Federal Judge Rules Texas Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Federal Judge Rules Texas Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

A federal judge in San Antonio declared Texas' ban on gay marriage unconstitutional Wednesday.

But U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia issued a stay along with the ruling, so the ban remains in place for the time being. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R), who is running for governor against state Sen. Wendy Davis (D), is expected to appeal the decision.

Garcia, a Bill Clinton appointee, wrote in his decision that Texas' constitutional ban on same-sex marriage violates equal protection rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.

“Texas’ current marriage laws deny homosexual couples the right to marry, and in doing so, demean their dignity for no legitimate reason," he wrote. "Accordingly, the Court finds these laws are unconstitutional and hereby grants a preliminary injunction enjoining Defendants from enforcing Texas’ bans on same-sex marriage.”

Two gay couples had sued to overturn the ban: one couple that argued the ban denied them the fundamental right to marry based on their sexual orientation and another that said Texas violated their rights and the rights of their child by not recognizing their Massachusetts marriage license.

The Texas ruling comes on the heels of court decisions regarding same-sex marriage bans in Utah (albeit briefly), Oklahoma, Kentucky and Virginia.

America and Texas redeem themselves!!

One more step back from the dark ages of hate and intolerance.


If Democrats gave up on gun control and Republicans gave up on Gay Control both parties would have 10% more legitimacy.

It was a conservative judge that made the ruling.

Yes, and?

Conservatives should seize the moment to prevent young girls from having to accept "gender confused" (ie mentally ill) boys form using public school bathrooms. That would be a winning issue morally and politically. Let the Libbies argue in favor of it.

If they continue harping on homosexuality, tragic situations (like the one above) will slowly be pushed in the public arena without any resistance, then it will be too late.
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Question. Why hasn't congress just introduced a bill legalizing gay marriage across the country? It's been said many times that it is up to each state, yet federal judges keep shooting them down. If the bill passed, do you think Obama would sign it? His evolution was nothing more than spin after Biden opened his yap and said Obama was for it. Really put him on the spot and the next morning Obama awoke and claimed to have evolved on the issue. I didn't really believe it and the fact that he hasn't really said much since makes me wonder if it was bull.
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