Federal managers say federal employees are worthless


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Federal employees Can t hire the best can t fire the worst

A powerful new survey of thousands of management-level federal employees found that the U.S. government is a massive bureaucracy that is under terrific stress, in part because managers feel they can’t get rid of underperforming employees, and often say their workers don’t have the skills they need to do their jobs.

Conducted by Vanderbilt University’s Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, the survey polled 3,551 government officials, both career civil servants and political appointees. While some agencies received higher marks than others and most respondents said that believe they are equipped to perform at least their core functions, nearly one in five did not.

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That's also generally what federal employees say about their managers. Many fed managers are nothing more than glorified secretaries that have been promoted to their level of incompetence. Hence, the Peter Principle in action.
in the Post Office MANY of the guys who got into management were those who could not carry an "8" hour route without getting help to do it,and then after putting on the tie start to tell you how you just arnt cutting it,you had better pick up the pace,and i dont mean picante.....
Considering our government, and how it works, is this so hard to believe? I find it to be par for the course in government. Nothing unusual or strange to me.

I know a guy who is a staunch liberal who works for the city of Houston......worthless as tits on a boar hog.
Guys about five six,weighs about 325 and is a coke head.
Thank God the kids he raised turned out to be dedicated conservatives.
I don't know how anyone is surprised at this. Public Employee Unions have owned Democrat Whore Politicians for several decades and the Democrat Whore Politicians have paid them back with fraudulent and outrageous benefits, particularly retirement benefits...and the fraud is now starting to break down the whole system.

It is worst in the rotting bankrupt cities of the North... like Detroit & Chicago...Baltimore.

But, it is in the Federal government too...particularly after seven years of Obama and his Chicago Mobsters. The whole bureaucracy is corrupted.

Public Employee Unions are a significant threat to the liberty of the citizens of this country.

Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of Lois Lerners now govern us, the American citizens...and their main aim is to bring in enough illegal aliens to crush the traditional American society...which has been to now, the greatest society thus far on the planet.

It has been gross fraud in the past...but, under Obama, it is blossoming into treason.
That's also generally what federal employees say about their managers. Many fed managers are nothing more than glorified secretaries that have been promoted to their level of incompetence. Hence, the Peter Principle in action.
Aww cut the bullshit...I'd rather get root canal than have any business with the federal government.....The problem is the employees know they can treat the public like shit because they cannot be fired..They are arrogant and lazy.
in the Post Office MANY of the guys who got into management were those who could not carry an "8" hour route without getting help to do it,and then after putting on the tie start to tell you how you just arnt cutting it,you had better pick up the pace,and i dont mean picante.....
I don't consider USPS workers in the same category as the run of the mill federal employee. Two different things altogether.
However. I will say this. Our PO here is one of the WORST for productivity and customer service.
The customer area is always packed. Invariably, when the line goes out the door, one of the clerks go on their mandated coffee break. One time I was in there and this happened, the Post Master had to come out of here office to attempt to quell the disturbance. Everyone was angry.
I think is it highly insensitive to the needs of the customers to just up and leave their station. They should wait to take their break until the customers are taken care of. This is how every business in the private sector works. If its time to take a break, get someone to cover the position or wait for the line ot go down. WE are the customers. WE come FIRST. The clerks are there for US. Not the other way around.
Oh, and then these people get pissy because they don't think they get enough in Christmas tips.
I have to say, I have NEVER tipped a postal clerk. EVER. That's their job....And they are not poorly paid...
Now, the letter carrier in my home town....Tony....He was a great guy. Everyone knew him. He was a pleasant person. We and others on his route gave him all kinds of stuff for Christmas. Why? Because he was reliable no matter what the conditions. He would put packages in hiding spots and leave a note in the mailbox as to it's location...He would hold mail for people he knew were on vacation in case they forgot to go to the post office and let them know. THAT is customer service the way it oughta be.
I always thought Federal and State jobs usually go to the most well connected, no?

If federal employees are worthless, then federal managers are worthless for being unable to train, educate, inspire, etc.
It is said bad employees are the result of poor management.
having dealt with federal and state employees in the past, I cannot disagree with the opinions of the managers interviewed.
One thing is for sure. There are far too many federal employees.
I know the process for getting a Fed job can be pretty lengthy. I don't much about how selections are made other than they seem impossible to get.
in the Post Office MANY of the guys who got into management were those who could not carry an "8" hour route without getting help to do it,and then after putting on the tie start to tell you how you just arnt cutting it,you had better pick up the pace,and i dont mean picante.....
I don't consider USPS workers in the same category as the run of the mill federal employee. Two different things altogether.
However. I will say this. Our PO here is one of the WORST for productivity and customer service.
The customer area is always packed. Invariably, when the line goes out the door, one of the clerks go on their mandated coffee break. One time I was in there and this happened, the Post Master had to come out of here office to attempt to quell the disturbance. Everyone was angry.
I think is it highly insensitive to the needs of the customers to just up and leave their station. They should wait to take their break until the customers are taken care of. This is how every business in the private sector works. If its time to take a break, get someone to cover the position or wait for the line ot go down. WE are the customers. WE come FIRST. The clerks are there for US. Not the other way around.
Oh, and then these people get pissy because they don't think they get enough in Christmas tips.
I have to say, I have NEVER tipped a postal clerk. EVER. That's their job....And they are not poorly paid...
Now, the letter carrier in my home town....Tony....He was a great guy. Everyone knew him. He was a pleasant person. We and others on his route gave him all kinds of stuff for Christmas. Why? Because he was reliable no matter what the conditions. He would put packages in hiding spots and leave a note in the mailbox as to it's location...He would hold mail for people he knew were on vacation in case they forgot to go to the post office and let them know. THAT is customer service the way it oughta be.
spoon window clerks cannot be covered by just anyone....that is federal rules,not PO....and each PO with window services will have at least 1,my office had 3....so it depends on how big that office was customer wise...my office made a lot of money and had a lot of customers and they had 3 clerks....and your carrier was like me and many other carriers who took care of their customers....i found it hard to believe the carriers who were on the same route for years and were hated by most of their customers ....

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