Federal Judge Restores Early and Weekend Voting in Wisconsin

Another GOP attempt to curtail voting rights has been thwarted....thank goodness for the unbiased judicial system.

This past Friday, a GOP-backed law that limited in-person absentee voting to just one location, slashed early voting hours, and got rid of weekend voting was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge..

Why is it so hard to vote on Election day?

People did it when they had to take a freaking buggy ride to town for hours on end.

If voting is important to a person, they should be able to adjust their day to get it done. hell, I would support a 24 hour open poll, from 9PM the day before to 9PM day of, but allowing people to vote weeks before an election to me leaves to much of a chance of buyers remorse if something comes up between the cast vote and the actual election.

I would end all early voting and provisional votes, and you better have a damned good excuse to get an absentee ballot.

Vote on Election Day, or you don't vote.

And bring two IDs, one being a photo ID. You'll need them.

I can see a need for absentee and provisional voting, but they should be the exception, not the rule.

Like i said, make election day from 9PM the day before to 9PM the day of, plenty of time to get to the polls.
Another GOP attempt to curtail voting rights has been thwarted....thank goodness for the unbiased judicial system.

This past Friday, a GOP-backed law that limited in-person absentee voting to just one location, slashed early voting hours, and got rid of weekend voting was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge..

Why is it so hard to vote on Election day?

People did it when they had to take a freaking buggy ride to town for hours on end.

If voting is important to a person, they should be able to adjust their day to get it done. hell, I would support a 24 hour open poll, from 9PM the day before to 9PM day of, but allowing people to vote weeks before an election to me leaves to much of a chance of buyers remorse if something comes up between the cast vote and the actual election.

Dems thrive on Voter Fraud, it accounts for 20-25% of their votes
and Dems have a longer track record of actual voter suppression than republicans are being blamed for, and will continue to be blamed for.

Of course, we expect nothing less than the above "opinion" from right wingers...
Let's leave it up to those who have been SUPPRESSED to judge which party is to blame, shall we???
and Dems have a longer track record of actual voter suppression than republicans are being blamed for, and will continue to be blamed for.

Of course, we expect nothing less than the above "opinion" from right wingers...
Let's leave it up to those who have been SUPPRESSED to judge which party is to blame, shall we???

poll taxes, grandfather clauses, actual violence to prevent people from voting, all written in the Democratic party playbook.
Another GOP attempt to curtail voting rights has been thwarted....thank goodness for the unbiased judicial system.

This past Friday, a GOP-backed law that limited in-person absentee voting to just one location, slashed early voting hours, and got rid of weekend voting was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge..
The judge is a Democrat, got it. Why not bring the ballots to the lazy potheads that can't get out of bed before noon. They have rights too!
poll taxes, grandfather clauses, actual violence to prevent people from voting, all written in the Democratic party playbook.

Must have missed THAT "party"....Was it fun?

Seriously......either you think that minorities are just stupid and can't understand that we democrats are the evil ones and you right wingers are the MIS-understood saviors.......OR....the alternative could be that you and your ilk are simply full of shit, no???

Now, I DO know that you and perhaps other will be quickly typing that the southern rednecks after the Civil War became "democrats" and were the bad guys.....But, even a junior high graduate could tell you that those dear and departed southern rednecks only became democrats because they were pissed off at the republican Lincoln for freeing their "property".....
poll taxes, grandfather clauses, actual violence to prevent people from voting, all written in the Democratic party playbook.

Must have missed THAT "party"....Was it fun?

Seriously......either you think that minorities are just stupid and can't understand that we democrats are the evil ones and you right wingers are the MIS-understood saviors.......OR....the alternative could be that you and your ilk are simply full of shit, no???

Now, I DO know that you and perhaps other will be quickly typing that the southern rednecks after the Civil War became "democrats" and were the bad guys.....But, even a junior high graduate could tell you that those dear and departed southern rednecks only became democrats because they were pissed off at the republican Lincoln for freeing their "property".....

No, they became democrats because the Republicans never tried to get votes in the antebellum south, you had Democrats, and former Whigs.

To me, identity politics as a whole is a progressive strategy to balkanize the population, and hand out goodies to get votes. Sooner or later, people in those groups will get past identities and move onto ideas, and at that point, progressives like you will have a much harder sales pitch to make.
poll taxes, grandfather clauses, actual violence to prevent people from voting, all written in the Democratic party playbook.

Must have missed THAT "party"....Was it fun?

Seriously......either you think that minorities are just stupid and can't understand that we democrats are the evil ones and you right wingers are the MIS-understood saviors.......OR....the alternative could be that you and your ilk are simply full of shit, no???

Now, I DO know that you and perhaps other will be quickly typing that the southern rednecks after the Civil War became "democrats" and were the bad guys.....But, even a junior high graduate could tell you that those dear and departed southern rednecks only became democrats because they were pissed off at the republican Lincoln for freeing their "property".....

No, they became democrats because the Republicans never tried to get votes in the antebellum south, you had Democrats, and former Whigs.

To me, identity politics as a whole is a progressive strategy to balkanize the population, and hand out goodies to get votes. Sooner or later, people in those groups will get past identities and move onto ideas, and at that point, progressives like you will have a much harder sales pitch to make.

your complaints about "identity politics" are duly noted. now go listen to a trump speech and see if you can't tell why white supremacists love him so much.
poll taxes, grandfather clauses, actual violence to prevent people from voting, all written in the Democratic party playbook.

Must have missed THAT "party"....Was it fun?

Seriously......either you think that minorities are just stupid and can't understand that we democrats are the evil ones and you right wingers are the MIS-understood saviors.......OR....the alternative could be that you and your ilk are simply full of shit, no???

Now, I DO know that you and perhaps other will be quickly typing that the southern rednecks after the Civil War became "democrats" and were the bad guys.....But, even a junior high graduate could tell you that those dear and departed southern rednecks only became democrats because they were pissed off at the republican Lincoln for freeing their "property".....

No, they became democrats because the Republicans never tried to get votes in the antebellum south, you had Democrats, and former Whigs.

To me, identity politics as a whole is a progressive strategy to balkanize the population, and hand out goodies to get votes. Sooner or later, people in those groups will get past identities and move onto ideas, and at that point, progressives like you will have a much harder sales pitch to make.

your complaints about "identity politics" are duly noted. now go listen to a trump speech and see if you can't tell why white supremacists love him so much.

What bad things has trump said about black people?
To me, identity politics as a whole is a progressive strategy to balkanize the population, and hand out goodies to get votes. Sooner or later, people in those groups will get past identities and move onto ideas, and at that point, progressives like you will have a much harder sales pitch to make.

Yes, yes....its true.....Soon we're going to have to give out Lamboghinis or BMWs to get those minorities to vote for us.....and, of course, we are going to have to get more dead people to the polls.....
Boy, we have a lot of work to do (meanwhile, keep on giving us your Trumps and Romneys.)
What bad things has trump said about black people?

There's' reasons why Trump will probably get only one percent of the black vote....Mainly for statements such as these:

“A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that... I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.’’
Election day is one day; the first Tuesday in November. Any other days provided are a convenience and a privilege, not a right.

Maybe that Khan dude has an extra pocket Constitution to share with this judge.
Given you're a Constitutional expert, please tell us all what Article Section and/or Clause of the US Constitution defines, delineates and differentiates the rights, the "conveniences" AND the "privileges" of voting in these here United States such as election day, early voting days, hours the polls are open, etc. I just can't find them anywhere in the Constitution myself and inquiring minds want to know!!!!
Given you're a Constitutional expert, please tell us all what Article Section and/or Clause of the US Constitution defines, delineates and differentiates the rights, the "conveniences" AND the "privileges" of voting in these here United States such as election day, early voting days, hours the polls are open, etc. I just can't find them anywhere in the Constitution myself and inquiring minds want to know!!!!

I, for one, would like to know why the Founding Fathers didn't mention anything about Diebold's electronic voting machines and how....with just a click of a button......elections could be stolen.
Voting should he held over three days and made national holidays.
Judge Watson of the Southern District of Ohio, is a republican appointee having been moved for confirmation by Senator DeWine and Senator Voinovich and named to the bench by baby bush.

he is well respected. he obviously believed the intent of the legislation was to suppress minority voting and, in fact said, in his decision:

"Based on this evidence, it is reasonable to conclude that the reduction in overall time to vote will burden the right to vote of African Americans, who use (early in-person) voting significantly more than other voters," Watson said in a 120-page opinion.

The legislature's stated justifications for the cutback — reducing fraud, trimming costs, avoiding voter confusion — were weak, said Watson, former chief counsel to Republican Gov. Bob Taft. Watson ordered Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted and Attorney General Mike DeWine — the defendants in the case — to stop enforcing the shortened voting period."

Judge rules Ohio voter rights violated

so, since you clearly don't understand the issue, or misplaced *your* copy of the constitution, the issue is not whether voting should happen on one day. it is about whether the restrictions unfairly burden a particular group of voters in violation of the equal protection clause.

Judge Watson, a republican, clearly felt that the justification given by the republican state legislature was subterfuge..... you know, like the texas law that tried to keep women from their right to reproductive choice. it's something the right likes doing.

As though an anarchist could give a rat's ass about the pronouncements and proscriptions of autocrats in a black robes. Much less whether they have that trivial (R) or (D) by their names.

Let me clue you in, sugar britches, most of us hold a pretty low regard for statutory law. Indeed, we look upon it as a primary source of just about everything that's wrong with Murica today. So whether your team won today or their team wins tomorrow, doesn't add up to a hill of beans to the average ancap.

There are people in this world who would crawl on their bellies for 10 miles to get a clean drink of water. That leftist crybabies in this country bitch and moan about having to maybe hitch a ride, to go participate in casting a vote of highly dubious merit as a "burden", is outright laughable. Equally hilarious is the notion that one is less of a slave, just because they have a say in who their owner will be.

YAAAAAAAAY for team (D)!!
Just to educate you.....When the Constitution was written, we had less than 4 million people in the U.S and only a small percentage could vote; a population that is less than that found in today's most urban cities.
And your point would be?

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