lockdown farce has been comprised of two elements
1.The willingness of conservatives to follow along even knowing its bullshit
2. The frightened compliance of liberals who do not understand statistics and percentages or choose to ignore those facts to further their emotional and punitive feelings.
The problem is, Wolf thinks he is King of Pennsylvania and will ignore this. The other problem is, the nazi population of Pennsylvania are such sheep they will do nothing to stop him.
i think they did do something about it. where's the rest of the country?
Good news. We need more victories like this one.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's closing of "non-life-sustaining" businesses and restrictions on gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic were ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge on Monday.

Wolf's office said in a statement Monday afternoon it is disappointed with the result and will seek a stay of the decision and file an appeal.

"The actions taken by the administration were mirrored by governors across the country and saved, and continue to save lives in the absence of federal action," said Wolf's spokesperson, Lyndsay Kensinger. "This decision is especially worrying as Pennsylvania and the rest of the country are likely to face a challenging time with the possible resurgence of COVID-19 and the flu in the fall and winter."

The statement from Wolf's office also noted, "Today's court ruling is limited to the business closure order and the stay-at-home orders issued in March and were later suspended, as well as the indoor and outdoor gathering limitations. This ruling does not impact any of the other mitigation orders currently in place including, but not limited to the targeted mitigation orders announced in July, mandatory telework, mandatory mask order, worker safety order, and the building safety order."

The ruling by U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV was made in a case in which Butler, Greene, Fayette and Washington counties are listed as plaintiffs. The counties had filed suit, claiming the shutdown orders were unconstitutional.

Stickman, an appointee of President Donald Trump, wrote in his ruling that the Wolf administration's pandemic policies have been overreaching, arbitrary and violated citizens' constitutional rights.


Wolf has been a radical from the beginning. He's definitely one of those Democrats who would rather see Trump defeated than America succeed. He's a loser. MAGA

A federal judge on Monday ruled that some of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's restrictions implemented amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic were unconstitutional -- marking a win for businesses struggling to stay afloat amid the forced shutdown.

A federal judge on Monday ruled that some of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's restrictions implemented amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic were unconstitutional -- marking a win for businesses struggling to stay afloat amid the forced shutdown.

Leftists aka Communists will now take to Twitter saying that the Judge is on the payroll of Putin and should therefore be targeted by The Feral Mob aka Antifa and BLM.

A federal judge on Monday ruled that some of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's restrictions implemented amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic were unconstitutional -- marking a win for businesses struggling to stay afloat amid the forced shutdown.

Leftists aka Communists will now take to Twitter saying that the Judge is on the payroll of Putin and should therefore be targeted by The Feral Mob aka Antifa and BLM.
The judge may be dead before morning as well
I'm surprised a ruling was issued since the restrictions have been lifted but this is what I wish the courts would do more often.
I'm surprised a ruling was issued since the restrictions have been lifted but this is what I wish the courts would do more often.
LOL the restrictions have not all been lifted

What's funny?

Wolf has since lifted many of the restrictions, allowing businesses to reopen and canceling a statewide stay-at-home order.

Even though they were lifted the courts still ruled on them. I noted I wish the courts would do this more often to save people from having to do this again in the future.

What did you find funny?
Thread closed, already a thread on this very topic, in this very forum
Well now whenever some loon liberal judges in CA or HI shut Trump down then he must obey instantly and automatically.

Tommy Cry Wolf does not want to. He was just doing what the othe guys did

It was never a permitted legal act by most governors. Chickens comin home to roost. Get ready for serious sky shrieking
Time to kick these Democrats out of office for imposing unconstitutional mandates destroying people's lives.

View attachment 388565

The Supreme Court will likely overturn it. John Roberts has made it clear that unelected judges should not substitute their judgement for that of elected officials who are acting in good faith.

"In a three-page opinion issued just before the stroke of midnight Washington time, Roberts said it would be unwise for the court to intervene on an emergency basis as state officials try to grapple with the ebb and flow of a pandemic caused by a highly infectious and sometimes deadly virus.

"The precise question of when restrictions on particular social activities should be lifted during the pandemic is a dynamic and fact-intensive matter subject to reasonable disagreement," Roberts wrote.
The chief justice, an appointee of President George W. Bush, said it was not the role of judges to substitute their judgment for health experts and elected officials who appear to be acting in good faith.

"Where those broad limits are not exceeded, they should not be subject to second-guessing by an 'unelected federal judiciary,' which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people," Roberts wrote."

Appar4ently you have no problem with judges who legislate from the bench when they do what you want them to do.

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