Federal officers use gas to clear protesters in Portland, Mayor Whines

Portland mayor needs to be arrested for inciting riots under a cheesecloth veil of invoking the 1st Amendment.
DOJ, where are you?
Democrat feds and Democrat mayors of sanctuary cities are in cahoots, banning guns and inviting armed foreigners into the country.

Wrong thread perhaps, I should have posted here.
No problem, just use jets of concentrated chlorine gas at your target that quickly dissipates.

View attachment 364335
When I was a kid in HS I set off a HCL teargas grenade in a wing of our school. It really cleaned that wing out good. They let us out of school early that day and it was the last day of school before summer.
The army often held manuvers in our area and they left all sorts of neat shit behind for us kids to find. People set them and various color smoke grenades off at our football games and I started wondering what would happen if all of that smoke was contained in a building.
They never caught me but the new principal somehow got word and asked me about it the following year. He kinda chucked and said it was kinda funny but some of the older teachers could have had a heart attack or something. We had a better and more developed sense of humor back in those days. Nowadays they'd likely call in the FBI or some shit.
Had an asshole at work that loved to tell the boss on everyone.
We poured this down the vents in front of the windshield of his Yugo.
He was crawling under his car trying to find the skunk he hit on the way to work.
The boss made him park across the street in the overflow lot. The smell lasted for weeks!!

View attachment 364374
Smearing limburger cheese on the exhaust manifold was a favorite dirty trick back in the days of my youth.
When I was a kid in HS I set off a HCL teargas grenade in a wing of our school. It really cleaned that wing out good. They let us out of school early that day and it was the last day of school before summer.
The army often held manuvers in our area and they left all sorts of neat shit behind for us kids to find. People set them and various color smoke grenades off at our football games and I started wondering what would happen if all of that smoke was contained in a building.
They never caught me but the new principal somehow got word and asked me about it the following year. He kinda chucked and said it was kinda funny but some of the older teachers could have had a heart attack or something. We had a better and more developed sense of humor back in those days. Nowadays they'd likely call in the FBI or some shit.
Hell, now, they suspend you, call the police and have you taken to court for owning pop guns and bows and hanging them on your own bedroom walls and getting seen in the background of the school virtual classroom and call that "bringing guns into school." Pigshit stupid fascists.
Smearing limburger cheese on the exhaust manifold was a favorite dirty trick back in the days of my youth.

We used to call that "being a boy." Stuff like that is what made men who grew up to be daring, courageous and good leaders of our nation.
Hell, now, they suspend you, call the police and have you taken to court for owning pop guns and bows and hanging them on your own bedroom walls and getting seen in the background of the school virtual classroom and call that "bringing guns into school." Pigshit stupid fascists.
LOL In grammar school we brought our own guns to show and tell to show them off. Lord only knows how many pipe bombs I built as a kid. We were always blowing shit up. Dynamite could be bought across the counter at almost any harware store back then and almost every little country store sold ammo. I collected pop bottles along the road and elsewhere and turned them in for the deposit to buy ammo. Almost every boyhood pal I knew was a crack shot.
LOL In grammar school we brought our own guns to show and tell to show them off. Lord only knows how many pipe bombs I built as a kid. We were always blowing shit up. Dynamite could be bought across the counter at almost any harware store back then and almost every little country store sold ammo. I collected pop bottles along the road and elsewhere and turned them in for the deposit to buy ammo. Almost every boyhood pal I knew was a crack shot.

Just imagine how hard it would be for the left to operate and recruit in this country had they not put a stop to that and turned guys into sissies.
Smearing limburger cheese on the exhaust manifold was a favorite dirty trick back in the days of my youth.
My buddy's dad did that to him when he got married. He wouldn't drive the car for weeks it was so bad.
Just imagine how hard it would be for the left to operate and recruit in this country had they not put a stop to that and turned guys into sissies.
LOL Well they never got to me and my sac is still intact. They'll have to chew on buckshot to get at it too.
Did you even read that? Supposed federal officers are kidnapping people right off the streets! Where are your cries of "freedom" now? Why aren't you shouting about the unconstitutionality of it? Are you really this much of a hypocrite?

Using the text of the Constitution, show the violation(s).

Don't tell me these people are mere protesters exercising the 1st Amendment, because they are not that, and such a response will be ignored.
Using the text of the Constitution, show the violation(s).

Don't tell me these people are mere protesters exercising the 1st Amendment, because they are not that, and such a response will be ignored.
Go read the fourth amendment about unreasonable search and seizure.

And yes, they are exercising their first amendment rights.
Who would have guessed that our resident Trombie morons would cheer when civil rights are trampled by actual secret police right here on American soil?
The vast numbers of Americans vote either Democrat or Republican. They do so, because elements of their platforms appeal to the majority of the populace. To vote for some third, fourth, or fifth party is simply a waste of time. For example, here's who I vote for:
1. A candidate that believes in national borders with border patrol, customs and ICE.
2. A candidate that believes in a strong military.
3. A candidate that believes in our Bill of Rights, as listed in our Constitution.
4. A candidate that believes in a free market economy.
5. A candidate that is anti-Marxism/Leninism.
6. A candidate that believes in getting more jobs for the public via bringing jobs back from overseas.
So, with this stance, the only party I can see that goes along with this, is the Republican Party. Thus, I'm not voting for some third party candidate.
The Portland mayor must have been alive when Bill Clinton used poison gas and tanks to kill about 80 men women and children at Waco, Texas. Democrats always set the bar too high.
Those morons set fire to themselves you twit! I watched it live on the TV
The vast numbers of Americans vote either Democrat or Republican. They do so, because elements of their platforms appeal to the majority of the populace. To vote for some third, fourth, or fifth party is simply a waste of time. For example, here's who I vote for:
1. A candidate that believes in national borders with border patrol, customs and ICE.
2. A candidate that believes in a strong military.
3. A candidate that believes in our Bill of Rights, as listed in our Constitution.
4. A candidate that believes in a free market economy.
5. A candidate that is anti-Marxism/Leninism.
6. A candidate that believes in getting more jobs for the public via bringing jobs back from overseas.
So, with this stance, the only party I can see that goes along with this, is the Republican Party. Thus, I'm not voting for some third party candidate.
While I agree with all of your points I still think we'd all be much better off if we eliminated all political parties altogether and started electing the best people for the job again.
In a way political parties only bring mob rule and lots of stupidity to the table and there are no provisions for political parties codified in our constitution. If the founders had thought they were a good idea, no doubt they would have provided for them in the constitution.
The vast numbers of Americans vote either Democrat or Republican. They do so, because elements of their platforms appeal to the majority of the populace. To vote for some third, fourth, or fifth party is simply a waste of time. For example, here's who I vote for:
1. A candidate that believes in national borders with border patrol, customs and ICE.
2. A candidate that believes in a strong military.
3. A candidate that believes in our Bill of Rights, as listed in our Constitution.
4. A candidate that believes in a free market economy.
5. A candidate that is anti-Marxism/Leninism.
6. A candidate that believes in getting more jobs for the public via bringing jobs back from overseas.
So, with this stance, the only party I can see that goes along with this, is the Republican Party. Thus, I'm not voting for some third party candidate.
While I agree with all of your points I still think we'd all be much better off if we eliminated all political parties altogether and started electing the best people for the job again.
In a way political parties only bring mob rule and lots of stupidity to the table and there are no provisions for political parties codified in our constitution. If the founders had thought they were a good idea, no doubt they would have provided for them in the constitution.
The founders didn't want political parties, however, it was inevitable that political parties would form as people took sides on issues facing the government. That said, there's nothing stopping literally anyone from running for a government position, whether local, state or, federal (with the exception of the requirements for president).

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