Federal managers say federal employees are worthless

That's also generally what federal employees say about their managers. Many fed managers are nothing more than glorified secretaries that have been promoted to their level of incompetence. Hence, the Peter Principle in action.
Aww cut the bullshit...I'd rather get root canal than have any business with the federal government.....The problem is the employees know they can treat the public like shit because they cannot be fired..They are arrogant and lazy.
i have seen a few get fired from the PO....just sayin....

If federal employees are worthless, then federal managers are worthless for being unable to train, educate, inspire, etc.
It is said bad employees are the result of poor management.
having dealt with federal and state employees in the past, I cannot disagree with the opinions of the managers interviewed.
One thing is for sure. There are far too many federal employees.
the PO had far too many middle managers who had next to nothing to do with moving the mail,and they all made a good buck and the great majority of them were assholes...
I know the process for getting a Fed job can be pretty lengthy. I don't much about how selections are made other than they seem impossible to get.
all i did was take the civil service exam and apply for a postal job and a year later,got the call...
I know the process for getting a Fed job can be pretty lengthy. I don't much about how selections are made other than they seem impossible to get.
all i did was take the civil service exam and apply for a postal job and a year later,got the call...
I took it THREE times. Scored in the 90's each time. Never got called.
I was told that two things worked against me. White male. And the PO's I chose to seek employment. I chose suburban locations closer to home.
in the Post Office MANY of the guys who got into management were those who could not carry an "8" hour route without getting help to do it,and then after putting on the tie start to tell you how you just arnt cutting it,you had better pick up the pace,and i dont mean picante.....
I don't consider USPS workers in the same category as the run of the mill federal employee. Two different things altogether.
However. I will say this. Our PO here is one of the WORST for productivity and customer service.
The customer area is always packed. Invariably, when the line goes out the door, one of the clerks go on their mandated coffee break. One time I was in there and this happened, the Post Master had to come out of here office to attempt to quell the disturbance. Everyone was angry.
I think is it highly insensitive to the needs of the customers to just up and leave their station. They should wait to take their break until the customers are taken care of. This is how every business in the private sector works. If its time to take a break, get someone to cover the position or wait for the line ot go down. WE are the customers. WE come FIRST. The clerks are there for US. Not the other way around.
Oh, and then these people get pissy because they don't think they get enough in Christmas tips.
I have to say, I have NEVER tipped a postal clerk. EVER. That's their job....And they are not poorly paid...
Now, the letter carrier in my home town....Tony....He was a great guy. Everyone knew him. He was a pleasant person. We and others on his route gave him all kinds of stuff for Christmas. Why? Because he was reliable no matter what the conditions. He would put packages in hiding spots and leave a note in the mailbox as to it's location...He would hold mail for people he knew were on vacation in case they forgot to go to the post office and let them know. THAT is customer service the way it oughta be.
spoon window clerks cannot be covered by just anyone....that is federal rules,not PO....and each PO with window services will have at least 1,my office had 3....so it depends on how big that office was customer wise...my office made a lot of money and had a lot of customers and they had 3 clerks....and your carrier was like me and many other carriers who took care of their customers....i found it hard to believe the carriers who were on the same route for years and were hated by most of their customers ....
This is where I come out 100% against unions. Union rules invariably are opposed to cross training of employees. But for union rules, every person in a Post Office would be trained to do all the jobs in the office.
Were these so-call "federal managers" appointed or did they rise up through the ranks?
Your point?...The fact is they are the bosses. They have the most experience. They were chosen for the leadership and problem solving skills. They are in those positions because they are qualified. Who cares how they got there.

If federal employees are worthless, then federal managers are worthless for being unable to train, educate, inspire, etc.
welcome to the Post Office.....the bad move up,and the good get stifled....
From what I have been told by current and former USPS workers, this is common.
I once knew a guy who worked in a bulk distribution center in Jersey City, NJ. He said his immediate supervisor was a do nothing moron who was showing up just for the check.
I was a Federal Manager for over 25 years and would say it was probably true twenty years ago

In the 90s our pay scale was $10-20k below what the private sector was paying. We were in an economic boom and nobody wanted to work for the government and we took what we could get

Today, Government pay is competitive and employees understand the value of job security, good healthcare and a good retirement system. Government is attracting the best and brightest
I was a Federal Manager for over 25 years and would say it was probably true twenty years ago

In the 90s our pay scale was $10-20k below what the private sector was paying. We were in an economic boom and nobody wanted to work for the government and we took what we could get

Today, Government pay is competitive and employees understand the value of job security, good healthcare and a good retirement system. Government is attracting the best and brightest

plus they can pay what ever they feel like because wages are extorted from the public instead of competing in a free market.
members of the public who make 20k per year have taxes taken to pay people who make 120k per year, and the people who make 120k pass laws against the people who make 20k
welcome to the Post Office.....the bad move up,and the good get stifled....

In reality, that is the vast majority of modern day work places. I've been having this discussion with my new boss recently. He and our Director of Sales have been opining that they fear I won't last very long because if I manage to turn my department around the way I intend to do, then the company is going to fast-track me for big things. I keep explaining to them how utterly foolish it would be, and that I would probably refuse a promotion if offered one 6-9 months from now. It's like the world nowadays just begs to fall into the Peter principle trap, and the way most things work nowadays, they've positively given in and sold their souls to it. All this "promote first, become competent later" bullshit drives me up the fucking wall. I believe in "develop first, promote later," and I've been trying to explain my entire methodology to my boss so that hopefully he can eventually realize that my way works, and will buy into it himself. But then again, even in doing that I'm just feeding the Peter-hog in my own way by constantly "managing upward" to a guy who still needs at least two more years of development before he would truly be qualified for his position.
I know the process for getting a Fed job can be pretty lengthy. I don't much about how selections are made other than they seem impossible to get.
all i did was take the civil service exam and apply for a postal job and a year later,got the call...
I took it THREE times. Scored in the 90's each time. Never got called.
I was told that two things worked against me. White male. And the PO's I chose to seek employment. I chose suburban locations closer to home.
the federal govt is not supposed to discriminate...and if you took it when there was a federal hiring freeze on,which there have been many, it would have been a waste of time because they would have shit canned your results and used any new testing after the freeze....
in the Post Office MANY of the guys who got into management were those who could not carry an "8" hour route without getting help to do it,and then after putting on the tie start to tell you how you just arnt cutting it,you had better pick up the pace,and i dont mean picante.....
I don't consider USPS workers in the same category as the run of the mill federal employee. Two different things altogether.
However. I will say this. Our PO here is one of the WORST for productivity and customer service.
The customer area is always packed. Invariably, when the line goes out the door, one of the clerks go on their mandated coffee break. One time I was in there and this happened, the Post Master had to come out of here office to attempt to quell the disturbance. Everyone was angry.
I think is it highly insensitive to the needs of the customers to just up and leave their station. They should wait to take their break until the customers are taken care of. This is how every business in the private sector works. If its time to take a break, get someone to cover the position or wait for the line ot go down. WE are the customers. WE come FIRST. The clerks are there for US. Not the other way around.
Oh, and then these people get pissy because they don't think they get enough in Christmas tips.
I have to say, I have NEVER tipped a postal clerk. EVER. That's their job....And they are not poorly paid...
Now, the letter carrier in my home town....Tony....He was a great guy. Everyone knew him. He was a pleasant person. We and others on his route gave him all kinds of stuff for Christmas. Why? Because he was reliable no matter what the conditions. He would put packages in hiding spots and leave a note in the mailbox as to it's location...He would hold mail for people he knew were on vacation in case they forgot to go to the post office and let them know. THAT is customer service the way it oughta be.
spoon window clerks cannot be covered by just anyone....that is federal rules,not PO....and each PO with window services will have at least 1,my office had 3....so it depends on how big that office was customer wise...my office made a lot of money and had a lot of customers and they had 3 clerks....and your carrier was like me and many other carriers who took care of their customers....i found it hard to believe the carriers who were on the same route for years and were hated by most of their customers ....
This is where I come out 100% against unions. Union rules invariably are opposed to cross training of employees. But for union rules, every person in a Post Office would be trained to do all the jobs in the office.
it isnt a matter of being trained,to handle money in the PO you have to be approved by the Inspection Service.....Unions have nothing to do with that....
Were these so-call "federal managers" appointed or did they rise up through the ranks?
Your point?...The fact is they are the bosses. They have the most experience. They were chosen for the leadership and problem solving skills. They are in those positions because they are qualified. Who cares how they got there.
that sure as hell aint the way it is in the PO....

If federal employees are worthless, then federal managers are worthless for being unable to train, educate, inspire, etc.
welcome to the Post Office.....the bad move up,and the good get stifled....
From what I have been told by current and former USPS workers, this is common.
I once knew a guy who worked in a bulk distribution center in Jersey City, NJ. He said his immediate supervisor was a do nothing moron who was showing up just for the check.
very common.....
Were these so-call "federal managers" appointed or did they rise up through the ranks?
Your point?...The fact is they are the bosses. They have the most experience. They were chosen for the leadership and problem solving skills. They are in those positions because they are qualified. Who cares how they got there.

That's funny. Apparently you've never worked in the federal system.
I was a Federal Manager for over 25 years and would say it was probably true twenty years ago

In the 90s our pay scale was $10-20k below what the private sector was paying. We were in an economic boom and nobody wanted to work for the government and we took what we could get

Today, Government pay is competitive and employees understand the value of job security, good healthcare and a good retirement system. Government is attracting the best and brightest

plus they can pay what ever they feel like because wages are extorted from the public instead of competing in a free market.
members of the public who make 20k per year have taxes taken to pay people who make 120k per year, and the people who make 120k pass laws against the people who make 20k
I have no idea what you are babbling about

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