
Hey, isn't there a close senate race in Alaska between dem and GOP?

Just wondering...

I think some of the other red states have the same "sudden upset" going on courtesy of the negligence of the Supreme Court's conservative Justices.

Odd, that...
How far can the three branches of government go in opposing the will of the people before there is an unfortunate result?
But the Supreme court said nothing meaning it's not protected by the Constitution.
How far can the three branches of government go in opposing the will of the people before there is an unfortunate result?

Apparently, the American people are still in a deep slumber because they aren't creating much of a ruckus. I guess our backs will have to be squarely against a wall because heads begin to roll (I'm referencing the French Revolution, of course, where government corruption had reached a peak).
Ultimately the Middle Eastern approach will become law right here in Obamerica:

A woman for children
A boy for pleasure
A goat for necessity

But since plural marriage will be OK you can mix and match.
How far can the three branches of government go in opposing the will of the people before there is an unfortunate result?
by 2016


What happens with human nature when a government consistently acts in opposition to the will of the people is the people stop listening. They lose respect for the authority. The agencies have a harder and harder time keeping control.
Hey, isn't there a close senate race in Alaska between dem and GOP?

Just wondering...

I think some of the other red states have the same "sudden upset" going on courtesy of the negligence of the Supreme Court's conservative Justices.

Odd, that...
Remember this a majority of voters voted against same sex marriages We are pissed that our vote was over ruled. How well will a dem do in an election that is known to have supported gay marriage?
Ultimately the Middle Eastern approach will become law right here in Obamerica:

A woman for children
A boy for pleasure
A goat for necessity

But since plural marriage will be OK you can mix and match.

True. If "gay marriage" becomes acceptable then incest, bestiality, and any number of other sexual deviations are next in line.
'“The court finds that Alaska’s ban on same-sex marriage and refusal to recognize same sex marriages lawfully entered in other states is unconstitutional as a deprivation of basic due process and equal protection principles under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess wrote in a order in the case Hamby v. Parnell, released Sunday.'
One could get up a good pool on which of the deviations will be next made legal.

I'm thinking either NAMBLA will make a run for it or adult brothers and sisters. Of course, the more Muslims that arrive the better chance that man/goat marriage may be next in line. Hard to say for sure.
One could get up a good pool on which of the deviations will be next made legal.
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy, it also fails as ignorant demagoguery.

This issue concerns only marriage, and those eligible to enter into a marriage contract: two equal partners in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite sex.

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