Federal Judge Restores Early and Weekend Voting in Wisconsin

I am not talking about perception, and yes the media spin gives this a bad perception, I am saying is how is the statement bad or hateful?

Trump's ignorant statement is CONDESCENDING and contributes to the dismal 1% support for a Trump candidacy by black voters.
I am not talking about perception, and yes the media spin gives this a bad perception, I am saying is how is the statement bad or hateful?

Trump's ignorant statement is CONDESCENDING and contributes to the dismal 1% support for a Trump candidacy by black voters.

That still doesn't answer my question. What is bad about it? What is hateful about it? What is wrong about it?
That still doesn't answer my question. What is bad about it? What is hateful about it? What is wrong about it?

You do NOT want your question "answered"........
So, forget it and live with the consequences. I don't give a crap.

I'm just glad that the courts are fighting back against neo-fascism.
That still doesn't answer my question. What is bad about it? What is hateful about it? What is wrong about it?

You do NOT want your question "answered"........
So, forget it and live with the consequences. I don't give a crap.

I'm just glad that the courts are fighting back against neo-fascism.

I do want the question answered. You are just too much of a progressive PC hack to give a straight answer.

What is bad about the statement? What is hateful about the statement?

and your last statement is typical prog-tripe. Try harder.
I do want the question answered. You are just too much of a progressive PC hack to give a straight answer.

What is bad about the statement? What is hateful about the statement?

You'll have your "answer" in November.......LOL
Another GOP attempt to curtail voting rights has been thwarted....thank goodness for the unbiased judicial system.

This past Friday, a GOP-backed law that limited in-person absentee voting to just one location, slashed early voting hours, and got rid of weekend voting was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge..

Interesting. How can it be considered unconstitutional if all the states do not have the same voting rules? My state doesn't have Saturday voting are we not in compliance with the COTUS?

States have the duty to set their election laws. Elections have consequences as Obama said. But if the consequence isn't what a liberal desires they just get ONE judge to overrule the will of the people. It is a banana republic we are becoming.
Do people really believe that the one day limit on voting is really an attempt to keep the GOP in power? As far as I know this has been around for a very long time and it has only been a recent thing people have pushed for a more than one day for voting. I believe that this was done because democrats know that they are going to have turnout problems so keeping the lines open as long as possible is the best way to get as many as there people in as possible. I wouldn't say it is particularly evil because who would be opposed to voting but the motives behind these actions of either shortening or lengthening is problably done for each sides benefit. I doubt either side really cares about people voting especially when it is for the other side.

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